ultrasound anatomy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In recent years, medical education has witnessed a shift in the integration of ultrasound into the preclinical years of medical school. Given the exponential increase in accessibility to ultrasound technology, students now have the opportunity to create peer learning groups in which ultrasound concepts can be taught from peer to peer, empowering students to work together to integrate ultrasound concepts early in their preclinical education. This project investigates the efficacy of peer-taught student tutors (PTSTs) in imparting the fundamentals of basic ultrasound techniques to first-year medical students in the setting of identifying and labeling upper extremity musculoskeletal (MSK) anatomy.  Methods: First-year medical students were instructed to identify volar forearm structures with an ultrasound probe. Students and instructors were given access to an ultrasound probe, ultrasound gel, an iPad, and a standardized patient. Students were taught either by an ultrasound instructor (UI) or PTST. After a hands-on demonstration by a UI or PTST, participating students were told to take screenshots and label their images as accurately as possible, identifying the aforementioned volar structures on a standardized patient without any feedback. The labeled screenshot images of volar structures were graded based on the ability to clearly visualize the intended structures.  Results: The results of this study compare the efficacy of PTSTs as educators of basic sonographic identification techniques with that of UI faculty members. A chi-square analysis was performed between the images obtained by the UI and PTST students, and there was no statistically significant difference in identification accuracy between the groups (p = 0.7538, 0.1977, 0.1812, 0.301). When using the Mann-Whitney U rank test, there remained no statistically significant difference between the accuracy of the students taught by STs compared to students taught by UIs (p = 0.7744, 0.09538, 0.07547, 0.1846). Another finding showed that students belonging to both teaching groups were generally not able to infer the pathology of volar wrist structures when given pathology identification questions regarding upper extremity ultrasound. Using chi-square with Yates correction, there is no sufficient evidence to justify an association between the ability to answer pathology-based ultrasound questions and instructor type (p = p = 0.6299, 0.8725).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the interpretation that the capability of first-year medical students to learn novice MSK sonographic identification is independent of whether the educator is a PTST or UI. This interpretation reveals a promising avenue toward the integration of the fundamentals of ultrasound identification early in medical education with little to no concern for the exhaustion of institutional resources. Along with the other well-documented benefits of the utilization of STs in medical school, a peer tutoring system centered on ultrasound skills designed in the way this study describes can be an effective, resource-sparing system that enhances medical students\' sonographic capabilities early in their preclinical years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last 20 years, scientific literature and interest on chest/lung ultrasound (LUS) have exponentially increased. Interpreting mixed-anatomical and artifactual-pictures determined the need of a proposal of a new nomenclature of artifacts and signs to simplify learning, spread, and implementation of this technique. The aim of this review is to collect and analyze different signs and artifacts reported in the history of chest ultrasound regarding normal lung, pleural pathologies, and lung consolidations. By reviewing the possible physical and anatomical interpretation of these artifacts and signs reported in the literature, this work aims to present the AdET (Accademia di Ecografia Toracica) proposal of nomenclature and to bring order between published studies.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Testicular rupture is a surgical emergency necessitating prompt diagnosis and intervention to prevent irreversible damage. Blunt trauma, including motorcycle collisions, is a common cause of testicular rupture. In the case of multi-trauma, the diagnosis of testicular rupture may be missed in the rush to surgical intervention of more grossly obvious injuries. We present a case of a 24-year-old male who suffered a motorcycle accident and subsequently presented with diffuse abdominal and hip pain. Physical exam and imaging at the emergency department showed multiple pelvic bone fractures, along with a small scrotal injury which was triaged below his pelvic injuries. His pelvic fractures were immediately operated on. Nearly 18 hours after his initial presentation, the patient received a scrotal ultrasound which demonstrated a rupture of the right testicle. Due to this long delay in diagnosis, his urological team opted for non-surgical management and instead employed a more conservative treatment regimen involving pain control, scrotal support, rest, and serial scrotal ultrasounds. This case highlights the importance of timely ultrasound examination for testicular pathology in the setting of multi-trauma and known scrotal injury. Another highlight of this case is the showcase of an uncommon treatment regimen utilizing conservative tactics as opposed to opting for surgical intervention.