
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mobile organisms like seabirds can provide important nutrient flows between ecosystems, but this connectivity has been interrupted by the degradation of island ecosystems. Island restoration (via invasive species eradications and the restoration of native vegetation) can reestablish seabird populations and their nutrient transfers between their foraging areas, breeding colonies, and adjacent nearshore habitats. Its diverse benefits are making island restoration increasingly common and scalable to larger islands and whole archipelagos. We identified the factors that influence breeding seabird abundances throughout the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean and conducted predictive modeling to estimate the abundances of seabirds that the archipelago could support under invasive predator eradication and native vegetation restoration scenarios. We explored whether the prey base exists to support restored seabird populations across the archipelago, calculated the nitrogen that restored populations of seabirds might produce via their guano, and modeled the cascading conservation gains that island restoration could provide. Restoration was predicted to increase breeding pairs of seabirds to over 280,000, and prey was predicted to be ample to support the revived seabird populations. Restored nutrient fluxes were predicted to result in increases in coral growth rates, reef fish biomasses, and parrotfish grazing and bioerosion rates. Given these potential cross-ecosystem benefits, our results support island restoration as a conservation priority that could enhance resilience to climatic change effects, such as sea-level rise and coral bleaching. We encourage the incorporation of our estimates of cross-ecosystem benefits in prioritization exercises for island restoration.
    Restauración en islas para reconstruir las poblaciones de aves marinas y amplificar la funcionalidad de los arrecifes de coral Resumen Los organismos móviles como las aves marinas pueden proporcionar flujos importantes de nutrientes entre los ecosistemas, aunque esta conectividad ha sido interrumpida por la degradación de los ecosistemas isleñas. La restauración de islas (por medio de la erradicación de especies invasoras y la restauración de la vegetación nativa) puede reestablecer las poblaciones de aves marinas y su transferencia de nutrientes entre las áreas de forrajeo, las colonias reproductoras y los hábitats adyacentes a la costa. Los diferentes beneficios de la restauración de islas hacen que sea cada vez más común y escalable a islas más grandes y archipiélagos completos. Identificamos los factores que influyen sobre la abundancia de aves reproductoras en todo el archipiélago de Chagos en el Océano Índico y realizamos un modelo predictivo para estimar la abundancia de aves que podría soportar el archipiélago bajo escenarios de la erradicación de un depredador invasor y la restauración de la vegetación nativa. Exploramos si existe la base de presas para soportar las poblaciones restauradas de aves marinas en el archipiélago, calculamos el nitrógeno que las poblaciones restauradas podrían producir mediante el guano y modelamos la conservación en cascada que podría proporcionar la restauración de la isla. Se pronosticó que la restauración incrementaría las parejas reproductoras a más de 280,000 y que las presas serían las suficientes para soportar las poblaciones restauradas de aves marinas. También se pronosticó que los flujos restaurados de nutrientes resultarían en un incremento de la tasa de crecimiento de los corales, la biomasa de los peces del arrecife y las tasas de bio‐erosión y de alimentación de los peces loro. Dados estos beneficios potenciales entre los ecosistemas, nuestros resultados respaldan a la restauración de islas como una prioridad de conservación que podría incrementar la resiliencia a los efectos del cambio climático, como el incremento en el nivel del mar y el blanqueamiento de los corales. Promovemos que se incorporen nuestras estimaciones de los beneficios transecosistémicos dentro de los ejercicios de priorización para la restauración de islas.
