
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the common side effects of chemotherapy drugs is ovarian failure and uterine dysfunction, which can occur after the administration of doxorubicin and/or cyclophosphamide. In clinics, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa) are used to modulate the toxic effect of chemotherapy and intercept infertility with some controversy and limited histological knowledge. This study aimed to evaluate the serological and histological features of protective effects of triptorelin, (GnRHa), on utero-ovarian tissue in the mice treated with cyclophosphamide and/or doxorubicin. Forty-eight female BALB/c mice were randomly divided into 8 groups as follows: Group I: normal saline; Group II: triptorelin; Group III: cyclophosphamide; Group IV: doxorubicin; Group V: cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin; and Groups VI, VII, and VIII: after injection of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, or cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin, administration of triptorelin (1 mg/kg; intraperitoneally) for 15 consecutive days, respectively. On the 21st day, the ovaries and uterine horns were dissected and weighed. Then, tissue processing and staining were performed for further histological and stereological studies. Triptorelin treatment in the damaged groups significantly increased the number of primordial and pre-antral follicles and granulosa cells. It decreased the number of atretic follicles compared to cyclophosphamide and/or doxorubicin-treated groups (P < 0.05). Triptorelin also significantly improved the volume of the ovary, cortex, medulla, oocytes in the primordial and antral follicles, uterus, endometrium, myometrium, uterine glands, and endometrial blood vessels in the damaged groups (P < 0.05). Triptorelin treatment prevents the destructive effects of cyclophosphamide and/or doxorubicin on utero-ovarian tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adolescence is a critical period of development characterized by numerous behavioral and neuroanatomical changes. While studies of adolescent neurodevelopment typically compare adolescent age groups with young adults, there are fewer studies that assess developmental trajectories within the adolescent period. In the adolescent prefrontal cortex, some maturational changes take place linearly/chronologically, while others are associated specifically with pubertal onset. The adolescent ventral tegmental area (VTA), a primary source of forebrain dopamine, is relatively understudied during this period. In the present study, dopamine neuron number, total neuron number and tyrosine hydroxylase expression are assessed in the male and female rat VTA at three timepoints: postnatal day(P) 30 (pre-pubertal), P40 (post-pubertal for females, pre-pubertal for males) and P60 (post-pubertal). There was a non-significant trend for a reduction in total VTA neuron number between P30 and P60, but there was a significant reduction in dopamine neuron number across age. The expression of tyrosine hydroxylase did not change with age. However, in a second cohort of subjects, brain tissue was collected pre-pubertal, from recently post-pubertal males and females, and young adults. In this cohort, there was a sex-specific and transient decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase expression in recently post-pubertal males. These results suggest a selective pruning of VTA dopamine cells between early adolescence and young adulthood, while pubertal onset may coincide with a rapid maturation of these neurons. These findings may have implications for psychiatric disorders associated with dopamine dysfunction that tend to manifest during adolescence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclophosphamide, a chemotherapy drug, increases oxidative stress in sperm and testicular tissue. This study evaluated the effect of silymarin, a potent antioxidant, on the quality of sperm and testicular tissue in mice treated with cyclophosphamide. NMRI adult male mice were divided into four groups: control; cyclophosphamide (intraperitoneal injection, 100 mg/kg, once a week); cyclophosphamide + silymarin; and silymarin (intraperitoneal injection, 200 mg/kg, every other day). After a 35-day treatment period, the caudal region of the epididymis was examined for sperm parameters, the right testis was used for stereological studies, and the left testis was used to assess biochemical factors. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software, one-way ANOVA and Tukey\'s test. In the cyclophosphamide group, there was a significant reduction in the mean total volume of testicular tissue, the average volume of seminiferous tubules and their components, and the average volume of interstitial tissue. Additionally, there was a notable decrease (p < 0.001) in the average number of Leydig cells, Sertoli cells, and sperm parameters. The mean concentration of testosterone hormone (p < 0.05) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) level (p < 0.01) also significantly decreased, while the malondialdehyde (MDA) level increased significantly (p < 0.05). However, these adverse changes were mitigated in the cyclophosphamide + silymarin group compared to the cyclophosphamide group. Our results showed