
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent decades, an enormous potential of fungal-based products with characteristics equal to, or even outperforming, classic petroleum-derived products has been acknowledged. The production of these new materials uses mycelium, a root-like structure of fungi consisting of a mass of branching, thread-like hyphae. Optimizing the production of mycelium-based materials and fungal growth under technical conditions needs to be further investigated. The main objective of this study was to select fast-growing fungi and identify optimized incubation conditions to obtain a dense mycelium mat in a short time. Further, the influence of the initial substrate characteristics on hyphae expansion was determined. Fungal isolates of Ganoderma lucidum, Pleurotus ostreatus, and Trametes versicolor were cultivated for seven days on substrate mixtures consisting of various proportions of pine bark and cotton fibers. Furthermore, the substrates were mixed with 0, 2, and 5 wt.% calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and the incubator was flushed with 0, 5, and 10 vol.% carbon dioxide (CO2). All samples grew in the dark at 26 °C and a relative humidity of 80%. Evaluation of growth rate shows that cotton fiber-rich substrates performed best for all investigated fungi. Although Pleurotus ostreatus and Trametes versicolor showed comparatively high growth rates of up to 5.4 and 5.3 mm d-1, respectively, mycelium density was thin and transparent. Ganoderma lucidum showed a significantly denser mycelium at a maximum growth rate of 3.3 mm d-1 on a cotton fiber-rich substrate (75 wt.%) without CaCO3 but flushed with 5 vol.% CO2 during incubation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fresh meat harbors autochthonous microbiota with unknown risk potential, which is introduced in raw fermented sausages. Their growth can be limited by the use of safe, competitive starter strains. In the lack of time and cost-effective methods to track those starters at strain level, their assertiveness upon meat fermentation is widely unknown. Lactobacillus (L.) sakei and L. curvatus, which can be isolated from a variety of habitats, are frequently used as starter cultures. We monitored the assertiveness of 9 L. sakei and 9 L. curvatus strains in a model fermentation using MALDI-TOF-MS. An \"in-house\" MALDI-TOF-MS database with sub-proteome spectra of L. sakei and L. curvatus strains, as well as members of the autochthonous, spontaneously growing meat microbiota was established, validated and recognition rates were determined for each L. curvatus and L. sakei strain used. Competition studies were performed with standardized sausage batter, which was inoculated with a total of 106 cells of sets of 4-5 strains each of L. sakei and L. curvatus and 106Staphylococcus carnosus ssp. carnosus cells. The pH and redox potential were monitored continuously. On days 0, 2 and 5 samples were taken to determine the CfU/g and a total of 96 isolates per sample were identified via MALDI-TOF-MS. MALDI-TOF-MS generally proved suitable for identification of isolates on strain level within the starter sets employed, but the recognition rate varied depending on the strain. Competition studies revealed dominance or co-dominance of strains within each set. However, their assertiveness significantly depended on the composition of the strain sets. Still, co-dominance or cooperation appeared effective to outgrow other members of the autochthonous meat microbiota, rather than dominance of single strains. For the latter, the ability to produce bacteriocins suggested itself for a crucial role in the assertiveness of starter strains.





