standard error of mean

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper describes various statistical methods used by the author during multiple studies conducted by the author. Initially, the data were scrutinized to ensure normal distribution, and expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or standard error of mean (SEM) for normally distributed variables. Medians and ranges were given for the data with skewed distribution. Two tailed, paired t tests or independent sample t tests (analysis of variance) were used for normally distributed data, while non-parametric chi-square or similar other tests were utilized for data with skewed distribution. Statistical significance was set at a p value of < 0.05. Bonferroni correction was applied when the study involves multiple comparisons. A number of other statistical methods used during these studies were also discussed. Finally, special methods used in evaluating aortic remodeling subsequent to balloon angioplasty of native aortic coarctation were reviewed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Statistical methods are frequently used in toxicology, yet it is not clear whether the methods employed by the studies are used consistently and conducted based on sound statistical grounds. The purpose of this paper is to describe statistical methods used in top toxicology journals. More specifically, we sampled 30 papers published in 2014 from Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Archives of Toxicology, and Toxicological Science and described methodologies used to provide descriptive and inferential statistics. One hundred thirteen endpoints were observed in those 30 papers, and most studies had sample size less than 10, with the median and the mode being 6 and 3 & 6, respectively. Mean (105/113, 93%) was dominantly used to measure central tendency, and standard error of the mean (64/113, 57%) and standard deviation (39/113, 34%) were used to measure dispersion, while few studies provide justifications regarding why the methods being selected. Inferential statistics were frequently conducted (93/113, 82%), with one-way ANOVA being most popular (52/93, 56%), yet few studies conducted either normality or equal variance test. These results suggest that more consistent and appropriate use of statistical method is necessary which may enhance the role of toxicology in public health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is implicated in the pathophysiology of psychiatric conditions including major depression and schizophrenia. Mice lacking activity-driven BDNF expression through promoter IV (knock-in promoter IV: KIV) exhibit depression-like behavior, inflexible learning, and impaired response inhibition. Monoamine systems (serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline) are suggested to be involved in depression and schizophrenia since many of the current antidepressants and antipsychotics increase the brain levels of monoamines and/or act on monoamine receptors. To elucidate the impact of activity-driven BDNF on the monoamine systems, we examined mRNA levels for 30 monoamine-related genes, including receptors, transporters, and synthesizing enzymes, in KIV and control wild-type mice by using quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). mRNA levels were measured in the frontal cortex and hippocampus, which are regions related to depression and schizophrenia and where promoter IV is active. The frontal cortex of KIV mice showed reduced levels of mRNA expression for serotonin receptors 1b, 2a, and 5b (5HTR1b, 5HTR2a, 5HTR5b), dopamine D2 receptors (DRD2), and adrenergic receptors alpha 1a and 1d (AdRα1a and AdRα1b), but increased levels for serotonin synthesizing enzyme, tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), and dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) when compared to control wild-type mice. The hippocampus of KIV mice showed decreased levels of 5HTR5b. Our results provide causal evidence that lack of promoter IV-driven BDNF disturbs expression of monoaminergic genes in the frontal cortex and hippocampus. These disturbed expression changes in the monoamine systems may mediate the depression- and schizophrenia-like behavior of KIV mice. Our results also suggest that antidepressant and antipsychotic treatments may actually interfere with and normalize the disturbed monoamine systems caused by reduced activity-dependent BDNF, while the treatment responses to these drugs may differ in the subject with reduced BDNF levels caused by stress and lack of neuronal activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bipolar disorder is a neuropsychiatric disease characterized by states of mania with or without depression. Pharmacological treatments can be inadequate at regulating mood for many individuals. Melatonin therapy and aerobic exercise are independent prospective therapies for bipolar disorder that have shown potential as mood stabilizers in humans. Myshkin mice (Myk/+) carry a heterozygous missense mutation in the neuronal Na(+),K(+)-ATPase α3 and model mania-related symptoms of bipolar disorder including increased activity, risk-taking behavior and reductions in sleep. One cohort of Myk/+ and wild-type littermates (+/+) was treated with melatonin and a separate cohort was treated with voluntary exercise. Mania-related behavior was assessed in both cohorts. The effect of melatonin on sleep and the effect of exercise on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in the hippocampus were assayed. Melatonin and voluntary wheel running were both effective at reducing mania-related behavior in Myk/+ but did not affect behavior in +/+. Melatonin increased sleep in Myk/+ and did not change sleep in +/+. Myk/+ showed higher baseline levels of BDNF protein in the hippocampus than +/+. Exercise increased BDNF protein in +/+ hippocampus, while it did not significantly affect BDNF levels in Myk/+ hippocampus. These findings support initial studies in humans indicating that melatonin and exercise are useful independent adjunct therapies for bipolar disorder. Their effects on mood regulation should be further examined in randomized clinical trials. Our results also suggest that hippocampal BDNF may not mediate the effects of exercise on mania-related behavior in the Myk/+ model of mania.