teaching motivation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Australia, university clinical programs rely heavily on external healthcare professionals to provide a range of authentic clinical training and professional development opportunities for students. There is, however, a limited understanding of the factors that motivate these professionals to be educators and whether this varies across different healthcare disciplines within Australia. As the demand for clinical placements continues to increase, it is critical for the ongoing success of these programs that universities identify both the barriers associated with teaching and the benefits that enhance job satisfaction.
    METHODS: A two-part questionnaire was emailed to 849 external healthcare educators teaching predominantly in Medicine, Medical Imaging, and Optometry programs at Deakin University. Part-one surveyed the socio-demographics, perceived benefits, and barriers to teaching, plus the utilisation of entitlements offered by the university. Part-two was modelled on Dybowski and Harendza\'s validated Physician Teaching Motivation Questionnaire (PTMQ) and adapted to an Australian audience.
    RESULTS: Overall, 776 out of the 849 questionnaires were considered in the final participant pool. The response rate for part-one was 19.7% (n = 153/776) and 18.3% (n = 142/776) for part-two. Across all professions, altruism was the primary source of motivation for teaching in Deakin University\'s healthcare programs. Medical Imaging educators placed a higher value on career-related teaching aspects compared to those in Medicine and Optometry (p < 0.003). The resources and benefits associated with teaching were generally perceived to be of minimal importance. External healthcare educators most commonly reported that there were no barriers to teaching (41.3%, n = 78) however, increased workloads and time constraints were the next most likely factors to affect teaching participation (31.8%, n = 60).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our validated adaptation of the PTMQ successfully targeted healthcare professions not focussed on by Dybowski and Harendza. Altruistic motivation was the overarching theme for why Australian external healthcare educators contribute to teaching with some differences in career-driven motivation additionally acknowledged. Despite there being no key benefits or barriers to teaching participation, universities must remain cognisant of the factors that influence the recruitment and retention of external healthcare educators and how to optimise these for the ongoing success and sustainability of their teaching programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to investigate the mediating role of achievement goals in the relationship between teachers\' zest for work and teaching motivation.
    UNASSIGNED: The research was designed using the relational survey model. The research sample consisted of 518 teachers working in various cities in Turkey in 2023-2024 academic year fall semester. A convenience sampling method was used in sampling. Three Likert-type scales were used as data collection tools. In the data analysis, firstly, the data suitability to normal distributions was examined. As a result of the analysis, kurtosis and skewness values were examined and it was assumed that the data were normally distributed. SPSS Process extension was used to analyze the data.
    UNASSIGNED: According to the research results, teachers\' zest for work positively and significantly predicted strong and positive achievement goals. In addition, teachers\' achievement goals significantly and positively predicted their teaching motivation. Additionally, teachers\' zest for work positively and significantly predicted their teaching motivation. Moreover, it can be inferred that achievement goals for students have a mediating role in the relationship between teachers\' zest for work and teaching motivation. In this context, it is suggested that policies that increase teachers\' teaching motivation should be prioritized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the motivation, attitude, and practice toward mentoring and related factors among clinical nursing mentors.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study included clinical nursing mentors from 30 hospitals in Zhejiang Province between August and September 2023. Demographic information, motivation, attitude, and practice were collected through a self-administered questionnaire.
