ventral subiculum

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventral subiculum regulates emotion, stress responses, and spatial and social cognition. In our previous studies, we have demonstrated anxiety- and depression-like symptoms, deficits in spatial and social cognition in ventral subicular lesioned (VSL) rats, and restoration of affective and cognitive behaviors following photoperiod manipulation (short photoperiod regime, SPR; 6:18 LD cycle). In the present study, we have studied the impact of VSL on sleep-wake behavioral patterns and the effect of SPR on sleep-wakefulness behavior. Adult male Wistar rats subjected to VSL demonstrated decreased wake duration and enhanced total sleep time due to increased non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REMS). Power spectral analysis indicated increased delta activity during NREMS and decreased sigma band power during all vigilance states. Light is one of the strongest entrainers of the circadian rhythm, and its manipulation may have various physiological and functional consequences. We investigated the effect of 21-day exposure to SPR on sleep-wakefulness (S-W) behavior in VSL rats. We observed that SPR exposure restored S-W behavior in VSL rats, resulting in an increase in wake duration and a significant increase in theta power during wake and REMS. This study highlights the crucial role of the ventral subiculum in maintaining normal sleep-wakefulness patterns and highlights the effectiveness of photoperiod manipulation as a non-pharmacological treatment for reversing sleep disturbances reported in mood and neuropsychiatric disorders like Alzheimer\'s disease, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, which also involve alterations in circadian rhythm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nucleus accumbens shell is a critical node in reward circuitry, encoding environments associated with reward. Long-range inputs from the ventral hippocampus (ventral subiculum) to the nucleus accumbens shell have been identified, yet their precise molecular phenotype remains to be determined. Here we used retrograde tracing to identify the ventral subiculum as the brain region with the densest glutamatergic (VGluT1-Slc17a7) input to the shell. We then used circuit-directed translating ribosome affinity purification to examine the molecular characteristics of distinct glutamatergic (VGluT1, VGluT2-Slc17a6) ventral subiculum to nucleus accumbens shell projections. We immunoprecipitated translating ribosomes from this population of projection neurons and analysed molecular connectomic information using RNA sequencing. We found differential gene enrichment across both glutamatergic projection neuron subtypes. In VGluT1 projections, we found enrichment of Pfkl, a gene involved in glucose metabolism. In VGluT2 projections, we found a depletion of Sparcl1 and Dlg1, genes known to play a role in depression- and addiction-related behaviours. These findings highlight potential glutamatergic neuronal-projection-specific differences in ventral subiculum to nucleus accumbens shell projections. Together these data advance our understanding of the phenotype of a defined brain circuit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alcohol use disorder (AUD) and anxiety/stressor disorders frequently co-occur and this dual diagnosis represents a major health and economic problem worldwide. The basolateral amygdala (BLA) is a key brain region that is known to contribute to the aetiology of both disorders. Although many studies have implicated BLA hyperexcitability in the pathogenesis of AUD and comorbid conditions, relatively little is known about the specific efferent projections from this brain region that contribute to these disorders. Recent optogenetic studies have shown that the BLA sends a strong monosynaptic excitatory projection to the ventral hippocampus (vHC) and that this circuit modulates anxiety- and fear-related behaviours. However, it is not known if this pathway influences alcohol drinking-related behaviours. Here, we employed a rodent operant self-administration regimen that procedurally separates appetitive (e.g. seeking) and consummatory (e.g., drinking) behaviours, chemogenetics and brain region-specific microinjections, to determine if BLA-vHC circuitry influences alcohol and sucrose drinking-related measures. We first confirmed prior optogenetic findings that silencing this circuit reduced anxiety-like behaviours on the elevated plus maze. We then demonstrated that inhibiting the BLA-vHC pathway significantly reduced appetitive drinking-related behaviours for both alcohol and sucrose while having no effect on consummatory measures. Taken together, these findings provide the first indication that the BLA-vHC circuit may regulate appetitive reward seeking directed at alcohol and natural rewards and add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that dysregulation of this pathway may contribute to the pathophysiology of AUD and anxiety/stressor-related disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hippocampal dysfunction is associated with major depressive disorder, a serious mental illness characterized by not only depressed mood but also appetite disturbance and dysregulated body weight. However, the underlying mechanisms by which hippocampal circuits regulate metabolic homeostasis remain incompletely understood. Here we show that