transcription factors (TFs)

转录因子 (TFs)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: The study unveils Si\'s regulatory influence by regulating DEGs, TFs, and TRs. Further bHLH subfamily and auxin transporter pathway elucidates the mechanisms enhancing root development and nodulation. Soybean is a globally important crop serving as a primary source of vegetable protein for millions of individuals. The roots of these plants harbour essential nitrogen fixing structures called nodules. This study investigates the multifaceted impact of silicon (Si) application on soybean, with a focus on root development, and nodulation employing comprehensive transcriptomic analyses and gene regulatory network. RNA sequence analysis was utilised to examine the change in gene expression and identify the noteworthy differentially expressed genes (DEGs) linked to the enhancement of soybean root nodulation and root development. A set of 316 genes involved in diverse biological and molecular pathways are identified, with emphasis on transcription factors (TFs) and transcriptional regulators (TRs). The study uncovers TF and TR genes, categorized into 68 distinct families, highlighting the intricate regulatory landscape influenced by Si in soybeans. Upregulated most important bHLH subfamily and the involvement of the auxin transporter pathway underscore the molecular mechanisms contributing to enhanced root development and nodulation. The study bridges insights from other research, reinforcing Si\'s impact on stress-response pathways and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis crucial for nodulation. The study reveals significant alterations in gene expression patterns associated with cellular component functions, root development, and nodulation in response to Si.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytokinins (CKs) and abscisic acid (ABA) play an important role in the life of both plants and pathogenic fungi. However, the role of CKs and ABA in the regulation of fungal growth, development and virulence has not been sufficiently studied. We compared the ability of two virulent isolates (SnB and Sn9MN-3A) and one avirulent isolate (Sn4VD) of the pathogenic fungus Stagonospora nodorum Berk. to synthesize three groups of hormones (CKs, ABA and auxins) and studied the effect of exogenous ABA and zeatin on the growth, sporulation and gene expression of necrotrophic effectors (NEs) and transcription factors (TFs) in them. Various isolates of S. nodorum synthesized different amounts of CKs, ABA and indoleacetic acid. Using exogenous ABA and zeatin, we proved that the effect of these hormones on the growth and sporulation of S. nodorum isolates can be opposite, depends on both the genotype of the isolate and on the concentration of the hormone and is carried out through the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. ABA and zeatin regulated the expression of fungal TF and NE genes, but correlation analysis of these parameters showed that this effect depended on the genotype of the isolate. This study will contribute to our understanding of the role of the hormones ABA and CKs in the biology of the fungal pathogen S. nodorum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription factor-based bioreporters have been extensively studied for monitoring and detecting environmental toxicants. In Escherichia coli, the multiple antibiotic resistance regulator (MarR) induces transcription upon binding to salicylic acid (SA). We generated SA-specific E. coli cell-based bioreporters utilizing the operator region of the mar operon and MarR as components of the reporter and sensing domains, respectively. Although bioreporters based on endogenous MarR and wild-type E. coli cells responded to SA, their sensitivity and selectivity were insufficient for practical sample monitoring. To improve these parameters, we genetically engineered host strains for optimal MarR expression, which enhanced the sensitivity of the biosensor to micromolar quantities of SA with increased selectivity. Under the optimized experimental conditions, the biosensor could quantify SA in environmental samples. For validation, the SA concentration in artificially contaminated SA-containing cosmetic samples was determined using the developed biosensor. Reliability assessment by comparing the concentrations determined using LC-MS/MS revealed > 90% accuracy of the bioreporters. Although bioreporters are not considered standard tools for environmental monitoring, bacterial cell-based bioreporters may serve as alternative tools owing to their affordability and simplicity. The SA biosensor developed in this study can potentially be a valuable tool for monitoring SA in environmental systems. KEY POINTS: • SA-responsive bioreporter is generated by employing mar operon system in E. coli • SA specificity and selectivity were enhanced by genetic/biochemical engineering • The novel bioreporter would be valuable for SA monitoring in environmental systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is renowned for its production of tea tree oil, an essential oil primarily composed of terpenes extracted from its shoot. MYB transcription factors, which are one of the largest TF families, play a crucial role in regulating primary and secondary metabolite synthesis. However, knowledge of the MYB gene family in M. alternifolia is limited.
