trophoblast stem cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the first week of development, human embryos form a blastocyst composed of an inner cell mass and trophectoderm (TE) cells, the latter of which are progenitors of placental trophoblast. Here, we investigated the expression of transcripts in the human TE from early to late blastocyst stages. We identified enrichment of the transcription factors GATA2, GATA3, TFAP2C and KLF5 and characterised their protein expression dynamics across TE development. By inducible overexpression and mRNA transfection, we determined that these factors, together with MYC, are sufficient to establish induced trophoblast stem cells (iTSCs) from primed human embryonic stem cells. These iTSCs self-renew and recapitulate morphological characteristics, gene expression profiles, and directed differentiation potential, similar to existing human TSCs. Systematic omission of each, or combinations of factors, revealed the crucial importance of GATA2 and GATA3 for iTSC transdifferentiation. Altogether, these findings provide insights into the transcription factor network that may be operational in the human TE and broaden the methods for establishing cellular models of early human placental progenitor cells, which may be useful in the future to model placental-associated diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanisms controlling trophoblast proliferation and differentiation during embryo implantation are poorly understood. Human trophoblast stem cells (TSC) and BMP4/A83-01/PD173074-treated pluripotent stem cell-derived trophoblast cells (BAP) are two widely employed, contemporary models to study trophoblast development and function, but how faithfully they mimic early trophoblast cells has not been fully examined. We evaluated the transcriptomes of trophoblast cells from BAP and TSC and directly compared them with those from peri-implantation human embryos during extended embryo culture (EEC) between embryonic day 8 to 12. The BAP and TSC grouped closely with trophoblast cells from EEC within each trophoblast sublineage following dimensional analysis and unsupervised hierarchical clustering. However, subtle differences in transcriptional programs existed within each trophoblast sublineage. We also validated the presence of six genes in peri-implantation human embryos by immunolocalization. Our analysis reveals that both BAP and TSC models have features of peri-implantation trophoblasts, while maintaining minor transcriptomic differences, and thus serve as valuable tools for studying implantation in lieu of human embryos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human trophoblast stem (TS) cells are an informative in vitro model for the generation and testing of biologically meaningful hypotheses. The goal of this project was to derive patient-specific TS cell lines from clinically available chorionic villus sampling biopsies. Cell outgrowths were captured from human chorionic villus tissue specimens cultured in modified human TS cell medium. Cell colonies emerged early during the culture and cell lines were established and passaged for several generations. Karyotypes of the newly established chorionic villus-derived trophoblast stem (TS CV ) cell lines were determined and compared to initial genetic diagnoses from freshly isolated chorionic villi. Phenotypes of TSCV cells in the stem state and following differentiation were compared to cytotrophoblast-derived TS (TS CT ) cells. TSCV and TSCT cells uniformly exhibited similarities in the stem state and following differentiation into syncytiotrophoblast and extravillous trophoblast cells. Chorionic villus tissue specimens provide a valuable source for TS cell derivation. They expand the genetic diversity of available TS cells and are associated with defined clinical outcomes. TSCV cell lines provide a new set of experimental tools for investigating trophoblast cell lineage development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3), the catalytic enzyme of methyltransferase complex for m6A methylation of RNA, is essential for mammalian development. However, the importance of METTL3 in human placentation remains largely unexplored. Here, we show that a fine balance of METTL3 function in trophoblast cells is essential for successful human placentation. Both loss-of and gain-in METTL3 functions are associated with adverse human pregnancies. A subset of recurrent pregnancy losses and preterm pregnancies are often associated with loss of METTL3 expression in trophoblast progenitors. In contrast, METTL3 is induced in pregnancies associated with fetal growth restriction (FGR). Our loss of function analyses showed that METTL3 is essential for the maintenance of human TSC self-renewal and their differentiation to extravillous trophoblast cells (EVTs). In contrast, loss of METTL3 in human TSCs promotes syncytiotrophoblast (STB) development. Global analyses of RNA m6A modification and METTL3-RNA interaction in human TSCs showed that METTL3 regulates m6A modifications on the mRNA molecules of critical trophoblast regulators, including GATA2, GATA3, TEAD1, TEAD4, WWTR1, YAP1, TFAP2C and ASCL2, and loss of METTL3 leads to depletion of mRNA molecules of these critical regulators. Importantly, conditional deletion of Mettl3 in trophoblast progenitors of an early post-implantation mouse embryo also leads to arrested self-renewal. Hence, our findings indicate that METLL3 is a conserved epitranscriptomic governor in trophoblast progenitors and ensures successful placentation by regulating their self-renewal and dictating their differentiation fate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developing functional organs from stem cells remains a challenging goal in regenerative medicine. Existing methodologies, such as tissue engineering, bioprinting, and organoids, only offer partial solutions. This perspective focuses on two promising approaches emerging for engineering human organs from stem cells: stem cell-based embryo models and interspecies organogenesis. Both approaches exploit the premise of guiding stem cells to mimic natural development. We begin by summarizing what is known about early human development as a blueprint for recapitulating organogenesis in both embryo models and interspecies chimeras. The latest advances in both fields are discussed before highlighting the technological and knowledge gaps to be addressed before the goal of developing human organs could be achieved using the two approaches. We conclude by discussing challenges facing embryo modeling and interspecies organogenesis and outlining future prospects for advancing both fields toward the generation of human tissues and organs for basic research and translational applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) biosynthetic pathway in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is crucial for generating GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs), which are translocated to the cell surface and play a vital role in cell signaling and adhesion. This study focuses on two integral components of the GPI pathway, the PIGL and PIGF proteins, and their significance in trophoblast biology. We show that GPI pathway mutations impact on placental development impairing the differentiation of the syncytiotrophoblast (SynT), and especially the SynT-II layer, which is essential for the establishment of the definitive nutrient exchange area within the placental labyrinth. CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of Pigl and Pigf in mouse trophoblast stem cells (mTSCs) confirms the role of these GPI enzymes in syncytiotrophoblast differentiation. Mechanistically, impaired GPI-AP generation induces an excessive unfolded protein response (UPR) in the ER in mTSCs growing in stem cell conditions, akin to what is observed in human preeclampsia. Upon differentiation, the impairment of the GPI pathway hinders the induction of WNT signaling for early SynT-II development. Remarkably, the transcriptomic profile of Pigl- and Pigf-deficient cells separates human patient placental samples into preeclampsia and control groups, suggesting an involvement of Pigl and Pigf in establishing a preeclamptic gene signature. Our study unveils the pivotal role of GPI biosynthesis in early placentation and uncovers a new preeclampsia gene expression profile associated with mutations in the GPI biosynthesis pathway, providing novel molecular insights into placental development with implications for enhanced patient stratification and timely interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Genetically modified pigs are considered ideal models for studying human diseases and potential sources for xenotransplantation research. However, the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technique utilized to generate these cloned pig models has low efficiency, and fetal development is limited due to placental abnormalities.
