stem cell self-renewal

  • 文章类型: Review
    Diapause is a protective mechanism that many organisms deploy to overcome environmental adversities. Diapause extends lifespan and fertility to enhance the reproductive success and survival of the species. Although diapause states have been known and employed for commercial purposes, for example in the silk industry, detailed molecular and cell biological studies are an exciting frontier. Understanding diapause-like protective mechanisms will shed light on pathways that steer organisms through adverse conditions. One hope is that an understanding of the mechanisms that support diapause might be leveraged to extend the lifespan and/or health span of humans as well as species threatened by climate change. In addition, recent findings suggest that cancer cells that persist after treatment mimic diapause-like states, implying that these programs may facilitate cancer cell survival from chemotherapy and cause relapse. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms underlying diapause programs in a variety of organisms, and we discuss pathways supporting diapause-like states in tumor persister cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Adult stem cells uphold a delicate balance between quiescent and active states, which is crucial for tissue homeostasis. Whereas many signalling pathways that regulate epithelial stem cells have been reported, many regulators remain unidentified.
    METHODS: Flies were used to generate tissue-specific gene knockdown and gene knockout. qRT-PCR was used to assess the relative mRNA levels. Immunofluorescence was used to determine protein localization and expression patterns. Clonal analyses were used to observe the phenotype. RNA-seq was used to screen downstream mechanisms.
    RESULTS: Here, we report a member of the chloride channel family, ClC-c, which is specifically expressed in Drosophila intestinal stem/progenitor cells and regulates intestinal stem cell (ISC) proliferation under physiological conditions and upon tissue damage. Mechanistically, we found that the ISC loss induced by the depletion of ClC-c in intestinal stem/progenitor cells is due to inhibition of the EGFR signalling pathway.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings reveal an ISC-specific function of ClC-c in regulating stem cell maintenance and proliferation, thereby providing new insights into the functional links among the chloride channel family, ISC proliferation and tissue homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Intrinsic factors related to self-renewal regulatory factors in hematopoietic stem cells are well known; however, limited information is available on extrinsic factors, such as the cell environment. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the regulatory mechanism of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal, focusing on the osteoblastic niche, and examined how adherence to osteoblasts affects stem cell differentiation.
    UNASSIGNED: For this experimental study, we developed a co-culture system for hematopoietic stem cells and osteoblasts, such that cells adhered to osteoblasts can be separated from those that do not. Murine Sca1-positive cells were separated into groups according to whether they were attached to osteoblasts or detached from osteoblasts, and each group was then subjected to colony assays and bone marrow transplantation experiments.
    UNASSIGNED: Adhered Sca1-positive cells developed more secondary colonies than non-adhered Sca1-positive cells. Furthermore, in bone marrow transplantation experiments, adhered Sca1-positive cells showed successful engraftment. We explored the role of Polycomb genes in the regulation of cell fate and found that self-renewing cells attached to osteoblasts had high Bmi-1 expression and low Mel-18 expression, while this expression was reversed in differentiating cells.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results suggest that hematopoietic stem cells self-renew when they remain in osteoblastic niches after cell division. Further, when stem cells leave the niches, they undergo differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Normal function of the placenta depends on the earliest developmental stages when trophoblast cells differentiate and invade into the endometrium to establish the definitive maternal-fetal interface. Previously, we identified the ubiquitously expressed tumour suppressor BRCA1-associated protein 1 (BAP1) as a central factor of a novel molecular node controlling early mouse placentation. However, functional insights into how BAP1 regulates trophoblast biology are still missing. Using CRISPR/Cas9 knockout and overexpression technology in mouse trophoblast stem cells, here we demonstrate that the downregulation of BAP1 protein is essential to trigger epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) during trophoblast differentiation associated with a gain of invasiveness. Moreover, we show that the function of BAP1 in suppressing EMT progression is dependent on the binding of BAP1 to additional sex comb-like (ASXL1/2) proteins to form the polycomb repressive deubiquitinase (PR-DUB) complex. Finally, both endogenous expression patterns and BAP1 overexpression experiments in human trophoblast stem cells suggest that the molecular function of BAP1 in regulating trophoblast differentiation and EMT progression is conserved in mice and humans. Our results reveal that the physiological modulation of BAP1 determines the invasive properties of the trophoblast, delineating a new role of the BAP1 PR-DUB complex in regulating early placentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Negative elongation factor (NELF) is a critical transcriptional regulator that stabilizes paused RNA polymerase to permit rapid gene expression changes in response to environmental cues. Although NELF is essential for embryonic development, its role in adult stem cells remains unclear. In this study, through a muscle-stem-cell-specific deletion, we showed that NELF is required for efficient muscle regeneration and stem cell pool replenishment. In mechanistic studies using PRO-seq, single-cell trajectory analyses and myofiber cultures revealed that NELF works at a specific stage of regeneration whereby it modulates p53 signaling to permit massive expansion of muscle progenitors. Strikingly, transplantation experiments indicated that these progenitors are also necessary for stem cell pool repopulation, implying that they are able to return to quiescence. Thus, we identified a critical role for NELF in the expansion of muscle progenitors in response to injury and revealed that progenitors returning to quiescence are major contributors to the stem cell pool repopulation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal aging is a complex process, characterized by a decrease in bone formation, an increase in marrow fat, and stem cell exhaustion. Loss of H3K9me3, a heterochromatin mark, has been proposed to be associated with aging. Here, we report that loss of KDM4B in mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) exacerbated skeletal aging and osteoporosis by reducing bone formation and increasing marrow adiposity via increasing H3K9me3. KDM4B epigenetically coordinated β-catenin/Smad1-mediated transcription by removing repressive H3K9me3. Importantly, KDM4B ablation impaired MSC self-renewal and promoted MSC exhaustion by inducing senescence-associated heterochromatin foci formation, providing a mechanistic explanation for stem cell exhaustion with aging. Moreover, while KDM4B was required for parathyroid hormone-mediated bone anabolism, KDM4B depletion accelerated bone loss and marrow adiposity induced by a high-fat diet. Our results suggest that the epigenetic rejuvenation and reversing bone-fat imbalance might be new strategies for preventing and treating skeletal aging and osteoporosis by activating KDM4B in MSCs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How adult stem cells maintain self-renewing tissues is commonly assessed by analysing clonal data from in vivo cell lineage-tracing assays. To identify strategies of stem cell self-renewal requires that different models of stem cell fate choice predict sufficiently different clonal statistics. Here, we show that models of cell fate choice can, in homeostatic tissues, be categorized by exactly two \'universality classes\', whereby models of the same class predict, under asymptotic conditions, the same clonal statistics. Those classes relate to generalizations of the canonical asymmetric vs. symmetric stem cell self-renewal strategies and are distinguished by a conservation law. This poses both challenges and opportunities to identify stem cell self-renewal strategies: while under asymptotic conditions, self-renewal models of the same universality class cannot be distinguished by clonal data only, models of different classes can be distinguished by simple means.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rationale: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) almost invariably gain invasive phenotype with limited therapeutic strategy and ill-defined mechanism. By studying the aberrant expression landscape of gliomas, we find significant up-regulation of p-MAPK level in GBM and a potent independent prognostic marker for overall survival. DHHC family was generally expressed in glioma and closely related to the activation of MAPK signaling pathway, but its role and clinical significance in GBM development and malignant progression are yet to be determined. Method: Bioinformatics analysis, western blotting and immunohistochemistry (IHC) were performed to detect the expression of ZDHHC17 in GBM. The biological function of ZDHHC17 was demonstrated by a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments. Pharmacological treatment, flow cytometry, Transwell migration assay, Co- Immunoprecipitation and GST pulldown were carried out to demonstrate the potential mechanisms of ZDHHC17. Results: ZDHHC17 is up-regulated and coordinated with MAPK activation in GBM. Mechanistically, ZDHHC17 interacts with MAP2K4 and p38/JNK to build a signaling module for MAPK activation and malignant progression. Notably, the ZDHHC17-MAP2K4-JNK/p38 signaling module contributes to GBM development and malignant progression by promoting GBM cell tumorigenicity and glioma stem cell (GSC) self-renewal. Moreover, we identify a small molecule, genistein, as a specific inhibitor to disrupt ZDHHC17-MAP2K4 complex formation for GBM cell proliferation and GSC self-renewal. Moreover, genistein, identified herein as a lead candidate for ZDHHC17-MAP2K4 inhibition, demonstrated potential therapeutic effect in patients with ZDHHC17-expressing GBM. Conclusions: Our study identified disruption of a previously unrecognized signaling module as a target strategy for GBM treatment, and provided direct evidence of the efficacy of its inhibition in glioma using a specific inhibitor.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Glioblastoma is a highly aggressive and invasive brain and Central Nervous System (CNS) tumor. Current treatment options do not prolong overall survival significantly because the disease is highly prone to relapse. Therefore, research to find new therapies is of paramount importance. It has been discovered that glioblastomas contain a population of cells with stem-like properties and that these cells are may be responsible for tumor recurrence.
    METHODS: A review of relevant papers and clinical trials in the field was conducted. A PubMed search with related keywords was used to gather the data. For example, \"glioblastoma stem cells AND WNT signaling\" is an example used to find information on clinical trials using the database
    RESULTS: Cancer stem cell research has several fundamental issues and uncertainties that should be taken into consideration. Theoretically, a number of treatment options that target glioblastoma stem cells are available for patients. However, only a few of them have obtained promising results in clinical trials. Several strategies are still under investigation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The majority of treatments to target cancer stem cells have failed during clinical trials. Taking into account a number of biases in the field and the number of unsuccessful investigations, the application of the cancer stem cells concept is questionable in clinical settings, at least with respect to glioblastoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PUF RNA-binding proteins have diverse roles in animal development, with a broadly conserved role in stem cells. Two paradigmatic PUF proteins, FBF-1 and FBF-2, promote both self-renewal and differentiation in the C. elegans germline. The LST-1 protein is a pivotal regulator of self-renewal and is oncogenic when mis-expressed. Here, we demonstrate that LST-1 self-renewal activity resides within a predicted disordered region that harbors two KXXL motifs. We find that the KXXL motifs mediate the binding of LST-1 to FBF, and that point mutations of these motifs abrogate LST-1 self-renewal activity. The LST-1-FBF partnership is therefore crucial to stem cell maintenance and is a key element in the FBF regulatory network. A distinct region within LST-1 determines its spatial expression and size of the GSC pool. Most importantly, the molecular understanding of how an IDR-rich protein works in an essential partnership with a conserved stem cell regulator and RNA-binding protein suggests broad new avenues for combinatorial control.