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over-expression of σ receptors by many tumor cell lines makes ligands for these receptors attractive as potential chemotherapeutic drugs. Enantiomeric piperazines (S)-4 and (R)-4 were prepared as potential σ-receptor ligands in a chiral pool synthesis starting from (S)- and (R)-aspartate. Both compounds showed high affinities for the σ₁ and σ₂ receptors. In the human multiple myeloma cell line RPMI 8226, a line expressing high levels of σ receptors, both compounds inhibited cell proliferation with IC₅₀ values in the low μM range. No chiral differentiation between either the σ receptor binding affinity or the cytotoxicity of the two enantiomers was observed. Both compounds induced apoptosis, which was evidenced by nuclear condensation, binding of annexin-V to phosphatidylserine in the outer leaf of the cell membrane, cleavage products of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and caspase-8 as well as the expression of bcl₂ family members bax, bad and bid. However, apoptosis appeared to be caspase independent. Increased levels of the phosphorylated form of the microtubule associated protein light chain 3-II (LC3-II), an autophagosome marker, gave evidence that both compounds induced autophagy. However, further data (e.g., treatment with wortmannin) indicate that autophagy is incomplete and not cytoprotective. Lipid peroxidation (LPO) was observed in RPMI 8226 cells treated with the two compounds, and the lipid antioxidant α-tocopherol attenuated LPO. Interestingly, α-tocopherol reduced significantly both apoptosis and autophagy induced by the compounds. These results provide evidence that, by initiating LPO and changes in mitochondrial membrane potential, both compounds induce apoptosis and autophagy in RPMI 8226 cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Refined-JQ (JQ-R) is a mixture of refined extracts from three major herbal components of JinQi-JiangTang tablet: Coptis chinensis (Ranunculaceae), Astragalus membranaceus (Leguminosae), and Lonicera japonica (Caprifoliaceae). Our previous studies have indicated that JQ-R could decrease fasting blood glucose levels in diabetic mice and insulin resistance mice. Investigating the hypoglycemic effect of JQ-R on prediabetes has practical application value for preventing or delaying insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance and possibly the development of clinical diabetes.
    METHODS: The anti-diabetic potential of JQ-R was investigated using a high fat-diet (HFD)-induced obesity mouse model. C57BL/6J mice (HFD-C57 mice) were fed with high-fat diet for 4 months. HFD-C57 mice were treated with either JQ-R (administered intragastrically once daily for 4 weeks) or metformin (as positive control), and the effects of JQ-R on body weight, blood lipids, glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and beta cell function were monitored.
    RESULTS: The body weight, serum cholesterol, and the Homeostasis Model Assessment ratio (insulin resistance index) were significantly reduced in JQ-R or metformin-treated mice, and the glucose tolerance was enhanced and insulin response was improved simultaneously. Moreover, both JQ-R and metformin could activate liver glycogen syntheses even under a relatively high glucose loading. Although glyconeogenesis was inhibited in the metformin treated mice, it was not observed in JQ-R treated mice. Similar to metformin, JQ-R could also improve the glucose infusion rate (GIR) in hyperglycemic clamp test. JQ-R was also shown to increase the levels of phosphorylated AMPKα and phosphorylated acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC), similar to metformin.
    CONCLUSIONS: JQ-R could reduce HFD-induced insulin resistance by regulating glucose and lipid metabolism, increasing insulin sensitivity through activating the AMPK signaling pathway, and subsequently improving β cell function. Therefore, JQ-R may offer an alternative in treating disorders associated with insulin resistance, such as prediabetes and T2DM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dorsal hippocampus (DH) is a structure of the limbic system that is involved in emotional, learning and memory processes. There is evidence indicating that the DH modulates cardiovascular correlates of behavioral responses to stressful stimuli. Acute restraint stress (RS) is an unavoidable stress situation that evokes marked and sustained autonomic changes, which are characterized by elevated blood pressure (BP), intense heart rate (HR) increase and a decrease in cutaneous temperature. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor/nitric oxide (NO) pathway of the DH in the modulation of autonomic (arterial BP, HR and tail skin temperature) responses evoked by RS in rats. Bilateral microinjection of the NMDA receptor antagonist AP-7 (10 nmol/500 nL) into the DH attenuated RS-evoked autonomic responses. Moreover, RS evoked an increase in the content of NO₂/NO₃ in the DH, which are products of the spontaneous oxidation of NO under physiological conditions that can provide an indirect measurement of NO production. Bilateral microinjection of N-propyl-L-arginine (0.1 nmol/500 nL; N-propyl, a neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) inhibitor) or carboxy-PTIO (2 nmol/500 nL; c-PTIO, an NO scavenger) into the DH also attenuated autonomic responses evoked by RS. Therefore, our findings suggest that a glutamatergic system present in the DH is involved in the autonomic modulation during RS, acting via NMDA receptors and