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The standard convention for diagnosing bone fractures is through radiography. However, radiography can miss fractures depending on the type of injury or if human error is present. This may be due to improper patient positioning leading to superimposing bones being captured in the image, obscuring pathology. As of late, ultrasound has been gaining traction in terms of its utilization for diagnosing fractures, which radiography can miss at times. Here we present a case of a 59-year-old female who was diagnosed using ultrasound with an acute fracture that was initially missed on X-ray. We present a case of a 59-year-old female with a past medical history significant for osteoporosis who presented to an outpatient clinic for evaluation of acute left forearm pain. She reported sustaining a mechanical fall forward to the ground three weeks before bracing herself with her forearms, immediately developing left upper extremity pain lateralized to the forearm. Upon initial evaluation, forearm radiographs were obtained and showed no evidence of acute fractures. She then underwent a diagnostic ultrasound that showed an obvious fracture of the proximal radius, distal to the radial head. Upon reviewing initial radiograph films, it was evident that the proximal ulna was superimposed over the radius fracture as a proper neutral anteroposterior view of the forearm was not taken. The patient then underwent a computed tomography (CT) scan of her left upper extremity, which confirmed the presence of a healing fracture. We present a case in which ultrasound is an excellent adjunct when a fracture cannot be identified on plain film radiography. Its utilization should be well-known and considered more often in the outpatient setting.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Anatomical variations of the brachial plexus are very common. Knowledge of the possible anatomical variations encountered in ultrasound imaging is crucial for the safe and effective practice of regional anesthesia. The interscalene block (ISB) targets the brachial plexus roots in the interscalene groove, between the anterior and middle scalene muscles (MSM), at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra. Blockade of the brachial plexus roots anesthetizes the shoulder region, making the ISB one of the preferred regional anesthesia options in shoulder surgeries. Abnormalities of the muscular structures surrounding the brachial plexus roots can pose a challenge while performing an ultrasound-guided ISB. We present a case of an unanticipated anatomical variation of the anterior scalene muscle (ASM) encountered on ultrasound imaging when performing an ISB. Our patient was found to have a small redundant ASM, which necessitated an alternative scanning approach and the use of a nerve stimulator to properly identify the brachial plexus roots. Based on our findings, we recommend placing the ultrasound probe parallel to the clavicle in the supraclavicular area and scanning in a cranial direction, tracing the brachial plexus back to the roots, and then confirming the needle placement by using a traditional nerve stimulator before local anesthetic deposition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The Sciatic Nerve Division (SND) into the Common Peroneal Nerve and Tibial Nerve presents a great anatomical variability in its location in the thigh, but the influence of age on it has not been fully addressed.
    METHODS: Anatomical distances from greater trochanter to SND and from SND to popliteal crease were obtained by ultrasound examination in 60 children (age 1-12 years) and 60 adult patients (age 13-80 years) who were scheduled for programmed surgery. A sciatic nerve/thigh coefficient [Greater Trochanter-SND/(Greater Trochanter-popliteal crease)*100] and its coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean*100) were calculated. Greater Trochanter-SND and SND-Popliteal crease were also correlated with patients´ age, weight and height.
    RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences between children and adult in Greater Trochanter-SND (20.5 ± 5,5 vs 33.9 ± 2.7; p < 0.0001) and in SND-Popliteal (4.9 ± 2.1 vs 6.7 ± 1.6; p < 0.0001) distances measured in cm. There were also statistically significant differences between children and adults in Sciatic nerve/thigh coefficient (80% vs 83%; p < 0.0001) and its index of variation (8.1% vs 4.8%; p < 0.0001). In children, both Greater Trochanter-SND and SND-Popliteal distances were strongly correlated with age (r2 = 0.868 and r2 = 0.261, respectively; p < 0.0001), weight (r2 = 0.778 and r2 = 0.278, respectively; p < 0.0001) and height (r2 = 0.898 and r2 = 0.225, respectively; p < 0.0001). However, in older patients, only Greater Trochanter-SND distance was statistically correlated with height (r2 = 0.372; p = 0.0001) and not with age or weight; SND-Popliteal distance did not show statistically relevant correlation, either.
