sex offenders

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Effective classification of individuals who commit sexual offences is important for their assessment, treatment, and risk management. Victim age has often been used as a distinguishing factor between perpetrators.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyse the distinctive psychopathological and criminological characteristics of contact sexual offenders with adult and minor victims.
    METHODS: The study involved 97 adult males who were serving a prison sentence in Spain for at least one contact sexual offence against an adult or a minor.
    METHODS: Researchers gathered data on criminological variables concerning the offender, victim, and modus operandi from prison records and interviews. Participants completed the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III) in a second session, and between-group differences were analysed.
    RESULTS: Sex offenders with minor victims (SOMV) had significantly lower scores than sex offenders with adult victims (SOAV) on the Antisocial (r = -0.283, p = .005) and Sadistic (r = -0.209, p = .04) personality subscales, and on the Alcohol (r = -0.426, p < .001) and Drug dependence (r = -0.332, p = .001) syndrome subscales. SOAV were also more likely to use violence and/or intimidation, use a weapon, offend against female victims, offend against an intimate partner, commit their offences in public places, serve other ongoing prison sentences, and report a history of alcohol and substance abuse. SOMV were older and more likely to offend against family members.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that there are key differences between SOAV and SOMV that should be considered in tailored prevention programmes for each subgroup of offenders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Negative attitudes toward offenders may hinder the rehabilitation process. The present study examines the relationship between attitudes toward sex offenders and stated acceptance of offenders and non-offenders into various aspects of daily life. Sixty female members of the public (18-50 years old, UK residents, recruited by word of mouth and via social media) completed an attitudes towards sex offenders (ATS) scale and indicated for each of eight vignettes describing ex-offenders and non-offenders whether they would accept them in various situations (housing, employment, day-to-day activities). Results indicate that in this group of female participants, harsher attitudes toward sex offenders are associated with lower acceptance of sex offenders (around 50% less acceptance) and other offenders (around 25% less acceptance), but not non-offenders, suggesting a tight coupling between attitudes and acceptance. The observed coupling between attitudes toward sex offenders and acceptance of offenders suggests that it will be difficult to change one without changing the other.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Past research into the effectiveness of multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) in reducing reoffending it limited. Thus, the current study aimed to evaluate proven reoffending patterns for MAPPA managed individuals.
    UNASSIGNED: Proven reoffending for 39,501 MAPPA managed individuals was investigated by (1) examining patterns in the timing and frequency of proven reoffending for MAPPA managed individuals; (2) examining 1-, 3-, and 5-year proven reoffending patterns of MAPPA managed individuals by MAPPA category, age, and gender; and (3) comparing crime harm levels and recall to custody for MAPPA managed individuals pre- and post-MAPPA adoption.
    UNASSIGNED: Taken together, our findings show that proven reoffending rates for individuals managed under MAPPA are substantially lower than those reported in proven reoffending statistics for England and Wales.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results suggest that MAPPA is making a positive contribution to a managing individuals convicted of sexual and violent offenses. Additionally, our findings provide the best evidence to date that MAPPA management may also be effective at reducing less serious offenses which do not typically involve immediate removal from society. These findings are considered in light of their theoretical and practical implications while potential limitations and avenues for future research are outlined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Problematic sexual arousal (PSA) is an umbrella term to describe a range of clinical presentations related to excessive sexual thinking (e.g., sexual preoccupation) and sexual behavior (e.g., hypersexuality). Although such concepts are known to affect sexual recidivism among individuals convicted of sexual offences, PSA is not routinely or directly targeted in offending behavior programs in England and Wales. However, in recent years, there have been moves to incorporate pharmacological interventions for addressing this among people with sexual offence histories. Although some work to understand the experiences of those taking SSRI medication for this purpose has emerged, little is known about the experiences of service users taking anti-androgen medication. In this study, we interviewed all individuals in prison taking anti-androgens for the treatment of problematic sexual arousal following convictions for sexual offences in England at the time of data collection (N = 10). Using a phenomenologically oriented thematic analysis, we established themes pertaining to \"Differing needs: Motivations for treatment,\" \"Medication as a risk management strategy,\" and how the medication helped the men in their pursuit of \"Discovering a \'new me\'.\" This work contributes important knowledge to inform the development of ethical and effective prescribing of anti-androgen medication with this population and offer recommendations for both future research and the development of clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Multisystemic therapy (MST) is an intense, family-focused, community-based treatment designed for youth with criminal behaviors. Literature on its usefulness among juvenile sexual offenders (JSOs) remains limited. We conducted a systematic review of published studies assessing effectiveness of MST among JSOs. A comprehensive search of published studies, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, was undertaken using multiple databases. Search terms included \"multisystemic therapy\" or \"multisystemic family therapy.\" A total of 542 articles were obtained on initial search. After excluding duplicates, 297 articles were included in further analysis that yielded 48 articles for full-text analysis. Six randomized controlled trials of MST, comprising 231 juvenile sex-offenders, were assessed for final review. MST performed favorably relative to alternative treatments among juvenile sex offenders while also demonstrating lasting treatment effect on sustained follow-up.