ventral subicular lesion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ventral subiculum regulates emotion, stress responses, and spatial and social cognition. In our previous studies, we have demonstrated anxiety- and depression-like symptoms, deficits in spatial and social cognition in ventral subicular lesioned (VSL) rats, and restoration of affective and cognitive behaviors following photoperiod manipulation (short photoperiod regime, SPR; 6:18 LD cycle). In the present study, we have studied the impact of VSL on sleep-wake behavioral patterns and the effect of SPR on sleep-wakefulness behavior. Adult male Wistar rats subjected to VSL demonstrated decreased wake duration and enhanced total sleep time due to increased non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REMS). Power spectral analysis indicated increased delta activity during NREMS and decreased sigma band power during all vigilance states. Light is one of the strongest entrainers of the circadian rhythm, and its manipulation may have various physiological and functional consequences. We investigated the effect of 21-day exposure to SPR on sleep-wakefulness (S-W) behavior in VSL rats. We observed that SPR exposure restored S-W behavior in VSL rats, resulting in an increase in wake duration and a significant increase in theta power during wake and REMS. This study highlights the crucial role of the ventral subiculum in maintaining normal sleep-wakefulness patterns and highlights the effectiveness of photoperiod manipulation as a non-pharmacological treatment for reversing sleep disturbances reported in mood and neuropsychiatric disorders like Alzheimer\'s disease, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, which also involve alterations in circadian rhythm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The subiculum, an important structure of the hippocampal formation, regulates spatial information processing, social cognition, and affective behavior. Earlier we demonstrated deficits in sociability and social novelty as a measure of social cognition in ventral subicular lesioned (VSL) rats. The present study investigated empathy-like pro-social behavior and the associated affective states in VSL rats. The ability of free rats to release trapped cagemates was assessed using a modified door-opening empathy task.The rat pairs (free rat and the trapped cagemate) used were from the same group and tested for eight days to assess the pro-social behavior displayed by the free rats. The controlfree rats learned to open the door quickly to release the trapped cagemate and both the rats displayed social responses by emitting \'hedonic\' calls (50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations) while playing after the release. The VSLfree rats, however, were less exploratory, displayed apathy towards the trapped cagemate, demonstrated freezing behavior following door-opening and did not interact with the cagemate even after its release. These findings indicate deficits of social motivation and reinforcement learning associated with lesions in possibly both the rats. In addition, the VSL rat pairs elicited more 22-kHz \'alarm\' calls and fewer 50-kHz \'hedonic\' calls highlighting the lesion-induced alterations of contextual processing and threat perception abilities. In conclusion, VSL led to significant pro-social deficits implicating the role of ventral subiculum in social cognition and empathy. More studies are needed to substantiate whether the subiculum is implicated in social deficits associated with psychiatric conditions such as autism spectrum disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ambient light influences our mood, behavior, and cognition. Phototherapy has been considered as an effective non-pharmacological intervention strategy in the restoration of cognitive functions following central nervous system insults. However, the cellular and molecular underpinnings of phototherapy-mediated functional recovery are yet to be studied. The present study examines the effectiveness of short photoperiod regime (SPR; 6:18-h light:dark cycle) in restoring the cognitive functions in ventral subicular lesioned rats. Bilateral ventral subicular lesion (VSL) resulted in significant impairment of spatial navigational abilities when tested in the Morris water maze (MWM) task. Further, VSL resulted in reduced expression of glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) and activity-regulated cytoskeletal (Arc) protein and suppression of neurogenesis in the hippocampus. VSL also suppressed the magnitude of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampal Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses. However, exposure to SPR for 21 days showed significant restoration of spatial performance in the MWM task as the ventral subicular lesioned rats could deploy higher cognitive allocentric navigational strategies to reach the hidden platform. Further, SPR resulted in enhanced expression of hippocampal GR and Arc protein and neurogenesis but not hippocampal LTP suggestive of appropriate need-based SPR intervention. In conclusion, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of SPR in establishing functional recovery as well as the possible molecular and cellular basis of cognitive recovery in a rat model of neurodegeneration. Such studies provide a framework in understanding the efficacy of non-pharmacological strategies in establishing functional recovery in neurodegenerative conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photoperiod (day-length) has enduring effects on an organism\'s physiological functions like metabolism and behavioral phenotypes including cognition and affect. Circadian rhythm manipulations are potentially effective non-pharmacological strategies in the management of central nervous system insults. In our previous study, we demonstrated the efficacy of short photoperiod regime (SPR; 06/18 hr light-dark cycle) in establishing functional recovery in ventral subicular lesion (VSL) rats. The present study further demonstrates the efficacy of SPR in mitigating anxiety and depression as well as facilitating socio-cognitive behavior in VSL rats. VSL elevated the basal plasma corticosterone levels, increased anxiety, anhedonia, and behavioral despair with decreased self-care. The VSL rats also exhibited a considerable degree of impaired social cognition, in terms of altered social preference and social novelty. Exposure to SPR for 21 days mitigated the anxiety- and depressive-like phenotypes as well as improved social cognition significantly. Thus, the study demonstrated the effectiveness of SPR strategy in reversing most of the behavioral deficits caused by VSL. SPR, perhaps, would have regulated the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis responsiveness as we observed a decrease in plasma corticosterone levels following SPR in VSL rats. The study implies the need for developing a task-dependent SPR strategy to achieve complete behavioral recovery as the functional demands of each behavior is distinct. In summary, the study highlights the efficacy of photoperiod manipulation as a novel, non-pharmacological approach in mitigating the affective and cognitive deficits associated with neuropsychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder and Alzheimer\'s disease wherein circadian rhythm alterations are implicated.