that silymarin as an antioxidant can mitigate the adverse effects of cyclophosphamide on testicular tissue and sperm parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work aimed to describe and quantify the tissue components of the digestive tube of the neotropical freshwater stingray, Potamotrygon wallacei. For this, conventional histology and stereological methods were used to estimate tissue volume. The volumes of the four fundamental layers and the tissue components in the stomach (cardiac and pyloric) and spiral intestine were also estimated. In the cardiac stomach, the mucosa layer occupies 44.7% of the total volume of the organ wall. The gastric glands are the main components, and these structures alone represent 49.7% of this layer. This large number of gastric glands suggests a high potential for processing food items with a high protein content. The stereological methods were sensitive enough to show a reduction in the volume of the gastric glands from the cardiac region toward the pyloric region. Gastric glands are absent in the pyloric region of the stomach. However, the muscularis becomes thicker towards the pyloric region. The increase in smooth muscle thickness is due to the thickening of the inner muscular layer. This suggests that the role of the pyloric stomach may be related to the mixing of the chyme and assisting its passage to the spiral intestine. In the spiral intestine, data on the volume of the mucosa layer (and epithelial lining) suggest that the spiral valve has a large absorptive area. In several respects, the morphology of the digestive tube of P. wallacei is similar to that of other batoids. However, its slight morphological variations may be related to the habitat specificity of this species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The proper function of the placenta is essential for the health and growth of the fetus and the mother. The placenta relies on dynamic gene expression for its correct and timely development and function. Although numerous studies have identified genes vital for placental functions, equine placental molecular research has primarily focused on single placental locations, in sharp contrast with the broader approach in human studies. Here, we hypothesized that the molecular differences across different regions of the equine placenta are negligible because of its diffuse placental type with a macroscopic homogenous distribution of villi across the placental surface. We compared the transcriptome and stereological findings of the body, pregnant horn, and non-pregnant horn within the equine chorioallantois. Our transcriptomic analysis indicates that the variation between regions of the placenta within individuals is less than the variation observed between individuals. A low number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (n = 8) was identified when comparing pregnant and non-pregnant horns within the same placenta, suggesting a remarkable molecular uniformity. A higher number of DEGs was identified when comparing each horn to the body (193 DEGs comparing pregnant horn with body and 207 DEGs comparing non-pregnant horn with body). Genes with a higher expression in the body were associated with processes such as extracellular matrix synthesis and remodeling, which is relevant for placental maturation and placenta-endometrial separation at term and implies asynchrony of these processes across locations. The stereological analysis showed no differences in microcotyledonary density, and width between the locations. However, we observed a greater chorioallantoic thickness in the body and pregnant horn compared to the non-pregnant horn. Overall, our findings reveal a uniform transcriptomic profile across the placental horns, alongside a more distinct gene expression pattern between the uterine body and horns. These regional differences in gene expression suggest a different pace in the placental maturation and detachment among the placental locations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Prenatal protein malnutrition produces anatomical and functional changes in the developing brain that persist despite immediate postnatal nutritional rehabilitation. Brain networks of prenatally malnourished animals show diminished activation of prefrontal areas and an increased activation of hippocampal regions during an attentional task [1]. While a reduction in cell number has been documented in hippocampal subfield CA1, nothing is known about changes in neuron numbers in the prefrontal or parahippocampal cortices.
    UNASSIGNED: In the present study, we used unbiased stereology to investigate the effect of prenatal protein malnutrition on the neuron numbers in the medial prefrontal cortex and the cortices of the parahippocampal region that comprise the larger functional network.
    UNASSIGNED: Results show that prenatal protein malnutrition does not cause changes in the neuronal population in the medial prefrontal cortex of adult rats, indicating that the decrease in functional activation during attentional tasks is not due to a reduction in the number of neurons. Results also show that prenatal protein malnutrition is associated with a reduction in neuron numbers in specific parahippocampal subregions: the medial entorhinal cortex and presubiculum.