    海鸟等移动的生物可在生态系统之间提供重要的营养物质流, 但生态系统退化会破坏这种连通性。岛屿恢复(通过消灭入侵物种和恢复原生植被)可以重建海鸟种群, 并在其觅食区、繁殖地和邻近的近岸栖息地之间进行营养物质转移。种种益处使得海岛恢复正变得越来越普遍, 并可扩展到更大的岛屿和整个群岛。本研究确定了影响印度洋查戈斯群岛海鸟繁殖数量的因素, 并通过预测建模估计了在清除入侵捕食者和恢复原生植被的情况下, 该群岛可支持的海鸟数量。我们进一步探究了整个群岛是否存在充足猎物来支持恢复后的海鸟种群, 估算了恢复后种群通过鸟粪产生的氮, 并模拟了岛屿恢复可能提供的级联保护。据预测, 岛屿恢复后海鸟繁殖对数量将增加到28万以上, 猎物也将足以支持恢复后的海鸟种群。营养物质流动的恢复预计还将导致珊瑚生长率、珊瑚鱼生物量以及鹦嘴鱼啃食和生物侵蚀率的增加。鉴于这些潜在的跨生态系统效益, 我们的研究结果支持将岛屿恢复作为优先保护事项, 以增强抵抗气候变化影响(如海平面上升和珊瑚白化)的恢复力。我们鼓励在岛屿恢复的优先保护实践中纳入本研究对跨生态系统效益的估计。【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Narrative Therapy is an efficacious treatment approach widely practiced for various psychological conditions. However, few studies have examined its effectiveness on resilience, a robust determinant of one\'s mental health, and there has been no randomized controlled trial in sub-Saharan Africa.Objective: This study sought to evaluate the efficacy of narrative therapy for the resilience of orphaned and abandoned children in Rwanda.Method: This study was a \'parallel randomized controlled trial\' in which participants (n = 72) were recruited from SOS Children\'s Village. Half of the participants (n = 36) were randomly allocated to the intervention group and the rest to the delayed narrative therapy group. For the intervention group, children attended ten sessions (55 min each) over 2.5 months. Data were collected using the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM) and analyzed using mixed ANOVA within SPSS version 28.Result: The results from ANOVA indicated a significant main effect of time and group for resilience total scores. Of interest, there was a significant time by group interaction effect for resilience. Pairwise comparison analyses within-group showed a significant increase in resilience in the intervention group, and the effect size was relatively large in this group.Conclusion: Our findings highlight the notable efficacy of narrative therapy for children\'s resilience in the intervention group. Therefore, health professionals and organizations working with orphaned and abandoned children will apply narrative therapy to strengthen their resilience and improve mental health.Trial registration: Pan African Clinical Trial Registry identifier: PACTR202107499406828..
    The effect size of narrative therapy for resilience was relatively large in the intervention group.Narrative therapy is an efficacious approach for resilience elevation in orphaned and abandoned children.Close attention should be paid to the implementation of narrative therapy for strengthening children’s resilience as an everyday tool in foster care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: During peacekeeping missions, military personnel may be involved in or exposed to potentially morally injurious experiences (PMIEs), such as an inability to intervene due to a limited mandate. While exposure to such morally transgressive events has been shown to lead to moral injury in combat veterans, research on moral injury in peacekeepers is limited.Objective: We aimed to determine patterns of exposure to PMIEs and associated outcome- and exposure-related factors among Dutch peacekeepers stationed in the former Yugoslavia during the Srebrenica genocide.Method: Self-report data were collected among Dutchbat III veterans (N = 431). We used Latent Class Analysis to identify subgroups of PMIE exposure as assessed by the Moral Injury Scale-Military version. We investigated whether deployment location, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), posttraumatic growth, resilience, and quality of life differentiated between latent classes.Results: The analysis identified a three-class solution: a high exposure class (n = 79), a moderate exposure class (n = 261), and a betrayal and powerlessness-only class (n = 135). More PMIE exposure was associated with deployment location and higher odds of having probable PTSD. PMIE exposure was not associated with posttraumatic growth. Resilience and quality of life were excluded from analyses due to high correlations with PTSD.Conclusions: Peacekeepers may experience varying levels of PMIE exposure, with more exposure being associated with worse outcomes 25 years later. Although no causal relationship may be assumed, the results emphasize the importance of better understanding PMIEs within peacekeeping.
