residency programs

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Dental residents experience high stress in their demanding programs and gender-based harassment/discrimination can contribute to their stress. The objectives were to compare stress, satisfaction, experienced sexual harassment and observed discrimination of women in dental graduate programs with high, medium, and low percentages of women and to explore relationships between these constructs of interest.
    METHODS: Note that, 112 pediatric dentistry (PD), 44 prosthodontics, and 56 oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) residents responded to a survey.
    RESULTS: PD residents had the lowest personal life-related stress (4-point scale with 4 = very stressful: PD = 2.99/P = 3.67/OMS = 3.56; p < 0.001), faculty-related stress (2.68/3.66/3.03; p < 0.001), lack of confidence-related stress (2.79/3.31/2.96; p < 0.01) and academic stress (2.65/3.24/3.02; p < 0.001), while prosthodontics residents had the highest stress levels. The average frequency of experiencing sexual harassment was highest for OMS residents and lowest for PD residents (5-point scale with 1 = never: 1.15/2.62/2.74; p < 0.001). PD residents observed least and OMS residents most frequently that female residents were treated less positively by other residents because of their gender (1.59/2.57/3.00; p < 0.001). Prosthodontics residents had the lowest job satisfaction score (5-point scale with 1 = lowest satisfaction: 4.12/3.14/4.20; p < 0.001). The more frequently male and female residents experienced sexual harassment, the higher their personal life-related stress, faculty-related stress, lack of confidence-related stress, and academic stress, and the lower their career satisfaction, specialty content satisfaction, and stress-related satisfaction. Women\'s frequencies of observed gender-based discrimination were associated with higher stress and lower satisfaction, while men\'s frequencies of these observations were not associated with stress, but associated with increased satisfaction.
    CONCLUSIONS: Dental residents\' stress, career satisfaction, experienced sexual harassment, and observed discrimination of women residents differ depending on the dental specialty program. Both male and female residents report more stress and less satisfaction the more they experience sexual harassment. The more women observe discrimination of women, the more stressed and the less satisfied they are. For men, the frequencies of these observations are not associated with stress, but positively associated with increased satisfaction.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Increasing numbers of residency applications create challenges for applicants and residency programs to assess if they are a good fit during the residency application and match process. Applicants face limited or conflicting information as they assess programs, leading to overapplying. A holistic review of residency applications is considered a gold standard for programs, but the current volumes and associated time constraints leave programs relying on numerical filters, which do not predict success in residency. Applicants could benefit from increased transparency in the residency application process.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the information applicants find most beneficial from residency programs when deciding where to apply, by type of medical school education background.
    METHODS: Match 2023 applicants voluntarily completed an anonymous survey through the Twitter and Instagram social media platforms. We asked the respondents to select 3 top factors from a multiple-choice list of what information they would like from residency programs to help determine if the characteristics of their application align with program values. We examined differences in helpful factors selected by medical school backgrounds using ANOVA.
    RESULTS: There were 4649 survey respondents. When responses were analyzed by United States-allopathic (US-MD), doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO), and international medical graduate (IMG) educational backgrounds, respondents chose different factors as most helpful: minimum United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) Step 2 scores (565/3042, 18.57% US-MD; 485/3042, 15.9% DO; and 1992/3042, 65.48% IMG; P<.001), resident hometown region (281/1132, 24.82% US-MD; 189/1132, 16.7% DO; and 662/1132, 58.48% IMG; P=.02), resident medical school region (476/2179, 22% US-MD; 250/2179, 11.5% DO; and 1453/2179, 66.7% IMG; P=.002), and percent of residents or attendings underrepresented in medicine (417/1815, 22.98% US-MD; 158/1815, 8.71% DO; and 1240/1815, 68.32% IMG; P<.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: When applying to residency programs, this study found that the factors that respondents consider most helpful from programs in deciding where to apply differ by educational background. Across all educational groups, respondents want transparency around standardized exam scores, geography, and the racial or ethnic backgrounds of residents and attendings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The reliability of GPT-4, a state-of-the-art expansive language model specializing in clinical reasoning and medical knowledge, remains largely unverified across non-English languages.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to compare fundamental clinical competencies between Japanese residents and GPT-4 by using the General Medicine In-Training Examination (GM-ITE).
