
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    From 1954 to 1983, a vermiculite processing facility operated near the Honolulu airport and processed raw material from the Libby, Montana mine, which is now well known for the high asbestos content of its clay deposits. The factory was closed in 1983 due to health hazard concerns, and remediation was performed in 2001 as part of the Libby mine superfund project. However, because of close proximity of the closed-down facility to residential areas of metropolitan Honolulu, some concerns remain regarding the possible environmental persistence of the harmful contaminant. To assess the dispersion of asbestos-contaminated vermiculite and explore the impact of trade winds on its distribution, air samples, and soil samples were collected from multiple locations near the former vermiculite plant. Polarized light microscopy was employed to identify elongated minerals, including potential asbestos. Quantitative mineralogical analysis utilizing X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld refinement revealed an average content of approximately 7% vermiculite and 4% tremolite at the site. The asbestiform nature of tremolite was confirmed through X-ray micro-diffraction. Detailed analysis of airborne samples using transmission electron microscopy revealed no detectable levels of asbestos fibers in the vicinity of the former processing facilities, but the possibility of asbestos fibers becoming airborne due to mechanical disturbance during dry weather cannot be ruled out.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has long been recognized that amphibole minerals, such as cleavage fragments of tremolite and anthophyllite, may exist in some talc deposits. We reviewed the current state of the science regarding the factors influencing mesotheliogenic potency of cleavage fragments, with emphasis on those that may co-occur in talc deposits, including dimensional and structural characteristics, animal toxicology, and the most well-studied cohort exposed to talc-associated cleavage fragments. Based on our review, multiple lines of scientific evidence demonstrate that inhaled cleavage fragments associated with talc do not pose a mesothelioma hazard.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nephrite is an asbestos mineral composed of tremolite and actinolite. Fengtian is a community where nephrite was mined between 1970 and 1980 and asbestos was mined between 1960 and 1985. The lung cancer risk to the surrounding community is unknown.
    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the trend of lung cancer caused by environmental contamination from nephrite mining.
    METHODS: We conducted a field survey of nephrite mines and tracked new cases of lung cancer from 1980 to 2019. We calculated the age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) and applied join-point regression to examine the lung cancer trend. We assessed the age effect, period effect, and birth cohort effect on lung cancer risk.
    RESULTS: The nephrite mines were contaminated with chrysotile and tremolite/actinolite asbestos. A total of 278 new cases of lung cancer were reported during the study period. There was an apparent age effect and a slight period effect for lung cancer. After adjustment for the age and period effects, the birth cohort born between 1970 and 1980 during the period of nephrite mass production had the highest relative risk compared with other birth cohorts. The ASIR of lung cancer increased significantly from 1980 to 2010 (the annual percentage change = 6.8 %, 95 % CI: 4.0-9.7 %, P < 0.01) and then decreased 30 years after the cessation of nephrite jade mining.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nephrite mining increases the risk of lung cancer in nearby communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asbestos fibers act as complex crystal-chemical reservoirs susceptible of releasing potentially toxic elements (such as ions impurities) into the lung cellular environment during permanency and dissolution. To comprehend the exact pathological mechanisms that are triggered upon inhalation of asbestos fibers, in vitro studies on possible interactions between the mineral and the biological system have been carried out mostly by using natural asbestos. However, this latter comprises intrinsic impurities such as Fe2+/Fe3+ and Ni2+ ions, and other eventual traces of metallic pathogens. Furthermore, often, natural asbestos is characterized by the co-presence of several mineral phases, fiber dimensions of which are randomly distributed in width and in length. For these reasons, it is albeit challenging to precisely identify toxicity factors and to define the accurate role of each factor in the overall pathogenesis of asbestos. In this regard, the availability of synthetic asbestos fibers with accurate chemical composition and specific dimensions for in vitro screening tests would represent the perfect tool to correlate asbestos toxicity to its chemico-physical features. Herein, to palliate such drawbacks of natural asbestos, well-defined Ni-doped tremolite fibers were chemically synthesized in order to offer biologists adequate samples for testing the specific role of Ni2+ in asbestos toxicity. The experimental conditions (temperature, pressure, reaction time and water amount) were optimized to produce batches of asbestos fibers of the tremolite phase, with