soluble proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work aimed to assess the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Oxalis corymbosa extracts. Biochemical analyses were conducted on various plant parts, utilizing enzymatic and non-enzymatic assays. Parameters such as total soluble protein, chlorophyll, and carotenoid contents were also evaluated to elucidate the role of bioactive chemical compounds. The antimicrobial screening of extracts was performed against the bacterial and fungal strains Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans, respectively. Results indicated that chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid content, anthocyanin content, catalase, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase were most abundant in the O. corymbosa leaves. Moreover, total ascorbate peroxidase content, total phenolic content, and total flavonoid content were found to be higher in the roots compared to other parts. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis identified chlorogenic acid as the major component, followed by gallic acid, caffeic acid, quercetin, and salicylic acid. Regarding antibacterial potential, each extract exhibited significant activity, with methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts demonstrating the maximum inhibition zone against S. aureus and E. coli, respectively. These findings highlight the substantial antioxidant and antibacterial potential of different parts of O. corymbosa, suggesting their promising applications as ingredients in various nutraceutical products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer-enclosed nanosized particles released by all cell types during physiological as well as pathophysiological processes to carry out diverse biological functions, including acting as sources of cellular dumping, signalosomes and mineralisation nanoreactors. The ability of EVs to perform specific biological functions is due to their biochemical machinery. Among the components of the EVs\' biochemical machinery, surface proteins are of critical functional significance as they mediate the interactions of EVs with components of the extracellular milieu, the extracellular matrix and neighbouring cells. Surface proteins are thought to be native, that is, pre-assembled on the EVs\' surface by the parent cells before the vesicles are released. However, numerous pieces of evidence have suggested that soluble proteins are acquired by the EVs\' surface from the extracellular milieu and further modulate the biological functions of EVs during innate and adaptive immune responses, autoimmune disorders, complement activation, coagulation, viral infection and biomineralisation. Herein, we will describe the methods currently used to identify the EVs\' surface proteins and discuss recent knowledge on the functional relevance of the soluble proteins acquired by EVs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forest trees adopt effective strategies to optimize nitrogen (N) use through internal N recycling. In the context of more recurrent environmental stresses due to climate change, the question remains of whether increased frequency of drought or defoliation threatens this internal N recycling strategy. We submitted 8-year-old beech trees to 2 years of either severe drought (Dro) or manual defoliation (Def) to create a state of N starvation. At the end of the second year before leaf senescence, we labeled the foliage of the Dro and Def trees, as well as that of control (Co) trees, with 15N-urea. Leaf N resorption, winter tree N storage (total N, 15N, amino acids, soluble proteins) and N remobilization in spring were evaluated for the three treatments. Defoliation and drought did not significantly impact foliar N resorption or N concentrations in organs in winter. Total N amounts in Def tree remained close to those in Co tree, but winter N was stored more in the branches than in the trunk and roots. Total N amount in Dro trees was drastically reduced (-55%), especially at the trunk level, but soluble protein concentrations increased in the trunk and fine roots compared with Co trees. During spring, 15N was mobilized from the trunk, branches and twigs of both Co and Def trees to support leaf growth. It was only provided through twig 15N remobilization in the Dro trees, thus resulting in extremely reduced Dro leaf N amounts. Our results suggest that stress-induced changes occur in N metabolism but with varying severity depending on the constraints: within-tree 15N transport and storage strategy changed in response to defoliation, whereas a soil water deficit induced a drastic reduction of the N amounts in all the tree organs. Consequently, N dysfunction could be involved in drought-induced beech tree mortality under the future climate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given their critical role in plant reproduction and survival, seeds demand meticulous regulatory mechanisms to effectively store and mobilize reserves. Within seeds, the condition of storage reserves heavily depends on environmental stimuli and hormonal activation. Unlike non-protein reserves that commonly employ dedicated regulatory proteins for signaling, proteinaceous reserves may show a unique form of \'self-regulation\', amplifying efficiency and precision in this process. Proteins rely on stability to carry out their functions. However, in specific physiological contexts, particularly in seed germination, protein instability becomes essential, fulfilling roles from signaling to regulation. In this study, the elongation factor 1-alpha has been identified as a main proteinaceous reserve in Nicotiana tabacum L. seeds and showed peculiar changes in stability based on tested chemical and physical conditions. A detailed biochemical analysis followed these steps to enhance our understanding of these protein attributes. The protein varied its behavior under different conditions of pH, temperature, and salt concentration, exhibiting shifts within physiological ranges. Notably, distinct solubility transitions were observed, with the elongation factor 1-alpha becoming insoluble upon reaching specific thresholds determined by the tested chemical and physical conditions. The findings are discussed within the context of seed signaling in response to environmental conditions during the key transitions of dormancy and germination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examined the impact of grape flesh polysaccharide, protein, and amino acid contents on polyphenol retention from skins and seeds in Pinot noir (Vitis vinifera) and cold-hardy interspecific cultivars Marquette and Frontenac (Vitis spp.). After isolating grape tissues (skin, seed, and flesh), they were soaked either individually or combined with other tissues in a wine-like solution for up to 7 days. Findings revealed that flesh significantly reduces the concentration of condensed tannin, and mono- and diglucoside forms of anthocyanins in the supernatants, due to its rich content in polysaccharides and proteins. Frontenac skin and flesh tissues were the main sources of soluble proteins, amino acids, and soluble polysaccharides. Surprisingly, Marquette exhibited a higher retention of skin tannin than Pinot noir, likely due to its smaller tannin molecular mass, and a potential competitive effect with anthocyanins for the binding sites of flesh.