    RESULTS: Here, we conducted a comprehensive genome-wide analysis of MYB genes in M. alternifolia, referred to as MaMYBs, including phylogenetic relationships, structures, promoter regions, and GO annotations. Our findings classified 219 MaMYBs into four subfamilies: one 5R-MYB, four 3R-MYBs, sixty-one MYB-related, and the remaining 153 are all 2R-MYBs. Seven genes (MYB189, MYB146, MYB44, MYB29, MYB175, MYB162, and MYB160) were linked to terpenoid synthesis based on GO annotation. Phylogenetic analysis with Arabidopsis homologous MYB genes suggested that MYB193 and MYB163 may also be involved in terpenoid synthesis. Additionally, through correlation analysis of gene expression and metabolite content, we identified 42 MYB genes associated with metabolite content.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results provide valuable insights into the importance of MYB transcription factors in essential oil production in M. alternifolia. These findings lay the groundwork for a better understanding of the MYB regulatory network and the development of novel strategies to enhance essential oil synthesis in M. alternifolia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, research focused on the multifaceted landscape and functions of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) aimed to reveal their heterogeneity and identify commonalities across diverse tumors for more effective therapeutic targeting of pro-tumoral stromal microenvironment. However, a unified functional categorization of CAF subsets remains elusive, posing challenges for the development of targeted CAF therapies in clinical settings.The CAF phenotype arises from a complex interplay of signals within the tumor microenvironment, where transcription factors serve as central mediators of various cellular pathways. Recent advances in single-cell RNA sequencing technology have emphasized the role of transcription factors in the conversion of normal fibroblasts to distinct CAF subtypes across various cancer types.This review provides a comprehensive overview of the specific roles of transcription factor networks in shaping CAF heterogeneity, plasticity, and functionality. Beginning with their influence on fibroblast homeostasis and reprogramming during wound healing and fibrosis, it delves into the emerging insights into transcription factor regulatory networks. Understanding these mechanisms not only enables a more precise characterization of CAF subsets but also sheds light on the early regulatory processes governing CAF heterogeneity and functionality. Ultimately, this knowledge may unveil novel therapeutic targets for cancer treatment, addressing the existing challenges of stromal-targeted therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ref-1/APE1 (Redox Effector/Apurinic Endonuclease 1) is a multifunctional enzyme that serves as a redox factor for several transcription factors (TFs), e.g., NF-kB, HIF-1α, which in an oxidized state fail to bind DNA. Conversion of these TFs to a reduced state serves to regulate various biological responses such as cell growth, inflammation, and cellular metabolism. The redox activity involves a thiol exchange reaction for which Cys65 (C65) serves as the nucleophile. Using CRISPR editing in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cells, we changed C65 to Ala (C65A) in Ref-1 to evaluate alteration of Ref-1 redox dynamics as well as chronic loss of Ref-1 redox activity on cell signaling pathways, specifically those regulated by NF-kB and HIF-1α. The redox activity of Ref-1 requires partial unfolding to expose C65, which is buried in the folded structure. Labeling of Ref-1 with polyethylene glycol-maleimide (PEGm) provides a readout of reduced Cys residues in Ref-1 and thereby an assessment of partial unfolding in Ref-1. In comparing Ref-1WT vs Ref-1C65A cell lines, we found an altered distribution of oxidized versus reduced states of Ref-1. Accordingly, activation of NF-kB and HIF-1α in Ref-1C65A lines was significantly lower compared to Ref-1WT lines. The bioinformatic data revealed significant downregulation of metabolic pathways including OXPHOS in Ref-1C65A expressing clones compared to Ref-1WT line. Ref-1C65A also demonstrated reduced cell proliferation and use of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) substrates compared to Ref-1WT lines. A subcutaneous as well as PDAC orthotopic in vivo model demonstrated a significant reduction in tumor size, weight, and growth in the Ref-1C65A lines compared to the Ref-1WT lines. Moreover, mice implanted with Ref-1C65A redox deficient cells demonstrate significantly reduced metastatic burden to liver and lung compared to mice implanted with Ref-1 redox proficient cells. These results from the current study provide direct evidence that the chronic absence of Cys65 in Ref-1 results in redox inactivity of the protein in human PDAC cells, and subsequent biological results confirm a critical involvement of Ref-1 redox signaling and tumorigenic phenotype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 8 (CHD8) is a chromatin remodeler whose mutation is associated, with high penetrance, with