
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The antiviral activity of recombinant bovine interferon lambda 3 (bovIFN-λ3) against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) has been demonstrated in vitro in Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells (MDBK) and in vivo in cattle. However, anti-BVDV activity of bovIFN-λ3 has not been studied in bovine respiratory tract epithelial cells, supposedly a primary target of BVDV infection when entering the host by the oronasal route.
    UNASSIGNED: Here we investigated the anti-BVDV activity of bovIFN-λ3 in bovine turbinate-derived primary epithelial cells (BTu) using BVDV infection and immunoperoxidase staining, TCID50, RT-qPCR, DNA and transcriptome sequencing, and transfection with plasmids containing the two subunits, IL-28Rα and IL-10Rβ that constitute the bovIFN-λ3 receptor.
    UNASSIGNED: Our immunoperoxidase staining, RT-qPCR, and TCID50 results show that while BVDV was successfully cleared in MDBK cells treated with bovIFN-λ3 and bovIFN-α, only the latter, bovIFN-α, cleared BVDV in BTu cells. Preincubation of MDBK cells with bovIFN-λ3 before BVDV infection was needed to induce optimal antiviral state. Both cell types displayed intact type I and III IFN signaling pathways and expressed similar levels of IL-10Rβ subunit of the type III IFN receptor. Sequencing of PCR amplicon of the IL-28Rα subunit revealed intact transmembrane domain and lack of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in BTu cells. However, RT-qPCR and transcriptomic analyses showed a lower expression of IL-28Rα transcripts in BTu cells as compared to MDBK cells. Interestingly, transfection of BTu cells with a plasmid encoding IL-28Rα subunit, but not IL-10Rβ subunit, established the bovIFN-λ3 sensitivity showing similar anti-BVDV activity to the response in MDBK cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results demonstrate that the sensitivity of cells to bovIFN-λ3 depends not only on the quality but also of the quantity of the IL-28Rα subunit of the heterodimeric receptor. A reduction in IL-28Rα transcript expression was detected in BTu as compared to MDBK cells, despite the absence of spliced variants or SNPs. The establishment of bovIFN-λ3 induced anti-BVDV activity in BTu cells transfected with an IL-28Rα plasmid suggests that the level of expression of this receptor subunit is crucial for the specific antiviral activity of type III IFN in these cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To compare the success rates of probing with or without monocanalicular intubation, and/or inferior turbinate fracture in resolving simple congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO). A randomized, double-blind clinical trial was conducted on children aged 12-36 months exhibiting symptoms of epiphora and/or mucous discharge along with a positive fluorescein dye disappearance test (DDT). Patients were randomly assigned to one of the following interventions: (1) probing; (2) probing and monocanalicular intubation; (3) probing and inferior turbinate fracture; (4) probing, inferior turbinate fracture, and monocanalicular intubation. Participants were categorized into two age groups (12-24 months and 24-36 months) and assessed for resolution of CNLDO three months post-surgery. Success was defined as the absence of epiphora or mucopurulent discharge and a negative DDT. Among the 201 participants, 51 underwent probing alone, 53 underwent probing with intubation, 47 underwent probing with turbinate fracture, and 50 underwent probing with turbinate fracture and intubation. No significant differences were observed in age, gender, or laterality of the disease between the groups (Ps > 0.05). While there was no significant difference in success rates among interventions in both age groups (Ps > 0.05), patients aged 24-36 months who underwent interventions involving intubation exhibited a significantly higher success rate compared to those without intubation (93.0% vs. 76.2%; P = 0.018). However, this difference was not observed in patients aged 12-24 months (95.7% vs. 92.9%; P = 0.551). Incorporating interventions such as intubation and/or turbinate fracture alongside conventional probing does not significantly alter the success rate of simple CNLDO resolution in children aged 12-24 months. However, older patients (24-36 months) may derive greater benefits from interventions involving intubation.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Adhesion of the middle turbinate to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and synechia of the middle meatus are one of the common reasons for the failure of surgical interventions for chronic sinusitis. The use of specially shaped intranasal splints can solve the problem of preventing synechiae in the postoperative period. Many different devices and approaches have been proposed to prevent the development of this category of complications. This study proposes an anatomical version of the splint for the middle turbinate, developed using 3D computer modeling technologies followed by printing from a biocompatible elastic material on a Formlabs 3BL 3D printer. The shape and size of the splint were developed based on the analysis of computed tomography data of 50 adult patients. The safety of the developed device was studied in a group of 20 volunteers in whom the developed splint was installed on one side of the nasal cavity for 2 weeks after bilateral surgery. According to endoscopic examination and patient questionnaires, the developed splint did not cause local or systemic allergic reactions and did not create additional discomfort for the patient in the postoperative period. Installing a splint helped prevent the formation of synechiae. However, to determine clinical effectiveness, a study with a larger sample of patients is required.
