
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the increasing impacts of climate change, establishing more sustainable and robust plants such as desert dates (Balanites aegyptiaca) seems to be necessary. Known for its resilience in arid conditions, this tree has the potential to become a more important food source, particularly for its potential to yield edible oil. This study characterized Balanites kernel oil (BKO) as a promising oil source in arid regions, studying the influence of geographical origin and environmental factors. Moroccan and Sudanese BKO samples were analyzed and compared with Mauritanian BKO. In the fatty acid profile, unsaturated fatty acids constituted over 70% of the BKO profile, with a predominance of linoleic acid (Li), oleic acid (Ol), palmitic acid (Pa), and stearic acid (St). Consequently, the predominant triacylglycerols were PaLiLi, PaLiOl, LiLiOl, OlLiOl, and StLiOl. α-Tocopherol dominated the tocochromanol composition (324 to 607 mg/kg), followed by γ-tocopherol (120 to 226 mg/kg), constituting 90% of the total tocochromanols. The total phytosterol content in BKO ranged from 871 to 2218 mg/kg oil, with β-sitosterol dominating (58% to 74%). Principal Component Analysis revealed that the geographical origin significantly influences BKO composition, emphasizing environmental factors, particularly water deficit and/or temperatures. Notably, Moroccan BKO collected from an area characterized by high aridity and relatively low winter temperatures, showcased a unique profile in fatty acid, phytosterols, and tocochromanols. The valorization of BKO presents an opportunity for local agricultural development in arid regions and a role model for plant development and agricultural practices in other parts of the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    METHODS: The antioxidant plastochromanol-8 (PC-8) is a tocochromanol which differs from γ-tocotrienol in having an unsaturated side chain of eight instead of three isoprene units. The recent isolation of PC-8 from flaxseed oil indicates the additional presence of lower shares of two previously unknown homologues, plastochromanol-7 (PC-7) and plastochromanol-9 (PC-9), which feature seven and nine isoprenoid units respectively on the γ-chromanol backbone. Here, a fast LC-Orbitrap-HRMS method is applied for the determination of PC-7 and PC-9 in seven plant oils and a plant extract.
    RESULTS: The presence of PC-7, PC-8, and PC-9 is confirmed in all eight investigated samples by LC-Orbitrap-HRMS analysis after saponification. PC-8 amounts of ≈315-350 mg kg-1 in two flaxseed oils, ≈75 mg kg-1 in rapeseed oil, ≈38 mg kg-1 in camelina oil, ≈80-120 mg kg-1 in two mustard oils, ≈90 mg kg-1 in candle nut oil, and ≈900 mg kg-1 dry weight in Cecropia leaves are determined by quantification. Semi-quantification of PC-7 and PC-9 indicated the presence of ≈0.1-1% of PC-7 and PC-9 in varied relative ratios.
    CONCLUSIONS: The novel plastochromanol homologues are of particular interest to researchers with focus on vitamin E and other tocochromanols because of their unexplored bioactivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitamin E tocochromanols are generated in plants by prenylation of homogentisate using geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) for tocotrienol biosynthesis and phytyl diphosphate (PDP) for tocopherol biosynthesis. Homogentisate geranylgeranyl transferase (HGGT), which uses GGDP for prenylation, is a proven target for oilseed tocochromanol biofortification that effectively bypasses the chlorophyll-linked pathway that limits PDP for vitamin E biosynthesis. In this report, we explored the feasibility of maximizing tocochromanol production in the oilseed crop camelina (Camelina sativa) by combining seed-specific HGGT expression with increased biosynthesis and/or reduced homogentisate catabolism. Plastid-targeted Escherichia coli TyrA-encoded chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydrogenase and Arabidopsis hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) cDNA were co-expressed in seeds to bypass feedback-regulated steps and increase flux into homogentisate biosynthesis. Homogentisate catabolism was also suppressed by seed-specific RNAi of the gene for homogentisate oxygenase (HGO), which initiates homogentisate degradation. In the absence of HGGT expression, tocochromanols were increased by ∼2.5-fold with HPPD/TyrA co-expression, and ∼1.4-fold with HGO suppression compared to levels in non-transformed seeds. No further increase in tocochromanols was observed in HPPD/TyrA lines with the addition of HGO RNAi. HGGT expression alone increased tocochromanol concentrations in seeds by ∼four-fold to ≤1400 μg/g seed weight. When combined with HPPD/TyrA co-expression, we obtained an additional three-fold increase in tocochromanol concentrations indicating that homogentisate concentrations limit HGGT\'s capacity for maximal tocochromanol production. The addition of HGO RNAi further increased tocochromanol concentrations to 5000 μg/g seed weight, an unprecedented tocochromanol concentration in an engineered oilseed. Metabolomic data obtained from engineered seeds provide