topologically associating domains

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TAD boundaries are genomic elements that separate biological processes in neighboring domains by blocking DNA loops that are formed through Cohesin-mediated loop extrusion. Most TAD boundaries consist of arrays of binding sites for the CTCF protein, whose interaction with the Cohesin complex blocks loop extrusion. TAD boundaries are not fully impermeable though and allow a limited amount of inter-TAD loop formation. Based on the reanalysis of Nano-C data, a multicontact Chromosome Conformation Capture assay, we propose a model whereby clustered CTCF binding sites promote the successive stalling of Cohesin and subsequent dissociation from the chromatin. A fraction of Cohesin nonetheless achieves boundary read-through. Due to a constant rate of Cohesin dissociation elsewhere in the genome, the maximum length of inter-TAD loops is restricted though. We speculate that the DNA-encoded organization of stalling sites regulates TAD boundary permeability and discuss implications for enhancer-promoter loop formation and other genomic processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) technology captures spatial interactions of DNA sequences into matrices, and software tools are developed to identify topologically associating domains (TADs) from the Hi-C matrices. With structural information theory, SuperTAD adopted a dynamic programming approach to find the TAD hierarchy with minimal structural entropy. However, the algorithm suffers from high time complexity. To accelerate this algorithm, we design and implement an approximation algorithm with a theoretical performance guarantee. We implemented a package, SuperTAD-Fast. Using Hi-C matrices and simulated data, we demonstrated that SuperTAD-Fast achieved great runtime improvement compared with SuperTAD. SuperTAD-Fast shows high consistency and significant enrichment of structural proteins from Hi-C data of human cell lines in comparison with the existing six hierarchical TADs detecting methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytokine expression during T cell differentiation is a highly regulated process that involves long-range promoter-enhancer and CTCF-CTCF contacts at cytokine loci. Here, we investigated the impact of dynamic chromatin loop formation within the topologically associating domain (TAD) in regulating the expression of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and interleukin-22 (IL-22); these cytokine loci are closely located in the genome and are associated with complex enhancer landscapes, which are selectively active in type 1 and type 3 lymphocytes. In situ Hi-C analyses revealed inducible TADs that insulated Ifng and Il22 enhancers during Th1 cell differentiation. Targeted deletion of a 17 bp boundary motif of these TADs imbalanced Th1- and Th17-associated immunity, both in vitro and in vivo, upon Toxoplasma gondii infection. In contrast, this boundary element was dispensable for cytokine regulation in natural killer cells. Our findings suggest that precise cytokine regulation relies on lineage- and developmental stage-specific interactions of 3D chromatin architectures and enhancer landscapes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene expression is known to be affected by interactions between local genetic variation and DNA accessibility, with the latter organized into three-dimensional chromatin structures. Analyses of these interactions have previously been limited, obscuring their regulatory context, and the extent to which they occur throughout the genome. Here, we undertake a genome-scale analysis of these interactions in a genetically diverse population to systematically identify global genetic-epigenetic interaction, and reveal constraints imposed by chromatin structure. We establish the extent and structure of genotype-by-epigenotype interaction using embryonic stem cells derived from Diversity Outbred mice. This mouse population segregates millions of variants from eight inbred founders, enabling precision genetic mapping with extensive genotypic and phenotypic diversity. With 176 samples profiled for genotype, gene expression, and open chromatin, we used regression modeling to infer genetic-epigenetic interactions on a genome-wide scale. Our results demonstrate that statistical interactions between genetic variants and chromatin accessibility are common throughout the genome. We found that these interactions occur within the local area of the affected gene, and that this locality corresponds to topologically associated domains (TADs). The likelihood of interaction was most strongly defined by the three-dimensional (3D) domain structure rather than linear DNA sequence. We show that stable 3D genome structure is an effective tool to guide searches for regulatory elements and, conversely, that regulatory elements in genetically diverse populations provide a means to infer 3D genome structure. We confirmed this finding with CTCF ChIP-seq that revealed strain-specific binding in the inbred founder mice. In stem cells, open chromatin participating in the most significant regression models demonstrated an enrichment for developmental genes and the TAD-forming CTCF-binding complex, providing an opportunity for statistical inference of shifting TAD boundaries operating during early development. These findings provide evidence that genetic and epigenetic factors operate within the context of 3D chromatin structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short tandem repeat (STR) instability causes transcriptional silencing in several repeat expansion disorders. In fragile X syndrome (FXS), mutation-length expansion of a CGG STR represses FMR1 via local DNA methylation. Here, we find megabase-scale H3K9me3 domains on autosomes and encompassing FMR1 on the X chromosome in FXS patient-derived iPSCs, iPSC-derived neural progenitors, EBV-transformed lymphoblasts, and brain tissue with mutation-length CGG expansion. H3K9me3 domains connect via inter-chromosomal interactions and demarcate severe misfolding of TADs and loops. They harbor long synaptic genes replicating at the end of S phase, replication-stress-induced double-strand breaks, and STRs prone to stepwise somatic instability. CRISPR engineering of the mutation-length CGG to premutation length reverses H3K9me3 on the X chromosome and multiple autosomes, refolds TADs, and restores gene expression. H3K9me3 domains can also arise in normal-length iPSCs created with perturbations linked to genome instability, suggesting their relevance beyond FXS. Our results reveal Mb-scale heterochromatinization and trans interactions among loci susceptible to instability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eukaryotes have varying numbers and structures of characteristic chromosomes across lineages or species. The evolutionary trajectory of species may have been affected by spontaneous genome rearrangements. Chromosome fusion drastically alters karyotypes. However, the mechanisms and consequences of chromosome fusions, particularly in muntjac species, are