root-mean-square deviation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein structure determination has made progress with the aid of deep learning models, enabling the prediction of protein folding from protein sequences. However, obtaining accurate predictions becomes essential in certain cases where the protein structure remains undescribed. This is particularly challenging when dealing with rare, diverse structures and complex sample preparation. Different metrics assess prediction reliability and offer insights into result strength, providing a comprehensive understanding of protein structure by combining different models. In a previous study, two proteins named ARM58 and ARM56 were investigated. These proteins contain four domains of unknown function and are present in Leishmania spp. ARM refers to an antimony resistance marker. The study\'s main objective is to assess the accuracy of the model\'s predictions, thereby providing insights into the complexities and supporting metrics underlying these findings. The analysis also extends to the comparison of predictions obtained from other species and organisms. Notably, one of these proteins shares an ortholog with Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma brucei, leading further significance to our analysis. This attempt underscored the importance of evaluating the diverse outputs from deep learning models, facilitating comparisons across different organisms and proteins. This becomes particularly pertinent in cases where no previous structural information is available.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Good prior estimates of the effective root-mean-square deviation (r.m.s.d.) between the atomic coordinates of the model and the target optimize the signal in molecular replacement, thereby increasing the success rate in difficult cases. Previous studies using protein structures solved by X-ray crystallography as models showed that optimal error estimates (refined after structure solution) were correlated with the sequence identity between the model and target, and with the number of residues in the model. Here, this work has been extended to find additional correlations between parameters of the model and the target and hence improved prior estimates of the coordinate error. Using a graph database, a curated set of 6030 molecular-replacement calculations using models that had been solved by X-ray crystallography was analysed to consider about 120 model and target parameters. Improved estimates were achieved by replacing the sequence identity with the Gonnet score for sequence similarity, as well as by considering the resolution of the target structure and the MolProbity score of the model. This approach was extended by analysing 12 610 additional molecular-replacement calculations where the model was determined by NMR. The median r.m.s.d. between pairs of models in an ensemble was found to be correlated with the estimated r.m.s.d. to the target. For models solved by NMR, the overall coordinate error estimates were larger than for structures determined by X-ray crystallography, and were more highly correlated with the number of residues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims at understanding the changes in the structural properties of Gly m 4 soy allergen as a result of the influence of the temperature and pressure deviations. The primary emphasis was placed on analyzing the surface properties of suspected linear and conformational epitopes present in the Gly m 4 allergen. All three epitopes of Gly m 4 were studied, and the results showed that the molecule has significant structural changes in terms of solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) and radius of gyration, which showed that the increased pressures resulted in compaction. However, at lower temperatures and higher pressures (300 K and 6 kbar), swelling in the molecule was observed with a significant increase in the surface area. The study also tracked the changes in surface areas of individual residues that are part of the selected epitopes. Residues, such as D-27 and T-51, were found to have significant changes in their SASA as a result of temperature and pressure deviations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Argonaute-2 (AGO2), a member of the Argonaute family, is the only member possessing catalytic and RNA silencing activity. In here, a molecular dynamics (MDs) simulation was performed using the crystal structure of human AGO2 protein complex with miR-20a. miR-20a is involved with various kind of biological process like heart and lung development, oncogenic process, etc. In precise, MD simulation was carried out with AGO2 protein complex with wild type, two mutant sites and four mutant sites in guided microRNA (miRNA). It has been noted that root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of atomic positions of nucleic acid for wild type and two mutant sites guided miRNA has the same pattern of fluctuations, which stabilizes around 0.27 nm after 2 ns. Cα atom of AGO2 protein in the complex shows that this complex with wild type and two mutant site mutation duplex has a stable RMSD value after 20 ns, ranging between 0.14 and 0.21 nm. From the root-mean-square fluctuation (RMSF), we observed an increased pattern of fluctuations for the atoms of four mutant complex of AGO2-miR-20a complex. This increased RMSF of non-mutated nucleic acids is contributed by U-A bond breaking at the site of the nucleotide of U2 of guided miRNA, as observed from the duplex structure taken at different time steps of the simulation. Superimposed structure of the miRNA-mRNA duplex for the three complexes depicts that the three miRNA-mRNA duplexes are stable during the simulation. Current work demonstrates the possible correlations between the conformational changes of this AGO2-miR-20a duplex structure and the interactions of different atoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus has the ability to form biofilms on any niches, a key pathogenic factor of this organism and this phenomenon is directly related to the concentration of NADPH. The formation of NADP is catalyzed by NAD kinase (NADK) and this gene of S. aureus ATCC 12600 was cloned, sequenced, expressed and characterized.
    METHODS: The NADK gene was polymerase chain reaction amplified from the chromosomal DNA of S. aureus ATCC 12600 and cloned in pQE 30 vector, sequenced and expressed in Escherichia coli DH5α. The pure protein was obtained by passing through nickel metal chelate agarose column. The enzyme kinetics of the enzyme and biofilm assay of the S. aureus was carried out in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The kinetics was further confirmed by the ability of the substrates to dock to the NADK structure.