insights into phenotypic changes associated with \"extreme\" tocochromanol production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioactive lipophilic compounds were investigated in 14 leguminous tree species of timber, agroforestry, medicinal or ornamental use but little industrial significance to elucidate their potential in food additive and supplement production. The tree species investigated were: Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia concinna, Albizia lebbeck, Albizia odoratissima, Bauhinia racemosa, Cassia fistula, Dalbergia latifolia, Delonix regia, Entada phaseoloides, Hardwickia binata, Peltophorum pterocarpum, Senegalia catechu, Sesbania sesban and Vachellia nilotica. The hexane-extracted oils of ripe seeds were chromatographically analysed for their fatty acid composition (GC-MS), tocochromanol (RP-HPLC/FLD), squalene and sterol (GC-FID) content. A spectrophotometrical method was used to determine total carotenoid content. The results showed generally low oil yield (1.75-17.53%); the highest was from H. binata. Linoleic acid constituted the largest proportion in all samples (40.78 to 62.28% of total fatty acids), followed by oleic (14.57-34.30%) and palmitic (5.14-23.04%) acid. The total tocochromanol content ranged from 100.3 to 367.6 mg 100 g-1 oil. D. regia was the richest and the only to contain significant amount of tocotrienols while other oils contained almost exclusively tocopherols, dominated by either α-tocopherol or γ-tocopherol. The total carotenoid content was highest in A. auriculiformis (23.77 mg 100 g-1), S. sesban (23.57 mg 100 g-1) and A. odoratissima (20.37 mg 100 g-1), and ranged from 0.7 to 23.7 mg 100 g-1 oil. The total sterol content ranged from 240.84 to 2543 mg 100 g-1; A. concinna seed oil was the richest by a wide margin; however, its oil yield was very low (1.75%). Either β-sitosterol or Δ5-stigmasterol dominated the sterol fraction. Only C. fistula oil contained a significant amount of squalene (303.1 mg 100 g-1) but was limited by the low oil yield as an industrial source of squalene. In conclusion, A. auriculiformis seeds may hold potential for the production of carotenoid-rich oil, and H. binata seed oil has relatively high yield and tocopherol content, marking it as a potential source of these compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Significance: Protection from oxygen, a diradical, became a necessity with the evolution of photosynthetic organisms about 2.7 billion years. α-Tocopherol plays an essential, protective role in organisms from plants to people. An overview of human conditions that result in severe vitamin E (α-tocopherol) deficiency is provided. Recent Advances: α-Tocopherol has a critical role in the oxygen protection system by stopping lipid peroxidation, its induced damage, and cellular death by ferroptosis. Recent findings in bacteria and plants support the concept of why lipid peroxidation is so dangerous to life and why the family of tocochromanols are essential for aerobic organisms and for plants. Critical Issues: The hypothesis that prevention of the propagation of lipid peroxidation is the basis for the α-tocopherol requirement in vertebrates is proposed and further that its absence dysregulates energy metabolism, one-carbon metabolism, and thiol homeostasis. By recruiting intermediate metabolites from adjacent pathways to sustain effective lipid hydroperoxide elimination, α-tocopherol function is linked not only to NADPH metabolism and its formation through the pentose phosphate pathway via glucose metabolism but also to sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism and to one-carbon metabolism. Future Directions: Evidence from humans, animals, and plants supports the hypothesis, but future studies are needed to assess the genetic sensors that detect lipid peroxidation and cause the ensuing metabolic dysregulation. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 38, 775-791.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tocopherol (T) and tocotrienol (T3) profile were investigated in the present study for four hundred and eighteen plant oil samples, including thirty-one families, eighty-two species, and five cross-species. Fifteen species were dominated by tocotrienols, while sixty-seven - by tocopherols. The mean proportion of γ-T was almost half of the total tocochromanol content (49.3%) in the investigated samples, while α-T constituted to one quarter (25.0%), and the remaining other tocochromanols were present as minor constituents. A strong relationship between the taxonomic plant origin and the presence of the characteristic tocochromanol profile in oils obtained from those plants was noted. This is the first study to demonstrate that not only monocotyledonous, but also dicotyledons families can be rich in tocotrienols. The usefulness of statistical tools - principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) for plant sample discrimination based on their tocochromanol profile was also shown.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    天然存在的抗氧化剂塑性色满醇-8(PC-8)是生育色满醇(维生素E)家族的成员,其侧链中具有八个不饱和异戊二烯单元,而γ-生育三烯酚则为三个。由于缺乏商用PC-8标准,我们开发了一条途径来获得相关数量的高纯度PC-8。