
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article discusses the tensions around trauma-informed narratives and mind-body practices, which may obscure social inequalities. We present the evaluation of community yoga programs and explore how trauma-informed yoga can be part of the healing process of women subject to interlocking systems of oppression. The study showed how the sociocultural location of participants shaped their engagement with normative yoga discourses and practices. Yoga was perceived as a practice that improved the sense of healing and well-being, and created relational spaces during COVID-19. The article also discusses the value of embodied self-inquiry as an intersectional feminist tool for researchers and practitioners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This practitioner essay will discuss the evidence base for an Australian trauma-informed kickboxing program, The Fight Back Project. We share key differences and adjustments while delivering this program in the Salvadoran context. We consider practitioner assumptions and limitations when transferring trauma-informed practice principles from the Global North to the Central American setting, and the criticality of gender-responsive adaptations. Drawing from existing research on the benefits of trauma-informed martial arts as a form of physical exercise, we describe the collaborative development and implementation of a trauma-informed kickboxing program alongside a local, community-led organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The concept of equity recognizes historical and current barriers and promotes thriving for veterinary teams and people and animals in the community. Veterinary medicine lacks sociodemographic diversity; veterinarians and other team members who identify with systemically excluded groups offer valuable contributions but are at risk of workplace discrimination. Client families who face barriers for financial and other reasons are at risk of poor animal health and welfare outcomes, including separation from their animals. This article is part one of 2 articles reviewing how the concept of equity applies and could transform well-being in companion animal veterinary practice in North America.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Children and young people (CYP) in contact with child welfare services are at high risk of developing mental health problems. There is a paucity of evidenced-based preventative interventions provided to this population.
    OBJECTIVE: This project worked in partnership with CYP, their parents/caregivers and the professionals who support them to co-produce a preventative mental health intervention for CYP in contact with child welfare services.
    METHODS: We recruited a purposive sample of CYP in contact with child welfare services (n = 23), parents/caregivers (n = 18) and practitioners working within child welfare services and mental health services (n = 25) from the North East of England and convened co-production workshops (n = 4).
    METHODS: This project followed the established principles for intervention development, applying the six steps to quality intervention development (6SQUID) approach. The mixed method research consisted of four work packages with continuous engagement of stakeholders throughout the project. These were: a systematic review of reviews; focus groups with practitioners; interviews with parents/caregivers and CYP; co-production workshops.
    RESULTS: We identified that the primary risk factor affecting CYP in contact with child welfare services is the experience of childhood adversity. The quality of relationships that the CYP experiences with both their parent/caregivers and the professionals involved in their care are considered to be the main factors amenable to change.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that a trauma-informed, activity-based intervention with an embedded family-focused component provided to CYP who have experienced adversity is most likely to prevent mental health problems in those in contact with child welfare services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The integration of trauma-informed and ethical frameworks in qualitative research concerning survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) within displaced communities is critical. These individuals often bear the weight of traumatic experiences compounded by displacement and associated hardships. Adopting a trauma-informed approach establishes a safe environment, prioritizing survivors\' well-being and respecting their agency and narratives, thereby fostering trust and reducing re-traumatization risks. Ethical considerations ensure the dignity, rights, and cultural sensitivities of participants are upheld, contributing to rigorous and humane research. This integration amplifies survivors\' voices and experiences, enhancing understanding and empathy. Trauma-informed approaches acknowledge the likelihood of trauma in individuals\' lives and prioritize safety without aiming to treat symptoms. Proficient interviewing skills aim to improve comfort, safety, and recall without avoiding challenging questions. Integration of trauma-informed principles across all interview phases is crucial, particularly for individuals experiencing various traumas simultaneously, such as displacement, violence, and ongoing conflict. Drawing from the authors\' experiences and existing literature, this paper advocates for a compassionate and empowering shift in qualitative research methodologies to better engage with survivors of trauma and GBV within displaced communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present article addresses claims commonly made by prosecution witnesses in sexual assault trials: that attention narrows under stress, and that these attended aspects of the event are encoded in a way that ensures accuracy and resistance to fading and distortion. We provide evidence to contradict such claims. Given that what is encoded is largely the gist of one\'s interpretation of experience, we discuss the way in which attention and emotion can bias the interpretation of experience. We illustrate with issues of memory reports in cases of acquaintance rape, where the primary issue is the presence or absence of consent. We provide some specific illustrations concerning effects of emotion on interpretation of sexual consent. Finally, based on what is known regarding priming effects on memory retrieval and judgment, we conclude with discussion of the potential of some \"trauma-informed\" interviewing strategies to promote false memories (such as FETI: Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately 15-30 % of individuals diagnosed with PTSD experience high levels of dissociation, a condition categorized in the DSM-V as a dissociative subtype of PTSD (PTSD-D). Despite the rising number of studies supporting mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) for the treatment of PTSD, literature on mindfulness and dissociation remains scarce and discording. While best practices for offering mindfulness for dissociative patients remain unclear, integrating choice points into MBIs may be aligned with trauma-informed principles and effective in countering loss of self-agency associated with trauma. In this article, we present a case study from a larger randomized controlled trial of an individual with PTSD-D who successfully completed an 8-week MBI while displaying active dissociation symptoms throughout the group. Follow-up interviews with stakeholders in the patient\'s care as well as pre-and post-intervention assessments indicate that the patient had a positive experience with the mindfulness training and improved self-regulation. Analysis of the case study suggests that the mindfulness training may have been safe and effective for this patient due to the integration of choice points throughout the mindfulness training and promotion of structural safety. We expand on this by further discussing six influencing factors that contributed to the outcome of the case study and can serve as a reference for clinicians, researchers, and instructors who wish to offer MBIs safely to patients with PTSD-D.