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    The Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 (Qld) provides for the preventive detention of a prisoner if there is \"acceptable, cogent evidence\" to a \"high degree of probability\" that the prisoner is a \"serious danger to the community\" because of an \"unacceptable risk\" that the prisoner will commit a \"serious sexual offence\". In preventive detention cases courts rely on the expert opinion of psychiatrists and psychologists who often use actuarial risk assessment instruments. In Black v Attorney-General (Qld) [2022] QCA 253 the Queensland Court of Appeal considered a decision to detain an offender who had a history of possessing and trading child sexual exploitation material but who had not previously been proved to have committed a contact offence against a child. This article analyses the reasoning of the Court of Appeal and critically examines the reliability of probabilistic risk assessment tools and the validity of expert evidence about risk in the preventive detention context.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Psychopathy has been empirically associated with various forms of antisocial behavior including sexual assault. In fact, the lack of empathy characterizing psychopathic offenders may facilitate the perpetration of more extreme violence. This systematic review aims to explore the relationship between psychopathy traits in male adult sex offenders and the increase in recidivism risk for any type of reoffence, with a special focus on sexual recidivism. From an initial sample of 757 articles related to the topic, only 14 were selected from the current literature at the end of the inclusion process. Each of these assessed the relation between psychopathy traits (measured by PCL-R) and recidivism risk in male sex offenders (age > 18), providing an effect size (quantitative findings). The results of their analysis agree with the currently available literature: the presence of psychopathic traits in sex offenders would seem to correlate with an increased risk of recidivism of general but non-sexual. Furthermore, almost half of the included works highlighted a positive relationship between psychopathy and violent reoffences. However, the limited availability of studies and the unevenness in their results indicate the need to expand future research in this direction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The policy on treatment of people who commit sexual offenses (PSOs) varies greatly across countries, creating different treatment environments. This study was conducted in Flanders (i.e., the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) where PSOs receive their treatment in the community. Before this transfer takes place, many PSOs spend time inside prison together with other offenders. This raises the question to what extent PSOs are safe in prison and whether this period would benefit from an integrated therapeutic program. This qualitative research study focuses on the possibility of separate housing for PSOs by examining the current experiences of incarcerated PSOs and contextualizing those with the professional experience of national and international experts in the field.
    UNASSIGNED: Between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022, 22 semi-structured interviews and six focus groups took place. Participants were comprised of 9 imprisoned PSOs, 7 international experts on prison-based PSO treatment, 6 prison officer supervisors, 2 prison management delegates, 21 healthcare workers (both inside and outside prison), 6 prison policy coordinators, and 10 psychosocial service staff members.
    UNASSIGNED: Nearly all interviewed PSOs reported suffering at the hands of fellow inmates or prison staff because of the nature of their offenses, varying from exclusion and bullying to physical violence. These experiences were corroborated by the Flemish professionals. Consistent with scientific research, the international experts all reported working with incarcerated PSOs who reside in living units separate from other offenders and the therapeutic benefits to this approach. Despite this growing evidence, the Flemish professionals remained reluctant to implement separate living units for PSOs in prisons because of the perceived risk of increased cognitive distortions and further isolation of this already stigmatized group.
    UNASSIGNED: The Belgian prison system is not currently organized to create separate living units for PSOs, which has important ramifications for the safety and therapeutic opportunities of these vulnerable prisoners. International experts emphasize a clear benefit for introducing separate living units where a therapeutic environment can be created. Although this would have significant organizational and policy-oriented implications, it would be useful to explore whether these practices could be implemented in Belgian prisons as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Japan, sexual offending, especially paraphilic sexual offending, has become a major problem, and approximately 3000 people are arrested for frotteuristic and voyeuristic behavior each year. Considering the repetitive nature of such behaviors, determining the recidivism risk is imperative. Globally, Static-99 is one of the most widely used actuarial risk assessment tools to predict recidivism among sex offenders. However, sexual offending is largely influenced by social and cultural backgrounds, and whether risk factors identified in the West are applicable to other countries is unknown. Therefore, we developed a Japanese version of the Static-99 and examined its reliability and validity with 167 Japanese paraphilic sex offenders. The results showed good internal consistency (Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient = 0.88) and predictive accuracy (area under the curve = 0.76). The results indicate that the Japanese Static-99 can be used with Japanese sex offenders. Moreover, risk factors identified in the Western context are applicable to Japanese sex offenders despite the different nature and manifestations of their offending.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is a common neuropsychiatric disorder, which is often missed or misdiagnosed by both neurologists and psychiatrists as a cause of emotional and behavioral problems. Inappropriate emotional responses and maladaptive behavior, including criminal behaviors, may be the first obvious expression of bvFTD caused by altered moral feelings, loss of empathy, disinhibition, and compulsive behavior. New onset sex offenses, including indecent exposure, sexually inappropriate comments, and unwanted sexual advances have been documented in early bvFTD. These behaviors may escalate with progressive disease and lead to harsh penalties. The presence of inappropriate sexual behaviors in older individuals with no prior history should raise concern about the presence of bvFTD in forensic examinations. In addition to the forensic examination, diagnostic evaluation requires psychological testing (including tests of social and affective cognition) and imaging studies. In sex offenders, a diagnosis of bvFTD has significant implications for risk assessments, requirements regarding supervision and management, and as evidence for mitigation. In this article, we review the neuropsychiatry of bvFTD, how the pathophysiology may contribute to sex offenses, and important psycholegal considerations for the forensic psychiatrist when evaluating bvFTD.





