veterinary rehabilitation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of potentially pathogenic bacteria on veterinary clinic surfaces may be problematic. In this study, we collected swab samples (Fisherbrand, double transport swabs with Stuart\'s liquid medium) and water samples from five veterinary rehabilitation clinics. Swabs and water samples were transported to a microbiology lab for processing. At the lab, swabs were used to inoculate Hardy\'s Cdiff Banana Broth (for Clostridium difficile [Cdiff]) and five different types of bacterial growth media, including Hardy CHROM MRSA agar (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus [MRSA] and S. pseudintermedius [SIM]), mannitol salt agar (S. aureus [SA]), eosin methylene blue agar (enterics [ENT]), Pseudomonas isolation agar (Pseudomonas spp. [PS]), and tryptic soy agar [TSA] (non-specific). The most prominent presumptive species cultured was Cdiff (on nearly 55% of swabs). Bacillus spp. and enteric bacteria were encountered on nearly 35% of swabs, with MRSA and SIM on just over 10% of swabs. The most contaminated sample site was harnesses/life jackets used with the underwater treadmill (33% of swabs). The underwater treadmill water had total bacterial counts from 1,600 to 2,800 cfu/mL. Of all presumptive bacterial species detected, SIM tends to be more pathogenic for dogs. Targeted cleaning/disinfecting in these clinics could help reduce risks for both animals and caregivers utilizing these clinics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to explore the effect of external mechanical perturbations on postural stability (PS) in dogs using the body center of pressure (COP). Thirteen sound adult dogs were included in this study. PS was tested during quiet standing on a pressure measurement plate. The conditions included a standard standing measurement and external mechanical perturbations conducted using six settings on a motorized training platform with different intensities of speed and amplitude. Measurement conditions were compared using linear mixed-effects models, followed by multiple comparisons using Sidak\'s alpha correction procedure. Compared with the standing measurement, external mechanical perturbations resulted in a significant increase in almost all COP parameters, indicating a challenge for the PS. Furthermore, an increase in amplitude had a greater effect than an increase in speed, whereas the combination of the highest intensities of amplitude and speed was not well tolerated by the dogs. The mediolateral COP displacement was significantly greater than the craniocaudal COP displacement during standing measurement and conditions with a small amplitude, whereas no significant difference was observed during settings with an increased amplitude. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate the effects of a balance training device in dogs. Therefore, the intensity of the training programs on motorized platforms or similar devices can be controlled by the wobbling amplitude of the platform.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pain recognition, assessment, and management is a primary focus and an integral part of veterinary rehabilitation. Evidence-based pain mitigation protocols will use both pharmacologic tools and nonpharmacologic methods to create a customized, safe, and effective treatment plan. A multimodal, patient-centered approach will allow for the best outcomes for pain relief and improved quality of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Veterinary rehabilitation is a multimodal diagnostic and treatment approach that is recommended and provided to patients daily. One therapeutic modality that may be beneficial (diagnostically and therapeutically) is veterinary spinal manipulative therapy or animal chiropractic (AC). AC is a receptor-based health-care modality being provided more frequently in veterinary practices. All clinicians should strive to understand the mode of action, indications, contraindications, how it affects the patient from the neuro-anatomical and biomechanical point of view, and most importantly, when not to provide the requested modality, as further diagnostics may be indicated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Orthotic devices are an established treatment for neuromusculoskeletal disease in the human population. Orthoses are an emerging veterinary therapy due to limited practitioner experience, availability of devices, and published data from veterinary patient outcomes. Expanding client education and veterinary expertise in the application of orthoses may allow greater access and successful utilization of these devices to treat appendicular disease. While orthoses have the potential to improve quality of life for veterinary patients, consideration needs to be made for owner related factors with device use. Owner satisfaction and experience may greatly impact compliance with treatment recommendations; therefore, it is crucial that owner expectations are met. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate owner-reported outcomes of orthosis for canine patients and their owner\'s subjective responses about the shared pet/owner experience utilizing a promoter score. It was hypothesized that owner\'s impressions of their pet\'s experience with the orthotic device would influence owner perceptions of quality of life for both the owner and the pet, and these factors would impact the likelihood of the owner to recommend a veterinary orthosis to a friend. An anonymous online survey was sent to 136 clients of a single veterinary orthoses manufacturer. Fifty-six surveys were completed and included for analysis. The owner\'s reported quality of life was in agreement (P = 0.02) with reported pet quality of life. There was also a higher likelihood (P = 0.02) for the owner to recommend a veterinary orthotic device to a friend when owner perceptions of pet quality of life were positive as compared to negative or neutral. Willingness to recommend an experience to a friend is a reflection of satisfaction with the experience. The dependence of owner and pet quality of life should therefore guide therapeutic decisions for patient management and client communication to ensure that the orthosis experience is positive for both patient and owner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physical agent modalities can be effective in the perioperative period for controlling pain and inflammation. This article presents research-based evidence to support the use of these modalities in pain management and to reduce the use of pain medications, including opioids. The mechanism of action, applications, contraindications, and adverse effects of cryotherapy, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and laser therapy are reviewed. Incorporation of 1 or more of these therapies in anesthesia pain management protocols can improve outcomes and reduce potential drug side effects.





