therapeutic drugs

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Accessing compassionate access schemes to obtain novel therapeutic agents for children with hard-to-treat cancers can be fraught with challenges such as regulatory barriers and limited resources. This study aimed to explore clinician perspectives on the barriers, impacts and ethical considerations of accessing novel therapeutic agents within the context of a paediatric oncology precision medicine trial.
    METHODS: We gathered data from 37 semi-structured interviews with paediatric oncologists participating in the PRecISion Medicine for Children with Cancer (PRISM) study, a precision medicine clinical trial in Australia. The interviews, conducted over 2 years, focused on paediatric oncologist\'s experiences with the PRISM trial. Interviews were re-analysed to identify themes related to access pathways and any challenges in obtaining novel agents through thematic analysis. The resulting thematic framework was discussed and refined by a multidisciplinary team.
    RESULTS: Three main themes were identified: (i) barriers to access, including poor drug availability, lack of evidence and the time burden of the application process; (ii) impacts of inaccessibility, encompassing medical consequences and financial burden on families; and (iii) ethical considerations, centred around balancing realistic expectations and providing compassionate care to patients and families. Paediatric oncologists expressed frustration with the complex regulatory landscape and the lack of systematic reporting on applications and outcomes of obtaining novel agents. Lengthy wait times for decision notifications were also highlighted, raising concerns about missed therapeutic opportunities for patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insight to the challenges faced when seeking access to novel therapies for paediatric oncology patients. There is a clear need for improved communication, streamlining processes and increased resources to facilitate access to novel agents. Further resource development is necessary to address these complexities in accessing novel therapy agents to ultimately ensure equitable and timely access.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the innermost monolayer of the vasculature, endothelial cells (ECs) serve as the interface for multiplex signal transduction. Directly exposed to blood-borne factors, both endogenous and exogenous, ECs actively mediate vascular homeostasis and represent a therapeutic target against cardiometabolic diseases. ECs act as the first-line gateway between gut-derived substances and vasculature. Additionally, ECs convert blood flow-exerted hemodynamic forces into downstream biochemical signaling to modulate vascular pathophysiology. Besides, ECs can sense other forms of stimuli, like cell extrusion, thermal stimulation, photostimulation, radiation, magnetic field, noise, and gravity. Future efforts are still needed to deepen our understanding on endothelial biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tau protein is a microtubule-associated protein that is widely distributed in the central nervous system and maintains and regulates neuronal morphology and function. Tau protein aggregates abnormally and forms neurofibrillary tangles in neurodegenerative diseases, disrupting the structure and function of neurons and leading to neuronal death, which triggers the initiation and progression of neurological disorders. The aggregation of tau protein in neurodegenerative diseases is associated with post-translational modifications, which may affect the hydrophilicity, spatial conformation, and stability of tau protein, promoting tau protein aggregation and the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. Therefore, studying the role of tau protein in neurodegenerative diseases and the mechanism of aberrant aggregation is important for understanding the mechanism of neurodegenerative diseases and finding therapeutic approaches. This review describes the possible mechanisms by which tau protein promotes neurodegenerative diseases, the post-translational modifications of tau protein and associated influencing factors, and the current status of drug discovery and development related to tau protein, which may contribute to the development of new therapeutic approaches to alleviate or treat neurodegenerative diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homeodomain transcription factor A9 (HOXA9) is a member of the HOX cluster family of transcription factors that are crucially involved in embryo implantation, morphogenesis, body axis development, and endothelial cell differentiation. Despite numerous reports on its aberrant expression in a few malignancies, the molecular and functional complexity of HOXA9 across cancers remains obscure. We aimed to analyze the dynamic role of HOXA9 across cancers by identifying, analyzing, and understanding its multiple modes of regulation and functional implications and identifying possible therapeutic avenues. We conducted a comprehensive analysis to determine the role of HOXA9 across cancers. This approach involved the integration of large-scale datasets from public repositories such as the Genomic Data Commons, specifically the Cancer Genome Atlas (GDC-TCGA), across 33 different cancer types. The multiple modes of HOXA9 regulation by genetic and epigenetic factors were determined using online tools, which comprised experimentally validated observations. Furthermore, downstream pathways were identified by predicting the targets of HOXA9 and by performing functional enrichment analysis. We also assessed the clinical significance of HOXA9 in terms of prognosis and stage stratification. This study evaluated the correlation between HOXA9 and tumor-infiltrating molecules and discussed its association with therapeutically approved antineoplastic drugs. HOXA9 was significantly upregulated in 9 tumors and downregulated in 2 cancers. The deregulation of HOXA9 is primarily attributed to epigenetic factors, including promoter DNA methylation and noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs). The HOXA9 transcription factor interacts with PBX/MEIS cofactors and regulates multiple genes involved in cancer-associated EMT, autophagy, the cell cycle, metabolic pathways, Wnt signaling, TGF-β signaling, the AMPK pathway, PI3K/AKT signaling, and NF-κB signaling, thereby establishing control over downstream mechanisms. Differential expression in various clinical stages across cancers was shown to have prognostic significance and to be correlated with tumor-infiltrating immune molecules. The assessment