    METHODS: We used the GPT-4 model provided by OpenAI and the GM-ITE examination questions for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022 to conduct a comparative analysis. This analysis focused on evaluating the performance of individuals who were concluding their second year of residency in comparison to that of GPT-4. Given the current abilities of GPT-4, our study included only single-choice exam questions, excluding those involving audio, video, or image data. The assessment included 4 categories: general theory (professionalism and medical interviewing), symptomatology and clinical reasoning, physical examinations and clinical procedures, and specific diseases. Additionally, we categorized the questions into 7 specialty fields and 3 levels of difficulty, which were determined based on residents\' correct response rates.
    RESULTS: Upon examination of 137 GM-ITE questions in Japanese, GPT-4 scores were significantly higher than the mean scores of residents (residents: 55.8%, GPT-4: 70.1%; P<.001). In terms of specific disciplines, GPT-4 scored 23.5 points higher in the \"specific diseases,\" 30.9 points higher in \"obstetrics and gynecology,\" and 26.1 points higher in \"internal medicine.\" In contrast, GPT-4 scores in \"medical interviewing and professionalism,\" \"general practice,\" and \"psychiatry\" were lower than those of the residents, although this discrepancy was not statistically significant. Upon analyzing scores based on question difficulty, GPT-4 scores were 17.2 points lower for easy problems (P=.007) but were 25.4 and 24.4 points higher for normal and difficult problems, respectively (P<.001). In year-on-year comparisons, GPT-4 scores were 21.7 and 21.5 points higher in the 2020 (P=.01) and 2022 (P=.003) examinations, respectively, but only 3.5 points higher in the 2021 examinations (no significant difference).
    CONCLUSIONS: In the Japanese language, GPT-4 also outperformed the average medical residents in the GM-ITE test, originally designed for them. Specifically, GPT-4 demonstrated a tendency to score higher on difficult questions with low resident correct response rates and those demanding a more comprehensive understanding of diseases. However, GPT-4 scored comparatively lower on questions that residents could readily answer, such as those testing attitudes toward patients and professionalism, as well as those necessitating an understanding of context and communication. These findings highlight the strengths and limitations of artificial intelligence applications in medical education and practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear medicine (NM) in the United States is experiencing a manpower shortage that is steadily getting worse. It largely derives from inadequate production of well-trained NM physicians. It is different in the rest of the world, where NM is an independent specialty and training is more rigorous. Three suggestions are offered to help reverse the situation: (1) stop radiologists with inadequate training from practicing NM; (2) strengthen NM training programs; and (3) inform medical students of career opportunities in NM. If we do nothing, the rest of the world will move forward, leaving us behind.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mentorship plays a critical role in the career development of surgical trainees and faculty. As the surgical workforce continues to diversify, mentoring trainees who differ) race, ethnicity, country of origin, socioeconomic status, educational background, religion, gender, sexual orientation or ability) can pose challenges to the experience for both mentor and mentee.
    The aim of this manuscript is to introduce surgical educators to the systemic barriers faced by trainees and to models of effective mentorship.
    At the 2022 APDS Meeting, a panel convened to highlight the current challenges of mentoring across differences and effective models for surgical educators. This paper highlights and expands the summary of this panel.
    Examples of novel mentoring models are described.
    Acknowledgment of barriers, Implementation of deliberate mentoring strategies, and collaboration with national surgical organizations and surgery departments and faculty may help to reduce physician attrition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence-informed data may help students matching into competitive residency programs guide curricular activities, extracurricular activities, and residency career choices. We aimed to examine the characteristics of students applying to competitive surgical residencies and identify predictors of matching success. We identified the five lowest match rates for the surgical subspecialities listed in the 2020 National Resident Matching Program report to define a surgical residency as competitive. We analyzed a database from 115 United States medical schools regarding application data from 2017 to 2020. Multilevel logistic regression was used to determine predictors of matching. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.A total of 1,448 medical students submitted 25,549 applications. The five most competitive specialties included were plastic surgery (N = 172), otolaryngology (N = 342), neurological surgery (N = 163), vascular surgery (N = 52), orthopedic surgery (N = 679), and thoracic surgery (N = 40). We found that medical students with a geographical connection (adjusted OR, 1.65 [95% CI, 1.41 to 1.93]), and students who did an away rotation at the applied program (adjusted OR, 3.22 [95% CI, 2.75 to 3.78]) had statistically significantly increased odds of matching into a competitive surgical specialty. Furthermore, we found that students with a United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 score below 230 and Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK) score below 240 had increased odds of matching if they completed an away rotation at the applied program. Completing an away rotation and geographical connection to the institution may contribute more than academic criteria for selection into a competitive surgical residency after an interview. This finding may be due to less variation in academic criteria among this pool of high-performing medical students. Students with limited resources who apply to a competitive surgical specialty may be at a disadvantage given the financial burden of an away rotation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aims to assess students\' knowledge of forensic medicine concepts and their opinions regarding the course taught during the degree course in Medicine and Surgery in an Italian university. Consequently, the study aims to assess the impact of the course on the students\' knowledge and attitude in choosing a medical residency.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted through an anonymous web-based survey of medical students at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Descriptive and univariate analysis were conducted.