collateralizing melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) circuits in the ventral subiculum (vSUB), one of the major output structures of the hippocampal formation, affect food motivation and energy balance. Viral-mediated cell type- and projection-specific input-output circuit mapping revealed that the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh)-projecting vSUBMC4R+ neurons send extensive collateral projections of to various hypothalamic nuclei known to be important for energy balance, including the arcuate, ventromedial and dorsomedial nuclei, and receive monosynaptic inputs mainly from the ventral CA1 and the anterior paraventricular nucleus of thalamus. Chemogenetic activation of NAcSh-projecting vSUBMC4R+neurons lead to increase in motivation to obtain palatable food without noticeable effect on homeostatic feeding. Viral-mediated restoration of MC4R signaling in the vSUB partially restores obesity in MC4R-null mice without affecting anxiety- and depression-like behaviors. Collectively, these results delineate vSUBMC4R+ circuits to the unprecedented level of precision and identify the vSUBMC4R signaling as a novel regulator of food reward and energy balance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ventral subiculum (vSUB) is the major output region of ventral hippocampus (vHIPP) and sends major projections to nucleus accumbens medial shell (NAcMS). Hyperactivity of the vSUB-NAcMS circuit is associated with substance use disorders and the modulation of vSUB activity alters drug seeking and drug reinstatement behavior in rodents. However, to the best of our knowledge, the cell type-specific connectivity and synaptic transmission properties of the vSUB-NAcMS circuit have never been directly examined. Instead, previous functional studies have focused on total ventral hippocampal (vHIPP) output to NAcMS without distinguishing vSUB from other subregions of vHIPP, including ventral CA1 (vCA1). Using ex vivo electrophysiology, we systematically characterized the vSUB-NAcMS circuit with cell type- and synapse-specific resolution in male and female mice and found that vSUB output to dopamine receptor type-1 (D1R) and type-2 (D2R) expressing medium spiny neurons (MSNs) displays a functional connectivity bias for D2R MSNs. Furthermore, we found that vSUB-D1R and vSUB-D2R MSN synapses contain calcium-permeable AMPA receptors in drug-naive mice. Finally, we find that, distinct from other glutamatergic inputs, cocaine exposure selectively induces plasticity at vSUB-D2R synapses. Importantly, we directly compared vSUB and vCA1 output to NAcMS and found that vSUB synapses are functionally distinct and that vCA1 output recapitulated the synaptic properties previously ascribed to vHIPP. Our work highlights the need to consider the contributions of individual subregions of vHIPP to substance use disorders and represents an important first step toward understanding how the vSUB-NAcMS circuit contributes to the etiologies that underlie substance use disorders.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Inputs to nucleus accumbens (NAc) dopamine receptor type 1 (D1R) and D2R medium spiny neurons (MSNs) are critically involved in reward seeking behavior. Ventral subiculum (vSUB) provides robust synaptic input to nucleus accumbens medial shell (NAcMS) and activity of this circuit is linked to substance use disorders. Despite the importance of the vSUB to nucleus accumbens circuit, the functional connectivity and synaptic transmission properties have not been tested. Here, we systematically interrogated these properties and found that basal connectivity and drug-induced plasticity are biased for D2R medium spiny neurons. Overall, we demonstrate that this circuit is distinct from synaptic inputs from other brain regions, which helps to explain how vSUB dysfunction contributes to the etiologies that underlie substance use disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dopamine (DA) signalling in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) motivates behavior in part by adjusting the exerted effort according to the anticipated value of the outcome. Here we examined the effects of optogenetic activation or inhibition of the glutamatergic ventral subiculum (vSub) to NAc pathway on motivation to work for food rewards and locomotor behavior. Using a novel probe that combines optical stimulation with microdialysis, we show that channelrhodopsin2 (ChR2)-mediated activation of these glutamatergic afferents increased DA efflux in the NAc. This protocol also selectively influenced motivation to seek food in a progressive-ratio (PR) task by re-invigorating lever-pressing, but only during a period of reduced motivation following failure to achieve food reward (i.e., after the breakpoint, BP). Importantly, identical ChR2-mediated photostimulation parameters failed to affect the rate of operant responding in the PR segment prior to reaching the BP. In contrast, during the segment of vigorous lever-pressing prior to the BP, halorhodopsin-mediated optogenetic inhibition of glutamatergic vSub-NAc activity caused an immediate and sustained suppression of food-seeking behavior. Based on these results, we conclude that glutamatergic vSub-NAc afferents can modulate food-seeking behavior, including \'response vigor\', as a function of present motivational state. In a \'low-motivational state\' following failure to achieve