sleep terror

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleepwalking and related parasomnias are thought to result from incomplete awakenings out of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. Non-REM parasomnia behaviours have been described as unconscious and automatic, or related to vivid, dream-like conscious experiences. Similarly, some observations have suggested that patients are unresponsive during episodes, while others that they can interact with their surroundings. To better grasp and characterise the full spectrum of consciousness and environmental (dis)connection associated with behavioural episodes, 35 adult patients with non-REM sleep parasomnias were interviewed in-depth about their experiences. The level of consciousness during parasomnia episodes was reported to be variable both within and between individuals, ranging from minimal or absent consciousness and largely automatic behaviours (frequently/always present in 36% of patients) to preserved conscious experiences characterised by delusional thinking to varying degrees of specificity (65%), often about impending danger, variably formed, uni- or multisensory hallucinations (53%), impaired insight (77%), negative emotions (75%), and variable, but often pronounced, amnesia (30%). Patients described their experiences as a dream scene during which they felt awake (\"awake dreaming\"). The surroundings were either realistically perceived, misinterpreted (in the form of perceptual illusions or misidentifications of people), or entirely hallucinated as a function of the prevailing delusion. These observations suggest that the level of consciousness, amnesia and sensory disconnection during non-REM parasomnia episodes is variable and graded. In their full-fledged expression, non-REM parasomnia experiences feature several core features of dreams. They therefore represent a valuable model for the study of consciousness, sleep-related sensory disconnection and dreaming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasomnias are defined as abnormal movements or behaviors that occur in sleep or during arousals from sleep. Parasomnias vary in frequency from episodic events that arise from incomplete sleep state transition. The framework by which parasomnias are categorized and diagnosed is based on the International Classification of Sleep Disorders-Third Edition, Text Revision (ICSD-3-TR), published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The recent Third Edition, Text Revision (ICSD-3-TR) of the ICSD provides an expert consensus of the diagnostic requirements for sleep disorders, including parasomnias, based on an extensive review of the current literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We consider the disorders of arousal and sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy as genetic twin-conditions, one without, one with epilepsy. They share an augmented arousal-activity during NREM sleep with sleep-wake dissociations, culminating in sleep terrors and sleep-related hypermotor seizures with similar symptoms. The known mutations underlying the two spectra are different, but there are multifold population-genetic-, family- and even individual (the two conditions occurring in the same person) overlaps supporting common genetic roots. In the episodes of disorders of arousal, the anterior cingulate, anterior insular and pre-frontal cortices (shown to be involved in fear- and emotion processing) are activated within a sleeping brain. These regions overlap with the seizure-onset zones of successfully operated sleep-related hypermotor seizures, and notably, belong to the salience network being consistent with its hubs. The arousal-relatedness and the similar fearful confusion occurring in sleep terrors and hypermotor seizures, make them alike acute stress-responses emerging from sleep; triggered by false alarms. The activation of the anterior cingulate, prefrontal and insular regions in the episodes of both conditions, can easily mobilize the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis (preparing fight-flight responses in wakefulness); through its direct pathways to and from the salience network. This hypothesis has never been studied.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) parasomnias are often benign and transient, requiring no formal treatment. However, parasomnias can also be chronic, disrupt sleep quality, and pose a significant risk of harm to the patient or others. Numerous behavioral strategies have been described for the management of NREM parasomnias, but there have been no published comprehensive reviews. This systematic review was conducted to summarize the range of behavioral and psychological interventions and their efficacy.
    We conducted a systematic search of the literature to identify all reports of behavioral and psychological treatments for NREM parasomnias (confusional arousals, sexsomnia, sleepwalking, sleep terrors, sleep-related eating disorder, parasomnia overlap disorder). This review was conducted in line with PRISMA guidelines. The protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42021230360). The search was conducted in the following databases (initially on March 10, 2021 and updated February 24, 2023): Ovid (MEDLINE), Cochrane Library databases (Wiley), CINAHL (EBSCO), PsycINFO (EBSCO), and Web of Science (Clarivate). Given a lack of standardized quantitative outcome measures, a narrative synthesis approach was used. Risk of bias assessment used tools from Joanna Briggs Institute.
    A total of 72 publications in four languages were included, most of which were case reports (68%) or case series (21%). Children were included in 32 publications and adults in 44. The most common treatment was hypnosis (33 publications) followed by various types of psychotherapy (31), sleep hygiene (19), education/reassurance (15), relaxation (10), scheduled awakenings (9), sleep extension/scheduled naps (9), and mindfulness (5). Study designs and inconsistent outcome measures limited the evidence for specific treatments, but some evidence supports multicomponent CBT, sleep hygiene, scheduled awakenings, and hypnosis.
