
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Precise developmental timing control is essential for organism formation and function, but its mechanisms are unclear. In C. elegans, the microRNA lin-4 critically regulates developmental timing by post-transcriptionally downregulating the larval-stage-fate controller LIN-14. However, the mechanisms triggering the activation of lin-4 expression toward the end of the first larval stage remain unknown. We demonstrate that the transmembrane transcription factor MYRF-1 is necessary for lin-4 activation. MYRF-1 is initially localized on the cell membrane, and its increased cleavage and nuclear accumulation coincide with lin-4 expression timing. MYRF-1 regulates lin-4 expression cell-autonomously and hyperactive MYRF-1 can prematurely drive lin-4 expression in embryos and young first-stage larvae. The tandem lin-4 promoter DNA recruits MYRF-1GFP to form visible loci in the nucleus, suggesting that MYRF-1 directly binds to the lin-4 promoter. Our findings identify a crucial link in understanding developmental timing regulation and establish MYRF-1 as a key regulator of lin-4 expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Self-cleaving ribozymes are versatile tools for synthetic biologists when it comes to controlling gene expression. Up to date, 12 different classes are known, and over the past decades more and more details about their structure, cleavage mechanisms and natural environments have been uncovered. However, when these motifs are applied to mammalian gene expression constructs, the outcome can often be unexpected. A variety of factors, such as surrounding sequences and positioning of the ribozyme influences the activity and hence performance of catalytic RNAs. While some information about the efficiency of individual ribozymes (each tested in specific contexts) is known, general trends obtained from standardized, comparable experiments are lacking, complicating decisions such as which ribozyme to choose and where to insert it into the target mRNA. In many cases, application-specific optimization is required, which can be very laborious. Here, we systematically compared different classes of ribozymes within the 3\'-UTR of a given reporter gene. We then examined position-dependent effects of the best-performing ribozymes. Moreover, we tested additional variants of already widely used hammerhead ribozymes originating from various organisms. We were able to identify functional structures suited for aptazyme design and generated highly efficient hammerhead ribozyme variants originating from the human genome. The present dataset will aide decisions about how to apply ribozymes for affecting gene expression as well as for developing ribozyme-based switches for controlling gene expression in human cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human CLCA2 regulates store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) by interacting with Orai1 and STIM1. It is expressed as a 943aa type I transmembrane protein that is cleaved at amino acid 708 to produce a diffusible 100 kDa product. The N-terminal ectodomain contains a hydrolase-like subdomain with a conserved HEXXH zinc-binding motif that is proposed to cleave the precursor autoproteolytically. Here, we tested this hypothesis and its link to SOCE. We first studied the conditions for autocleavage in isolated membranes and then in a purified protein system. Cleavage was zinc-dependent and abolished by mutation of the E in the HEXXH motif to Q, E165Q. Cleavage efficiency increased with CLCA2 concentration, implying that it occurs in trans. Accordingly, the E165Q mutant was cleaved by co-transfected wildtype CLCA2. Moreover, CLCA2 precursors with different epitope tags co-immunoprecipitated. In a membrane-free system utilizing immunopurified protease and target, no cleavage occurred unless the target was first denatured, implying that membranes provide essential structural or conformational cues. Unexpectedly, cleavage caused a conformational shift: an N-terminal antibody that immunoprecipitated the precursor failed to precipitate the N-terminal product unless the product was first denatured with an ionic detergent. The E165Q mutation abolished the stimulation of SOCE caused by wildtype CLCA2, establishing that the metalloprotease activity is required for this regulatory function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The self-cleavage properties of proteases result in low activity and instability, which limit their industrial application. In this study, the serine protease ThAPT3 from Torrubiella hemipterigena was successfully expressed in Komagataella phaffii. We investigated the self-degradation mechanism of ThAPT3 and presented a rational strategy to alleviate self-cleavage. A major self-degradation site (Leu238-Met239) and a primary autolysis region were identified. The autolysis regions (loop18, α8-helix, and loop19) were redesigned and optimized using loop transplantation, energy calculations, surface cavity optimization, and loop anchoring. A triple-superposition mutant, ThAPT3-M9 (M239GKDGAVAAGLC250 → M239TLNRTTAANAC250/A251E/A254Q/R259L/A267E/S280N), was obtained. Compared to the wild type, the autolysis of M9 was significantly alleviated, and its half-life at 60 °C was increased approximately 39-fold (from 1.6 to 62.4 min). The optimal temperature and specific activity of M9 increased by 5 °C (from 60 to 65 °C) and 62% (4985 vs 3078 U/mg), respectively. M9 showed significant advantages in shrimp shell deproteinization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS) is a crucial protein in terpenoid production. However, its industrial application is limited owing to its low solubility in Escherichia coli. In this study, we focused on ispA encoding FPPS and designed a fusion expression system to reduce inclusion body (IB) formation. Among the chosen fusion tags, the GB1-domain (GB1) exhibited the highest ability to solubilize the recombinant protein. Increased rare tRNA abundance not only improved the GB1-FPPS yield but also increased its soluble level. A \"one-step\" method for the acquisition of soluble FPPS was also considered. By combining GB1-FPPS expression and Tobacco Etch Virus protease (TEVp) cleavage in vivo, a controllable GB1-FPPS \"self-cleavage\" system was constructed. Overall, this study provides an efficient approach for obtaining soluble forms of FPPS, which show great potential for use in the soluble expression of other homologous diphosphate synthase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viroid and viroid-like satellite RNAs are infectious, circular, non-protein