    RESULTS: In this study, we unprecedentedly established putative porcine trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) using SCNT and in vitro-fertilized (IVF) blastocysts through the activation of Wing-less/Integrated (Wnt) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) pathways, inhibition of transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) and Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) pathways, and supplementation with ascorbic acid. We also compared the transcripts of putative TSCs originating from SCNT and IVF embryos and their differentiated lineages. A total of 19 porcine TSCs exhibiting typical characteristics were established from SCNT and IVF blastocysts (TSCsNT and TSCsIVF). Compared with the TSCsIVF, TSCsNT showed distinct expression patterns suggesting unique TSCsNT characteristics, including decreased mRNA expression of genes related to apposition, steroid hormone biosynthesis, angiopoiesis, and RNA stability.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable information and a powerful model for studying the abnormal development and dysfunction of trophoblasts and placentas in cloned pigs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human placenta serves as a vital barrier between the mother and the developing fetus during pregnancy. A defect in the early development of the placenta is associated with severe pregnancy disorders. Despite its complex development, various molecular processes control placental development, and the specialization of trophoblast cells is still not fully understood. One primary obstacle is the lack of suitable cell model systems. Traditional two-dimensional (2D) cell cultures fail to mimic in vivo conditions and do not capture the intricate intercellular interactions vital for studying placental development. However, three-dimensional (3D) organoid models derived from stem cells that replicate natural cell organization and architecture have greatly improved our understanding of trophoblast behavior and its medicinal applications. Organoids with relevant phenotypes provide a valuable platform to model both placental physiology and pathology, including the modeling of placental disorders. They hold great promise for personalized medicine, improved diagnostics, and the evaluation of pharmaceutical drug efficacy and safety. This article provides a concise overview of trophoblast stem cells, trophoblast invasion, and the evolving role of organoids in gynecology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, the pursuit of inducing the trophoblast stem cell (TSC) state has gained prominence as a compelling research objective, illuminating the establishment of the trophoblast lineage and unlocking insights into early embryogenesis. In this review, we examine how advancements in diverse technologies, including in vivo time course transcriptomics, cellular reprogramming to TSC state, chemical induction of totipotent stem-cell-like state, and stem-cell-based embryo-like structures, have enriched our insights into the intricate molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways that define the mouse and human trophectoderm/TSC states. We delve into disparities between mouse and human trophectoderm/TSC fate establishment, with a special emphasis on the intriguing role of pluripotency in this context. Additionally, we re-evaluate recent findings concerning the potential of totipotent-stem-like cells and embryo-like structures to fully manifest the trophectoderm/trophoblast lineage\'s capabilities. Lastly, we briefly discuss the potential applications of induced TSCs in pregnancy-related disease modeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Placental infection plays a central role in the pathogenesis of congenital human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infections and is a cause of fetal growth restriction and pregnancy loss. HCMV can replicate in some trophoblast cell types, but it remains unclear how the virus evades antiviral immunity in the placenta and how infection compromises placental development and function. Human trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) can be differentiated into extravillous trophoblasts (EVTs), syncytiotrophoblasts (STBs), and organoids, and this study assessed the utility of TSCs as a model of HCMV infection in the first-trimester placenta. HCMV was found to non-productively infect TSCs, EVTs, and STBs. Immunofluorescence assays and flow cytometry experiments further revealed that infected TSCs frequently only express immediate early viral gene products. Similarly, RNA sequencing found that viral gene expression in TSCs does not follow the kinetic patterns observed during lytic infection in fibroblasts. Canonical antiviral responses were largely not observed in HCMV-infected TSCs and TSC-derived trophoblasts. Rather, infection dysregulated factors involved in cell identity, differentiation, and Wingless/Integrated signaling. Thus, while HCMV does not replicate in TSCs, infection may perturb trophoblast differentiation in ways that could interfere with placental function.
    OBJECTIVE: Placental infection plays a central role in human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) pathogenesis during pregnancy, but the species specificity of HCMV and the limited availability and lifespan of primary trophoblasts have been persistent barriers to understanding how infection impacts this vital organ. Human trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) represent a new approach to modeling viral infection early in placental development. This study reveals that TSCs, like other stem cell types, restrict HCMV replication. However, infection perturbs the expression of genes involved in differentiation and cell fate determination, pointing to a mechanism by which HCMV could cause placental injury.