uniformly distributed shape and dimensions and a controlled content of Ni2+ metal ions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Calabria (Southern Italy) naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) mainly occurs in the ophiolitic sequences cropping in the Mount Reventino area. The most common type of asbestos detected was the amphibole tremolite; fibrous antigorite and minor chrysotile were also found. The development of asbestos-related diseases depends on, among other things, the morphological characteristics of fibers, length and width, affecting the durability of asbestos fibers in the lung. In this work fifteen lung samples of sheep, goats and wild boars, grazing around the Mount Reventino area were collected and asbestos fibers analysed. Observed fibers (357), of which 97 % were tremolite and 3 % antigorite fibers, were grouped according to species, grazing area and age of the animals. The aim of this work was to highlight any differences among the groupings and to compare our size results with data in literature related to exposed populations. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) highlighted a positive correlation between tremolite fiber length and width and revealed groupings in terms of animal age. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed statistically significant differences between fiber mean widths in young and old animals. 63 % observed asbestiform fibers were longer than 5 μm and 7 % of the fibers were longer than 20 μm (critical fiber length connected to the frustrated phagocytosis by the macrophage). Fibers conforming to the Stanton Hypothesis size (predictor of the carcinogenic potency of fibers) were 1 %. Our size parameters of fibers detected in the animal lungs were in fairly good agreement with literature data for human asbestos exposure to tremolite. These results confirmed that an animal-sentinel system could be used to monitor the natural background of the airborne breathable fibers exposure. In addition, the size correlation of animal-human breathed fibers could be useful to study their potential toxicity. Additional data are necessary for improving the agreement with human exposure data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ophiolites are known sources of naturally occurring asbestos (NOA). In Calabria (Southern Italy) NOA are mainly concentrated in the ophiolitic sequences cropping in the Mount Reventino area, in the southern part of the Sila massif, and along the Coastal Chain. The most common type of asbestos identified in the rocks of these areas belongs to the tremolite-actinolite series. Another identified asbestiform mineral is fibrous antigorite belonging to the serpentine mineral group with a minor amount of chrysotile. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the diffusion of natural asbestiform fibers from NOA using sentinel animals. Fifteen lung samples of sheep, goats and wild boars from Mount Reventino area and two from an area free from NOA were collected. The lung samples were subjected to anatomopathological examination and lung fiber burden analysis by electron microscopy. Abundant tremolite and few antigorite fibers were detected in the lung samples coming from the NOA area. No corpuscle of asbestos was observed. No fiber was found in the two lung samples of sheet from the area free from NOA. These concentrations of fibers per gram of dry weight of lung tissue (f/gdw) ranged from 104 to 106 f/gdw. The asbestos fibers detected in the lungs of the examined animals reflect the geological features of the areas where they grazed and lived. The anatomopathological analysis showed that 60% of the examined animals had macroscopic lesions affecting their lungs. The presence of tremolite fibers in the lungs confirms the diffusion of mineral fibers in the environment and the real advantage of using animal populations in the study areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Asbestos is the primary known cause of malignant mesothelioma. Some cosmetic talc products have been shown to contain asbestos. Recently, repeated exposures to cosmetic talc have been implicated as a cause of mesothelioma.
    Seventy-five individuals (64 females; 11 males) with malignant mesothelioma, whose only known exposure to asbestos was repeated exposures to cosmetic talcum powders, were reviewed in medical-legal consultation. Out of the 75 cases, 11 were examined for asbestiform fibers.
    All subjects had pathologically confirmed malignant mesothelioma. The mean age at diagnosis was 61 ± 17 years. The mean latency from exposure to diagnosis was 50 ± 13 years. The mean exposure duration was 33 ± 16 years. Four mesotheliomas (5%) occurred in individuals working as barbers/cosmetologists, or in a family member who swept the barber shop. Twelve (16%) occurred in individuals less than 45 years old (10 females; 2 males). Forty-eight mesotheliomas were pleural (40 females; 8 males), 23 were peritoneal (21 females; 2 males). Two presented with concomitant pleural and peritoneal disease. There was one pericardial, and one testicular mesothelioma. The majority (51) were of the epithelioid histological subtype, followed by 13 biphasic, 8 sarcomatoid, 2 lymphohistiocytoid, and 1 poorly differentiated. Of the 11 individuals whose nontumorous tissues were analyzed for the presence of asbestiform fibers, all showed the presence of anthophyllite and/or tremolite asbestos.