coding RNAs reported in plants only so far. Some viroids (family Avsunviroidae) and viroid-like satellite RNAs share self-cleaving activity mediated by hammerhead ribozymes (HHRzs) endowed in both RNA polarity strands. Using a homology-independent method based on the search for conserved structural motifs of HHRzs in reads and contigs from high-throughput sequenced RNAseq libraries, we identified a novel small (550 nt) viroid-like RNA in a library from a Citrus reticulata tree. Such a viroid-like RNA contains a HHRz in both polarity strands. Northern blot hybridization assays showed that circular forms of both polarity strands of this RNA (tentatively named citrus transiently-associated hammerhead viroid-like RNA1 (CtaHVd-LR1)) exist, supporting its replication through a symmetric pathway of the rolling circle mechanism. CtaHVd-LR1 adopts a rod-like conformation and has the typical features of quasispecies. Its HHRzs were shown to be active during transcription and in the absence of any protein. CtaHVd-LR1 was not graft-transmissible, and after its first identification, it was not found again in the original citrus source when repeatedly searched in the following years, suggesting that it was actually not directly associated with the plant. Therefore, the possibility that this novel self-cleaving viroid-like RNA is actually associated with another organism (e.g., a fungus), in turn, transiently associated with citrus plants, is proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mature lysostaphin (mLst) is a glycineglycine endopeptidase, capable of specifically cleaving penta-glycine crosslinker in the peptidoglycan of Staphylococcus aureus cell wall. It is a very effective therapeutic enzyme to kill the multidrug-resistant S. aureus often encountered in hospital acquired infections. Fusing cellulose binding domain (CBD) to mLst significantly reduced the insoluble expression of mLst in E. coli. Employing mLst-cleavable peptides as fusion linkers leaded to an effective self-cleavage expression that CBD and mLst could be completely cleaved off from the fusions during the expression process. The presence of residue linker fragment at N-terminus of the cleaved-off mLst strongly inhibited the cell lytic activity of the recovered recombinant mLst, and only ~ 50% of the wild-type mLst activity could be retained. Intact CBD-Lst fusions were obtained when uncleavable peptide linkers were employed. With CBD at N-terminus of mLst, the intact fusion completely lost its cell lytic activity but the dipeptidase activity still remained. In contrast, approximately 10% cell lytic activity of mLst still could be maintained for the fusion with CBD at C-terminus of mLst. KEY POINTS: • CBD fusion enhanced soluble expression of recombinant lysostaphin. • In vivo self-cleavage of fusion linkers by the expressed lysostaphin fusions. • Self-cleaved lysostaphin fusions retain most of dipeptidase but lose 50% cell lytic activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cecropins are a family of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that are widely found in the innate immune system of Cecropia moths. Cecropins exhibit a broad spectrum of antimicrobial and anticancer activities. The structures of Cecropins are composed of 34-39 amino acids with an N-terminal amphipathic α-helix, an AGP hinge and a hydrophobic C-terminal α-helix. KR12AGPWR6 was designed based on the Cecropin-like structural feature. In addition to its antimicrobial activities, KR12AGPWR6 also possesses enhanced salt resistance, antiendotoxin and anticancer properties. Herein, we have developed a strategy to produce recombinant KR12AGPWR6 through a salt-sensitive, pH and temperature dependent intein self-cleavage system. The His6-Intein-KR12AGPWR6 was expressed by E. coli and KR12AGPWR6 was released by the self-cleavage of intein under optimized ionic strength, pH and temperature conditions. The molecular weight and structural feature of the recombinant KR12AGPWR6 was determined by MALDI-TOF mass, CD, and NMR spectroscopy. The recombinant KR12AGPWR6 exhibited similar antimicrobial activities compared to the chemically synthesized KR12AGPWR6. Our results provide a potential strategy to obtain large quantities of AMPs and this method is feasible and easy to scale up for commercial production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    L-aspartate-α-decarboxylase (PanD) is an essential enzyme catalysing the decarboxylation of L-aspartate to β-alanine in organisms. To perform the catalytic functions, PanD pro-proteins need to be self-cleaved to form two subunits: active α-subunit and β-subunit. However, the processes of self-cleavage have diverged in different organisms for unknown reasons. To reveal the possible divergence mechanisms, the molecular evolution, selection pressures and site-directed mutagenesis of the panD gene family were explored in this study. The evolution analysis revealed that the panD genes in bacteria have diverged into three clades: Class I, Class II and Class III. Furthermore, 9 positive selection sites (A13, T14, V23, L32, V44, N49, L55, L78, and V85 in BsupanD) were detected. As shown by SDS-PAGE assay and catalytic activity determination in the mutants of BsupanD and EcoPanD, three of those sites (T14, V44 and V85) affect the PanD activities and are involved in the divergence of panD self-cleavage, while the other 6 sites only influenced the enzymatic activities of PanD. Furthermore, the structure analysis indicated that the structural mechanisms of the 9 sites affecting the catalysis were various. In all, three sites contributing to the divergence of PanD self-cleavage were revealed, and the results also provide foundation for the industrial application of PanD in β-alanine synthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coronavirus (CoV) disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has become a worldwide pandemic. The 3C-like protease (3CLpro ), which cleaves 11 sites including its own N- and C-termini on the viral polyproteins, is essential for SARS-CoV-2 replication. In this study, we constructed the full-length inactive 3CLpro with N- and C-terminal extensions as substrates for monitoring self-cleavage by wild-type 3CLpro . We found that the rate-limiting C-terminal self-cleavage rate of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro was 35-fold faster than that of SARS-CoV 3CLpro using the Trx/GST-tagged C145A 3CLpro substrates. Since self-cleavage of 3CLpro is the initial step for maturation of other viral proteins, our study suggests more facile SARS-CoV-2 replication than that of SARS-CoV.





