spindle assembly checkpoint

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) temporally regulates mitosis by preventing progression from metaphase to anaphase until all chromosomes are correctly attached to the mitotic spindle. Centrosomes refine the spatial organization of the mitotic spindle at the spindle poles. However, centrosome loss leads to elongated mitosis, suggesting that centrosomes also inform the temporal organization of mitosis in mammalian cells. Here, we find that the mitotic delay in acentrosomal cells is enforced by the SAC in a MPS1-dependent manner, and that a SAC-dependent mitotic delay is required for bipolar cell division to occur in acentrosomal cells. Although acentrosomal cells become polyploid, polyploidy is not sufficient to cause dependency on a SAC-mediated delay to complete cell division. Rather, the division failure in absence of MPS1 activity results from mitotic exit occurring before acentrosomal spindles can become bipolar. Furthermore, prevention of centrosome separation suffices to make cell division reliant on a SAC-dependent mitotic delay. Thus, centrosomes and their definition of two spindle poles early in mitosis provide a \'timely two-ness\' that allows cell division to occur in absence of a SAC-dependent mitotic delay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures chromosome segregation fidelity by manipulating unattached kinetochore-dependent assembly of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC). The MCC binds to and inhibits the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) to postpone mitotic exit. However, the mechanism by which unattached kinetochores mediate MCC formation is not yet fully understood. Here, it is shown that CCDC68 is an outer kinetochore protein that preferentially localizes to unattached kinetochores. Furthermore, CCDC68 interacts with the SAC factor CDC20 to inhibit its autoubiquitination and MCC disassembly. Therefore, CCDC68 restrains APC/C activation to ensure a robust SAC and allow sufficient time for chromosome alignment, thus ensuring chromosomal stability. Hence, the study reveals that CCDC68 is required for CDC20-dependent MCC stabilization to maintain mitotic checkpoint activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interference with microtubule dynamics in mitosis activates the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) to prevent chromosome segregation errors. The SAC induces mitotic arrest by inhibiting the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) via the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC). The MCC component MAD2 neutralizes the critical APC cofactor, CDC20, preventing exit from mitosis. Extended mitotic arrest can promote mitochondrial apoptosis and caspase activation. However, the impact of mitotic cell death on tissue homeostasis in vivo is ill-defined. By conditional MAD2 overexpression, we observe that chronic SAC activation triggers bone marrow aplasia and intestinal atrophy in mice. While myelosuppression can be compensated for, gastrointestinal atrophy is detrimental. Remarkably, deletion of pro-apoptotic Bim/Bcl2l11 prevents gastrointestinal syndrome, while neither loss of Noxa/Pmaip or co-deletion of Bid and Puma/Bbc3 has such a protective effect, identifying BIM as rate-limiting apoptosis effector in mitotic cell death of the gastrointestinal epithelium. In contrast, only overexpression of anti-apoptotic BCL2, but none of the BH3-only protein deficiencies mentioned above, can mitigate myelosuppression. Our findings highlight tissue and cell-type-specific survival dependencies in response to SAC perturbation in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate chromosome segregation relies on kinetochores carrying out multiple functions, including establishing and maintaining microtubule attachments, forming precise bi-oriented attachments between sister chromatids, and activating the spindle assembly checkpoint. Central to these processes is the highly conserved Ndc80 complex. This kinetochore subcomplex interacts directly with microtubules but also serves as a critical platform for recruiting kinetochore-associated factors and as a key substrate for error correction kinases. The precise manner in which these kinetochore factors interact and regulate each other\'s function remains unknown, considerably hindering our understanding of how Ndc80 complex-dependent processes function together to orchestrate accurate chromosome segregation. Here, we aimed to uncover the role of Nuf2\'s CH domain, a component of the Ndc80 complex, in ensuring these processes. Through extensive mutational analysis, we identified a conserved interaction domain composed of two segments in Nuf2\'s CH domain that form the binding site for Mps1 within the yeast Ndc80 complex. Interestingly, this site also associates with the Dam1 complex, suggesting Mps1 recruitment may be subject to regulation by competitive binding with other factors. Mutants disrupting this \"interaction hub\" exhibit defects in spindle assembly checkpoint function and severe chromosome segregation errors. Significantly, specifically restoring Mps1-Ndc80 complex association rescues these defects. Our findings shed light on the