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, trauma informed care has become a heavily researched topic; however, it has yet to achieve a universal standard in the field of pediatric medicine. One of the primary tenants of trauma informed care is a clear understanding of the pervasiveness and complexities of childhood trauma, and its intersection with a child and caregiver\'s physical wellness. A major component of trauma informed care is addressing the way medical providers may be exposed to vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress, and compassion fatigue. By taking proactive steps to educate medical providers on the effects of trauma, they are better equipped to assess a family\'s needs and provide enhanced quality of care for their patients and themselves.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Children and adolescents with a refugee background are at high risk for traumatization. Once they arrive in safe countries, schools are the institutions where teachers are responsible for caring for them sensitively and competently. Furthermore, schools are organized in learning groups consisting of multiple peers of the same age, which provides excellent opportunities for social learning and experiences of social support. In this respect, schools are the appropriate places where preventive concepts can be applied to students with a refugee background. This systematic review summarizes studies that examine or evaluate existing international concepts of trauma-sensitive schools for supporting traumatized students with a refugee background. Based on N = 41 selected articles, 17 relevant concepts of trauma-sensitive schools were identified. In 35.3% of the concepts, traumatized students with a refugee background are explicitly included in the target group of the concept, while 47.1% of the concepts refer to groups of students with trauma as a result of various adverse childhood experiences, which also occur more frequently within the population of refugee children and adolescents 17.6% of the concepts contain specific adaptations for pupils with a refugee background. The majority of these concepts were developed in the United States. Additional concepts can be reported for Australia, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and Cambodia. Based on available empirical data, no significant effectiveness regarding the researched concepts\' effects on academic and other school-related data can be determined. Although some studies indicate positive effects concerning school-related target variables, most of the studies have only limited significance due to inadequate research designs and methodological deficiencies. Therefore, there is a great need for further development, careful implementation, and evaluation of trauma-sensitive concepts in schools, especially for the growing group of refugee students.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    BACKGROUND: This manuscript is coauthored by 15 young adult Patient RESearch partners (PARES) with lived and living mental health experiences and three institutional researchers across Canada involved in a patient-oriented research (POR) study called the HEARTS Study: Helping Enable Access and Remove Barriers To Support for Young Adults with Mental Health-Related Disabilities. We share our reflections, experiences and lessons learned as we grapple with the field of POR for its lack of clarity, hierarchical structures, internalized ableism, and accessibility challenges, among others. To mitigate the difficulties of POR, we started by laying the groundwork for equality by embracing the principle of Primus Inter Pares: First Among Equals as the foundation of our approach. In this way, we began with what we know for certain: the inherent worth and dignity of young adults as equal partners, recognizing their expertise, worldviews, creativity, and capacity to contribute meaningfully and intentionally to the research that affects their lives and futures.
    METHODS: The manuscript underscores the need to reconceptualize meaningful engagement in POR, advocating a shift from traditional, biased paradigms that fail to address the complexities faced by young adults with mental illness. It introduces what we have termed Adaptive and Differential Engagement, underscoring the necessity of tailoring participation to individual preferences and circumstances alongside a Tripartite Compensation model that promotes fair and holistic remuneration in research collaborations. Then we discuss the approaches we have conceptualized, such as Equitable Dialogue, Trust Architecture, Community Continuum, Unity in Diversity, Shared Stewardship, and Agile Frameworks that collectively aim to overcome barriers like language intimidation, power imbalances, framework fatigue, consultation burnout, trust deficits, and systemic discrimination and exclusion. The manuscript does not seek to prescribe any universal or standardized solutions; in fact, it seeks the opposite. Instead, it offers a thoughtful and transparent contribution to the POR canon, providing resources for young adults eager to engage in research and institutional researchers aspiring to collaborate with them.
    CONCLUSIONS: This manuscript is a product of our collective learning and critical self-evaluation. By integrating theoretical insights with practical strategies, we present a justice-oriented blueprint for an inclusive and egalitarian approach to POR. We advocate for applications of POR that are responsive to the individualized contexts of young adult PARES, ensuring their perspectives are central to the research with the resources to take the lead should they choose.
    Together with a graduate student, co-supervisors, and 15 young people from across Canada who have experience with mental health challenges, this paper looks at how research involving young adults as patient research partners can be better. We feel that the types of research that are supposed to include us are often not clear enough and make it hard to join, especially those with unique life situations and health issues. So, in this paper, we suggest a few new ways of doing things where everyone is treated equally. We call it Primus Inter PARES: First Among Equals. This means young people are just as important as anyone else in research.We want to change the old ways that do not consider our unique experiences as young people with mental health issues. We came up with new ideas like \'Equitable Dialogue\' and \'Trust Architecture\' to ensure everyone understands the research and feels that they can trust the process. We also suggest ways to make sure different voices are heard and that everyone has a fair chance to contribute.We do not just offer a one-size-fits-all solution; instead, we share many ways to improve research to help young adults who want to be part of research and for the researchers who want to work with us. Our paper is about making research fair and including everyone\'s point of view. We hope this will make the research better for everyone, especially for young adults.





