strontium isotopes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the connection between aquifers, aquitards, and groundwater-dependant ecosystems remains a key challenge when developing a conceptual hydrogeological model. The aim of this study was to develop a systematic strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) fingerprinting framework of rocks and water within the sedimentary Surat and Clarence-Moreton basins (SCM basins) in eastern Australia - an area of extensive coal seam gas development and high potential for aquifer and groundwater-surface water connectivity. To do this, new groundwater samples (n = 298) were collected, analyzed and integrated with published data (n = 154) from the basins\' major sedimentary, volcanic and alluvial aquifers, including the major coal seam gas target, the Walloon Coal Measures. Samples were also analyzed from rainfall (n = 2) and surface water (n = 40). In addition, rock core samples (n = 39) from exploration and stratigraphic wells were analyzed to determine the range of Sr isotope composition from host rocks. The analyses of cores demonstrate a distinct and systematic contrast in 87Sr/86Sr between different hydrogeological units. This confirms that all major hydrogeological units have a narrow range with unique 87Sr/86Sr population characteristics that are useful for guiding conceptual model development. Comparison with selected hydrochemical and groundwater age tracers (14C and 36Cl) suggests only limited changes of 87Sr/86Sr from recharge beds to the deeper parts of the basins or with a decrease in natural 14C and 36Cl tracer content along flow paths. Stream sampling during baseflow conditions confirms that 87Sr/86Sr in surface waters are similar to those of the underlying bedrock formations. We demonstrated that 87Sr/86Sr analyses of rocks and water provide a powerful hydrostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic fingerprinting framework in the SCM basins, enabling reliable assessments of plausible aquifer and groundwater-surface water interconnectivity pathways. Applied in other complex multi-aquifer sedimentary basins in Australia, and globally, a similar approach can help to constrain conceptual hydrogeological models and facilitate improved water resource management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Justinian plague and its subsequent outbreaks were major events influencing Early Medieval Europe. One of the affected communities was the population of Saint-Doulchard in France, where plague victim burials were concentrated in a cemetery enclosure ditch. This study aimed to obtain more information about their life-histories using the tools of isotope analysis.
    METHODS: Dietary analysis using carbon and nitrogen isotopes was conducted on 97 individuals buried at Le Pressoir in Saint-Doulchard, with 36 of those originating from the enclosure ditch. This sample set includes all individuals analyzed for plague DNA in a previous study. Mobility analysis using strontium isotope analysis supplements the dietary study, with 47 analyzed humans. The results are supported by a reference sample set of 31 animal specimens for dietary analysis and 9 for mobility analysis.
    RESULTS: The dietary analysis results showed significantly different dietary behavior in individuals from the ditch burials, with better access to higher quality foods richer in animal protein. 87Sr/86Sr ratios are similar for both studied groups and indicate a shared or similar area of origin.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the ditch burials contain an urban population from the nearby city of Bourges, which overall had a better diet than the rural population from Saint-Doulchard. It is implied that city\'s population might have been subjected to high mortality rates during the plague outbreak(s), which led to their interment in nearby rural cemeteries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraspecific biodiversity is vital for species persistence in an increasingly volatile world. By embracing methods that integrate information at different spatiotemporal scales, we can directly monitor and reconstruct changes in intraspecific biodiversity. Here we combined genetics and otolith biochronologies to describe the genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Yuba River, California, comparing cohorts that experienced a range of hydroclimatic conditions. Yuba River salmon have been heavily impacted by habitat loss and degradation, and large influxes of unmarked hatchery fish each year have led to concern about introgression and uncertainty around the viability of its wild populations, particularly the rarer spring-run salmon. Otolith strontium isotopes showed that Yuba River origin fish represented, on average, 42% (range 7%-73%) of spawners across six return years (2009-2011, 2018-2020), with large interannual variability. The remainder of adult Chinook salmon in the river were primarily strays from the nearby Feather River hatchery, and since 2018 from the Mokelumne River hatchery. Among the Yuba-origin spawners, on average, 30% (range 14%-50%) exhibited the spring-run genotype. The