    This review highlights the wide breadth of behavioral and psychological interventions for managing NREM parasomnias. Evidence for the efficacy of these treatments is limited by the retrospective and uncontrolled nature of most research as well as the infrequent use of validated quantitative outcome measures. Behavioral and psychological treatments have been studied alone and in various combinations, and recent publications suggest a trend toward preference for multicomponent cognitive behavioral therapies designed to specifically target priming and precipitating factors of NREM parasomnias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nocturnal agitation refers to a broad spectrum of symptoms from simple movements to aggressive behaviors with partial or complete loss of awareness. An accurate identification of its etiology is critical for appropriate therapeutic intervention. In children and young adults, distinguishing between non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep parasomnias and psychogenic non-parasomniac manifestations, a condition known as sleep-related dissociative disorder (SRDD), can be challenging. This review aims to summarize current clinical, neurophysiological, and epidemiological knowledge on NREM parasomnia and SRDD, and to present the pathophysiological hypotheses underlying these nocturnal manifestations. Sleepwalking, sleep terror and confusional arousals are the three main presentations of NREM parasomnias and share common clinical characteristics. Parasomniac episodes generally occur 30minutes to three hours after sleep-onset, they are usually short, lasting no more than few minutes and involve non-stereotyped, clumsy behaviors with frequent amnesia. The prevalence of NREM parasomnia decreases from 15-30% in children to 2-4% in adults. Parasomniac episodes are incomplete awakening from the deepest NREM sleep and are characterized by a dissociated brain activity, with a wake-like activation in motor and limbic structures and a preserved sleep in the fronto-parietal regions. SRDD is a less known condition characterized by dramatic, often very long episodes with frequent aggressive and potentially dangerous behaviors. SRDD episodes frequently occur in quiet wakefulness before falling asleep. These dissociative manifestations are frequently observed in the context of psychological trauma. The pathophysiology of SRDD is poorly understood but could involve transient changes in brain connectivity due to labile sleep-wake boundaries in predisposed individuals. We hypothesize that SRDD and NREM parasomnia are forms of sleep-related dissociative states favored by a sleep-wake state dissociation during sleep-onset and awakening process, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To describe early diagnostic clues in Cyclin-Dependent Kinase-Like 5 (CDKL5) refractory encephalopathy, to improve treatment strategies.
    UNASSIGNED: We retrospectively studied 35 patients (25 females, 10 males) with CDKL5 gene mutations or deletion, focusing on their early seizure semiology, the electroencephalogram (EEG) pattern, the effect of treatment, and developmental outcome.
    UNASSIGNED: The first seizures were recognizable and consisted of tonic, then clonic, and spasms phases, occurring in sleep at a median age of 6 weeks. Clusters of spasms were observed in quiet sleep or slow-wave sleep (SWS), with screaming, staring, and arms\' extension that mimicked sleep terror in 28 of 35 patients (80%). Programmed awakening prevented these spasms in 9 of 16 patients and small doses of clonazepam given at night improved epilepsy in 14 of 23 patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Peculiar seizures with spasms starting in SWS are an early diagnostic clue in infants with CDKL5 encephalopathy. Sleep video-EEG polygraphy is an easy tool to disclose these early seizures and epileptic spasms in infants during the first months of life while polysomnography is unlikely to give a contribution at that early age. While conventional antiepileptic treatment and corticosteroids are poorly, transiently, or not efficient, therapeutic strategy used for sleep terror could help, although the mechanism of spasms generation in SWS needs to be elucidated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep parasomnias are recurrent abnormal behaviors emerging as incomplete arousals out of NREM sleep. Mounting evidence on NREM sleep parasomnias calls for an update of clinical and therapeutical strategies. In the current review, we summarize the state of the art and provide the necessary background to stimulate a critical revision of diagnostic criteria of disorders of arousal (DoA), the most common NREM sleep parasomnia. In particular, we highlight the poor sensitivity of the diagnostic items related to amnesia and absence of conscious experiences during DoA episodes, encourage the role of video-polysomnography and home-video recordings in the diagnostic and treatment work-up, and suggest three levels of diagnostic certainty based on clinical and objective findings. Furthermore, we highlight current gaps of knowledge that prevent the definition of standard guidelines and future research avenues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disorders of arousal (DoA) are NREM parasomnias characterized by motor and emotional behaviors emerging from incomplete arousals from deep sleep. DoA are largely present in pediatric populations, a period during which they are labeled