
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the purpose was to screen novel angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory peptides (ACEIPs) from tuna muscle taking two-steps enzymatic hydrolysis (Neutrase and Alkaline). Following isolation and purification by ultrafiltration, the Sephadex G-15 gel chromatography and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography based on active-guide, the amino acid sequence was identified using Q-Orbitrap-MS/MS. Five peptides were chose synthesized based on the in silico screening methods. Among these, the two novel ACEIPs LTGCP and YPKP showed better inhibitory ability, and their corresponding IC50 values were 64.3 μM and 139.6 μM. Subsequently, the interaction mechanism of the best active peptide (LTGCP) against ACE was investigated by inhibitory pattern, molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulation. The result displayed that LTGCP was a mix-type inhibitor against ACE from the Lineweaver-Burk plots. LTGCP formed seven hydrogen bonds based on the molecular docking and the binding energy was -7.29 kcal/mol. LTGCP formed a stability complex with ACE based on the molecular dynamic simulation. Besides, LTGCP exhibited good stability in various temperature, pH and gastrointestinal digestion. Finally, the 0.125 mM ~ 1.0 mM LTGCP exhibited no-toxic for Caco-2 cell. In summary, these findings showed that tuna was a good material to prepare ACEIPs and LTGCP may be the good potential antihypertensive drug or nutraceuticals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Managing populations of wild harvested species requires the ability to regularly provide accurate abundance assessments. For most marine species, changes in abundance can only be monitored indirectly, using methods reliant on harvest-based indices, with significant inherent limitations surrounding the estimation and standardization of harvest effort. Tropical tunas are some of the most exploited marine species in the world and are among several species in critical need of alternative methods for estimating abundance. Addressing this concern, we developed the Associative Behaviour-Based abundance Index (ABBI), designed to provide direct abundance estimates for animals, which exhibit an associative behaviour with aggregation sites. Its implementation in the western Indian Ocean on skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), revealed similar trajectories in their relative abundance. The ABBI stands as a potentially promising alternative to enhance traditional tropical tuna stock assessments methods, as well as a new opportunity to assess the abundance of other wild species that display an associative behaviour with physical structures found in their natural environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complementary approaches (stomach contents, DNA barcoding, and stable isotopes) were used to examine seasonal shifts in the feeding ecology of an oceanic predator, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, n = 577), in the northern Gulf of Mexico. DNA barcoding greatly enhanced dietary resolution and seasonally distinct prey assemblages were observed for both sub-adults and adults. In general, diet was characterized by ommastrephid squids and exocoetids in spring, juvenile fishes (i.e., carangids and scombrids) in summer, migratory coastal fishes during fall, and an increased consumption of planktonic prey (e.g., amphipods) in winter. Seasonal variability in bulk stable isotope values (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) was also observed, with low δ15N values and high δ34S values during late summer/early fall and high δ15N values (low δ34S) during late winter/early spring. Bayesian stable isotope mixing models corroborated seasonal diet shifts, highlighting the importance of oceanic nekton in spring/summer, coastal nekton during fall, and oceanic plankton during winter. Seasonal shifts in diet appeared to be influenced by prey reproductive cycles, habitat associations, and environmental conditions. Findings highlight the complex food web dynamics supporting an opportunistic oceanic predator and the importance of seasonal cycles in prey availability to predator resource utilization in open-ocean ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Greening of tuna metmyoglobin (MetMb) by thermal treatment (TT) and free cysteine is associated with sulfmyoglobin (SulfMb) production. This greening reaction (GR) was once thought to occur only in tuna species. However, recent research has revealed that not all tuna species exhibit this behavior, and it can also occur in horse MetMb. Thus, the present study aimed to compare the GR-reactive (Katsuwonus pelamis and Equus caballus) and GR-unreactive (Sarda chiliensis and Euthynnus lineatus) MetMb using UV-vis spectrometry during TT (60 °C/30 min and free cysteine) to monitor the GR. We used molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to assess the stability of the heme group during TT. We discovered that using GR-unreactive MetMb resulted in an incomplete GR without producing SulfMb. Additionally, our MD simulations indicated that Met85 presence in the heme cavity from GR-unreactive is responsible for the heme group instability and displacement of distal His during TT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bisphenols threaten human health and sensitive detection is crucial. The present study aims to develop ternary composites of copper metal-organic framework (Cu-MOF) with AuAg microstructures. The composite structure was formed by a galvanic displacement reaction and confirmed using SEM. A binder-free catalyst was used to study the electrochemical redox reaction of bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol S (BPS); an irreversible cyclic voltammetric signal at +0.70 V and + 0.91 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), in the dynamic range of 20 nM to 2.0 mM, and 10 nM to 1.0 mM, with limits of detection of 2.9 nM, and 3.2 nM (S/N = 3) was obtained. Practical analysis was applied to frozen tomatoes, tuna fish, milk powder, PET bottles, raw milk, and urine samples with a recovery rate of 94.00-100.80% (n = 3). Voltammetric results were validated using HPLC detection with high precision. The sensor is a promising alternative platform for measuring BPA in food samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the spatial and temporal patterns of environmental factors influencing the activity of purse seine tuna fishing vessels, data on fishing efforts of purse seine tuna fleets and environmental factors in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) from 2015 to 2020 were utilized to develop a geographically weighted regression (GWR) model. The results showed that fishing activity was primarily concentrated in the area between 140°E and 175°W, and between 10°S and 5°N. The GWR model showed excellent fitting performance and was suitable for correlation analysis. The environmental factors had a significant spatially heterogeneous effect on the fishing activity of purse seine tuna fishing vessels. The sea surface temperature, primary productivity at 200 m depth, and dissolved oxygen below the surface had the greatest spatially heterogeneous effect and are important environmental variables influencing the activity of purse seine tuna vessels in the WCPO. This study provides new methods for exploring the spatial distribution of fishing vessel activity to support science-based conservation and management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study evaluated the cadmium (Cd) levels and temporal variation of Cd in dark muscle, white muscle, and liver of juvenile Thunnus albacares. 