
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Phase 1: to determine the feasibility of desensitizing ventral branches of spinal nerves within the rectus sheath using an ultrasound-guided rectus sheath block (USRSB). Phase 2: to determine the effect of preoperative USRSB on intraoperative responses to surgical stimulation and postoperative pain.
    METHODS: Cadaveric study and prospective, randomized, blinded, parallel-arm clinical trial.
    METHODS: A group of five cat cadavers and 37 shelter-owned cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy.
    METHODS: Phase 1: anatomical dissection was performed on one uninjected cadaver. Abdominal walls were dissected in four cadavers (eight hemiabdomens) following bilateral USRSB using 1:1 new methylene blue and 0.5% bupivacaine (0.8 mL kg-1 total). Phase 2: preoperative bilateral USRSB was performed with 0.8 mL kg-1 of 0.25% bupivacaine (RSB) or equivalent volume of 0.9% saline (CONTROL). Intraoperative systolic arterial blood pressure (SAP), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR) and vaporizer setting (vap%) were recorded before skin incision, during celiotomy and abdominal wall closure. In recovery, cats were administered robenacoxib (2 mg kg-1; CONTROL) or 0.9% saline (0.1 mL kg-1; RSB) subcutaneously. Postoperative pain was evaluated for 6 hours using the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale.
    RESULTS: Phase 1: spinal nerves T9-L3 were identified within the rectus sheath, and stained in 0%, 40%, 63%, 75%, 100%, 88%, 50% and 13% of hemiabdomens, respectively. Phase 2: 37 cats were included (RSB, n = 17; CONTROL, n = 20). Intraoperatively, SAP, HR and fR were not significantly different between groups. Vap% was significantly lower in RSB during celiotomy (p = 0.036) and closure (p = 0.044). Postoperatively, RSB cats were 5.3 times (95% CI 1.8-8.3) more likely to require rescue analgesia than CONTROL cats.
    CONCLUSIONS: During surgery, USRSB with bupivacaine offered minor benefits and provided markedly less postoperative analgesia than robenacoxib, indicating that relying on USRSB provides insufficient postoperative analgesia for ovariohysterectomy in cats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gonadectomy in dogs is associated with changes in risks of a variety of non-infectious health conditions, but few studies have examined its effects on infectious disease outcomes. The objectives of our study were to estimate the causal effect of gonadectomy on the incidence rate of babesiosis diagnosis, and on the risk of severe babesiosis in diagnosed cases, in dogs 6 months and older seen at a veterinary academic hospital in South Africa from 2013 through 2020. To estimate the effect of gonadectomy on the incidence rate of babesiosis diagnosis in dogs, we conducted a case-control study with incidence density sampling of dogs seen through the hospital\'s primary care service, adjusting for sex, age, breed category and weight. We identified 811 cases and selected 3244 time-matched controls. To estimate the effect of gonadectomy on disease severity in dogs with babesiosis, we conducted a retrospective cohort study among all dogs with a diagnosis of babesiosis (n=923), including these 811 cases and a further 112 referred to the hospital, also adjusting for sex, age, breed category and weight. Gonadectomy substantially reduced the incidence rate of babesiosis (total effect incidence rate ratio [IRR] 0.5; 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.41-0.60) and the risk of severe babesiosis among diagnosed dogs (total effect risk ratio [RR] 0.72; 95 % CI 0.60-0.86). Tipping point sensitivity analysis shows that these effect estimates are robust to unmeasured confounding bias. There was no evidence for modification of the effect of gonadectomy by sex, with effect estimates qualitatively similar for males and females for both outcomes. Compared to females, males had a higher incidence rate of babesiosis (IRR 1.74; 95 % CI 1.49-2.04) and a higher risk of severe disease (RR 1.12; 95 % CI 0.98-1.28). In conclusion, our study shows a robust protective effect of gonadectomy on the incidence and severity of babesiosis in both male and female dogs 6 months of age and older, and contributes important evidence to the debate on the overall risks and benefits of gonadectomy to dogs in this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a biomarker for the presence of gonadal tissue. Changes in serum AMH after gonadectomy are not well established, and its serum half-life is unknown in dogs. We measured serum AMH with a validated electro-chemiluminescent immunoassay in adult female (n = 12) and male (n = 7) dogs with normal gonads, as well as in dogs with gonadal pathology (ovarian remnant syndrome, ORS n = 3, testicular tumor [Leydig cell, Sertoli cell, seminoma] n = 3, unilateral abdominal cryptorchid n = 4) on the day of gonadectomy (D0), and on D3, D7, D14 (females and males), and D21, D28 (males only). Males had higher AMH concentrations than females independent of gonadal status (P < 0.001). Dogs with ORS had lower initial AMH (0.45 ± 0.43 ng/ml) than bitches with normal gonads (1.16 ± 0.44 ng/ml; P = 0.027). Cryptorchid dogs had higher initial concentrations (80.57 ± 52.81 ng/ml) than males with normal gonads (7.92 ± 2.45 ng/ml; P = 0.004), and those with testicular tumors (18.63 ± 5.04 ng/ml) were intermediate (P ≥ 0.250). AMH decreased over time (P ≤ 0.012) and was 0.01-0.04 ng/ml by D14 in females and 0.02-0.12 ng/ml by D28 in males. Serum half-life in the whole study population was 2.85 ± 0.51 days and did not differ between groups. In conclusion, serum AMH can differentiate between intact and gonadectomized status of adult dogs by 14 days after ovario(hyster)ectomy in females and by 28 days after surgical castration in males.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial, Veterinary
    This study observed the effects of oxygen supplementation, via an oxygen concentrator, on peripheral arterial blood oxygenation (SpO2) measured by pulse oximetry in anaesthetised cats undergoing spay in three different surgical positions. A total of 192 female feral cats were investigated for a large-scale trap-neuter-release program. Cats were anaesthetised with an intramuscular combination of butorphanol (0,4 mg / kg), ketamine (7-10 mg / kg) and medetomidine (0,03-0,05 mg / kg). Cats were randomly allocated to undergo spay in either Trendelenburg (TR) (70° downward head tilt), lateral (LR) or dorsal (DR) recumbency. Cats were breathing spontaneously either room air or 2 L/minute oxygen via a tight-fitting face mask. Pulse rate (in beats per minute), respiratory rate (in breaths per minute) and SpO2 (in percentage) were measured at baseline in left lateral recumbency and afterwards continuously after being positioned in allocated surgical position. At the end of surgery, cats were placed again in left recumbency, and all parameters were re-evaluated after five minutes. Overall, 33 % of cats showed severe arterial oxygen desaturation (SpO2 < 90 %) at baseline when breathing room air. When oxygen was supplemented during the procedure, arterial oxygen desaturation resolved in all cats. At the end of the procedure, 29 % of cats were hypoxaemic when oxygen was not supplemented, with an overall higher percentage of hypoxaemic cats in TR as compared to DR and LR recumbencies. All cats recovered well from surgery and were released within 24 hours post-anaesthesia. Arterial oxygen desaturation is frequent in cats anaesthetised with injectable anaesthesia for spay under field conditions. Oxygen supplementation administered via a tight-fitting mask resolved arterial oxygen desaturation in this feral cat population regardless of the surgical position and therefore oxygen supplementation is recommended in any case.
    In dieser Studie wurden die Auswirkungen einer Sauer­stoffergänzung mittels Sauerstoffkonzentrator auf die Sauerstoffsättigung des peripheren arteriellen Blutes (SpO2) bei anästhesierten Katzen in drei unterschiedlichen Operationspositionen zur Ovarioektomie gemessen. Insgesamt wurden die Daten von 192 weiblichen verwilderten Hauskatzen im Rahmen eines Kastrationsprogrammes analysiert. Die Katzen wurden mit einer intramuskulären Kombination aus Butorphanol (0,4 mg/kg), Ketamin (7–10 mg/kg) und Medetomidin (0,03–0,05 mg/kg) anästhesiert. Die Katzen wurden nach dem Zufallsprinzip einer Kastration entweder in Trendelenburg- (TR) (Kopfneigung um 70° nach unten), lateraler (LR) oder dorsaler Lage (DR) unterzogen. Die Katzen atmeten spontan entweder Raumluft oder über eine eng anliegende Gesichtsmaske 2 l/Minute Sauerstoff. Die Pulsfrequenz (in Schlägen pro Minute), Atemfrequenz (in Atemzügen pro Minute) und SpO2 (in Prozent) wurden zu Beginn in der linken Seitenlage und danach kontinuierlich nach Positionierung in der zugewiesenen Operationsposition gemessen. Am Ende der Operation wurden die Katzen wieder in die linke Seitenlage gebracht und alle Parameter wurden nach fünf Minuten erneut bewertet. Insgesamt zeigten 33 % der Katzen zu Studienbeginn beim Einatmen von Raumluft eine ungenügende arterielle Sauerstoffsättigung (SpO2 < 90 %). Eine Sauerstoffzufuhr während der Operation führte zu einer optimalen SpO2 bei allen Katzen. Bei 29 % der Katzen ohne zusätzliche Sauerstoffzufuhr trat eine Hypoxie auf, wobei der Prozentsatz hypoxämischer Katzen in TR im Vergleich zu DR und LR insgesamt höher war. Alle Katzen erholten sich gut von der Operation und wurden innerhalb von 24 Stunden nach der Narkose entlassen. Während einer Injektionsanästhesie unter Feldbedingungen kommt es häufig zu einer ungenügender SpO2 bei Katzen. Mittels der zusätzlichen Sauerstoffzufuhr über eine enganliegende Maske konnte in der vorliegenden Studie bei verwilderten Hauskatzen, unabhängig von der Operationsposition, eine optimale SpO2 erreicht werden, weshalb eine Sauerstoffergänzung in jedem Fall empfohlen wird.