    CONCLUSIONS: Children presented even more anatomical variability than adults in sciatic nerve division due to the growth of both the proximal and distal nervous structures of the thigh before 12 years of age.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We present the case of a young man with traumatic aortic dissection secondary to a motor vehicle collision. While the differential diagnosis for traumatic injury after a motor vehicle collision can include commonly studied and trained for cases, such as pneumo/hemothorax, pulmonary contusion, splenic laceration, and pelvic fractures, for example, one of the more deadly and hence rare presentations of motor vehicle trauma is aortic transection. The fact that the diagnostic studies included as part of the initial Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) trauma survey are not well equipped to diagnose such an injury is also a deadly factor. In this case review, we explore factors affecting the timely diagnosis, management, and outcomes of traumatic aortic injury. Prompt diagnosis is imperative in order to save a patient\'s life.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Ultrasound (US) allows a reliable examination of the brachial plexus except for the spinal nerve roots, located deep in the neuro-foramina, beyond the shadowing of the transverse processes of the vertebral bodies. All the other fascicles of the brachial plexus can be mapped by US from the roots of the spinal cervical nerves, from C5 to T1 to the branches at level of the axillary region. US can be considered as an alternative to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) when MRI is contraindicated, not readily available or in case of claustrophobia. US can be used for the assessment of the brachial plexus in case of trauma, tumours and fibrosis induced by radiation oncology treatments. US is also a valuable tool to perform imaging-guided blocks of the brachial plexus. A prerequisite for a reliable US examination of the brachial plexus is knowledge of its complex anatomy. The operator is also required to learn the appropriate US views in order to have an optimal depiction of the brachial plexus, especially the areas where the bone structure\'s interposition makes the visualisation of the brachial plexus more arduous. The aim of this review is to provide the reader with the basics principles of the US normal anatomy and technique for a reliable mapping of the brachial plexus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The glenohumeral joint is a spherical articulation with a remarkable range of motion in several planes and decreased stability. The maintenance of joint stability is influenced by the functioning of specific muscle groups in the shoulder region, a complex system of ligaments reinforcing the joint capsule, and the labrum which augments the glenoid fossa. Lesions of the aforementioned structures require accurate diagnosis prior to a decision for operative treatment. Ultrasound is one of the imaging methods that has been widely used in the assessment of various shoulder pathologies. In the author opinion, this imaging modality may also be applied for the evaluation of labral tears. Being attached along the glenoid rim, the labrum forms a collar deepening the glenoid fossa thus increasing area of its contact with the head of the humerus. To better describe the location of lesions, the glenoid labrum is usually divided into certain zones. Most of them may be visualized sonographically. The US examination of the posterior labrum can be performed during evaluation of the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles. The anterior labrum along with capsulolabral complex is seen at the glenoid edge under the subscapularis tendon. Sonographic examination of the inferior labrum is best performed using axillar approach. The superior labrum is only partially available for US examination. A crucial part of the sonographic assessment of the labrum is the dynamic examination during rotation of the upper extremity. The paper presents normal sonographic anatomy of the glenoid labrum and technique of the examination.
    Staw ramienny jest stawem kulistym o dużym zakresie ruchów w wielu płaszczyznach i zmniejszonej stabilności. Utrzymanie stabilności stawu jest uwarunkowane z jednej strony działaniem specyficznego układu mięśni okolicy barkowej, z drugiej – obecnością złożonego kompleksu więzadłowego wzmacniającego torebkę stawową, a także pogłębieniem panewki stawowej przez obrąbek. Uszkodzenia tych struktur wymagają dokładnej diagnostyki przed podjęciem decyzji o leczeniu operacyjnym. Ultrasonografia należy do metod obrazowych szeroko stosowanych w ocenie różnych patologii okolicy barku. W opinii własnej autora pracy może mieć również zastosowanie w ocenie uszkodzeń obrąbka stawu ramiennego. Przyczepiając się na obwodzie panewki stawowej, obrąbek tworzy kołnierz pogłębiający panewkę i zwiększający jej pole kontaktu z głową kości ramiennej. W celach topograficznych obrąbek stawowy dzieli się najczęściej na strefy. Większość z nich jest widoczna w badaniu ultrasonograficznym. Badanie obrąbka w części tylnej przeprowadza się zwykle jednocześnie z oceną mięśnia podgrzebieniowego i obłego mniejszego. W części przedniej obrąbek wraz z kompleksem torebkowo-więzadłowym jest widoczny przy zarysie panewki stawowej pod mięśniem podłopatkowym. Badanie ultrasonograficzne obrąbka w części dolnej wykonuje się z dostępu pachowego. Obrąbek w części górnej jest tylko częściowo dostępny ocenie ultrasonograficznej. Kluczową część oceny ultrasonograficznej stanowi badanie dynamiczne. W pracy przedstawiono zarys prawidłowej anatomii ultrasonograficznej oraz techniki badania i oceny ultrasonograficznej obrąbka stawu ramiennego.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Ultrasound examination of the brachial plexus, although at first sight difficult, is perfectly feasible with fairly rapid practical and theoretical training. The roots are accurately identified due to the shape (a single tubercle) of the transverse process of C7 in the paravertebral space, and the superficial position of C5 in the interscalene groove. The téléphérique technique allows the roots, trunks and cords to be followed easily into the supraclavicular fossa. In just a few years, ultrasound imaging of the plexus has become a routine anesthesia examination for guiding nerve blocks. In trained hands, it also provides information in thoracic outlet syndromes, traumatic conditions (particularly for postganglionic lesions) and tumoral diseases. Even if MRI remains the standard examination in these indications, ultrasound, with its higher definition and dynamic character, is an excellent additional method which is still under-exploited.