    Адгезия средней носовой раковины к латеральной стенке полости носа, синехии среднего носового хода являются одной из частых причин неэффективности хирургических вмешательств по поводу хронического синусита. Использование внутриносовых сплинтов специальной формы может решить проблему профилактики синехий в послеоперационном периоде. Предложено множество различных устройств и подходов для профилактики развития данной категории осложнений.
    UNASSIGNED: Разработать анатомический внутриносовой сплинт для средней носовой раковины (СНР) с использованием аддитивных технологий и изучить его безопасность в клинических условиях.
    UNASSIGNED: Предложен анатомический вариант сплинта для СНР, разработанный с использованием технологий компьютерного 3D-моделирования с последующей печатью из биосовместимого эластического материала на 3D-принтере Formlabs 3BL. Разработка формы и размеров сплинта проведена на основе анализа данных компьютерной томографии 50 взрослых пациентов. Безопасность разработанного устройства исследована в группе из 20 добровольцев, которым сплинт установлен с одной стороны полости носа на 2 нед после двустороннего хирургического вмешательства.
    UNASSIGNED: По данным эндоскопического исследования и анкетирования пациентов, сплинт не вызывал местных или системных аллергических реакций, не создавал пациенту дополнительного дискомфорта в послеоперационном периоде.
    UNASSIGNED: Установка сплинта способствовала профилактике образования синехий. Однако для определения клинической эффективности требуется проведение исследования с большей выборкой пациентов.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The article presents the results of a study that included 127 children aged 8 to 17 years with a diagnosis of turbinate hypertrophy. The children are divided into three groups depending on the chosen vasotomy method. The methods of vasotomy were determined, after which there was a faster restoration of mucociliary clearance of the mucous membrane of the lower nasal concha.
    В статье представлены результаты исследования, в которое включены 127 детей в возрасте от 8 до 17 лет с диагнозом гипертрофии носовых раковин. Дети распределены в три группы в зависимости от выбранного метода вазотомии. Определены методы вазотомии, после которых происходило более быстрое восстановление мукоцилиарного клиренса слизистой оболочки нижних носовых раковин.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Superior repositioning of the maxilla during Le Fort I osteotomy (LFI) may narrow the inferior nasal passage. This retrospective study was performed to investigate morphological changes in the inferior nasal passage following LFI with/without additional procedures performed for nasal ventilation (horseshoe osteotomy or inferior turbinate partial resection). Three groups of patients were compared: those undergoing conventional LFI (Conv, 63 patients), LFI with horseshoe osteotomy (Hs, eight patients), and LFI with inferior turbinate partial resection (Turb, 21 patients). Coronal computed tomography images were used to evaluate the degree of stenosis of the inferior nasal passage. The soft tissue and bony tissue volumes in the inferior turbinate were also calculated three-dimensionally. The rate of obstruction of the inferior nasal passage postoperative was 65.9%, 50%, and 11.9% in the Conv, Hs, and Turb groups, respectively (Fisher\'s exact test, P < 0.001). Patients in the Turb group had significantly less nasal obstruction regardless of the pitch direction of the maxillary movement or volume of the bone in the inferior turbinate (all P < 0.001). In conclusion, for patients with high superior repositioning and well-developed bony tissue in the inferior turbinate, additional procedures are recommended to maintain the ventilation of the nasal passage postoperatively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nasal vaccination elicits a humoral immune response that provides protection from airborne pathogens1, yet the origins and specific immune niches of antigen-specific IgA-secreting cells in the upper airways are unclear2. Here we define nasal glandular acinar structures and the turbinates as immunological niches that recruit IgA-secreting plasma cells from the nasal-associated lymphoid tissues (NALTs)3. Using intact organ imaging, we demonstrate that nasal vaccination induces B cell expansion in the subepithelial dome of the NALT, followed by invasion into commensal-bacteria-driven chronic germinal centres in a T cell-dependent manner. Initiation of the germinal centre response in the NALT requires pre-expansion of antigen-specific T cells, which interact with cognate B cells in interfollicular regions. NALT ablation and blockade of PSGL-1, which mediates interactions with endothelial cell selectins, demonstrated that NALT-derived IgA-expressing B cells home to the turbinate region through the circulation, where they are positioned primarily around glandular acinar structures. CCL28 expression was increased in the turbinates in response to vaccination and promoted homing of IgA+ B cells to this site. Thus, in response to nasal vaccination, the glandular acini and turbinates provide immunological niches that host NALT-derived IgA-secreting cells. These cellular events could be manipulated in vaccine design or in the treatment of upper airway allergic responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to investigate the presence and severity of inferior turbinate hypertrophy (ITH) in patients with hypertrophic scars (HTS).
    UNASSIGNED: This case-control study was conducted with patients diagnosed with HTS during dermatologic examination and a control group without HTS. An otolaryngologist evaluated the presence and severity of inferior turbinate hypertrophy by anterior rhinoscopy.