    RESULTS: A total of 495 valid questionnaires were collected, and most of the participants were 30-39 years old (68.7%). Average motivation, attitude, and practice scores were 29 [26, 32] (possible range: 8-40), 87 (82, 94) (possible range: 22-110), and 41 (38, 45) (possible range: 11-55), respectively. Correlation analyses showed that the motivation scores were positively correlated with attitude scores (r = 0.498, P < 0.001) and practice scores (r = 0.408, P = 0.001), while attitude scores were positively correlated with practice scores (r = 0.554, P < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression showed that intermediate and senior nursing mentors (OR = 0.638, 95% CI: [0.426-0.956], P = 0.030) and different hospitals (OR = 1.627, 95% CI: [1.054-2.511], P = 0.028) were independently associated with motivation. The hospital\'s frequency of psychological care was a significant factor associated with nursing mentoring motivation, attitude, and practice. Participation in training (OR = 2.908, 95% CI: [1.430, 5.913], P = 0.003) and lower frequency of job evaluation in hospital (\"Often\": OR = 0.416, 95% CI: [0.244-0.709], P = 0.001 and \"Sometimes\": OR = 0.346, 95% CI: [0.184-0.650], P = 0.001) were independently associated with practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clinical nursing mentors had adequate motivation, positive attitude, and proactive practice towards mentoring and associated factors. Clinical nursing mentorship should be enhanced by prioritizing mentor training, fostering a supportive environment with consistent psychological care, and promoting structured mentorship activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This research investigates the complex interplay of factors influencing teacher emotional exhaustion within the educational environment. It draws upon a diverse sample of 680 teachers from 15 primary educational institutions in various districts of Shanghai, China.
    UNASSIGNED: The study examines the interrelationships among teacher-student relationships, perceived autonomy, teaching motivation, and emotional exhaustion. It employs validated scales to measure these constructs and utilizes Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: The analyses using SEM reveal significant associations among the variables under study. The findings indicate robust correlations between positive teacher-student relationships, perceived autonomy, and higher teaching motivation. Concurrently, these factors exhibit a negative relationship with emotional exhaustion.
    UNASSIGNED: Mediation analysis further unveils that teaching motivation plays a significant mediating role in the associations between teacher-student relationships, perceived autonomy, and emotional exhaustion. This emphasizes the intricate indirect effects of these constructs.
    UNASSIGNED: The study underscores the multifaceted nature of these factors and their collective impact on teacher well-being within educational settings. The implications derived highlight the importance for educational institutions to prioritize interventions fostering positive teacher-student relationships, autonomy-supportive environments, and intrinsic motivation among educators. These interventions aim to alleviate emotional exhaustion and enhance teacher well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the new licensing regulations for doctors coming into force, medical faculties are faced with the task of recruiting and qualifying more GP colleagues to train students in their practices.
    The aim of the study was to determine the motivation of GPs to train students in their own medical practices.
    A cross-sectional survey of Thuringian GPs was conducted from April to May 2020. 21 items on motivation, incentives and barriers were recorded and examined using univariate and multivariate analyses.
    The response rate was 35.8% (538/1,513). The GPs surveyed considered themselves motivated to train students in their medical practices. The motives can be described as predominantly intrinsic: the mutual exchange of knowledge, desire to share knowledge and to promote future doctors. Incentives included the opportunity to keep up to date with the latest knowledge, further training and contacts with colleagues. Barriers to teaching in the own medical practice were concerns about not being able to treat the same number of patients, a possible disruption of practice operations and lack of space. An analysis of the subgroups of GPs who were not yet teaching physicians indicated similar motives and barriers regarding training students in their practices, with a slightly lower overall motivation.
    The results describe the facets of the motivation of Thuringian GPs to train students and can be helpful for the expansion of a sustainable network of training GP practices. It is essential to address motives, to counter difficulties with individual solutions and to create targeted incentives.
    Mit Inkrafttreten der neuen Approbationsordnung für Ärzte stehen die Medizinischen Fakultäten vor der Aufgabe, weitere hausärztliche Kolleg*innen für die Ausbildung Studierender in ihren Praxen zu gewinnen und zu qualifizieren.
    Ziel der Studie war die Erfassung der Motivation von Hausärzt*innen zur Ausbildung Studierender in der eigenen Praxis.
    Von April bis Mai 2020 wurde eine Querschnittsbefragung von Thüringer Hausärzt*innen durchgeführt. 21 Items zu Motivation, Anreizen und Barrieren wurden erfasst und mittels univariater und multivariater Analysen untersucht.