    Cette étude a observé les effets d’une supplémentation en oxygène, via un concentrateur d’oxygène, sur l’oxygénation du sang artériel périphérique (SpO2) mesurée par oxymétrie de pouls chez des chats anesthésiés subissant une stérilisation dans trois positions chirurgicales différentes. Au total, 192 chats sauvages femelles ont été examinés dans le cadre d’un programme de piégeage, de stérilisation et de remise en liberté à grande échelle. Les chats ont été anesthésiés avec une combinaison de butorphanol (0,4 mg / kg), de kétamine (7–10 mg / kg) et de médétomidine (0,03–0,05 mg / kg) appliquée par voie intramusculaire. Les chats ont été répartis au hasard pour subir une stérilisation en position de Trendelenburg (TR) (inclinaison de la tête de 70° vers le bas), en décubitus latéral (LR) ou en décubitus dorsal (DR). Les chats respiraient spontanément soit de l’air ambiant, soit de l’oxygène à raison de 2 L/minute par l’intermédiaire d’un masque facial bien ajusté. Le pouls (en battements par minute), la fréquence respiratoire (en respirations par minute) et la SpO2 (en pourcentage) ont été mesurés au départ en décubitus latéral gauche, puis en continu après avoir été placés dans la position chirurgicale attribuée. À la fin de l’opération, les chats ont été replacés en décubitus latéral gauche et tous les paramètres ont été réévalués au bout de cinq minutes. Dans l’ensemble, 33 % des chats présentaient une désaturation sévère en oxygène artériel (SpO2 < 90 %) au départ lorsqu’ils respiraient de l’air ambiant. Lorsque de l’oxygène a été ajouté pendant la procédure, la désaturation en oxygène artériel s’est résorbée chez tous les chats. À la fin de l’intervention, 29 % des chats étaient hypoxémiques lorsque l’oxygène n’était pas administré, avec un pourcentage global plus élevé de chats hypoxémiques en décubitus dorsal qu’en décubitus latéral. Tous les chats se sont bien remis de l’opération et ont été libérés dans les 24 heures suivant l’anesthésie. La désaturation en oxygène artériel est fréquente chez les chats anesthésiés par injection pour la stérilisation dans des conditions de terrain. La supplémentation en oxygène administrée via un masque étanche a résolu la désaturation en oxygène artériel dans cette population de chats sauvages, quelle que soit la position chirurgicale et la supplémentation en oxygène est donc recommandée dans tous les cas.
    Questo studio ha osservato gli effetti della supplementazione di ossigeno, tramite un concentratore di ossigeno, sull’ossigenazione periferica del sangue arterioso (SpO2) misurata mediante pulsossimetria in gatti anestetizzati sottoposti a sterilizzazione in tre diverse posizioni chirurgiche. Un totale di 192 femmine di gatto selvatico sono state indagate per un programma su larga scala di trappola-sterilizzazione-rilascio. Le gatte sono state anestetizzate con una combinazione intramuscolare di butorfanolo (0,4 mg / kg), ketamina (7–10 mg / kg) e medetomidina (0,03–0,05 mg / kg). Le gatte sono state assegnate casualmente per essere sottoposte a sterilizzazione in posizione Trendelenburg (TR) (inclinazione della testa verso il basso di 70°), laterale (LR) o dorsale (DR). Le gatte respiravano spontaneamente aria ambiente oppure 2 L/minuto di ossigeno attraverso una maschera facciale aderente. La frequenza del polso (in battiti al minuto), la frequenza respiratoria (in respiri al minuto) e la SpO2 (in percentuale) sono state misurate alla base in posizione laterale sinistra e successivamente in modo continuo dopo essere stati posizionati nella posizione chirurgica assegnata. Al termine dell’intervento, le gatte sono state poste nuovamente in posizione supina sinistra e tutti i parametri sono stati rivalutati dopo cinque minuti. Complessivamente, il 33 % delle gatte presentava una grave desaturazione dell’ossigeno arterioso (SpO2 < 90 %) al basale quando respirava aria ambiente. Quando l’ossigeno è stato integrato durante la procedura, la desaturazione dell’ossigeno arterioso si è risolta in tutte le gatte. Al termine della procedura, il 29 % delle gatte era ipossiemica quando l’ossigeno non era stato integrato, con una percentuale complessiva più alta di gatte ipossiemiche in TR rispetto alle posizioni DR e LR. Tutte le gatte si sono riprese bene dall’intervento e sono state dimesse entro 24 ore dall’anestesia. La desaturazione dell’ossigeno arterioso è frequente nei gatti anestetizzati con anestesia iniettabile durante la loro sterilizzazione. L’integrazione di ossigeno somministrato tramite una maschera aderente ha risolto la desaturazione arteriosa di ossigeno in questa popolazione di gatti selvatici, indipendentemente dalla posizione chirurgica, e quindi l’integrazione di ossigeno è raccomandata in ogni caso.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial, Veterinary