具体来说,对320克亚麻籽油进行皂化,并通过凝胶渗透色谱法富集庞大的PC-8。使用溶剂系统正己烷/三氟甲苯/乙腈(20:7:13,v/v/v)进行逆流色谱。通过使用新型溶剂系统六甲基二硅氧烷/乙腈(1:1,v/v)的离心分配色谱法实现最终纯化。这一步提供了~26毫克PC-8(>99.5%,根据HPLC,GC和NMR分析)。还有两个,检测到迄今未知的少量生育色原醇( The naturally occurring antioxidant plastochromanol-8 (PC-8) is a member of the tocochromanol (vitamin E) family which features eight unsaturated isoprene units in the side chain compared to three in the case of γ-tocotrienol. Due to the lack of a commercially available PC-8 standard, we developed a route to gain relevant amounts of highly pure PC-8. Specifically, ∼320 g flaxseed oil was saponified and the bulky PC-8 was enriched by gel permeation chromatography. It followed countercurrent chromatography using the solvent system n-hexane/benzotrifluoride/acetonitrile (20:7:13, v/v/v). The final purification was achieved by centrifugal partition chromatography using the novel solvent system hexamethyldisiloxane/acetonitrile (1:1, v/v). This step provided ∼26 mg PC-8 (>99.5 %, according to HPLC, GC and NMR analysis). Two further, hitherto unknown minor tocochromanols (<1 % of PC-8) were detected and could be identified to be plastochromanol-7 (PC-7) and plastochromanol-9 (PC-9), i.e. tocochromanols with seven and nine unsaturated isoprene units, respectively, in the side chain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitamin E, also known as tocochromanol, is a lipid-soluble antioxidant that can only be produced by photosynthetic organisms in nature. Vitamin E is not only essential in human diets, but also required for plant environment adaptions. To synthesize vitamin E, specific prenyl groups needs to be incorporated with homogentisate as the first step of reaction. After decades of studies, an almost complete roadmap has been revealed for tocochromanol biosynthesis pathway. However, chlorophyll-derived prenyl precursors for synthesizing tocochromanols are still a mystery. In recent years, by employing forward genetic screening and genome-wide-association approaches, significant achievements were acquired in studying vitamin E. In this review, by summarizing the recent progresses in vitamin E, we provide to date the most updated whole view of vitamin E biosynthesis pathway. Also, we discussed about the role of vitamin E in plants stress response and its potential as signaling molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fungal pathogens capable of producing mycotoxins are one of the main threats to the cultivation of cereals and the safety of the harvested kernels. Improving the resistance of crops to fungal disease and accumulation of mycotoxins is therefore a crucial issue. Achieving this goal requires a deep understanding of plant defense mechanisms, most of them involving specialized metabolites. However, while numerous studies have addressed the contribution of phenylpropanoids and carotenoids to plant chemical defense, very few have dealt with tocochromanols. Tocochromanols, which encompass tocopherols and tocotrienols and constitute the vitamin E family, are widely distributed in cereal kernels; their biosynthetic pathway has been extensively studied with the aim to enrich plant oils and combat vitamin E deficiency in humans. Here we provide strong assumptions arguing in favor of an involvement of tocochromanols in plant-fungal pathogen interactions. These assumptions are based on both direct effects resulting from their capacity to scavenge reactive oxygen species, including lipid peroxyl radicals, on their potential to inhibit fungal growth and mycotoxin yield, and on more indirect effects mainly based on their role in plant protection against abiotic stresses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pomelo is an important cultivar of the genus Citrus that contains a variety of beneficial nutrients, and its young fruit is an agricultural by-product that is currently not fully utilized because it is often thrown away during cultivation and management. In this study, the dynamics of tocochromanol during young pomelo development were investigated by measuring chlorophyll content, tocochromanol accumulation, and expression levels of related genes during early fruit development. The results showed that chlorophyll content decreased overall during these four developmental stages and had some synergism with tocochromanol. Four tocochromanol components were detected in pomelo of both genotypes, and α-tocopherol was the main component. The tocochromanol content of honey pomelo was highest in the first period, reaching 70 ± 5 μg/g in dry weight (DW), and golden pomelo peaked in the second period at 86.10 ± 0.18 μg/g DW, with an overall decreasing trend in both genotypes. The different gene expression patterns of the tocochromanol biosynthesis pathway could partially explain the changes in these components and further elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of tocochromanol accumulation during early fruit development. As a natural product, young pomelo fruit is an attractive source of tocochromanol and has potential application in industrial production. The results of this study may provide directions for the high additional value utilization of young pomelo fruit.