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toona ciliata M. Roem. is a valuable and fast-growing timber species which is found in subtropical regions; however, drought severely affects its growth and physiology. Although the exogenous application of salicylic acid (SA) has been proven to enhance plant drought tolerance by regulating the osmotic system and photosynthesis rate, the physiological processes involved in the regulation of drought tolerance by SA in various plants differ. Therefore, drought mitigation techniques tailored for T. ciliata should be explored or developed for the sustainable development of the timber industry. We selected 2-year-old T. ciliata seedlings for a potting experiment, set the soil moisture at 45%, and subjected some of the T. ciliata seedlings to a moderate drought (MD) treatment; to others, 0.5 mmol/L exogenous SA (MD + SA) was applied as a mitigation test, and we also conducted a control using a normal water supply at 70% soil moisture (CK). Our aim was to investigate the mitigating effects of exogenous SA on the growth condition, osmotic system, and photosynthesis rate of T. ciliata under drought stress conditions. OPLS-VIP was used to analyze the main physiological factors that enable exogenous SA to alleviate drought-induced injury in T. ciliata. The results indicated that exogenous SA application increased the growth of the ground diameter, plant height, and leaf blades and enhanced the drought tolerance of the T. ciliata seedlings by maintaining the balance of their osmotic systems, improving their gas exchange parameters, and restoring the activity of their PSII reaction centers. The seven major physiological factors that enabled exogenous SA to mitigate drought-induced injury in the T. ciliata seedlings were the soluble proteins (Sp), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs), stomatal opening window (Sow), activity of the photosystem II reaction center (ΦPSII), and electron transfer rate (ETR). Of these, Sp was the most dominant factor. There was a synergistic effect between the osmotic system and the photosynthetic regulation of drought injury in the T. ciliata seedlings. Overall, our study confirms that exogenous SA enhances the drought tolerance of T. ciliata by modulating the osmotic system and photosynthesis rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the effects of different soluble proteins, including collagen peptides (CP), soy protein hydrolysate (HSPI), whey protein isolate (WPI), sodium caseinate (SC), and egg white protein (EWP), on the structural and mechanical properties of blends containing soy protein isolate (SPI) and wheat gluten (WG) were investigated using high-moisture extrusion. The addition of CP and HSPI resulted in a more pronounced fibrous structure with increased voids, attributing to their plasticizing effect that enhanced polymer chain mobility and reduced viscosity. WPI, SC, and EWP acted as crosslinking agents, causing early crosslink formation and decreased polymer chain mobility. These structural variations directly influenced the tensile properties of the extrudates, with CP displaying the highest anisotropic index. Moreover, the presence of soluble proteins impacts the permeability of the extrudates. These insights shed light on how soluble proteins can be used to modify the properties of SPI-WG blends, making them suitable for meat analogue production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is a widely-used method for characterizing individual protein structures in solutions, membranes, films and macromolecular complexes, as well as for probing macromolecular interactions, conformational changes associated with binding substrates, and in different functionally-related environments. This paper describes a series of related computational and display tools that have been developed over many years to aid in those characterizations and functional interpretations. The new DichroPipeline described herein links a series of format-compatible data processing, analysis, and display tools to enable users to facilely produce the spectra, which can then be made available in the Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank ( resource, in which the CD spectral and associated metadata for each entry are linked to other structural and functional data bases including the Protein Data Bank (PDB), and the UniProt sequence data base, amongst others. These tools and resources thus provide the basis for a wide range of traceable structural characterizations of soluble, membrane and intrinsically-disordered proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultrasonication-assisted enzymatic treatments using Viscozyme®, Alcalase®, and feruloyl esterase were applied to recover proteins, avenanthramides, phenolic acids, free sugars, and organic acids from oat hulls (OH). The profiles of the chemical compounds in OH were markedly influenced by the nature of enzymes, ultrasonication frequency, and processing time. A significant increase in the contents of proteins and phenolic acids was observed in the liquid fraction of all enzymatic treatments, which was 2-19 folds higher than those detected in untreated OH. In contrast, avenanthramides were mostly degraded during enzyme hydrolyses. The highest content of proteins (68.9 g/100 g DM) was found in the liquid fraction after the feruloyl esterase treatment assisted with 90 min of ultrasonication at 25 kHz. This fraction also contained 0.07% phenolic acids, 14.1% free sugars, and 1.8% organic acids, which can be potentially used as the ingredient of novel food products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potatoes are a staple food with high antioxidant properties that can positively affect population health. The beneficial effects of potatoes have been attributed to tuber quality. However, the tuber quality related researches at genetic levels are very few. Sexual hybridization is a powerful strategy for producing new and valuable genotypes with high quality. In this study, 42 breeding potato genotypes in Iran were selected based on appearance characteristics such as shape, size, color, eyes of tubers, and tuber yield and marketability. The tubers were evaluated for their nutritional value and properties, viz. phenolic content, flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins, sugars, proteins, and antioxidant activity. Potato tubers with white flesh and colored skin had significantly higher levels of ascorbic acid and total sugar. The result showed that higher phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid, protein concentration, and antioxidant activity were noted in yellow-fleshed. Burren (yellow-fleshed) tubers had more antioxidant capacity in comparison to genotypes and cultivars, which did not differ significantly with genotypes 58, 68, 67 (light yellow), 26, 22, and 12 (white). The highest correlation coefficients in antioxidant compounds were related to total phenol content and FRAP, suggesting that phenolics might be crucial predictors of antioxidant activities. The concentration of antioxidant compounds in the breeding genotypes was higher than in some commercial cultivars, and higher antioxidant compounds content and activity were detected in yellow-fleshed cultivars. Based on current results, understanding the relationship between antioxidant compounds and the antioxidant activity of potatoes could be very helpful in potato breeding projects.