    Der Rücklauf betrug 35,8% (538/1.513). Die befragten Hausärzt*innen schätzten sich motiviert ein, Studierende in ihrer Praxis auszubilden. Die Motive sind als überwiegend intrinsisch zu beschreiben: beidseitiger Wissensaustausch, Lust, Wissen zu teilen und den Nachwuchs zu fördern. Anreize waren die Chance, selbst auf dem neuesten Stand des Wissens zu bleiben, Fortbildungen und kollegiale Kontakte. Als hinderlich für Lehre in der eigenen Praxis zeigten sich die Sorge, weniger Patient*innen versorgen zu können, eine mögliche Störung des Praxisablaufs und fehlende Räumlichkeiten. Eine Subgruppenanalyse der Hausärzt*innen, die noch keine Lehrärzt*innen waren, nannten ähnliche Motive und Barrieren hinsichtlich der Ausbildung Studierender in ihrer Praxis bei einer insgesamt etwas geringeren Gesamtmotivation.
    Die Ergebnisse beschreiben die Facetten der Lehrmotivation unter Thüringer Hausärzt*innen und können beim Ausbau eines nachhaltigen, hausärztlichen Lehrpraxennetzwerks hilfreich sein. Motive sollten adressiert, Schwierigkeiten mit individuellen Lösungen begegnet und zielgerichtete Anreize geschaffen werden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim is to record existing attitudes, influencing factors and specialised requirements with regard to the training of medical students in specialist outpatient care with doctors working in outpatient care.
    Between September 2020 and May 2021, individual interviews with 15 specialists employed in outpatient care were held as part of this qualitative study. The recorded interviews were evaluated structurally in accordance with the Kuchartz method.
    Enhanced outpatient training for medical students in specialist teaching practices was considered as important by all participants. Among other things, motivational factors were pleasure in teaching, a feeling of duty, the desire to pass something on, the need to convey one\'s own ideas and to generate future talent for the field. A lack of time, greater organisational effort and legal concerns were stated as hurdles. Reducing organisational effort for teaching practices, appreciation of their teaching activity and financial considerations were in particular given as significant incentives for participating. The attitude of participants towards financial remuneration was heterogeneous. Different specialist features and requirements for student training were mapped out.
    This study provides, for the first time, findings about teaching in specialist outpatient establishments. They point to a great degree of willingness of specialist doctors to undertake teaching and provide starting points for creating concepts about producing teaching practices in specialist fields. Further quantitative investigation is required to substantiate the findings before us.
    Ziel ist es, vorhandene Einstellungen, Einflussfaktoren und fachbezogene Voraussetzungen hinsichtlich der Ausbildung Medizinstudierender in der fachspezialistischen ambulanten Versorgung bei ambulant tätigen Ärzt*innen zu erfassen.
    In dieser qualitativen Studie wurden im Zeitraum September 2020 – Mai 2021 leitfadengestützte Einzelinterviews mit 15 ambulant tätigen Fachspezialist*innen durchgeführt. Die per Audio aufgenommenen Interviews wurden inhaltlich strukturierend nach Kuckartz ausgewertet.
    Eine verstärkte ambulante Ausbildung Medizinstudierender in fachspezialistischen Lehrpraxen wurde von allen Teilnehmer*innen als wichtig erachtet. Motivatoren waren u.a. die Freude an der Lehrtätigkeit, ein Verpflichtungsgefühl, der Wunsch etwas weiterzugeben, das Bedürfnis eigene Ideale zu vermitteln und die Nachwuchsgenerierung für das Fach. Als Hürden wurden fehlende Zeit, hoher organisatorischer Aufwand und rechtliche Bedenken geäußert. Als wesentliche Anreize zur Beteiligung an der studentischen Lehre wurden insbesondere die organisatorische Aufwandreduktion für die Lehrpraxen, Wertschätzung ihrer Lehrtätigkeit und finanzielle Vergütung angesprochen. Die Haltung der Teilnehmer*innen zur finanziellen Vergütung war heterogen. Unterschiedliche, fachspezifische Besonderheiten und Voraussetzungen für die studentische Ausbildung wurden herausgearbeitet.