autism. Individuals with CHD8 mutations share common symptoms such as autistic behaviour, cognitive impairment, schizophrenia comorbidity, and phenotypic features such as macrocephaly and facial defects. Chd8-deficient mouse models recapitulate most of the phenotypes seen in the brain and other organs of humans. It is known that CHD8 regulates - directly and indirectly - neuronal, autism spectrum disorder (ASDs)-associated genes and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) genes, which, in turn, regulate fundamental aspects of neuronal differentiation and brain development and function. A major characteristic of CHD8 regulation of gene expression is its non-linear and dosage-sensitive nature. CHD8 mutations appear to affect males predominantly, although the reasons for this observed sex bias remain- unknown. We have recently reported that CHD8 directly regulates X chromosome inactivation (XCI) through the transcriptional control of the Xist long non-coding RNA (lncRNA), the master regulator of mammalian XCI. We identified a role for CHD8 in regulating accessibility at the Xist promoter through competitive binding with transcription factors (TFs) at Xist regulatory regions. We speculate here that CHD8 might also regulate accessibility at neuronal/ASD targets through a similar competitive binding mechanism during neurogenesis and brain development. However, whilst such a model can reconcile the phenotypic differences observed in Chd8 knock-down (KD) vs knock-out (KO) mouse models, explaining the observed CHD8 non-linear dosage-dependent activity, it cannot on its own explain the observed disease sex bias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: This review article explores the intricate role, regulation, and signaling mechanisms of WRKY TFs in response to biotic stress, particularly emphasizing their pivotal role in the trophism of plant-pathogen interactions. Transcription factors (TFs) play a vital role in governing both plant defense and development by controlling the expression of various downstream target genes. Early studies have shown the differential expression of certain WRKY transcription factors by microbial infections. Several transcriptome-wide studies later demonstrated that diverse sets of WRKYs are significantly activated in the early stages of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. Furthermore, functional investigations indicated that overexpression or silencing of certain WRKY genes in plants can drastically alter disease symptoms as well as pathogen multiplication rates. Hence the new aspects of pathogen-triggered WRKY TFs mediated regulation of plant defense can be explored. The already recognized roles of WRKYs include transcriptional regulation of defense-related genes, modulation of hormonal signaling, and participation in signal transduction pathways. Some WRKYs have been shown to directly bind to pathogen effectors, acting as decoys or resistance proteins. Notably, the signaling molecules like salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, and ethylene which are associated with plant defense significantly increase the expression of several WRKYs. Moreover, induction of WRKY genes or heightened WRKY activities is also observed during ISR triggered by the beneficial microbes which protect the plants from subsequent pathogen infection. To understand the contribution of WRKY TFs towards disease resistance and their exact metabolic functions in infected plants, further studies are required. This review article explores the intrinsic transcriptional regulation, signaling mechanisms, and hormonal crosstalk governed by WRKY TFs in plant disease defense response, particularly emphasizing their specific role against different biotrophic, hemibiotrophic, and necrotrophic pathogen infections.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) represent the regulatory links between transcription factors (TF) and their target genes. In plants, they are essential to understand transcriptional programs that control important agricultural traits such as yield or (a)biotic stress response. Although several high- and low-throughput experimental methods have been developed to map GRNs in plants, these are sometimes expensive, come with laborious protocols, and are not always optimized for tomato, one of the most important horticultural crops worldwide. In this chapter, we present a computational method that covers two protocols: one protocol to map gene identifiers between two different tomato genome assemblies, and another protocol to predict putative regulators and delineate GRNs given a set of functionally related or coregulated genes by exploiting publicly available TF-binding information. As an example, we applied the motif enrichment protocol on tomato using upregulated genes in response to jasmonate, as well as upregulated and downregulated genes in plants with genotypes OENAM1 and nam1, respectively. We found that our protocol accurately infers the expected TFs as top enriched regulators and identifies GRNs functionally enriched in biological processes related with the experimental context under study.