intricate regulation of Ndc80 complex-dependent functions and highlight the essential role of Mps1 in kinetochore bi-orientation and accurate chromosome segregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Faithful chromosome segregation requires that sister chromatids establish bi-oriented kinetochore-microtubule attachments. The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) prevents premature anaphase onset with incomplete attachments. However, how microtubule attachment and checkpoint signaling are coordinated remains unclear. The conserved kinase Mps1 initiates SAC signaling by localizing transiently to kinetochores in prometaphase and is released upon bi-orientation. Using biochemistry, structure predictions, and cellular assays, we shed light on this dynamic behavior in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A conserved N-terminal segment of Mps1 binds the neck region of Ndc80:Nuf2, the main microtubule receptor of kinetochores. Mutational disruption of this interface, located at the backside of the paired CH domains and opposite the microtubule-binding site, prevents Mps1 localization, eliminates SAC signaling, and impairs growth. The same interface of Ndc80:Nuf2 binds the microtubule-associated Dam1 complex. We demonstrate that the error correction kinase Ipl1/Aurora B controls the competition between Dam1 and Mps1 for the same binding site. Thus, binding of the Dam1 complex to Ndc80:Nuf2 may release Mps1 from the kinetochore to promote anaphase onset.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat stress is a major threat to global crop production, and understanding its impact on plant fertility is crucial for developing climate-resilient crops. Despite the known negative effects of heat stress on plant reproduction, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the impact of elevated temperature on centromere structure and chromosome segregation during meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Consistent with previous studies, heat stress leads to a decline in fertility and micronuclei formation in pollen mother cells. Our results reveal that elevated temperature causes a decrease in the amount of centromeric histone and the kinetochore protein BMF1 at meiotic centromeres with increasing temperature. Furthermore, we show that heat stress increases the duration of meiotic divisions and prolongs the activity of the spindle assembly checkpoint during meiosis I, indicating an impaired efficiency of the kinetochore attachments to spindle microtubules. Our analysis of mutants with reduced levels of centromeric histone suggests that weakened centromeres sensitize plants to elevated temperature, resulting in meiotic defects and reduced fertility even at moderate temperatures. These results indicate that the structure and functionality of meiotic centromeres in Arabidopsis are highly sensitive to heat stress, and suggest that centromeres and kinetochores may represent a critical bottleneck in plant adaptation to increasing temperatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Control mechanisms of spindle assembly and chromosome segregation are vital for preventing aneuploidy during cell division. The mammalian germ cells and embryos are prone to chromosome segregation errors, and the resulting aneuploidy is a major cause of termination of development or severe developmental disorders. Here we focused on early mouse embryos, and using combination of methods involving microinjection, immunodetection and confocal live cell imaging, we concentrated on the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) and Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C). These are two important mechanisms cooperating during mitosis to ensure accurate chromosome segregation, and assessed their activity during the first two mitoses after fertilization. Our results showed, that in zygotes and 2-cell embryos, the SAC core protein Mad1 shows very low levels on kinetochores in comparison to oocytes and its interaction with chromosomes is restricted to a short time interval after nuclear membrane disassembly (NEBD). Exposure of 2-cell embryos to low levels of spindle poison does not prevent anaphase, despite the spindle damage induced by the drug. Lastly, the APC/C is activated coincidentally with NEBD before the spindle assembly completion. This early onset of APC/C activity, together with precocious relocalization of Mad1 from chromosomes, prevents proper surveillance of spindle assembly by SAC. The results contribute to the understanding of the origin of aneuploidy in early embryos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) preserve cell homeostasis by transducing physicochemical fluctuations of the environment into multiple adaptive responses. These responses involve transcriptional rewiring and the regulation of cell cycle transitions, among others. However, how stress conditions impinge mitotic progression is largely unknown. The mitotic checkpoint is a surveillance mechanism that inhibits mitotic exit in situations of defective chromosome capture, thus preventing the generation of aneuploidies. In this study, we investigate the role of MAPK Pmk1 in the regulation of mitotic exit upon stress.