nNOS activation. Furthermore, the present results suggest that NMDA receptor/nNO activation has a facilitatory influence on RS-evoked autonomic responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bisphenol A (BPA), an environmental endocrine disruptor, has attracted increasing attention to its adverse effects on brain developmental process. The previous study indicated that BPA rapidly increased motility and density of dendritic filopodia and enhanced the phosphorylation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunit NR2B in cultured hippocampal neurons within 30min. The purpose of the present study was further to investigate the effects of BPA for 24h on dendritic morphogenesis and the underlying mechanisms. After cultured for 5d in vitro, the hippocampal neurons from 24h-old rat were infected by AdV-EGFP to indicate time-lapse imaging of living neurons. The results demonstrated that the exposure of the cultured hippocampal neurons to BPA (10, 100nM) or 17β-estradiol (17β-E2, 10nM) for 24h significantly promoted dendritic development, as evidenced by the increased total length of dendrite and the enhanced motility and density of dendritic filopodia. However, these changes were suppressed by an ERs antagonist, ICI182,780, a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801, and a mitogen-activated ERK1/2-activating kinase (MEK1/2) inhibitor, U0126. Meanwhile, the increased F-actin (filamentous actin) induced by BPA (100nM) was also completely eliminated by these blockers. Furthermore, the result of western blot analyses showed that, the exposure of the cultures to BPA or 17β-E2 for 24h promoted the expression of Rac1/Cdc42 but inhibited that of RhoA, suggesting Rac1 (Ras related C3 botulinum toxinsubstrate 1)/Cdc42 (cell divisioncycle 42) and RhoA (Ras homologous A), the Rho family of small GTPases, were involved in BPA- or 17β-E2-induced changes in the dendritic morphogenesis of neurons. These BPA- or 17β-E2-induced effects were completely blocked by ICI182,780, and were partially suppressed by U0126. These results reveal that, similar to 17β-E2, BPA exerts its effects on dendritic morphogenesis by eliciting both nuclear actions and extranuclear-initiated actions that are integrated to influence the development of dendrite in hippocampal neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mice immunized with neuroantigens in incomplete Freund\'s adjuvant (IFA) are resistant to subsequent induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The mechanisms involved in this protection are complex. Studies on relevant CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells, including effective and regulatory T cells, have been performed by others. In this work, the effects of CD4(-)-, CD8(-)- splenocytes on protection from EAE in C57BL/6 mice which were immunized with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 (MOG)35-55 in IFA were evaluated. We observed that MOG-reactive CD4(+) T cells failed to be activated and proliferate when CD4(-)-, CD8(-)- splenocytes from MOG/IFA-immunized mice were regarded as antigen-presenting cells (APC). It was shown that these APC expressed lower levels of major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II), CD80, and CD86 than naïve cells. In addition, CD4(-)-, CD8(-)- splenocytes from MOG/IFA-immunized mice showed significantly higher levels of IL-10 mRNA expression. When the immunized-mice were induced to develop EAE, these cells secreted significantly higher levels of IL-10 and produced lower levels of IL-6, leading to decreased secretion of IL-17 and IFN-γ from MOG-specific CD4(+) T cells. The transfer of CD4(-)-, CD8(-)- splenocytes from MOG/IFA-immunized mice was able to ameliorate the subsequent induction of EAE in recipient mice. Thus, MOG/IFA immunization can modulate CD4(-)-, CD8(-)- splenocytes by reducing the expression of antigen-presenting molecules and altering the levels of secreted cytokines. Our study reveals an additional mechanism involved in the protective effects of MOG/IFA pre-immunization in an EAE model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adult hippocampus is highly vulnerable to iron-induced oxidative stress. Aerobic exercise has been proposed to reduce oxidative stress but the findings in the hippocampus are conflicting. This study aimed to observe the changes of redox-active iron and concomitant regulation of cellular iron homeostasis in the hippocampus by aerobic exercise, and possible regulatory effect of nitric oxide (NO). A randomized controlled study was designed in the rats with swimming exercise treatment (for 3 months) and/or an unselective inhibitor of NO synthase (NOS) (L-NAME) treatment. The results from the bleomycin-detectable iron assay showed additional redox-active iron in the hippocampus by exercise treatment. The results from nonheme iron content assay, combined with the redox-active iron content, showed increased storage iron content by exercise treatment. NOx (nitrate plus nitrite) assay showed increased NOx content by exercise treatment. The results from the Western blot assay showed decreased ferroportin expression, no changes of TfR1 and DMT1 expressions, increased IRP1 and IRP2 expression, increased expressions of eNOS and nNOS rather than iNOS. In these effects of exercise treatment, the increased redox-active iron content, storage iron content, IRP1 and IRP2 expressions were completely reversed by L-NAME treatment, and decreased ferroportin expression was in part reversed by L-NAME. L-NAME treatment completely inhibited increased NOx and both eNOS and nNOS expression in the hippocampus. Our findings suggest that aerobic exercise could increase the redox-active iron in the hippocampus, indicating an increase in the capacity to generate hydroxyl radicals through the Fenton reactions, and aerobic exercise-induced iron accumulation in the hippocampus might mainly result from the role of the endogenous NO.