    Peacekeeping veterans reported different patterns of exposure to potentially morally injurious experiences: high exposure, moderate exposure, or experiences of betrayal and powerlessness only.Deployment location predicted the pattern of exposure.More exposure was associated with worse psychological outcomes 25 years later.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ABSTRACTObjective/Background: Despite increasing attention on transgenerational trauma, currently no comprehensive model and measure exists to be applied on various populations. This study represents the first step in the validation of such a model and a related scale. The Historical Intergenerational Trauma Questionnaire (HITT-Q) assesses family and offspring self-reported vulnerability and resilience, as well as offspring historical moral injury and current levels of insidious trauma.Method: We developed the HITT-Q based on the cross-population model (HITT model; [Starrs, C. & Békés, V. (2024). Historical and transgenerational trauma: A conceptual framework. Traumatology. In Press]) which incorporates key findings in existing population specific studies. For initial validation of the model and its measurement, Holocaust survivors\' offspring (N = 1104) completed the HITT-Q, measures of current mental health symptoms (PTSD, C-PTSD, anxiety, and depression), and a resilience scale.Results: In line with the HITT model, confirmatory factor analyses supported a 12-factor solution with the following factors under theorized dimensions: I. Family Vulnerability: (1) Dysregulated and Trauma-related Communication; (2)Trauma-influenced Parenting, (3) Fear; (4) Distress; II. (5) Family Resilience, III. Offspring Vulnerability: (6) Escape; (7) Heightened Responsibility; (8) Trauma-related distress; IV. Offspring Resilience: (9) Coping; (10) Belonging; (11) Values; V. (12) Historical Moral injury. The 12-factor model showed acceptable to good internal validity, and comparison with an existing measure of transgenerational Holocaust trauma indicated good concurrent validity. Finally, the HITT-Q demonstrated predictive validity for mental health symptoms and current resilience.Conclusions: The current study represents the first step in validating the HITT-Q as a comprehensive measure of historical intergenerational vulnerability and resilience. Our findings provide strong support for the underlying model, and suggest that the HITT-Q represents a valuable scale for both research and historical trauma-informed care.
    The papers provides support for the underlying model of historical and transgenerational trauma.Findings showed that the Historical Intergenerational Trauma Questionnaire (HITT-Q) has 12 factors, and that it has good psychometric qualities, including internal, concurrent, and predictive validity.The Historical Intergenerational Trauma Questionnaire (HITT-Q) represent a valuable scale for both research and historical trauma-informed care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The outbreak of war in Israel on 7 October and the unique events of that day have presented unprecedented challenges to first responders (FRs), who are professionally trained to engage in providing assistance in such circumstances. Moreover, while research demonstrates the long-term psychological consequences of FRs, little is known regarding how FR\'s engagement in providing assistance relates to stress and resilience levels as events continue to unfold.Objective: The current study examined the relationship between traumatic stress symptoms (TSS) and resilience levels among FRs and controls during the first weeks of the Iron Swords war, while focusing on the moderating role of active engagement in providing assistance.Method: Data were collected during the first month of the Iron Swords war from 374 participants living in Southern Israel, of whom 77 (20.6%) were FRs. All participants filled out scales assessing TSS and resilience and provided relevant background information.Results: High TSS levels were associated with reduced resilience in FRs and non-FRs. Moreover, both the study group and active engagement were significant moderators for the TSS-resilience link, which was insignificant among FRs who provided assistance and for civilians who did not provide assistance. However, the TSS-resilience association remained significant for FRs who did not engage in providing assistance and for civilians who did.Conclusions: Our findings highlight the importance of examining the extent to which FRs act in line with their duties during times of adverse stress. Clinical interventions aimed towards FRs who did not engage in providing assistance are needed and should focus on the extent to which their moral values, beliefs and expectations are met, as these appear critical parameters in preserving resilience.