    RESULTS: We show that Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells lacking Pmk1, the MAP kinase effector of the cell integrity pathway (CIP), are hypersensitive to microtubule damage and defective in maintaining a metaphase arrest. Epistasis analysis suggests that Pmk1 is involved in maintaining spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) signaling, and its deletion is additive to the lack of core SAC components such as Mad2 and Mad3. Strikingly, pmk1Δ cells show up to twofold increased levels of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) activator Cdc20Slp1 during unperturbed growth. We demonstrate that Pmk1 physically interacts with Cdc20Slp1 N-terminus through a canonical MAPK docking site. Most important, the Cdc20Slp1 pool is rapidly degraded in stressed cells undergoing mitosis through a mechanism that requires MAPK activity, Mad3, and the proteasome, thus resulting in a delayed mitotic exit.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data reveal a novel function of MAPK in preventing mitotic exit and activation of cytokinesis in response to stress. The regulation of Cdc20Slp1 turnover by MAPK Pmk1 provides a key mechanism by which the timing of mitotic exit can be adjusted relative to environmental conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer cells consume more glucose and usually overexpress glucose transporters which have become potential targets for the development of anticancer drugs. It has been demonstrated that selective SGLT2 inhibitors, such as canagliflozin and dapagliflozin, display anticancer activity. Here we demonstrated that canagliflozin and dapagliflozin synergistically enhanced the growth inhibitory effect of paclitaxel in cancer cells including ovarian cancer and oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Canagliflozin also inhibited glucose uptake via GLUTs. The combination of paclitaxel and WZB117, a GLUT inhibitor, exhibited a strong synergy, supporting the notion that inhibition of GLUTs by canagliflozin may also account for the synergy between canagliflozin and paclitaxel. Mechanistic studies in ES-2 ovarian cancer cells revealed that canagliflozin potentiated paclitaxel-induced apoptosis and DNA damaging effect. Paclitaxel in the nanomolar range elevated abnormal mitotic cells as well as aneuploid cells, and canagliflozin further enhanced this effect. Furthermore, canagliflozin downregulated cyclin B1 and phospho-BUBR1 upon spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) activation by paclitaxel, and may consequently impair SAC. Thus, paclitaxel disturbed microtubule dynamics and canagliflozin compromised SAC activity, together they may induce premature mitotic exit, accumulation of aneuploid cells with DNA damage, and ultimately apoptosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures faithful chromosome segregation during cell division by monitoring kinetochore-microtubule attachment. Plants produce both sequence-conserved and diverged SAC components, and it has been largely unknown how SAC activation leads to the assembly of these proteins at unattached kinetochores to prevent cells from entering anaphase. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the noncanonical BUB3.3 protein was detected at kinetochores throughout mitosis, unlike MAD1 and the plant-specific BUB1/MAD3 family protein BMF3 that associated with unattached chromosomes only. When BUB3.3 was lost by a genetic mutation, mitotic cells often entered anaphase with misaligned chromosomes and presented lagging chromosomes after they were challenged by low doses of the microtubule depolymerizing agent oryzalin, resulting in the formation of micronuclei. Surprisingly, BUB3.3 was not required for the kinetochore localization of other SAC proteins or vice versa. Instead, BUB3.3 specifically bound to BMF3 through two internal repeat motifs that were not required for BMF3 kinetochore localization. This interaction enabled BMF3 to recruit CDC20, a downstream SAC target, to unattached kinetochores. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that plant SAC utilizes unconventional protein interactions for arresting mitosis, with BUB3.3 directing BMF3\'s role in CDC20 recruitment, rather than the recruitment of BUB1/MAD3 proteins observed in fungi and animals. This distinct mechanism highlights how plants adapted divergent versions of conserved cell cycle machinery to achieve specialized SAC control.