    UNASSIGNED: ITH was more common in patients with HTS compared to the control group (64%, and 34%, respectively) (p=0.014). In the HTS group, 48% of patients had grade 2, and 16% had grade 3 ITH; in the control group, 24% had grade 2, and 10% had grade 3 ITH (p=0.046). Also, ITH was higher in patients who complained of pruritus or pain (83%, and 80%, respectively) in the HTS than in asymptomatic HTS patients (p=0.020).
    UNASSIGNED: A higher number of patients with HTS had ITH compared to the control group, especially those who reported pruritus or pain associated with scar. Given the limited understanding of the full pathogenesis and treatment of HTS and ITH, their association potentially provides new insights into these related conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine which comorbidities were associated with intractable epistaxis requiring electrocauterization or embolization, and to identify the location where intractable epistaxis frequently occurred.
    METHODS: The patients were divided into two groups: patients with epistaxis successfully controlled in outpatient department (OPD) and those with intractable epistaxis in OPD which was controlled by surgical exploration or arterial embolization (OP/EM). Evaluations of the bleeding locations, related vessels, and patient\'s comorbidities were conducted.
    RESULTS: A total of 41 patients from the OP/EM group and 725 patients from the OPD group were enrolled. The following comorbidities showed elevated risks of the intractable epistaxis (p< 0.05) in multivariate analysis; hypertension (OR 1.089, 95% CI 1.049 - 1.132), dyslipidemia (1.132, 1.041 - 1.232), liver cirrhosis (1.272, 1.152 - 1.406), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1.234, 1.078 - 1.412) and asthma (1.205, 1.053 - 1.379). Inferior and middle turbinate were equally the most common location of the intractable bleeding.
    CONCLUSIONS: In patients with epistaxis requiring hemostatic treatments, comorbidities such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, liver diseases, COPD, and asthma were associated with intractable epistaxis. The main bleeding sites of intractable epistaxis were the middle and inferior turbinate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to retrospectively assess the effect of Radiofrequency Volumetric Tissue Reduction (RFVTR) on hypertrophic turbinates and clinical outcome in brachycephalic dogs when included in multi-level surgery (MLS).
    METHODS: Clinical retrospective multicenter study.
    METHODS: 132 client-owned brachycephalic dogs.
    METHODS: 132 brachycephalic dogs with high-grade Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Ayndrome (BOAS) and hypertrophic turbinates were treated with RFVTR as part of MLS of the upper airways. Intranasal obstruction was evaluated by computer tomography (CT) and antero-/retrograde rhinoscopy before and 6 months after RFVTR. The clinical records, the CT images and the rhinoscopy videos were reviewed and clinical evolution was evaluated using a standardized questionnaire. The data was scored semi-quantitatively.
    RESULTS: In this study, 132 patients were included for a follow-up period of 120 weeks. RFVTR resulted in minor complications, including serous nasal discharge within the first postoperative week in all dogs, and intermittent nasal congestion between 3-8 weeks after treatment in 24.3% of the patients. Rhinoscopy and CT follow-ups were available for 33 patients. Six months after treatment intranasal airspace was increased (p = 0.002) and the presence and overall amount of mucosal contact points was reduced (p = 0.039).
    CONCLUSIONS: MLS with RFVTR led to a significant reduction in turbinate volume at the 6-month follow-up examination and significant clinical improvement over a long-term period of 120 weeks. This suggests the viability of RFVTR as a turbinate-preserving treatment for intranasal obstruction in dogs with BOAS.
    CONCLUSIONS: RFVTR is a minimally invasive turbinoplasty technique for intranasal obstruction in dogs with BOAS and can be included in MLS without increasing complication rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Computed tomography (CT) is the gold standard for diagnosing canine nasal diseases. However, it cannot easily detect minor abnormalities in inflammatory diseases because they are not accompanied by obvious morphological changes.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study aimed to compare the differences in normal CT findings of turbinate structure and mucosa between breeds to establish criteria for CT diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity.
    UNASSIGNED: CT data from 77 dogs of 5 breeds without nasal diseases were retrospectively studied. The nasal air percentage, which reflects the volume of the nasal turbinate structure and mucosa, was measured. The nasal turbinate mucosa was measured for contrast enhancement reflecting blood flow. Measurements were performed in the ventral and ethmoid turbinate (ET) regions. Comparisons were made between breeds and sections.
    UNASSIGNED: The air percentage in the ventral and ET regions was significantly different between breeds. Contrast enhancement was significantly different between breeds only in the ET. Moreover, different breeds had different correlations between body weight, age, nose length, and air percentage.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, reference values for normal CT findings of the nasal structure and mucosa were obtained, taking into account the breed, measurement section, and patient factors. The results showed that the volume of the turbinate structure and contrast enhancement of nasal mucosa differed depending on the breed. The measured values also differed depending on the cross-sections and patient factors.





