
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The photopigment-encoding visual opsin genes that mediate color perception show great variation in copy number and adaptive function across vertebrates. An open question is how this variation has been shaped by the interaction of lineage-specific structural genomic architecture and ecological selection pressures. We contribute to this issue by investigating the expansion dynamics and expression of the duplicated Short-Wavelength-Sensitive-1 opsin (SWS1) in sea snakes (Elapidae). We generated one new genome, 45 resequencing datasets, 10 retinal transcriptomes, and 81 SWS1 exon sequences for sea snakes, and analyzed these alongside 16 existing genomes for sea snakes and their terrestrial relatives. Our analyses revealed multiple independent transitions in SWS1 copy number in the marine Hydrophis clade, with at least three lineages having multiple intact SWS1 genes: the previously studied Hydrophis cyanocinctus and at least two close relatives of this species; Hydrophis atriceps and Hydrophis fasciatus; and an individual Hydrophis curtus. In each lineage, gene copy divergence at a key spectral tuning site resulted in distinct UV and Violet/Blue-sensitive SWS1 subtypes. Both spectral variants were simultaneously expressed in the retinae of H. cyanocinctus and H. atriceps, providing the first evidence that these SWS1 expansions confer novel phenotypes. Finally, chromosome annotation for nine species revealed shared structural features in proximity to SWS1 regardless of copy number. If these features are associated with SWS1 duplication, expanded opsin complements could be more common in snakes than is currently recognized. Alternatively, selection pressures specific to aquatic environments could favor improved chromatic distinction in just some lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual perception plays a crucial role in foraging, avoiding predators, mate selection, and communication. The regulation of color vision is largely dependent on opsin, which is the first step in the formation of the visual transduction cascade in photoreceptor cells. Short-wave-sensitive 1 (sws1) is a visual pigment that mediates short-wavelength light transduction in vertebrates. The depletion of sws1 resulted in increased M-opsin in mice. However, there is still no report on the visual function of sws1 in teleost fish. Here, we constructed the sws1 knockout medaka using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. The 6 dph (days post-hatching) medaka sws1-/- larvae exhibited significantly decreased food intake and total length at the first feeding stage, and the mRNA levels of orexigenic genes (npy and agrp) were significantly upregulated after feeding. The swimming speed was significantly reduced during the period of dark-light transition stimulation in the sws1-mutant larvae. Histological analysis showed that the thickness of the lens was reduced, whereas the thickness of the ganglion cell layer (GCL) was significantly increased in sws1-/- medaka larvae. Additionally, the deletion of sws1 decreased the mRNA levels of genes involved in phototransduction (gnb3b, grk7a, grk7b, and pde6c). We also observed increased retinal cell apoptosis and oxidative stress in sws1 knockout medaka larvae. Collectively, these results suggest that sws1 deficiency in medaka larvae may impair visual function and cause retinal cell apoptosis, which is associated with the downregulation of photoconduction expression and oxidative stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Color vision is mediated by the expression of different major visual pigment proteins (opsins) on retinal photoreceptors. Vertebrates have four classes of cone opsins that are most sensitive to different wavelengths of light: short wavelength sensitive 1 (SWS1), short wavelength sensitive 2 (SWS2), medium wavelength sensitive (RH2), and long wavelength sensitive (LWS). UV wavelengths play important roles in foraging and communication. However, direct evidence provide links between sws1 and first feeding is lacking. Here, CRISPR/Cas9 technology was performed to generate mutant zebrafish lines with sws1 deletion. sws1 mutant zebrafish larvae exhibited decreased sws1, rh2-2, and lws1 expression, and increased rod gene (rho and gnat1) expression. Furthermore, the sws1-deficient larvae exhibited significantly reduced food intake, and the orexigenic genes npy and agrp signaling were upregulated at 6 days postfertilization (dpf). The transcription expression of sws1 and rh2-3 genes decreased in sws1-/- adults compared to wild type. Surprisingly, the results of feeding at the adult stage were not the same with larvae. sws1 deficiency did not affect food intake and appetite gene expression at adult stages. These results reveal a role for sws1 in normal cone development and first feeding in larval zebrafish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Snakes are known to express a rod visual opsin and two cone opsins, only (SWS1, LWS), a reduced palette resulting from their supposedly fossorial origins. Dipsadid snakes in the genus Helicops are highly visual predators that successfully invaded freshwater habitats from ancestral terrestrial-only habitats. Here, we report the first case of multiple SWS1 visual pigments in a vertebrate, simultaneously expressed in different photoreceptors and conferring both UV and violet sensitivity to Helicops snakes. Molecular analysis and in vitro