Yuba-origin fish also displayed a variety of outmigration phenotypes that differed in the timing and size at which they left the Yuba river. Early-migrating fry dominated the returns (mean 59%, range 33%-89%), and their contribution rates were negatively correlated with freshwater flows. It is unlikely that fry survival rates are elevated during droughts, suggesting that this trend reflects disproportionately low survival of larger later migrating parr, smolts, and yearlings along the migratory corridor in drier years. Otolith daily increments indicated generally faster growth rates in non-natal habitats, emphasizing the importance of continuing upstream restoration efforts to improve in-river growing conditions. Together, these findings show that, despite a long history of habitat degradation and hatchery introgression, the Yuba River maintains intraspecific biodiversity that should be taken into account in future management, restoration, and reintroduction plans. The finding that genotypic spring-run are reproducing, surviving, and returning to the Yuba River every year suggests that re-establishment of an independent population is possible, although hatchery-wild interactions would need to be carefully considered. Integrating methods is critical to monitor changes in key genetic, physiological, and behavioral traits to assess population viability and resilience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Limone Costa d\'Amalfi and Limone di Sorrento lemons from the Sorrento Peninsula have Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and are subject to origin fraud. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio (SrIR) signature of lemons and soils was investigated to verify its reliability to trace the PGI lemons and to highlight environmental factors responsible of the lemon SrIRs. The SrIR ranges of each PGI lemon were not discriminating as they overlapped with each other and some non-PGI lemon SrIRs fell within these ranges. The lemon SrIRs were generally not correlated with bulk and bioavailable soil SrIRs, rather, they were the result of plant Sr uptake with different SrIRs depending on interaction between water supplied to soil and soil with different chemical and physical characteristics. The study of lemon SrIRs and the causes of their origin and variability provides a reliable forecast reference for the other PGI agri-food products in the study area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several food regulatory bodies regard olive oil as highly susceptible to food fraud, largely due to its substantial economic worth. Precise analytical tools are being developed to uncover these types of fraud. This study examines an innovative approach to extract strontium (Sr) from the olive oil matrix (via EDTA complexation and ion-exchange chromatography) and to determine its isotope composition by MC-ICP-MS. This technique was compared to a commonly used technique (i.e. acid extraction and extraction chromatography), and then validated. Three olive oils that are sold in France were prepared and analyzed by two methods: 1) acid extraction prior to Sr purification by Sr-spec resin and 2) complexation by EDTA prior to Sr purification by AG50W-X8. These methods were applied for the determination of the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of 23 olive oils from various countries. We also demonstrated the feasibility of the method for the detection of olive oil mixtures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are patrilocal, with males remaining in their natal community and females dispersing when they reach sexual maturity. However, the details of female chimpanzee dispersal, such as their possible origin, are difficult to assess, even in habituated communities. This study investigates the utility of 87Sr/86Sr analysis for (1) assessing Sr baseline differences between chimpanzee territories and (2) identifying the status (immigrant or natal) of females of unknown origin within the territories of five neighboring communities in Taï National Park (Côte d\'Ivoire).
    To create a local Sr isoscape for the Taï Chimpanzee Project (TCP) study area, we sampled environmental samples from TCP-established territories (n = 35). To assess dispersal patterns, 34 tooth enamel samples (one per individual) were selected from the Taï chimpanzee skeletal collection. 87Sr/86Sr analysis was performed on all 69 samples at the W.M. Keck Lab. The theoretical density and overlap of chimpanzee communities as well as generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to test each question.
    87Sr/86Sr ratios for natal male chimpanzees ranged from 0.71662 to 0.72187, which is well within the corresponding environmental baseline range of 0.70774-0.73460. The local Sr isoscapes fit was estimated with the root-mean-square error value, which was 0.0048 (22% of the whole 87Sr/86Sr data range). GLMMs identified significant differences in 87Sr/86Sr ratios between natal and unknown North community origin groups, suggesting that after 1980, females of unknown origin could be immigrants to North community (n = 7, z-ratio = -4.08, p = 0.0001, power = 0.94).