    Intraperitoneal administration of local anaesthetics may reduce postoperative pain after ovariohysterectomy in dogs. The aim of this prospective, randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial was to compare postoperative analgesia and opioid requirements after intraperitoneal and incisional administration of ropivacaine versus 0,9 % NaCl (saline). Forty-three client-owned dogs were enrolled in the study and anaesthetised using a standardized protocol that included premedication with acepromazine (0,03-0,05 mg/kg) and dexmedetomidine (0,01 mg/kg) intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was induced with propofol titrated to effect and ketamine (1 mg/kg) intravenously and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. The analgesic regimen included carprofen (4 mg/kg) subcutaneously and morphine (0,2 mg/kg) intravenously. Depending on group assignment, each dog received either an intraperitoneal and incisional splash with ropivacaine (2 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg, respectively) (group R), or an equal volume of saline (group S). Buprenorphine (0,02 mg/kg) was administered intramuscularly once the uterus was removed. Sedation and pain were assessed 0,5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours after extubation using a sedation scale, the short form of the Glasgow Composite Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) and a dynamic interactive visual analogue scale (DIVAS). Postoperatively, buprenorphine (0,01 mg/kg) was administered intravenously if dogs scored 6/24 on CMPS-SF. The ordinal mixed model showed no difference in pain scores between groups. Fisher\'s exact test showed no significant difference in postoperative buprenorphine requirements between group S (3/22 dogs) and group R (1/21 dogs) at the doses used. In addition, lower sedation scores were associated with higher DIVAS scores. In this multimodal analgesic protocol, ropivacaine could not improve analgesia compared to saline.
    Die intraperitoneale Verabreichung von Lokalanästhetika kann postoperativen Schmerzen nach einer Ovariohysterektomie bei Hunden lindern. Das Ziel dieser prospektiven, randomisierten, verblindeten, Placebo kontrollierten klinischen Studie war der Vergleich der postoperativen Analgesie und des Opioidbedarfs nach intraperitonealer und inzisionaler Verabreichung von Ropivacain im Vergleich zu 0,9 % NaCl (Kochsalzlösung). In die Studie wurden 43 Hunde aufgenommen und nach einem standardisierten Protokoll mittels intramuskuläre Prämedikation (0,03–0,05 mg/kg Acepromazin, 0,01 mg/kg Dexmedetomidin 0,01 mg/kg) und mit auf die Wirkung eingestelltem Propofol und Ketamin (1 mg/kg) intravenös eingeleitet, sowie die Anästhesie mit Isofluran in Sauerstoff aufrechterhalten. Das analgetische Regime umfasste Carprofen (4 mg/kg) subkutan und Morphin (0,2 mg/kg) intravenös. Abhängig von der Gruppenzuordnung erhielt jeder Hund entweder eine intraperitoneale und inzisionele Verabreichung von Ropivacain (2 mg/kg bzw. 1 mg/kg) (Gruppe R) oder eine gleiche Menge Kochsalzlösung (Gruppe S). Bei Entfernung der Gebärmutter wurde zusätzlich Buprenorphin (0,02 mg/kg) intramuskulär verabreicht. Sedierung und Schmerzen wurden 0,5, 1, 2, 4, 6 und 8 Stunden nach der Extubation anhand einer Sedierungsskala, der Kurzform der Glasgow Composite Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) und einer dynamischen interaktiven visuellen Analogskala (DIVAS) bewertet. Postoperativ wurde Buprenorphin (0,01 mg/kg) intravenös verabreicht, wenn die Hunde im CMPS-SF einen Wert von 6/24 erreichten. Das ordinale gemischte Modell zeigte keinen Unterschied in den Schmerzwerten zwischen den Gruppen. Der Exakte Fisher-Test zeigte bei den verwendeten Dosen keinen signifikanten Unterschied im postoperativen Buprenorphinbedarf zwischen Gruppe S (3/22 Hunde) und Gruppe R (1/21 Hunde). Darüber hinaus waren niedrigere Sedierungswerte mit höheren DIVAS-Werten verbunden. In diesem multimodalen Analgetikaprotokoll konnte Ropivacain die Analgesie im Vergleich zu Kochsalzlösung nicht verbessern.
