
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suture exostosis is an intriguing and not uncommon pathology that has to be included in the differential diagnosis for horses with swelling of the head. Although several singular case reports have been published, no large case series is available. The aim of this study is to report a multicentric retrospective collection of suture exostosis cases. Data concerning horses with suture exostosis in the facial region were collected retrospectively. Information regarding breed, age, gender, history, imaging findings, initiated treatment, response to treatment and follow up was recorded. One hundred and five cases of various breeds were reported. Analysis revealed the cases could be grouped into four entities: 45 developed following sino-nasal surgery, 23 following trauma, seven with underlying sinus pathology and 25 idiopathic. Treatment consisted of sequestra removal, plate fixation, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs or no treatment. Whereas initial localized pain fades within few days or weeks, resolution or reduction of the swelling was obtained in most cases after 3 months to 1.5 years. The etiopathogenesis of suture exostosis seems to consist of different entities. Identification of an underlying cause, particularly the presence of a bone sequester and infection is important to speed up resolution and before concluding an idiopathic case. When performing sinusotomies, it is important to provide as little trauma as possible to the surgical site in order to prevent suture exostosis as a complication.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: To report the case of chronic osteomyelitis of a maxilla in a woman with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and mental illness, in an attempt to clarify its pathogenesis and treatment.
    RESULTS: A case of a woman with moderate G6PD deficiency (Class III) who developed bilateral and asynchronous chronic suppurative osteomyelitis (CSO) of her maxilla with extensive bone sequestra, fistulae and whose management was performed by local surgery for bony sequestra and fistulae removal; closure communication under 4 weeks antibiotic cover.
    CONCLUSIONS: CSO of the jaw may be a complication of the G6PD deficiency and DM and its severity depends on patient\'s medical status.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 5 yr old, 184 kg, and 262 cm total length female bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus was found dead in a display after bloody discharge from the blowhole was observed 3 h prior to death. Pathological examination revealed fibrinous bronchopneumonia with prominent areas of necrosis (sequestra) and numerous Gram-negative bacilli within alveoli and in blood vessels of the lungs and liver and between muscle fibers. The cause of death was attributed to septicemia. Often, cases of fibrinous bronchopneumonia are characterized by bacteremia in the latter stages of infection, resulting in the death of the animal. Septicemia likely accounts for the ecchymoses and petechiae noted on the spleen, pancreas, forestomach, lungs, visceral peritoneum, and small intestine. Additional lesions included hemothorax, stable red frothy fluid in the trachea, and lymphoid depletion in the spleen and lymph nodes. Pure growth of Morganella morganii was isolated from the lungs, blood, liver, and blowhole mucosa. Sequencing of 16s rRNA of the isolated bacteria showed more than 99.6% identity with M. morganii strain FDAARGOS_172. To our knowledge, this is the first report of fatal fibrinonecrotizing bronchopneumonia associated with M. morganii infection in a cetacean.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis (CSO) of the maxillofacial region is primarily caused by infections of odontogenic microorganisms. It may also arise as a complication of dental extractions, maxillofacial trauma, inadequate treatment of a fracture and irradiation to the mandible. This condition is characterized by areas of devitalized bone (sequestra) which serves as a nidus for recurrent episodes of infection. This case report describes a case of CSO in an untreated right subcondylar fracture of the mandible which was successfully treated with a combination of antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement in an 8-year-old boy. How to cite this article: Kumar GR, Syed BA, Prasad N, Praveen SP. Chronic Suppurative Osteomyelitis of Subcondylar Region: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2013;6(2): 119-123.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), a severe respiratory disease of cattle caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (Mmm) is endemic in many African countries due to fragmented veterinary services and the lack of an efficient vaccine and sensitive diagnostics. More efficient tools to control the disease are needed, but to develop the tools, a better understanding of host-pathogen interactions is necessary. The aim of this study was to characterize the kinetics of the humoral immune response against 65 Mmm surface antigens for an extended period in cattle that survived a primary infection with Mmm. We describe clinical and haematological outcomes, and dissect the humoral immune response over time, to specific antigens and compared the antibody responses between different pathomorphological outcomes. No antigen-specific antibodies correlating with protection were identified. Interestingly we found that animals that developed Mycoplasma-containing sequestra had significantly higher antibody levels against proteins comprising the surface proteome than the animals that cleared Mycoplasma from their lungs. Based on these data we suggest that high antibody titres might play a role in the establishment of pathomorphological changes, such as vasculitis, which should be investigated in future studies. Beneficial antibody specificities and cellular immune responses need to be identified in order to foster the development of an improved vaccine in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of concurrent administration of clinically relevant doses of zoledronic acid (ZA) and dexamethasone (DX) on bone healing after tooth extraction (EXO).
    METHODS: Forty-four Sprague-Dawley rats (6-8 month old) were randomized into five groups: ZA + DX = weekly injection of ZA with DX for 7 weeks; WD = ZA with DX for 3 weeks then DX alone for 4 weeks; C = control saline for 7 weeks; ZA = ZA alone for 7 weeks and DX = DX alone for 7 weeks. ZA was administered at 0.13 mg/kg/week and DX at 3.8 mg/kg/week and body weights recorded at the time of injection. All rats underwent extraction (EXO) of the mandibular and maxillary first molars at 3 weeks and were euthanized at 7 weeks. The extracted and non-extracted sides of both jaws were harvested for micro-CT analyses.
    RESULTS: All rats, particularly those injected with ZA, exhibited weight gain till EXO followed by decline then recovery. ZA + DX group demonstrated highest fractional bone to tissue volume (BV/TV) in the non-extracted side. ZA + DX rats exhibited also highest volume and surface of sequestra. Only sequestra volume was statistically higher in the WD group compared to C group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Combined treatment with ZA and DX over a prolonged period inhibits bone remodeling and increased sequestra formation to a greater extent than either drug alone. Trauma caused by these sequestra cutting through the mucosa could play a key role in the development of BRONJ by potentially facilitating infection. ZA withdrawal may promote bone-remodeling reactivation following EXO.