of the correlation of HOXA9 expression with approved antineoplastic drugs revealed that targeting HOXA9 could be the most reliable strategy for preventing cancer progression. HOXA9 is upregulated in the majority of malignancies and drives cancer progression by regulating multiple signaling mechanisms. Hence, HOXA9 could be a reliable diagnostic indicator and a potential therapeutic candidate for solid cancer types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liver cancer ranks third globally among causes of cancer-related deaths, posing a significant public health challenge. However, current treatments are inadequate, prompting a growing demand for novel, safe, and effective therapies. Natural products (NPs) have emerged as promising candidates in drug development due to their diverse biological activities, low toxicity, and minimal side effects. This paper begins by reviewing existing treatment methods and drugs for liver cancer. It then summarizes the therapeutic effects of NPs sourced from various origins on liver cancer. Finally, we analyze the potential mechanisms of NPs in treating liver cancer, including inhibition of angiogenesis, migration, and invasion; regulation of the cell cycle; induction of apoptosis, autophagy, pyroptosis, and ferroptosis; influence on tumor metabolism; immune regulation; regulation of intestinal function; and regulation of key signaling pathways. This systematic review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of NPs research in liver cancer treatment, offering a foundation for further development and application in pharmaceuticals and functional foods.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2023.1193992.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sinomenine (SIN), an alkaloid derived from the traditional Chinese medicine, Caulis Sinomenii, has been used as an anti-inflammatory drug in China for over 30 years. With the continuous increase in research on the pharmacological mechanism of SIN, it has been found that, in addition to the typical rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment, SIN can be used as a potentially effective therapeutic drug for anti-tumour, anti-renal, and anti-nervous system diseases. By reviewing a large amount of literature and conducting a summary analysis of the literature pertaining to the pharmacological mechanism of SIN, we completed a review that focused on SIN, found that the current research is insufficient, and offered an outlook for future SIN development. We hope that this review will increase the public understanding of the pharmacological mechanisms of SIN, discover SIN research trial shortcomings, and promote the effective treatment of immune diseases, inflammation, and other related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A tömegturizmus nemzetközivé válásával és a megfizethető utaztatási technikák kialakulásával több, nagy kockázatú utazó réteg alakult ki: ezek közül a legsérülékenyebbek a multimorbid (általában idősebb) emberek és a krónikus betegségben szenvedő utazók. Nekik rendszeres napi gyógyszerszedésre van szükségük. A külföldre vihető gyógyszerek mennyisége és hatóanyag-tartalmuk azonban szigorúan szabályozott, emiatt az utazás előtti tanácsot adó orvosoknak, gyógyszerészeknek ezen a téren naprakész tájékozottsággal kell rendelkezniük. A megfelelő adatbázishoz való hozzáférés lehetősége, annak használata azonban nem ismert széleskörűen. Európában a schengeni határokon belül a gyógyszerek kivitele és behozatala egységes szabályozás alá esik, de a szabályozás ezen országokon kívül változó. Szükséges egy olyan adatbázis összeállítása, amely segítséget nyújt a rendszeresen gyógyszert szedő utazók felkészítését végző orvosoknak, egyrészt a jogszabályoknak megfelelő gyógyszermennyiség felírásában, másrészt pedig a külföldre, a nemzetközi határokon átvihető és át nem vihető gyógyszerekről való tájékozódásban. A szerzők a hozzáférhető nemzetközi és országos adatbázisok felmérésével, a meglévő szabályozás áttekintésével a hatóságok által összeállított adatbázison kívül – azt kiegészítve – új adatbázist dolgoztak ki. A létrehozott adatbázis 15, a magyar utazók által leggyakrabban választott úti cél adatait és szabályozásait dolgozza fel. A krónikus betegségben szenvedő utazók gyógyszerkészletének összeállításakor a létrehozott adatbázis információi elsőrendű fontosságúak, mert a nem engedélyezett szerek külföldre való vitele a megfelelő adminisztratív feltételek hiánya esetén a gyógyszer bevitelének megakadályozásán kívül komoly büntetőjogi következményekkel is járhat. Ezért az utazási tanácsokat adó orvosoknak ismerniük kell a szabályozásokat, mert az utazás előtti megfelelő tanácsadásnak szerves részét képezi a megfelelő mennyiségű gyógyszerek felírása és a gyógyszerelések úti célnak megfelelő módosítása. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(20): 769–774.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is an indolamine that is synthesized from tryptophan in the pineal glands of vertebrates through four enzymatic reactions. Melatonin is a quite unique bioactive substance, characterized by a combination of both receptor-mediated and receptor-independent actions, which promote the diverse effects of melatonin. One of the main functions of melatonin, via its membrane receptors, is to regulate the circadian or seasonal rhythm. In mammals, light information, which controls melatonin synthesis, is received in the eye, and transmitted to the pineal gland, via the suprachiasmatic nucleus, where the central clock is located. Alternatively, in many vertebrates other than mammals, the pineal gland cells, which are involved in melatonin synthesis and secretion and in the circadian clock, directly receive light. Recently, it has been reported that melatonin possesses several metabolic functions, which involve bone and glucose, in addition to regulating the circadian rhythm. Melatonin improves bone strength by inhibiting osteoclast activity. It is also known to maintain brain activity during sleep by increasing glucose uptake at night, in an insulin-independent manner. Moreover, as a non-receptor-mediated action, melatonin has antioxidant properties. Melatonin has been proven to be a potent free radical scavenger and a broad-spectrum antioxidant, even protecting organisms against radiation from space. Melatonin is a ubiquitously distributed molecule and is found in bacteria, unicellular organisms, fungi, and plants. It is hypothesized that melatonin initially functioned as an antioxidant, then, in vertebrates, it combined this role with the ability to regulate rhythm and metabolism, via its receptors.