    First responders report increased traumatic stress and reduced resilience.Active engagement moderated first responders’ traumatic stress–resilience link.Findings are discussed in the context of potentially morally injurious events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Childhood maltreatment profoundly influences social and emotional development, increasing psychiatric risk. Alterations in the implicit processing of threat-related cues following early abuse and neglect represent a marker of mental health vulnerability. Less is known about how early adversity influences the perception of positive social cues, despite their central role in establishing and maintaining social interactions and their association with better mental health outcomes.Methods: The sample consisted of 42 children and adolescents with substantiated childhood maltreatment experiences and 32 peers (mean age 13.3), matched on age, pubertal status, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and cognitive ability. A computerised experimental task assessed the perceived emotional intensity of positive (happy) and negative (fearful) facial expressions. Mental health symptoms were measured via self- and parental reports, and perceived social support was self-reported.Results: The experience of abuse and neglect was associated with heightened perceived intensity of positive facial cues. Cross-sectional post-hoc moderation and mediation analyses, employing a model-building approach, revealed that in maltreatment-exposed participants: (i) their increased response to positive facial cues was associated with lower symptoms; (ii) the presence of social support accounted for their heightened perceived intensity of positive facial cues; (iii) the presence of social support putatively contributed to lower symptoms by increasing the perceived intensity of positive facial cues. No group differences in perceived intensity of negative expressions were observed.Conclusions: These findings provide fresh insight into how positive faces are processed following maltreatment experience in childhood. Maltreatment experience was found to be associated with heightened perceived intensity of happy faces, which in turn was associated with better mental health and greater levels of social support. This suggests that heightened saliency of positive emotions acts protectively in children with maltreatment experience.
    The impact of childhood maltreatment on perceiving positive social cues, especially explicit emotional intensity appraisal, is less understood compared to the extensive focus on its role in processing threat-related cues and psychiatric risk.In this study, we found that maltreatment experience was associated with heightened perceived intensity of happy faces, which in turn was associated with better mental health and greater levels of social support.These findings suggest that heightened saliency of positive emotions may act protectively in children with maltreatment experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Resilience is a modulating factor in the development of PTSD and CPTSD after exposure to traumatic events. However, the relationship between resilience and ICD-11 CPTSD is not adequately understood in survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV).Objective: The aim of this study is to determine whether resilience has a mediating role in the relationship between severity of violence and severity of CPTSD symptoms.Method: A sample of 202 women IPV survivors completed self-rated questionnaires to assess CPTSD, severity of violence and resilience.Results: Mediation analyses indicated that there was a direct relationship between the severity of violence and the severity of CPTSD symptoms (β = .113, p < .001) and that there was a significantly inverse relationship between levels of resilience and the severity of CPTSD symptoms (β = -.248, p < .001). At the same time, there was no significant relationship between the severity of violence and resilience (β = -.061, p = .254).Conclusions: These findings suggest that resilience does not mediate the relationship between violence severity and CPTSD severity. Directions for future research are discussed.