as self-limited manifestations. However, an extensive literature has shown that DoA can persist in adulthood, with different characteristics from childhood DoA. Adult DoA patients usually report excessive daily sleepiness, sleep-related violence during DoA episodes or potentially harmful behaviors, which are rare in childhood. The semeiological features of DoA episodes in adulthood may complicate differential diagnoses with other motor manifestations during sleep, in particular sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy. However, it cannot be excluded that adults with DoA attending sleep centers constitute a more severe phenotype, thus not being representative of adult DoA in the general population. Video-polysomnographic studies of DoA document a spectrum of motor patterns of different complexities, the simplest of which may often go unnoticed. Despite the different complexities of the episodes, neurophysiologic studies showed the co-existence of deep sleep and wakefulness during DoA episodes or even before their onset. These aspects make DoA an ideal model to investigate the mechanisms regulating local sleep, sleep arousal and cognitive functions including spatial and temporal orientation, attention or memory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To assess the feasibility, the acceptability and the usefulness of home nocturnal infrared video in recording the frequency and the complexity of non-rapid eye movement sleep parasomnias in adults, and in monitoring the treatment response. Twenty adult patients (10 males, median age 27.5 years) with a diagnosis of non-rapid eye movement parasomnia were consecutively enrolled. They had a face-to-face interview, completed self-reported questionnaires to assess clinical characteristics and performed a video-polysomnography in the Sleep Unit. Patients were then monitored at home during at least five consecutive nights using infrared-triggered cameras. They completed a sleep diary and questionnaires to evaluate the number of parasomniac episodes at home and the acceptability of the home nocturnal infrared video recording. Behavioural analyses were performed on home nocturnal infrared video and video-polysomnography recordings. Eight patients treated by clonazepam underwent a second home nocturnal infrared video recording during five consecutive days. All patients had at least one parasomniac episode during the home nocturnal infrared video monitoring, compared with 75% during the video-polysomnography. A minimum of three consecutive nights with home nocturnal infrared video was required to record at least one parasomniac episode. Most patients underestimated the frequency of episodes on the sleep diary compared with home nocturnal infrared video. Episodes recorded at home were often more complex than those recorded during the video-polysomnography. The user-perceived acceptability of the home nocturnal infrared video assessment was excellent. The frequency and the complexity of the parasomniac episodes decreased with clonazepam. Home nocturnal infrared video has good feasibility and acceptability, and may improve the evaluation of the phenotype and severity of the non-rapid eye movement parasomnias and of the treatment response in an ecological setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We created a Dutch version of the Paris Arousal Disorders Severity Scale (PADSS), which assesses non-rapid eye movement (NREM) parasomnia symptoms over the past year (PADSS-year). This questionnaire was previously validated in patients with sleep walking and/or sleep terrors (SW/ST). We validated the questionnaire in SW/ST patients, and in a broader population, including patients with confusional arousals, comorbidities, and medication users (\"other NREM parasomnias\"). Furthermore, we introduced a version covering the past month (PADSS-month), with the potential purpose of evaluating symptom evolution and treatment response.
    We compared PADSS scores among 54 SW/ST patients, 34 age-matched controls, and 23 patients with other NREM parasomnias. We evaluated discriminative capacity, internal consistency, and construct validity. Furthermore, we assessed the test-retest reliability and treatment response of PADSS-month.
    Healthy controls scored significantly lower than both patient groups. We found an excellent diagnostic accuracy (area under the curve PADSS-year 0.990, PADSS-month 0.987) and an acceptable internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis identified 3 components: \"behaviors outside the bed,\" \"behaviors in/around the bed,\" and \"violent behaviors,\" with the former 2 factors reflecting the distinction between SW and ST. PADSS-month showed an acceptable test-retest reliability (0.75). Additionally, PADSS-month significantly decreased after pharmaceutical and/or behavioral treatment. This change was correlated with the clinical impression of the caregiver, implying that PADSS-month is sensitive to treatment effects.
    The Dutch PADSS questionnaire can be used as a screening tool in a broad population of patients with NREM parasomnia, not only SW/ST. Furthermore, we validated a PADSS-month version to assess the evolution of symptoms and treatment effect.
    van Mierlo P, Hermans L, Arnulf I, Pijpers A, Overeem S, van Gilst M. Validation of the Dutch translation of the Paris Arousal Disorders Severity Scale for non-REM parasomnias in a 1-year and 1-month version. J Clin Sleep Med. 2022;18(4):1135-1143.