poorly understood. Recent research-based advancements in three-dimensional (3D) genomics, particularly high-throughput chromatin conformation capture (Hi-C) sequencing, have allowed for the identification of chromosome fusions and provided mechanistic insights into three muntjac species: Muntiacus muntjak, M. reevesi, and M. crinifrons. This study aimed to uncover potential genome rearrangement patterns in the threatened species Fea\'s muntjac (Muntiacus feae), which have not been previously examined for such characteristics. Deep Hi-C sequencing (31.42 × coverage) was performed to reveal the 3D chromatin architecture of the Fea\'s muntjac genome. Patterns of repeated chromosome fusions that were potentially mediated by high-abundance transposable elements were identified. Comparative Hi-C maps demonstrated linkage homology between the sex chromosomes in Fea\'s muntjac and autosomes in M. reevesi, indicating that fusions may have played a crucial role in the evolution of the sex chromosomes of the lineage. The species-level dynamics of topologically associated domains (TADs) suggest that TAD organization could be altered by differential chromosome interactions owing to repeated chromosome fusions. However, research on the effect of TADs on muntjac genome evolution is insufficient. This study generated Hi-C data for the Fea\'s muntjac, providing a genomic resource for future investigations of the evolutionary patterns of chromatin conformation at the chromosomal level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are the primary drivers of cervical cancers, and often HPV DNA gets integrated into the host genome. Although the oncogenic impact of HPV encoded genes is relatively well known, the cis-regulatory effect of integrated HPV DNA on host chromatin structure and gene regulation remains less understood. We investigated genome-wide patterns of HPV integrations and associated host gene expression changes in the context of host chromatin states and topologically associating domains (TADs). HPV integrations were significantly enriched in active chromatin regions and depleted in inactive ones. Interestingly, regardless of chromatin state, genomic regions flanking HPV integrations showed transcriptional upregulation. Nevertheless, upregulation (both local and long-range) was mostly confined to TADs with integration, but not affecting adjacent TADs. Few TADs showed recurrent integrations associated with overexpression of oncogenes within them (e.g. MYC, PVT1, TP63 and ERBB2) regardless of proximity. Hi-C and 4C-seq analyses in cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) demonstrated chromatin looping interactions between integrated HPV and MYC/PVT1 regions (~ 500 kb apart), leading to allele-specific overexpression. Based on these, we propose HPV integrations can trigger multimodal oncogenic activation to promote cancer progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The performances of algorithms for Hi-C data preprocessing, the identification of topologically associating domains, and the detection of chromatin interactions and promoter-enhancer interactions have been mostly evaluated using semi-quantitative or synthetic data approaches, without utilizing the most recent methods, since 2017. In this study, we comprehensively evaluated 24 popular state-of-the-art methods for the complete end-to-end pipeline of Hi-C data analysis, using manually curated or experimentally validated benchmark datasets, including a CRISPR dataset for promoter-enhancer interaction validation. Our results indicate that, although no single method exhibited superior performance in all situations, HiC-Pro, DomainCaller, and Fit-Hi-C2 showed relatively balanced performances of most evaluation metrics for preprocessing, topologically associating domain identification, and chromatin interaction/promoter-enhancer interaction detection, respectively. The comprehensive comparison presented in this manuscript provides a reference for researchers to choose Hi-C analysis tools that best suit their needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription-factor binding to cis-regulatory regions regulates the gene expression program of a cell, but occupancy is often a poor predictor of the gene response. Here, we show that glucocorticoid stimulation led to the reorganization of transcriptional coregulators MED1 and BRD4 within topologically associating domains (TADs), resulting in active or repressive gene environments. Indeed, we observed a bias toward the activation or repression of a TAD when their activities were defined by the number of regions gaining and losing MED1 and BRD4 following dexamethasone (Dex) stimulation. Variations in Dex-responsive genes at the RNA levels were consistent with the redistribution of MED1 and BRD4 at the associated cis-regulatory regions. Interestingly, Dex-responsive genes without the differential recruitment of MED1 and BRD4 or binding by the glucocorticoid receptor were found within TADs, which gained or lost MED1 and BRD4, suggesting a role of the surrounding environment in gene regulation. However, the amplitude of the response of Dex-regulated genes was higher when the differential recruitment of the glucocorticoid receptor and transcriptional coregulators was observed, reaffirming the role of transcription factor-driven gene regulation and attributing a lesser role to the TAD environment. These results support a model where a signal-induced transcription factor induces a regionalized effect throughout the TAD, redefining the notion of direct and indirect effects of transcription factors on target genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying topologically associating domains (TADs), which are considered as the basic units of chromosome structure and function, can facilitate the exploration of the 3D-structure of chromosomes. Methods have been proposed to identify TADs by detecting the boundaries of TADs or identifying the closely interacted regions as TADs, while the possible inner structure of TADs is seldom investigated. In this study, we assume that a TAD is composed of a core and its surrounding attachments, and propose a method, named CATAD, to identify TADs based on the core-attachment structure model. In CATAD, the cores of TADs are identified based on the local density and cosine similarity, and the surrounding attachments are determined based on boundary insulation. CATAD was applied to the Hi-C data of two human cell lines and two mouse cell lines, and the results show that the boundaries of TADs identified by CATAD are significantly enriched by structural proteins, histone modifications, transcription start sites and enzymes. Furthermore, CATAD outperforms other methods in many cases, in terms of the average peak, boundary tagged ratio and fold change. In addition, CATAD is robust and rarely affected by the different resolutions of Hi-C matrices. Conclusively, identifying TADs based on the core-attachment structure is useful, which may inspire researchers to explore TADs from the angles of possible spatial structures and formation process.