    L’administration intrapéritonéale d’anesthésiques locaux peut réduire la douleur postopératoire après une ovariohystérectomie chez la chienne. L’objectif de cet essai clinique prospectif, randomisé, en aveugle et contrôlé par placebo était de comparer l’analgésie postopératoire et les besoins en opioïdes après l’administration intrapéritonéale et incisionnelle de ropivacaïne par rapport à du NaCl 0,9 % (sérum physiologique). Quarante-trois chiennes appartenant à des clients ont été enrôlés dans l’étude et anesthésiés selon un protocole standardisé comprenant une prémédication par acépromazine (0,03 - 0,05 mg/kg) et dexmedetomidine (0,01 mg/kg) par voie intramusculaire. L’anesthésie a été induite avec du propofol dosé à l’effet et de la kétamine (1 mg/kg) par voie intraveineuse et maintenue avec de l’isoflurane dans de l’oxygène. Le traitement analgésique comprenait du carprofène (4 mg/kg) par voie sous-cutanée et de la morphine (0,2 mg/kg) par voie intraveineuse. En fonction de son affectation à un groupe, chaque chien a reçu soit une injection intrapéritonéale et incisionnelle de ropivacaïne (2 mg/kg et 1 mg/kg, respectivement) (groupe R), soit un volume égal de solution saline (groupe S). La buprénorphine (0,02 mg/kg) a été administrée par voie intramusculaire après l’ablation de l’utérus. La sédation et la douleur ont été évaluées 0,5, 1, 2, 4, 6 et 8 heures après l’extubation à l’aide d’une échelle de sédation, de la forme courte de l’échelle composite de douleur de Glasgow (CMPS-SF) et d’une échelle visuelle analogique interactive dynamique (DIVAS). En postopératoire, de la buprénorphine (0,01 mg/kg) a été administrée par voie intraveineuse si les chiens obtenaient un score de 6/24 sur l’échelle CMPS-SF. Le modèle mixte ordinal n’a montré aucune différence dans les scores de douleur entre les groupes. Le test exact de Fisher n’a pas montré de différence significative dans les besoins postopératoires en buprénorphine entre le groupe S (3/22 chiens) et le groupe R (1/21 chiens) aux doses utilisées. De plus, des scores de sédation plus faibles étaient associés à des scores DIVAS plus élevés. Dans ce protocole d’analgésie multimodale, la ropivacaïne n’a pas permis d’améliorer l’analgésie par rapport au sérum physiologique.
    L’amministrazione intraperitoneale di anestetici locali potrebbe ridurre il dolore post-operatorio dopo una ovarioisterectomia nei cani. Lo scopo di questo studio clinico prospettico, randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato con placebo, era di mettere a confronto l’analgesia post-operatoria e il fabbisogno di oppioidi dopo l’amministrazione intraperitoneale e incisionale di ropivacaina rispetto allo 0,9% di NaCl (soluzione salina). Quarantatré cani sono stati arruolati nello studio e anestetizzati utilizzando un protocollo standardizzato che includeva la premedicazione con acepromazina (0,03 - 0,05 mg/kg) e dexmedetomidina (0,01 mg/kg) per via intramuscolare. L’anestesia è stata indotta con propofol titolato per effetto e ketamina (1 mg/kg) per via endovenosa e mantenuta con isoflurano in ossigeno. Il regime analgesico includeva carprofene (4 mg/kg) per via sottocutanea e morfina (0,2 mg/kg) per via endovenosa. A seconda dell’assegnazione al gruppo, ciascun cane ha ricevuto un’infusione intraperitoneale e incisionale di ropivacaina (rispettivamente 2 mg/kg e 1 mg/kg) (gruppo R), oppure un volume equivalente di soluzione salina (gruppo S). La buprenorfina (0,02 mg/kg) è stata somministrata per via intramuscolare una volta che l’utero è stato rimosso. Sedazione e dolore sono stati valutati 0,5, 1, 2, 4, 6 e 8 ore dopo l’estubazione utilizzando la scala di sedazione, la versione abbreviata della Glasgow Composite Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) e la scala visiva analogica interattiva dinamica (DIVAS). Dopo l’intervento, la buprenorfina (0,01 mg/kg) è stata somministrata per via endovenosa se i cani avevano un punteggio 6/24 sulla CMPS-SF. Il modello misto ordinale non ha mostrato differenze tra i punteggi del dolore tra i gruppi. Il test esatto di Fisher non ha mostrato differenze significative nel fabbisogno post-operatorio di buprenorfina tra il gruppo S (3/22 cani) e il gruppo R (1/21 cani) alle dosi utilizzate. Inoltre, punteggi di sedazione più bassi erano associati a punteggi più alti per la DIVAS. In questo protocollo di analgesia multimodale, la ropivacaina non è riuscita a migliorare l’analgesia rispetto alla soluzione salina.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of simulation models and previous surgical experience on subjective and objective stress levels of students performing their 1st elective surgery within the veterinary curriculum.
    METHODS: 141 third-year veterinary students.
    METHODS: Using a pre-post experimental design, salivary alpha-amylase, and cortisol were evaluated as markers of physiologic stress response before students\' first elective surgery. Student self-reported State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) scores and quantitative measures of experience were correlated to biomarker results.