an anticipated reward, optogenetic stimulation of this pathway can reinvigorate lever-pressing behavior. In turn, inhibition of this glutamatergic pathway appears to decrease motivated responding. These data may be relevant to dysregulated motivational states common to psychiatric conditions, including depression, schizophrenia, and substance use disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There have been many proposals that learning rates in the brain are adaptive, in the sense that they increase or decrease depending on environmental conditions. The majority of these models are abstract and make no attempt to describe the neural circuitry that implements the proposed computations. This article describes a biologically detailed computational model that overcomes this shortcoming. Specifically, we propose a neural circuit that implements adaptive learning rates by modulating the gain on the dopamine response to reward prediction errors, and we model activity within this circuit at the level of spiking neurons. The model generates a dopamine signal that depends on the size of the tonically active dopamine neuron population and the phasic spike rate. The model was tested successfully against results from two single-neuron recording studies and a fast-scan cyclic voltammetry study. We conclude by discussing the general applicability of the model to dopamine mediated tasks that transcend the experimental phenomena it was initially designed to address.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors mediate alcohol consumption and seeking in rats. While M4 and M5 receptors have recently been implicated to mediate these behaviours in the striatum, their role in other brain regions remain unknown. The ventral tegmental area (VTA) and ventral subiculum (vSub) both densely express M4 and M5 receptors and modulate alcohol-seeking, via their projections to the nucleus accumbens shell (AcbSh).
    In Indiana alcohol-preferring (iP) male rats, we examined Chrm4 (M4 ) and Chrm5 (M5 ) expression in the VTA and vSub following long-term alcohol consumption and abstinence using RT-qPCR. Using a combination of retrograde tracing and RNAscope, we examined the localisation of Chrm4 and Chrm5 on vSub cells that project to the AcbSh. Using selective allosteric modulators, we examined the functional role of M4 and M5 receptors within the vSub in alcohol consumption, context-induced alcohol-seeking, locomotor activity, and food/water consumption.
    Long-term alcohol and abstinence dysregulated the expression of genes for muscarinic receptors in the vSub, not in the VTA. Chrm4 was down-regulated following long-term alcohol and abstinence, while Chrm5 was up-regulated following long-term alcohol consumption. Consistent with these data, a positive allosteric modulator (VU0467154) of intra-vSub M4 receptors reduced context-induced alcohol-seeking, but not motivation for alcohol self-administration, while M5 receptor negative allosteric modulator (ML375) reduced initial motivation for alcohol self-administration, but not context-induced alcohol-seeking.
    Collectively, our data highlight alcohol-induced cholinergic dysregulation in the vSub and distinct roles for M4 and M5 receptor allosteric modulators to reduce alcohol consumption or seeking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventral subiculum (vSub) is the major output structure of the hippocampus and serves as a main limbic region in mediating the brain\'s response to stress. Previously, we reported that there are three subtypes of vSub neurons based on their firing patterns: regular-spiking (RS), weak-bursting (WB) and strong-bursting (SB) neurons and chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) increased SB neurons especially in the proximal vSub. Here, we found that neurons in the proximal vSub projected to the nucleus accumbens (NAc). CSDS significantly increased SB neurons but decreased RS neurons among the NAc-projecting vSub neuronal population. Interestingly, these changes were only apparent in mice susceptible to CSDS, but not in CSDS-resilient ones. Given that ventral hippocampal inputs to the NAc regulate susceptibility to CSDS, the bursting activity of NAc-projecting vSub neurons might be functionally relevant to behavioral susceptibility to CSDS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventral subiculum (vSub), a representative output structure of the hippocampus, serves as a main limbic region in mediating the brain\'s response to stress. There are three subtypes of subicular pyramidal neurons based on their firing patterns: regular-spiking (RS), weak-bursting (WB) and strong-bursting (SB) neurons, located differently along proximal-distal axis. Here, we found that chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) in mice increased the population of SB neurons but decreased RS neurons in the proximal vSub. Specific blockers of T-type calcium channels inhibited the burst firings with a concomitant reduction of afterdepolarization, suggesting that T-type calcium channels underlie the burst-spiking activity. Consistently, CSDS increased both T-type calcium currents and expression of Cav3.1 proteins, a subtype of T-type calcium channels, in the proximal vSub. Therefore, we conclude that CSDS-induced enhancement of Cav3.1 expression increased bursting neuronal population in the vSub, which may contribute to stress-related behaviors.