    This study indicates that 87Sr/86This study indicates that 87Sr/86Sr analysis can successfully identify immigrant females in skeletal collections obtained from wild chimpanzee communities, enabling the tracking of female dispersal patterns historically. There are, however, significant limitations within the scope of this study, such as (1) the absence of reliable maps for the TCP study area, (2) limited capacity for environmental sampling, (3) small sample sizes, and (4) tooth formation in wild chimpanzees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eastern Africa is home to the largest terrestrial migrations on Earth. Though these migratory systems have been well studied for decades, little is known of their antiquity and evolutionary history. Serially sampled strontium stable isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) from tooth enamel can be used to track migration in mammals. Here we analyse 87Sr/86Sr for 79 bovid and equid individuals representing 18 species from four localities in Kenya to characterize prehistoric migratory systems during the Last Glacial Period (115-11.7 ka). Of the species analysed, 16 lack definitive evidence for migration, including blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), Thomson\'s gazelle (Eudorcas thomsonii) and plains zebra (Equus quagga), which are long-distance migrants today in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem and historically in the Athi-Kapiti Plains. Only two species, the extinct wildebeests Rusingoryx atopocranion and Megalotragus sp., were migratory. These findings suggest a possible alternative narrative about ecosystem dynamics during the Last Glacial Period and shed light on the behaviour of both extant and extinct species at this time. In particular, these results indicate that migratory behaviour in extant species either emerged during the Holocene or was more spatiotemporally constrained in the past. Our results contribute to a growing body of evidence suggesting that the structure and function of geologically recent large mammal communities in eastern Africa differed considerably from those observed in the present day.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Horse sacrifice and deposition are enigmatic features of funerary rituals identified across prehistoric Europe that persisted in the eastern Baltic. Genetic and isotopic analysis of horses in Balt cemeteries [1st to 13th centuries CE (Common Era)] dismantle prevailing narratives that locally procured stallions were exclusively selected. Strontium isotope analysis provides direct evidence for long-distance (~300 to 1500 kilometers) maritime transport of Fennoscandian horses to the eastern Baltic in the Late Viking Age (11th to 13th centuries CE). Genetic analysis proves that horses of both sexes were sacrificed with 34% identified as mares. Results transform the understanding of selection criteria, disprove sex-based selection, and elevate prestige value as a more crucial factor. These findings also provide evidence that the continued interaction between pagans and their newly Christianized neighbors sustained the performance of funerary horse sacrifice until the medieval transition. We also present a reference 87Sr/86Sr isoscape for the southeastern Baltic, releasing the potential of future mobility studies in the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interpretations of Late Pleistocene hominin adaptative capacities by archaeologists have focused heavily on their exploitation of certain prey and documented contemporary behaviours for these species. However, we cannot assume that animal prey-taxa ecology and ethology were the same in the past as in the present, or were constant over archaeological timescales. Sequential isotope analysis of herbivore teeth has emerged as a particularly powerful method of directly reconstructing diet, ecology and mobility patterns on sub-annual scales. Here, we apply 87Sr/86Sr isotope analysis, in combination with δ18O and δ13C isotope analysis, to sequentially sampled tooth enamel of prevalent herbivore species that populated Europe during the Last Glacial Period, including Rangifer tarandus, Equus sp. and Mammuthus primigenius. Our samples come from two open-air archaeological sites in Central Germany, Königsaue and Breitenbach, associated with Middle Palaeolithic and early Upper Palaeolithic cultures, respectively. We identify potential inter- and intra-species differences in range size and movement through time, contextualised through insights into diet and the wider environment. However, homogeneous bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr across large parts of the study region prevented the identification of specific migration routes. Finally, we discuss the possible influence of large-herbivore behaviour on hominin hunting decisions at the two sites.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture stands as one of the most important dietary revolutions in human history. Yet, due to a scarcity of well-preserved human remains from Pleistocene sites, little is known about the dietary practices of pre-agricultural human groups. Here we present the isotopic evidence of pronounced plant reliance among Late Stone Age hunter-gatherers from North Africa (15,000-13,000 cal BP), predating the advent of agriculture by several millennia. Employing a comprehensive multi-isotopic approach, we conducted zinc (δ66Zn) and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) analysis on dental enamel, bulk carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) and sulfur (δ34S) isotope analysis on dentin and bone collagen, and single amino acid analysis on human and faunal remains from Taforalt (Morocco). Our results unequivocally demonstrate a substantial plant-based component in the diets of these hunter-gatherers. This distinct dietary pattern challenges the prevailing notion of high reliance on animal proteins among pre-agricultural human groups. It also raises intriguing questions surrounding the absence of agricultural development in North Africa during the early Holocene. This study underscores the importance of investigating dietary practices during the transition to agriculture and provides insights into the complexities of human subsistence strategies across different regions.