    RESULTS: No association was found for change in salivary biomarkers of stress, alpha-amylase, and cortisol, between baseline and presurgical samples accounting for gender, age, type of elective surgery performed, previous surgical experience, or simulation model use. Salivary cortisol levels were markedly elevated falling between the 66th and 99th percentile compared to an age and gender-matched population. Salivary alpha-amylase levels were also 2 to 3 times higher than those recorded by other health professionals. Veterinary student STAI scores were high falling between the 65th and 73rd percentile compared to working adults in the general population.
    CONCLUSIONS: Veterinary students\' salivary cortisol, alpha-amylase, and STAI scores fell into the upper 2/3rds of the general population, demonstrating a high level of stress. Simulation models and previous surgical experience were not associated with decreased stress. Further evaluation of the implementation of high-fidelity simulation models and the role of stress on performance is indicated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neutering is a significant risk factor for obesity in dogs. Changes in gut microbiota and its metabolites have been identified as a key player during obesity progression. However, the mechanisms that promote neuter-associated weight gain are not well understood. Therefore, in this study, sixteen clinically healthy Beagle dogs (6 male and 10 female, mean age = 8.22 ± 0.25 mo old) were neutered. Body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) were recorded at 1 d before neutering, 3, 6, 10, 16, and 21 mo after neutering. Dogs were grouped based on their BCS as ideal weight group (IW, n = 4, mean BW = 13.22 ± 1.30 kg, mean BCS = 5.00 ± 0.41) and obese group (OB, n = 12, mean BW = 18.57 ± 1.08 kg, mean BCS = 7.92 ± 0.82) at 21 mo after neutering. Serum lipid profile, glucose, and hormones and fecal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) were measured. Our results showed that OB dogs had greater (P < 0.0001) BW (18.57 vs. 13.22 kg), BCS (7.92 vs. 5.00), and average daily gain (12.27 vs. 5.69 g/d) than IW dogs at 21 mo after neutering, and the obesity rate was up to 60%. In addition, significant increases (P < 0.05) in serum triglyceride (TG, 1.10 vs. 0.56 mmol/L) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, 6.96 vs. 5.40 mmol/L) levels and a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in serum adiponectin (APN, 54.06 vs. 58.39 μg/L) level were observed in OB dogs; serum total cholesterol (4.83 vs. 3.75 mmol/L) (P = 0.075) and leptin (LEP, 2.82 vs. 2.53 μg/L) (P = 0.065) levels tended to be greater in OB dogs; there was a trend towards a lower (P = 0.092) APN/LEP (19.32 vs. 21.81) in OB dogs. Results of fecal microbial alpha-diversity showed that Observed_species and Chao1 indices tended to be lower (P = 0.069) in OB dogs. The STAMP and LEfSe analyses revealed that OB dogs had a greater (P < 0.05 and LDA > 2) reduction in relative abundances of Bacteroides, Prevotella_9, and Megamonas than IW dogs. In addition, OB dogs also had greater (P < 0.05) reduction in fecal acetate, propionate, and butyrate concentrations than IW dogs. Moreover, clear negative correlations (|r| > 0.5 and P < 0.05) were found between SCFAs-producing bacteria and BW, TG, and HDL-C. The functional predictions of microbial communities based on PICRUSt2 analysis revealed that lipid metabolism and endocrine system were significantly disturbed in obese dogs after neutering. Thus, intervention with SCFAs-producing bacteria might represent a new target for the prevention or treatment of canine obesity after neutering. Moreover, weight control before neutering may also contribute to the prevention of canine obesity after neutering.