    The severity of intimate partner violence (physical, sexual and/or psychological violence together or in isolation) could lead to symptoms of complex post-traumatic stress disorder in women survivors of IPV in the present sample.Lower levels of resilience are associated with higher levels of symptoms of complex post-traumatic stress disorder.Resilience does not mediate the relationship between violence severity and CPTSD severity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research aims to determine the relationship between the variables adaptation to the disease, resilience and dispositional optimism in women with breast cancer in Montería (Colombia). This study is a descriptive-correlational type, evaluating 116 participants. The instruments applied were the Font Quality of Life Questionnaire, to assess the Index of Adaptation to Disease, Wagnild and Young\'s Resilience Scale (RS) and the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R). The statistical program SPSS 25.0 was used for the analysis of the data. A normality test was performed which led to the application of the Spearman correlation coefficient. Findings indicated the presence of adaptation in the participants and resilient and optimistic characteristics, however, there is no significant relationship between these variables and adaptation to the disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Supporting wellbeing beyond symptom reduction is necessary in trauma care. Research suggests increased posttraumatic growth (PTG) may promote wellbeing more effectively than posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom reduction alone. Understanding neurobiological mechanisms of PTG would support PTG intervention development. However, most PTG research to-date has been cross-sectional data self-reported through surveys or interviews.Objective: Neural evidence of PTG and its coexistence with resilience and PTSD is limited. To advance neural PTG literature and contribute translational neuroscientific knowledge necessary to develop future objectively measurable neural-based PTG interventions.Method: Alpha frequency EEG and validated psychological inventories measuring PTG, resilience, and PTSD symptoms were collected from 30 trauma-exposed healthy adults amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. EEG data were collected using custom MNE-Python software, and a wireless OpenBCI 16-channel dry electrode EEG headset. Psychological inventory scores were analysed in SPSS Statistics and used to categorise the EEG data. Power spectral density analyses, t-tests and ANOVAs were conducted within EEGLab to identify brain activity differentiating high and low PTG, resilience, and PTSD symptoms.Results: Higher PTG was significantly differentiated from low PTG by higher alpha power in the left centro-temporal brain area around EEG electrode C3. A trend differentiating high PTG from PTSD was also indicated in this same location. Whole-scalp spectral topographies revealed alpha power EEG correlates of PTG, resilience and PTSD symptoms shared limited, but potentially meaningful similarities.Conclusion: This research provides the first comparative neural topographies of PTG, resilience and PTSD symptoms in the known literature. Results provide objective neural evidence supporting existing theory depicting PTG, resilience and PTSD as independent, yet co-occurring constructs. PTG neuromarker alpha C3 significantly delineated high from low PTG and warrants further investigation for potential clinical application. Findings provide foundation for future neural-based interventions and research for enhancing PTG in trauma-exposed individuals.
    Objective translational study designed to increase neural understanding of posttraumatic growth (PTG) and provide a basis for future neural-based interventions to enhance PTG.Results provide neural evidence of PTG as an independent construct that coexists, and shares limited neural relatedness with resilience and PTSD symptoms.Increased PTG was significantly related to higher alpha power in the left centro-temporal brain area around EEG electrode C3: This finding warrants further investigation for potential clinical application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Post-traumatic growth (PTG) and resilience, regarded as positive psychological change following a traumatic experience, are under-researched across cultures in people exposed to child maltreatment (CM).Objective: We investigated how experiences and the perceived acceptability of CM are related to resilience and PTG in countries with different cultures, living standards, and gross national income.Method: A total of 478 adults from Cameroon (n = 111), Canada (n = 137), Japan (n = 108), and Germany (n = 122) completed an online survey with self-reported questionnaires, including the Brief Resilience Scale and the Post Traumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form.Results: Across countries, self-reported male gender and age were positively associated with resilience, while experiences of physical abuse and emotional maltreatment were negatively associated with resilience. Experiences of emotional maltreatment were positively associated with PTG. Higher levels of PTG and resilience were found amongst Cameroonian participants as compared to other countries.Conclusion: Our results suggest that positive changes following CM can vary significantly across cultures and that experiences of specific CM subtypes, but not the perceived acceptability of CM, may be important for a deeper understanding of how individuals overcome trauma and develop salutogenic outcomes. Our findings may inform CM intervention programmes for an enhanced cultural sensitivity.
    Across the four countries (Canada, Cameroon, Germany, Japan), more experiences of physical abuse and emotional maltreatment were associated with lower resilience; more experiences of emotional maltreatment were associated with greater post-traumatic growth.Higher levels of post-traumatic growth and resilience were found in Cameroon as compared to other countries.Positive changes following child maltreatment vary across cultures and experiences of specific child maltreatment subtypes, but the perceived acceptability of child maltreatment did not exert an influence on salutogenic post-traumatic outcomes.





