
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In many countries, valproate is indicated for epilepsy only, whereas its derivative divalproex (DVP) and valpromide (VPM) are indicated for bipolar disorders only. DVP is composed of sodium valproate and valproic acid (VA) in a 1:1 molar ratio and VPM is a prodrug completely hydrolyzed in the gastric tract to VA. Whatever the drug, the absorbed and active substance is the valproate ion. In this article, we reviewed the potential reasons that might justify these different indications. We performed a literature review of comparative studies of efficacy, pharmacokinetic parameters, side effects and costs for VPA, DVP, and VPM. We found only studies comparing VA with DVP. None of the eight efficacy studies found differences in epilepsy or mood disorders. The ten studies of side effects reported a difference in terms of gastrointestinal effects, but inconsistently. The United States (US) summary of product characteristics and kinetic comparison studies reported bioequivalence between DVP and VA, but a longer Tmax for DVP, likely due to its gastro-resistant galenic form. VPM summary of product characteristics and pharmacokinetic studies revealed a lower bioavailability (80% vs. 100% for VA) and a delayed Tmax. There is an additional cost for using DVP or VPM as compared to VA (respectively +177% and +77% in France). The differences in indications between valproate derivatives do not seem justified. Interchangeability between VA and DVP in bipolar disorders seems possible, at identical dosage. VPM would require a closer dosing schedule and a 20% reduction in dosage when switching to valproate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pseudorabies virus (PRV) infection of swine can produce Aujeszky\'s disease, which causes neurological, respiratory, and reproductive symptoms, leading to significant economic losses in the swine industry. Although humans are not the natural hosts of PRV, cases of human encephalitis and endophthalmitis caused by PRV infection have been reported between animals and workers. Currently, a lack of specific treatments and the emergence of new PRV strains against which existing vaccines do not protect makes the search for effective antiviral drugs essential. As an alternative to traditional nucleoside analogues such as acyclovir (ACV), we studied the antiviral effect of valpromide (VPD), a compound derived from valproic acid, against PRV infection in the PK15 swine cell line and the neuroblastoma cell line Neuro-2a. First, the cytotoxicity of ACV and VPD in cells was compared, demonstrating that neither compound was cytotoxic at a specific concentration range after 24 h exposure. Furthermore, the lack of direct virucidal effect of VPD outside of an infected cell environment was demonstrated. Finally, VPD was shown to have an antiviral effect on the viral production of two strains of pseudorabies virus (wild type NIA-3 and recombinant PRV-XGF) at the concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 mM, suggesting that VPD could be a suitable alternative to nucleoside analogues as an antiherpetic drug against Aujeszky\'s disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herpes simplex viruses (HSVs) are neurotropic viruses with broad host range whose infections cause considerable health problems in both animals and humans. In fact, 67% of the global population under the age of 50 are infected with HSV-1 and 13% have clinically recurrent HSV-2 infections. The most prescribed antiherpetics are nucleoside analogues such as acyclovir, but the emergence of mutants resistant to these drugs and the lack of available vaccines against human HSVs has led to an imminent need for new antivirals. Valproic acid (VPA) is a branched short-chain fatty acid clinically used as a broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug in the treatment of neurological disorders, which has shown promising antiviral activity against some herpesviruses. Moreover, its amidic derivatives valpromide and valnoctamide also share this antiherpetic activity. This review summarizes the current research on the use of VPA and its amidic derivatives as alternatives to traditional antiherpetics in the fight against HSV infections.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In a woman with Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) followed for 15 years, we observed magnetic resonance imaging white matter hyperintensities that vanished in the anterior temporal poles while the brain volume decreased unexpectedly. These imaging changes were transient and detected when the patient was being treated by valproic acid for stabilizing mood disturbances. This intriguing case supports that mechanisms underlying white matter hyperintensities can vary from one brain area to another and that important modifications of water influx into the brain tissue might be involved in some imaging features of CADASIL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In utero exposure to valproic acid (VPA), an anticonvulsant and histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), increases the risk of congenital malformations. Although the mechanisms leading to the teratogenicity of VPA remain unsolved, several HDAC inhibitors increase cell death in cancer cell lines and embryonic tissues. Moreover, P53, the master regulator of apoptosis, is an established HDAC target. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of VPA on P53 signaling and markers of apoptosis during midorganogenesis in vitro limb development. Timed-pregnant CD1 mice (gestation day 12) were euthanized; embryonic forelimbs were excised and cultured in vitro for 3, 6, 12, or 24 hr in the presence or absence of VPA or valpromide (VPD), a non-HDACi analog of VPA. Quantitative RT-PCR and Western blots were used to assess the expression of candidate genes and proteins involved in P53 signaling and apoptosis. P53 hyperacetylation and a decrease (Survivin/Birc5 and Bcl2) or an increase (p21/Cdkn1a) in the expression of p53 target genes was observed only in VPA-exposed limbs. VPA exposure also triggered an increase in markers of apoptosis and DNA damage; the concentrations of cleaved caspase 9 and caspase 3, cleaved-poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, and γ-H2AX were increased in VPA-exposed limbs. VPD treatment caused a small but significant increase in cleaved caspase 3. Thus, in vitro exposure to an HDACi such as VPA leads to P53 hyperacetylation, enhances the expression of P53 target genes, and triggers an increase in apoptosis that may contribute to teratogenicity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Valpromide and sodium divalproate are indicated in the treatment of maniac episodes of bipolar disorder. These drugs are metabolized into valproic acid. The occurrence of peripheral edema has been described as a very rare adverse reaction of those drugs.
    METHODS: We report the case of a patient treated with valpromide who presented edema of the lower limbs. The increase in furosemide dose allowed regression of edema, and valpromide discontinuation resulted in rapid normalization. Recurrence of mood disorders led to the reintroduction of valpromide, which was associated with recurrence of edema. The definitive withdrawal of valpromide resulted in resolution of edema.
    CONCLUSIONS: Edema of the lower limbs can be induced by valproate. The mechanism of this reaction is unknown. These edema appear to be reversible upon discontinuation of the drug. Clinicians should be aware of a possible relationship between valproate-derived drugs and peripheral edema.