    UNASSIGNED: The affected regions along with CA1 comprise a tightly interconnected circuit, suggesting that prenatal malnutrition confers a vulnerability to specific hippocampal circuits. These findings are consistent with the idea that prenatal protein malnutrition produces a reorganization of structural and functional networks, which may underlie observed alterations in attentional processes and capabilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to examine the therapeutic efficacy of curcumin (CUR) and α-lipoic acid (ALA) in mitigating UV-A and UV-B-induced damage (UVAB) in rat dorsal skin. This was achieved through the utilisation of immunohistochemical (TUNEL), biochemical and stereological techniques. The rats in the UVAB, UVAB + CUR, and UVAB + ALA groups were subjected to UVAB irradiation for a period of two hours per day over the course of one month. The UVAB + CUR and UVAB + ALA groups were administered 100 mg/kg/day of curcumin and 100 mg/kg/day of α-lipoic acid via gavage 30 min prior to UVAB irradiation. The CUR group was administered 100 mg/kg/day of curcumin via gavage, while the ALA group received the same dose of α-lipoic acid. A significant change in the volume ratio of the dorsal skin epidermis and dermis was observed in the stereological findings of the rats in the UVAB group. These changes exhibited a favourable progression as a consequence of the CUR and ALA applications. In the UVAB group, TOS and OSI were significantly elevated as a consequence of the rise in oxidative stress. Conversely, the treatment groups demonstrated a notable reduction in TOS and OSI levels. The study also revealed a substantial increase in the number of apoptotic cells within the UVAB group. However, the treatment groups exhibited a significant decline in apoptotic cells. In conclusion, the findings suggest that CUR and ALA possess a protective effect against UVAB-induced skin damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Cavalieri estimator is used for volume measurement of brain and brain regions. Derived from this estimator is the Area Fraction Fractionator (AFF), used for efficient area and number estimations of small 2D elements, such as axons in cross-sectioned nerves. However, to our knowledge, the AFF has not been combined with serial sectioning analysis to measure the volume of small-size nervous structures.
    METHODS: Using the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system as an illustrative case, we describe a protocol based on Cavalieri\'s principle and AFF to estimate the volume of its somatic, nuclear, dendritic, axonal and axon terminal cellular compartments in the adult mouse. The protocol consists of (1) systematic random sampling of sites within and across sections in regions of interest (substantia nigra, the nigrostriatal tract, caudate-putamen), (2) confocal image acquisition of sites, (3) marking of cellular domains using Cavalieri\'s 2D point-counting grids, and 4) determination of compartments\' total volume using the estimated area of each compartment, and between-sections distance.
    RESULTS: The volume of the nigrostriatal system per hemisphere is ∼0.38 mm3, with ∼5 % corresponding to perikarya and cell nuclei, ∼10 % to neuropil/dendrites, and ∼85 % to axons and varicosities.
    METHODS: In contrast to other methods to measure volume of discrete objects, such as the optical nucleator or 3D reconstructions, it stands out for its versatility and ease of use.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of a simple quantitative, unbiased approach to assess the global state of a system may allow quantification of compartment-specific changes that may accompany neurodegenerative processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cerebral cortex comprises many distinct regions that differ in structure, function, and patterns of connectivity. Current approaches to parcellating these regions often take advantage of functional neuroimaging approaches that can identify regions involved in a particular process with reasonable spatial resolution. However, neuroanatomical biomarkers are also very useful in identifying distinct cortical regions either in addition to, or in place of functional measures. For example, differences in myelin density are thought to relate to functional differences between regions, are sensitive to individual patterns of experience, and have been shown to vary across functional hierarchies in a predictable manner. Accordingly, the current study provides quantitative stereological estimates of myelin density for each of the 13 regions that make up the feline auditory cortex. We demonstrate that significant differences can be observed between auditory cortical regions, with the highest myelin density observed in the regions that comprise the auditory core (i.e., the primary auditory cortex and anterior auditory field). Moreover, our myeloarchitectonic map suggests that myelin density varies in a hierarchical fashion that conforms to the traditional model of spatial organization in auditory cortex. Taken together, these results establish myelin as a useful biomarker for parcellating auditory cortical regions, and provide detailed estimates against which other, less invasive methods of quantifying cortical myelination may be compared.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The physiological aging process is well known for functional decline in visual abilities. Among the components of the visual system, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (DLG) and superior colliculus (SC) provide a good model for aging investigations, as these structures constitute the main visual pathways for retinal inputs reaching the visual cortex. However, there are limited data available on quantitative morphological and neurochemical aspects in DLG and SC across lifespan. Here, we used optical density to determine immunoexpression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and design-based stereological probes to estimate the neuronal number, total volume, and layer volume of the DLG and SC in marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), ranging from 36 to 143 months of age. Our results revealed an age-related increase in total volume and layer volume of the DLG, with an overall stability in SC volume. Furthermore, a stable neuronal number was demonstrated in DLG and superficial layers of SC (SCv). A decrease in GFAP immunoexpression was observed in both visual centers. The results indicate region-specific variability in volumetric parameter, possibly attributed to structural plastic events in response to inflammation and compensatory mechanisms at the cellular and subcellular level. Additionally, the DLG and SCv seem to be less vulnerable to aging effects in terms of neuronal number. The neuropeptidergic data suggest that reduced GFAP expression may reflect morphological atrophy in the astroglial cells. This study contributes to updating the current understanding of aging effects in the visual system and stablishes a crucial foundation for future research on visual perception throughout the aging process.