    Neutering contributes to canine obesity risk. In this study, obesity rate of 60% at 21 mo after neutering was observed. Obese dogs had greater serum triglyceride, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and leptin levels and lower adiponectin level than ideal weight dogs. In addition, fecal microbiota analysis found a decreasing microbial diversity in obese dogs, and decreasing SCFAs-producing bacteria Megamonas, Bacteroides, and Prevotella_9 in obese dogs resulted in lower production of fecal acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Importantly, strong negative correlations between SCFAs-producing bacteria and body weight, TG, and HDL-C revealed that SCFAs-producing bacteria are involved in the process of canine obesity after neutering. Thus, intervention with SCFAs-producing bacteria may be a target for the prevention or treatment of canine obesity after neutering. Moreover, weight control before neutering may also contribute to the prevention of canine obesity after neutering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Feline overpopulation raises issues concerning health, ecology, economy, and ethics. Procedures to limit overpopulation should carefully address animal welfare, efficiency, costs, and feasibility. Vasectomy in unowned cats is suggested as preferable to standard neutering as it maintains male sexual behaviour which may induce ovulation and pseudopregnancy in intact females and may prevent immigration of other males. Vasectomy is not performed routinely because it is fastidious, time consuming and requires more material than standard neutering. We describe epididymectomy as an alternative. In a first experiment, we analysed semen, testosterone, behaviour and pain in six experimental cats before and after epididymectomy, and after castration two months later. Excised tissues were analysed histologically. Testosterone concentrations did not differ significantly between intact and epididymectomised animals but were significantly different after castration. Sexual behaviour and testicular spermatogenesis persisted after epididymectomy, but with a marked drop in the semen count after 7 days. The Glasgow pain scores did not differ significantly after epididymectomy and castration. In a subsequent experiment, 20 privately owned cats were epididymectomised and castrated immediately afterwards, to analyse the learning curve and perioperative complications. The time required for an epididymectomy was significantly shorter than for castration. The study confirms that epididymectomy is quicker and less invasive than castration, it is associated with minimal risks and post-operative pain while easy to learn and inexpensive. Further field studies are required to test its efficiency for feline feral population control or in other species such as in bears, lions or deer, where infertility is required and castration not wanted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For a large-scale trap-neuter-return program 119 cats were anaesthetised with an intramuscular combination of 0,03-0,05 mg/kg medetomidine, 7-10 mg/kg ketamine and 0,4 mg/kg butorphanol. Cats received intraoperative 4 mg/kg tolfenamic acid subcutaneously and before closure of abdominal wall either 2 mg/kg ropivacaine (ROPI) intraperitoneal or saline (NaCl) in equal volumes. Pain was scored one, six and 20 hours postoperative with the modified Glasgow Composite Pain Scale (mGCPS) and the modified Colorado State University Scale (mCSU). There was no significant difference in the pain scores between the two groups, but the pain scores with both pain scales were significant higher (p < 0,001 for both) six hours compared to one and 20 hours postoperative. Cut-off value on the pain scales (necessitating rescue analgesia) was exceeded in 34,5 % for mGCPS and in 39,5 % for mCSU. Cats with a higher pain score showed a lower food intake (p .
    BACKGROUND: Während eines Kastrations-Rückführungsprogramm (trap-neuter-return program) wurden 119 Kätzinnen mit einer intramuskulären Kombination von 0,03–0,05 mg/kg Medetomidin, 7–10 mg/kg Ketamin und 0,4 mg/kg Butorphanol anästhesiert. Katzen erhielten intraoperativ 4 mg/kg Tolfenaminsäure subkutan und vor dem Verschluss der Bauchdecke entweder 2 mg/kg Ropivacain (ROPI) intraperitoneal oder Kochsalzlösung (NaCl) in gleichen Volumina. Die Schmerzen wurden eine, sechs und 20 Stunden postoperativ mit der modifizierten Glasgow Composite Pain Scale (mGCPS) und der modifizierten Colorado State University Scale (mCSU) bewertet. Zwischen den beiden Gruppen wurde kein signifikanter Unterschied in den Schmerzscores festgestellt, jedoch waren die Schmerzscores mit beiden Schmerzskalen sechs Stunden signifikant höher (p < 0,001) im Vergleich zu einer und 20 Stunden postoperativ. Der Cut-off-Wert auf der Schmerzskala (der eine Notfall-Analgesie erforderlich machte) wurde bei 34,5 % für mGCPS und bei 39,5 % für mCSU überschritten. Katzen mit einem höheren Schmerzscore zeigten eine geringere Futteraufnahme (p < 0,001). Die intraperitoneale Verabreichung von Ropivacain zeigte keine signifikante Verbesserung der postoperativen Analgesie im Vergleich zu intraperitonealer Kochsalzlösung. Die in der Praxis häufig verwendete Anästhesiekombination zur Kastration (Medetomidin, Ketamin, Butorphanol) der Kätzin, ergänzt mit einem nicht-steroidalen Entzündunshemmer, führte bei mehr als 1/3 aller untersuchten Katzen 6 Stunden postoperativ zu einer unzureichenden Analgesie.
    BACKGROUND: L’objectif de cette étude clinique prospective, randomisée, en aveugle et d’observation était d’étudier les effets de la ropivacaïne administrée par voie intrapéritonéale pour l’analgésie postopératoire chez des chats harets femelles subissant une ovariectomie. Dans le cadre d’un programme de piégeage, de stérilisation et de remise en liberté à grande échelle, 119 chattes ont été anesthésiées par une combinaison intramusculaire de 0,03 à 0,05 mg/kg de médétomidine, 7 à 10 mg/kg de kétamine et 0,4 mg/kg de butorphanol. Les chats ont reçu en peropératoire 4 mg/kg d’acide tolfénamique par voie sous-cutanée et, avant la fermeture de la paroi abdominale, 2 mg/kg de ropivacaïne (ROPI) par voie intrapéritonéale ou du sérum physiologique (NaCl) en volumes égaux. La douleur a été évaluée une, six et 20 heures après l’opération à l’aide de l’échelle de Glasgow de la douleur composite modifiée (mGCPS) et de l’échelle modifiée de l’Université d’État du Colorado (mCSU). Il n’y avait pas de différence significative dans les scores de douleur entre les deux groupes, mais les scores de douleur avec les deux échelles de douleur étaient significativement plus élevés (p < 0,001 pour les deux) six heures par rapport à une et 20 heures postopératoires. La valeur seuil des échelles de douleur (nécessitant une analgésie de secours) a été dépassée dans 34,5 % des cas pour le mGCPS et dans 39,5 % des cas pour le mCSU. Les chats ayant un score de douleur plus élevé ont présenté une prise alimentaire plus faible (p < 0,001). L’administration intrapéritonéale de ropivacaïne n’a pas amélioré significativement l’analgésie par rapport à une solution saline intrapéritonéale. La combinaison anesthésique couramment utilisée en pratique pour la stérilisation (médétomidine, kétamine, butorphanol), complétée par des médicaments analgésiques non stéroïdiens supplémentaires, a entraîné une analgésie postopératoire insuffisante 6 heures après la chirurgie chez plus d’un tiers des chats étudiés.