72 individuals (Standard length: 50-67 cm; weight: 0.8-2.5 kg) were collected from Indian Oceanic water around Sri Lanka during the period between April 2021 to May 2022. Total Cd levels were analyzed using an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrophotometer. The mean Cd levels (mean ± SD mg kg-1 dry weight) in different tissues varied with significantly higher levels in the liver (13.62 ± 0.98, p < 0.05), compared to dark muscle (0.52 ± 0.05), and white muscle (0.42 ± 0.04). Cd levels in liver tissues were positively correlated (p < 0.05) with the fish weight. The Cd levels reported in dark muscles, white muscles, and liver tissues were significantly higher (p < 0.05) during 2nd inter-monsoon than in the other monsoonal regimes and exceeded the maximum permissible level (0.1 mg kg-1 wet weight) set by the European Union (EU). However, the measured Cd levels in white and dark muscles were below the maximum permissible level (0.2 mg kg-1 wet weight) set by FAO/WHO. The Cd levels in all the liver tissues were above the levels set by the EU and FAO/WHO. Accordingly, people should avoid the consumption of liver tissues of T. albacares from the Indian Ocean. A human with a body weight of 60 kg can consume white muscles up to 4.667 kg per week without exceeding the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purse-seine tropical tuna fishing in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (EPO) results in the bycatch of several sensitive species groups, including elasmobranchs. Effective ecosystem management balances conservation and resource use and requires considering trade-offs and synergies. Seasonal and adaptive spatial measures can reduce fisheries impacts on nontarget species while maintaining or increasing target catches. Identifying persistently high-risk areas in the open ocean, where dynamic environmental conditions drive changes in species\' distributions, is essential for exploring the impact of fisheries closures. We used fisheries observer data collected from 1995 to 2021 to explore the spatiotemporal persistence of areas of high bycatch risk for 2 species of oceanic sharks, silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) and oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus), and of low tuna catch rates. We analyzed data collected by fisheries scientific observers onboard approximately 200 large purse-seine vessels operating in the EPO under 10 different flags. Fishing effort, catch, and bycatch data were aggregated spatially and temporally at 1° × 1° cells and monthly, respectively. When areas of high fishing inefficiency were closed the entire study period and effort was reallocated proportionally to reflect historical effort patterns, yearly tuna catch appeared to increase by 1-11%, whereas bycatch of silky and oceanic whitetip sharks decreased by 10-19% and 9%, respectively. Prior to fishing effort redistribution, bycatch reductions accrued to 21-41% and 14% for silky and oceanic whitetip sharks, respectively. Our results are consistent with previous findings and demonstrate the high potential for reducing elasmobranch bycatch in the EPO without compromising catch rates of target tuna species. They also highlight the need to consider new dynamic and adaptive management measures to more efficiently fulfill conservation and sustainability objectives for exploited resources in the EPO.
    Gestión espaciotemporal adaptativa para reducir la captura incidental de tiburones en la pesca del atún Resumen La pesca con cerco del atún tropical en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental (PTO) resulta en la captura incidental de varios grupos de especies sensibles, incluidos los elasmobranquios. La gestión eficiente del ecosistema equilibra la conservación y el uso de recursos y requiere que se consideren las compensaciones y las sinergias. Las medidas espaciales adaptativas y estacionales pueden reducir el impacto de las pesquerías sobre las especies accesorias mientras mantienen o incrementan la captura intencional. La identificación de las áreas con alto riesgo persistente en mar abierto, en donde las condiciones ambientales dinámicas causan cambios en la distribución de las especies, es esencial para explorar el impacto del cierre de las pesquerías. Usamos datos de observadores de las pesquerías recolectados entre 1995 y 2021 para explorar la persistencia espaciotemporal de las áreas con alto riesgo de captura incidental para dos especies de tiburón (Carcharhinus falciformi y C. longimanus) y con tasas bajas de captura de atún. Analizamos los datos recolectados por los observadores científicos de las pesquerías a bordo de aproximadamente 200 embarcaciones grandes de pesca con cerco que operaban en el PTO bajo diez banderas diferentes. Agregamos los datos sobre el esfuerzo de pesca, captura y la captura incidental de forma espacial y temporal en celdas de 1° x 1° y mensual, respectivamente. Cuando las áreas con gran ineficiencia pesquera se encontraban cerradas durante toda la investigación y el esfuerzo se reasignaba proporcionalmente para reflejar los patrones históricos de esfuerzo, el esfuerzo anual de captura de atún parecía incrementar en un 1‐11%, mientras que la captura incidental de las dos especies de tiburones disminuía en un 10‐19% (C. falciformi) y 9% (C. longimanus). Antes de que de redistribuyera el esfuerzo de pesca, la reducción de la captura incidental se acumuló hasta el 21‐41% (C. falciformi) y 14% (C. longimanus). Nuestros resultados son congruentes con resultados previos y demuestran el gran potencial de reducción de la captura incidental de elasmobranquios en el PTO sin poner en peligro las tasas de captura de las especies de atún. Los resultados también enfatizan la necesidad de considerar medidas adaptativas nuevas y dinámicas para cumplir de forma más eficiente los objetivos de conservación y sustentabilidad para la explotación de recursos en el PTO.