    RESULTS: 1166 students completed the survey. The forensic medicine course appears to be extremely important in providing training in the fundamental concepts of forensic medicine, especially professional liability, defensive medicine, and forensic pathology. Attending autopsies is important during the course, and their number should be more than ten. Additionally, univariate analysis demonstrates that students\' awareness of forensic medicine topics, such as the function of the forensic physicians, professional liability, and defensive medicine, improves in the fifth or sixth year of the course. After the course, more students would choose to pursue a nonclinical and nonsurgical specialty, and forensic medicine specifically, for their residency.
    CONCLUSIONS: The forensic medicine course has the task of defining the duties and responsibilities of forensic physicians, providing indispensable tools for future medical practitioners, regardless of their future specialisation, and limiting the increasing use of defensive medicine. In conclusion, we recommend further multicenter studies to evaluate the role and direct effect of undergraduate forensic medicine courses on students and on the quality of practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Doximity has become integrated into the residency application process without any clear merit, comparing programs based on reputation and research. Our study aims to gather program directors\' and Chiefs/Chairs\' perspectives on the Doximity ranking system and to assess what a better system might entail.
    A 16-question survey was sent to 177 program directors and Chief/Chairs of plastic surgery residency programs. The questions covered three categories: (1) demographic information; (2) Doximity ranking perceptions; (3) input on characteristics of a better tool. The responses were statistically analyzed.
    Ninety-three questionnaires were received (53%). Twenty-nine (31%) respondents represented programs in the Northeast, 23 (25%) South, 20 (21%) Midwest, and 21 (23%) West. Seventy-three (79%) respondents were male and 16 (17%) female. 90% of respondents (n = 84) believe Doximity rankings are not accurate, all indicating their institution should be ranked higher. No significant association between program geography and ranking satisfaction was observed (p = 0.75). Only 33% (n = 31) of respondents were aware of Doximity methodology. Most respondents (95%; n = 88) do not recommend the use of Doximity to medical students. Most participants (87%; n = 81) are willing to share resident case logs to inform a future tool. \"Strength of technical training/preparedness\" was ranked most highly as important training program qualities.
    The results of this program leadership survey show dissatisfaction with and a lack of understanding of the Doximity system. When considering future steps, program leadership support a strength-based categorization system and sharing case logs to guide student decision-making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Residency program websites are an important resource widely used by prospective applicants when applying to programs. The objectives of our study were to evaluate the program content available on Canadian anesthesiology residency program websites using established criteria and identify any areas for improvement.  Methods In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated the content available on accredited anesthesiology residency training program websites, between July and August 2021, using 54 criteria provided in the following domains: recruitment; faculty; residents; education and research; clinical work; incentives; wellness; and environment. Website scores were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented as median (interquartile range), percentage (%), and range. Results We identified 17 programs with publicly available functional websites. Overall, residency programs met a median of 28 (interquartile range: 18-36) website criteria out of 54 (51.9%). Education and research was the highest-scoring domain among residency programs (median 77.8% of criteria met), while resident information and incentives were the lowest (14.3%). Conclusion Canadian anesthesiology residency program websites include information on many domains relevant to prospective applicants, including education and research. However, most websites require improvement and content updates for faculty information, resident information, incentives, wellness, and environment.