    RESULTS: The recombinant NADK exhibited single band with a molecular weight of 31kDa in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the gene sequence (GenBank: JN645814) revealed presence of only one kind of NADK in all S. aureus strains. The enzyme exhibited very high affinity for NAD compared to adenosine triphosphate concurring with the docking results. A root-mean-square deviation value 14.039Å observed when NADK structure was superimposed with its human counterpart suggesting very low homology. In anaerobic conditions, higher biofilm units were found with decreased NADK activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest increased NADPH concentration in S. aureus plays a vital role in the biofilm formation and survival of this pathogen in any environmental conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural and computational biologists often need to measure the similarity of ligand binding conformations. The commonly used root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) is not only ligand-size dependent, but also may fail to capture biologically meaningful binding features. To address these issues, we developed the Contact Mode Score (CMS), a new metric to assess the conformational similarity based on intermolecular protein-ligand contacts. The CMS is less dependent on the ligand size and has the ability to include flexible receptors. In order to effectively compare binding poses of non-identical ligands bound to different proteins, we further developed the eXtended Contact Mode Score (XCMS). We believe that CMS and XCMS provide a meaningful assessment of the similarity of ligand binding conformations. CMS and XCMS are freely available at and






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    In this article, we develop a quantitative comparison method for two arbitrary protein structures. This method uses a root-mean-square deviation characterization and employs a series expansion of the protein\'s shape function in terms of the Wigner-D functions to define a new criterion, which is called a \"similarity value.\" We further demonstrate that the expansion coefficients for the shape function obtained with the help of the Wigner-D functions correspond to structure factors. Our method addresses the common problem of comparing two proteins with different numbers of atoms. We illustrate it with a worked example.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the envenomation caused by a bite of Vipera ammodytes ammodytes, the most venomous snake in Europe, hemorrhage is usually the most severe consequence in man. Identifying and understanding the hemorrhagic components of its venom is therefore particularly important in optimizing medical treatment of patients. We describe a novel high molecular mass hemorrhagin, VaH4. The isolated molecule is a covalent dimer of two homologous subunits, VaH4-A and VaH4-B. Complete structural characterization of A and partial characterization of B revealed that both belong to the P-III class of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs), comprising a metalloproteinase, a disintegrin-like domain and a cysteine-rich domain. However, neither VaH4-A nor VaH4-B possess the Cys174 involved in the inter-subunit disulphide bond of P-III SVMPs. A three-dimensional model of the VaH4 dimer suggests that Cys132 serves this function. This implies that dimers in the P-III class of SVMPs can be formed either between their Cys132 or Cys174 residues. The proteolytic activity and stability of VaH4 depend on Zn²⁺ and Ca²⁺ ions and the presence of glycosaminoglycans, which indicates physiological interaction of VaH4 with the latter element of the extracellular matrix (ECM). The molecular mass of VaH4, determined by MALDI/TOF mass spectrometry, is 110.2 kDa. N-deglycosylation reduced the mass of each monomer by 8.7 kDa. The two possible N-glycosylation sites in VaH4-A are located at completely different positions from those in homodimeric P-IIIc VaH3 from the same venom, however, without any evident functional implications. The hemorrhagic activity of this slightly acidic SVMP is ascribed to its hydrolysis of components of the ECM, particularly fibronectin and nidogen, and of some blood coagulation proteins, in particular the α-chain of fibrinogen. VaH4 is also significant medically as we found it cytotoxic against cancer cells and due to its substantial sequence similarity to ADAM/ADAMTS family of physiologically very important human proteins of therapeutic potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Split-hand/split-foot malformation (SHFM), representing variable degree of median clefts of hands and feet, is a genetically heterogeneous group of limb malformations with seven loci mapped on different human chromosomes. However, only 3 genes (TP63, WNT10B, DLX5) for the seven loci have been identified. The study, presented here, described three consanguineous Pakistani families segregating SHFM in autosomal recessive manner. Linkage in the families was searched by genotyping microsatellite markers and mutation screening of candidate gene was performed by Sanger DNA sequencing. Clinical features of affected members of these families exhibited SHFM phenotype with involvement of hands and feet. Genotyping using microsatellite markers mapped the families to WNT10B gene at SHFM6 on chromosome 12q13.11-q13. Subsequently, sequence analysis of WNT10B gene revealed a novel 4-bp deletion mutation (c.1165_1168delAAGT) in one family and 7-bp duplication (c.300_306dupAGGGCGG) in two other families. Structure-based analysis showed a significant conformational shift in the active binding site of mutated WNT10B (p.Lys388Glufs*36), influencing binding with Fzd8. The mutations identified in the WNT10B gene extend the body of evidence implicating it in the pathogenesis of SHFM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sound can reach the inner ear via at least two different pathways: air conduction and bone conduction (BC). BC hearing is used clinically for diagnostic purposes and for BC hearing aids. Research on the motion of the human middle ear in response to BC stimulation is typically conducted using cadaver models. We evaluated middle ear motion of Thiel-embalmed whole-head specimens in terms of linearity, reproducibility, and consistency with the reported middle ear motion of living subjects, fresh cadaveric temporal bones, and whole-heads embalmed with a Non-Thiel solution of salts.
    METHODS: We used laser Doppler vibrometry to measure the displacement of the skull, the umbo, the cochlear promontory, the stapes, and the round window in seven ears from four human whole-head specimens embalmed according to Thiel\'s method. The ears were stimulated with a Baha(®) implanted behind the auricle.
    RESULTS: The Thiel model shows promontory velocity similar to that reported in the literature for whole-heads embalmed with a Non-Thiel solution of salts (0- to 7-dB difference). The Thiel heads\' relative velocity of the stapes with respect to the promontory was similar to that of fresh cadaver temporal bones (0- to 4-dB difference). The velocity of the umbo was comparable in Thiel-embalmed heads and living subjects (0- to 10-dB difference). The skull and all middle ear elements measured responded linearly to different stimulation levels, with an average difference less than 1 dB. The variability of repeated measurements for both short- (2 h; 4 dB) and long-term (4-16 weeks; 6 dB) repetitions in the same ear, and the difference between the two ears of the same donor (approximately 10 dB) were lower than the inter-individual difference (up to 25 dB).
    CONCLUSIONS: Thiel-embalmed human whole-head specimens can be used as an alternative model for the study of human middle ear mechanics secondary to BC stimulation. At some frequencies, differences from living subjects must be considered.