    【摘要】: 在东热带太平洋围网捕捞热带金枪鱼时会兼捕一些敏感物种群, 如板鳃亚纲物种。有效的生态系统管理需要平衡保护和资源利用, 并考虑利弊权衡和协同作用。季节性和适应性空间措施可减少渔业对非目标物种的影响, 同时保持或增加目标物种的渔获量。在开阔的海洋中, 动态环境条件驱动着物种分布的变化, 识别这些区域中持续存在的高风险区域对于探究渔场禁渔的影响至关重要。本研究利用1995年至2021年收集的渔业观测数据, 探讨了两种海洋中的鲨鱼(镰形真鲨[Carcharhinus falciformis]和长鳍真鲨[Carcharhinus longimanus])的高兼捕风险区域与金枪鱼的低渔获区域的时空持续性。我们分析了在东热带太平洋区域作业的约200艘悬挂10种不同船旗的大型围网渔船上渔业科学观察员收集的数据, 并将捕捞作业量、渔获量和兼捕数据分别按1° x 1°的单元格和月份进行空间和时间整合。如果在整个研究期间关闭捕捞效率低的渔场, 并根据历史上的捕捞作业格局按比例重新分配捕捞作业量, 则每年的金枪鱼渔获量可以增加1‐11%, 而镰形真鲨和长鳍真鲨的兼捕量可分别减少10‐19%和9%。在重新分配捕捞作业量之前, 镰形真鲨和长鳍真鲨的兼捕量分别逐步减少了21‐41%和14%。我们的结果与之前的研究结果一致, 证明了有望在不影响目标金枪鱼物种渔获量的情况下, 大大减少东热带太平洋中板鳃亚纲物种的兼捕量。这些结果还强调了考虑新的动态和适应性管理措施的必要性, 以更有效地实现东热带太平洋保护和可持续利用资源的目标。【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The production of biogenic amines (BAs), which are markers of both quality and safety in fish and fishery products, is influenced by the harvesting technique, handling, and other operations including those carried out on board the vessel. Scombroid dark-meat fish (e.g. tuna) are the fish species most frequently linked to histamine poisoning. The most commonly found BAs in fish are histamine, tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine, which are produced when microbes decarboxylate the corresponding free amino acids. In this study, a rapid and cost-effective HILIC-MS/MS method was developed and validated for the determination of putrescine, cadaverine, histamine and tyramine in tuna samples. A simple sample preparation procedure was followed using the solvent mixture MeOH/H2O (50/50, v/v), 0.1 % acetic acid for protein precipitation and analyte extraction. Intra- and inter-day accuracy, expressed as %Recovery (%R), ranged from 88.0 % (Cad) to 102.7 % (Tyr) and from 85.0 % (Cad) to 99.8 % (Tyr), respectively. Intra- and inter-day precision, expressed as %Relative Standard Deviation (%RSD), ranged from 0.4 % (Tyr, Put) to 3.3 % (His) and from 0.7 % (Tyr) to 5.0 % (Cad), respectively. Limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) varied from 0.0009 to 0.0940 mg/kg and from 0.0030 mg/kg to 0.3100 mg/kg, respectively, depending on the analyte. Regarding the potential toxic effects linked to biogenic amines in foods, samples examined in this study showed no risk. The proposed method is an important analytical tool for routine analysis of BAs in fish products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was concentrated successfully in the glyceride fractions from tuna oil via a two-step enzyme reaction involving hydrolysis and ethanolysis. In the first step, Candida rugosa lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis was carried out to concentrate DHA in the glyceride fractions. The DHA content in the glyceride fraction after hydrolysis increased from 30% in the initial tuna oil to 46%. In the second step, Lipozyme RM IM-catalyzed ethanolysis was conducted with the reaction mixture from the first step to further concentrate DHA in the glyceride fraction. In this step, the reaction mixture obtained from the first step was employed directly in Lipozyme RM IM-catalyzed ethanolysis without additional steps needed to remove free fatty acid. Finally, DHA was concentrated from an initial content of 30% in the tuna oil to 68.4% in the glyceride fractions via a novel two-step enzyme reaction strategy.