    Mit dieser Studie liegen erstmals Erkenntnisse zur Lehre in fachspezialistischen ambulanten Praxen vor. Sie weisen auf eine hohe Bereitschaft der Ärzt*innen zur Durchführung der Lehre hin und geben Ansatzpunkte für Konzepte zur Lehrpraxengewinnung in den fachspezialistischen Fächern. Es sind weiterführende quantitative Untersuchungen erforderlich, um die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zu untermauern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Teaching is a highly demanding profession that requires handling multiple and potentially contradictory goals. Therefore, it is likely that teachers experience conflict between work-related goals on a daily basis. Intraindividual goal conflict may occur when individuals pursue multiple goals drawing on the same limited resources (resource-based goal conflict), or when two or more goals are incompatible in terms of goal attainment strategy or desired end states (inherent goal conflict). Because goal conflict is typically associated with negative effects such as attenuated motivation and wellbeing, teacher goal conflict may jeopardize teaching motivation. This cross-sectional study investigated the effects of in-service teachers\' (N = 302) goal conflicts on their autonomous (intrinsic and identified regulation) and controlled (introjected and extrinsic regulation) teaching motivation and tested the satisfaction of teachers\' basic need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness as mediators. In line with our hypotheses, results from structural equation modeling showed that frequently experiencing resource-based goal conflict leads to a lower satisfaction of the basic need for autonomy, which, however, was unrelated to teaching motivation. In contrast, frequently experiencing inherent goal conflict attenuates the satisfaction of the basic need for competence, which, in turn, positively predicted autonomous teaching motivation and negatively predicted extrinsic regulation. As expected, relatedness was not associated with the experience of goal conflict. The discussion focuses on differential effects of the two types of goal conflict on teaching motivation and on the relevance to expand research on teachers\' intraindividual goal conflicts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Medical schools have undergone a period of continual curricular change in recent years, particularly with regard to pre-clinical education. While these changes have many benefits for students, the impact on faculty is less clear.
    METHODS: In this study, faculty motivation to teach in the pre-clinical medical curriculum was examined using self-determination theory (SDT) as a framework. Basic science and clinical faculty were surveyed on factors impacting their motivation to teach using validated scales of motivation as well as open-ended questions which were coded using self-determination theory (SDT) as a guiding framework.
    RESULTS: Faculty reported that teaching activities often meet their basic psychological needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Professors were more likely than associate professors to report that teaching met their need for autonomy. Faculty were more motivated by intrinsic as compared to external factors, although basic science faculty were more likely than clinical faculty to be motivated by external factors. Motivating and de-motivating factors fell into the themes Resources, Recognition and Rewards, Student Factors, Self-Efficacy, Curriculum, Contribution, and Enjoyment. The majority of factors tied to the faculty\'s need for relatedness. Based on these findings, a conceptual model for understanding medical school faculty motivation to teach was developed.
    CONCLUSIONS: Assessing faculty motivation to teach provided valuable insights into how faculty relate to their teaching roles and what factors influence them to continue in those roles. This information may be useful in guiding future faculty development and research efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Policy initiatives that aim to elevate the position of medical teaching to that of medical research could influence the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs related to motivation for medical teaching. To explore relations between the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs towards medical teaching and two policy initiatives for medical teaching: (Junior) Principal Lecturer positions [(J)PL positions] and Subsidized Innovation and Research Projects in Medical Education (SIRPMEs). An online questionnaire was used to collect data about medical teaching in the setting of a university hospital. We adapted the Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction scale (Van den Broeck et al. in J Occup Organ Psychol, 83(4):981-1002, 2010), in order to measure feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in teaching. We examined the relations between (J)PL positions and SIRPMEs and the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs. A total of 767 medical teachers participated. The initiatives appear to be related to different beneficial outcomes in terms of feelings of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in medical teaching. Either a (J)PL position is obtained by teachers who feel competent and related towards medical teaching, or obtaining a (J)PL position makes teachers feel more competent and related towards teaching, or these relations could be interacting. Also, either a SIRPME is obtained by teachers who feel competent and autonomous towards medical teaching, or obtaining a SIRPME makes teachers feel more competent and autonomous towards teaching, or these relations could be interacting. Additional research needs to scrutinize the causal or interacting relations further and to determine optimal conditions for these policy initiatives more specifically. Implications for future research are discussed.