expression confirmed the presence of two functional SWS1 opsins, likely the result of recent gene duplication. Evolutionary analyses indicate that each sws1 variant has undergone different evolutionary paths with strong purifying selection acting on the UV-sensitive copy and dN/dS ∼1 on the violet-sensitive copy. Site-directed mutagenesis points to the functional role of a single amino acid substitution, Phe86Val, in the large spectral shift between UV and violet opsins. In addition, higher densities of photoreceptors and SWS1 cones in the ventral retina suggest improved acuity in the upper visual field possibly correlated with visually guided behaviors. The expanded visual opsin repertoire and specialized retinal architecture are likely to improve photon uptake in underwater and terrestrial environments, and provide the neural substrate for a gain in chromatic discrimination, potentially conferring unique color vision in the UV-violet range. Our findings highlight the innovative solutions undertaken by a highly specialized lineage to tackle the challenges imposed by the invasion of novel photic environments and the extraordinary diversity of evolutionary trajectories taken by visual opsin-based perception in vertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dissecting the genetic basis of phenotypic diversity is one of the fundamental goals in evolutionary biology. Despite growing evidence for gene expression divergence being responsible for the evolution of complex traits, knowledge about the proximate genetic causes underlying these traits is still limited. African cichlids have diverse visual systems, with different species expressing different combinations of seven cone opsin genes. Using opsin expression variation in African cichlids as a model for gene expression evolution, this study aims to investigate the genetic architecture of opsin expression divergence in this group.
    RESULTS: Results from a genome-wide linkage mapping on the F2 progeny of an intergeneric cross, between two species with differential opsin expression show that opsins in Lake Malawi cichlids are controlled by multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Most of these QTLs are located in trans to the opsins except for one cis-QTL for SWS1 on LG17. A closer look at this major QTL revealed the presence of a 691 bp deletion in the promoter of the SWS1 opsin (located 751 bp upstream of the start site) that is associated with a decrease in its expression. Phylogenetic footprinting indicates that the region spanning the deletion harbors a microRNA miR-729 and a conserved non-coding element (CNE) that also occurs in zebrafish and other teleosts. This suggests that the deletion might contain ancestrally preserved regulators that have been tuned for SWS1 gene expression in Lake Malawi. While this deletion is not common, it does occur in several other species within the lake.
    CONCLUSIONS: Differential expression of cichlid opsins is associated with multiple overlapping QTL, with all but one in trans to the opsins they regulate. The one cis-acting factor is a deletion in the promoter of the SWS1 opsin, suggesting that ancestral polymorphic deletions may contribute to cichlid\'s visual diversity. In addition to expanding our understanding of the molecular landscape of opsin expression in African cichlids, this study sheds light on the molecular mechanisms underlying phenotypic variation in natural populations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homologous recombination (HR) is an error-free DNA repair mechanism that maintains genome integrity by repairing double-strand breaks (DSBs). Defects in HR lead to genomic instability and are associated with cancer predisposition. A key step in HR is the formation of Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments which are responsible for the homology search and strand invasion steps that define HR. Recently, the budding yeast Shu complex has emerged as an important regulator of Rad51 along with the other Rad51 mediators including Rad52 and the Rad51 paralogs, Rad55-Rad57. The Shu complex is a heterotetramer consisting of two novel Rad51 paralogs, Psy3 and Csm2, along with Shu1 and a SWIM domain-containing protein, Shu2. Studies done primarily in yeast have provided evidence that the Shu complex regulates HR at several types of DNA DSBs (i.e. replication-associated and meiotic DSBs) and that its role in HR is highly conserved across eukaryotic lineages. This review highlights the main findings of these studies and discusses the proposed specific roles of the Shu complex in many aspects of recombination-mediated DNA repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquatic organisms such as cichlids, coelacanths, seals, and cetaceans are active in UV-blue color environments, but many of them mysteriously lost their abilities to detect these colors. The loss of these functions is a consequence of the pseudogenization of their short wavelength-sensitive (SWS1) opsin genes without gene duplication. We show that the SWS1 gene (BdenS1ψ) of the deep-sea fish, pearleye (Benthalbella dentata), became a pseudogene in a similar fashion about 130 million years ago (Mya) yet it is still transcribed. The rates of nucleotide substitution (~1.4 × 10(-9)/site/year) of the pseudogenes of these aquatic species as well as some prosimian and bat species are much smaller than the previous estimates for the globin and immunoglobulin pseudogenes.