    BACKGROUND: Lo scopo di questo studio clinico prospettico, randomizzato, in cieco e osservazionale è stato quello di indagare gli effetti della ropivacaina somministrata per via intraperitoneale per l’analgesia post-operatoria dell’ovariectomia nelle gatte selvatiche femmine. Durante un programma di trappole, sterilizzazione e restituzione, 119 gatti sono stati anestetizzati con una combinazione intramuscolare di 0,03–0,05 mg/kg di medetomidina, 7–10 mg/kg di ketamina e 0,4 mg/kg di butorfanolo. I gatti hanno ricevuto 4 mg/kg di acido tolfenamico per via sottocutanea intraoperatoria e 2 mg/kg di ropivacaina (ROPI) per via intraperitoneale o soluzione fisiologica (NaCl) in volumi uguali prima della chiusura addominale. Il dolore è stato valutato dopo una, sei e 20 ore dopo l’intervento utilizzando la Glasgow Composite Pain Scale modificata (mGCPS) e la Colorado State University Scale modificata (mCSU). Non sono state riscontrate differenze significative nei punteggi del dolore tra i due gruppi, ma i punteggi del dolore erano significativamente più alti (p < 0,001) in entrambe le scale del dolore a sei ore dopo l’intervento rispetto a una e 20 ore dopo questo. Il valore di cut-off della scala del dolore (che richiedeva un’analgesia d’emergenza) è stato superato nel 34,5 % per il mGCPS e nel 39,5 % per il mCSU. I gatti con un punteggio di dolore più alto hanno mostrato una minore assunzione di cibo (p < 0,001). La somministrazione intraperitoneale di ropivacaina non ha mostrato alcun miglioramento significativo dell’analgesia postoperatoria rispetto alla soluzione fisiologica intraperitoneale. La combinazione di anestetici frequentemente utilizzata nella pratica per la castrazione (medetomidina, chetamina, butorfanolo), integrata con analgesici non steroidei aggiuntivi, ha dato luogo a un’analgesia insufficiente in più di 1/3 dei gatti studiati 6 ore dopo l’intervento.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of mechanical thresholds (MT), measured with the SMALGO (Small Animal ALGOmeter), and to determine whether there was a correlation between MT and Glasgow Feline Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-Feline) scores in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy.
    Client-owned cats undergoing flank ovariohysterectomy were recruited. Pain scores for the pre- and postoperative periods were obtained using the CMPS-Feline in each cat by two independent investigators (A and B). Following CMPS-Feline scoring, MT were measured with the SMALGO, in the surgical area, pre- and postoperatively, only by investigator A. Each cat served as its own control for the comparison of pre- and postoperative variables. Reliability statistics were used to assess the level of inter-observer agreement (A vs B) with respect to pre- and postoperative CMPS-Feline scores, while Spearman\'s correlation statistics were used to analyse the relationship between MT and CMPS-Feline scores.
    Twenty-nine cats completed the study. Preoperative MT (340 g [range 108-691]) were significantly higher than postoperatively (233 g [range 19-549]; P = 0.001). CMPS-Feline scores were not found to differ significantly between the preoperative period (2 [range 0-7] for investigator A and 3.2 ± 2.3 for investigator B) and postoperative period (2 [range 0-10] for investigator A and 3 [range 0-8] for investigator B) for either investigator. Reliability statistics revealed that the level of inter-observer agreement with respect to CMPS-Feline was fair for the preoperative assessments but poor for the postoperative evaluations. There was no correlation between MT and CMPS-Feline scores.
    Although there was no correlation with CMPS-Feline scores performed at the same timepoint, MT increased postoperatively vs baseline. Assuming that, despite analgesia, susceptibility of the surgical area to mechanical stimulation would increase after surgery, this finding suggests that MT might be useful to assess feline surgical pain. The poor level of inter-observer agreement with respect to postoperative CMPS-Feline scores highlights the potential limitations of this scale.