    Mesotheliomas can develop following exposures to cosmetic talcum powders. These appear to be attributable to the presence of anthophyllite and tremolite contaminants in cosmetic talcum powder.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), also known as nanowhiskers, have recently gained much attention due to their biodegradable nature, advantageous chemical and mechanical properties, economic value and renewability thus making them attractive for a wide range of applications. However, before these materials can be considered for potential uses, investigation of their toxicity is prudent. Although CNC exposures are associated with pulmonary inflammation and damage as well as oxidative stress responses and genotoxicity in vivo, studies evaluating cell transformation or tumorigenic potential of CNC\'s were not previously conducted. In this study, we aimed to assess the neoplastic-like transformation potential of two forms of CNC derived from wood (powder and gel) in human pulmonary epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) in comparison to fibrous tremolite (TF), known to induce lung cancer. Short-term exposure to CNC or TF induced intracellular ROS increase and DNA damage while long-term exposure resulted in neoplastic-like transformation demonstrated by increased cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth, migration and invasion. The increased proliferative responses were also in-agreement with observed levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Based on the hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) of the inflammatory cytokine responses, CNC powder was segregated from the control and CNC-gel samples. This suggests that CNC may have the ability to influence neoplastic-like transformation events in pulmonary epithelial cells and that such effects are dependent on the type/form of CNC. Further studies focusing on determining and understanding molecular mechanisms underlying potential CNC cell transformation events and their likelihood to induce tumorigenic effects in vivo are highly warranted.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The onset of malignant mesothelioma (MM) is linked to exposure to asbestos fibers. Asbestos fibers are classified as serpentine (chrysotile) or amphibole, which includes the crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite types. Although few studies have been undertaken, anthophyllite has been shown to be associated with mesothelioma, and tremolite, a contaminant in talc and chrysotile, is a risk factor for carcinogenicity. Here, after characterizing the length and width of these fibers by scanning electron microscopy, we explored the cytotoxicity induced by tremolite and anthophyllite in cells from an immortalized human mesothelial cell line (MeT5A), murine macrophages (RAW264.7), and in a rat model. Tremolite and short anthophyllite fibers were phagocytosed and localized to vacuoles, whereas the long anthophyllite fibers were caught on the pseudopod of the MeT5A and Raw 264.7 cells, according to transmission electron microscopy. The results from a 2-day time-lapse study revealed that tremolite was engulfed and damaged the MeT5A and RAW264.7 cells, but anthophyllite was not cytotoxic to these cells. Intraperitoneal injection of tremolite in rats induced diffuse serosal thickening, whereas anthophyllite formed focal fibrosis and granulomas on peritoneal serosal surfaces. Furthermore, the loss of Cdkn2a/2b, which are the most frequently lost foci in human MM, were observed in 8 cases of rat MM (homozygous deletion [5/8] and loss of heterozygosity [3/8]) by array-based comparative genomic hybridization techniques. These results indicate that tremolite initiates mesothelial injury and persistently frustrates phagocytes, causing subsequent peritoneal fibrosis and MM. The possible mechanisms of carcinogenicity based on fiber diameter/length are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Easily available commercial Indian talc products widely used in Southeast Asia were examined for the presence of asbestos. Asbestos in talc products carry all risks of asbestos-related disease.
    Using polarizing light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction, and X-ray analysis, multiple over-the-counter Indian talc products were examined for the presence of asbestos.
    Results In an initial group of five Indian talc products, one was found to contain tremolite asbestos. The second group of eight products was tested and six of eight contained tremolite asbestos as well. No other regulated amphibole was found.
    Large quantities of body talc products containing asbestos are used throughout Southeast Asia and are likely to pose a public health risk for asbestos-related diseases, especially for the cancers related to asbestos exposure. The country of origin in which the talc examined was sourced for production is unknown to the authors, and further investigation to measure associated public health risk is needed.






