radial glia

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In goldfish, spinal cord injury triggers the formation of a fibrous scar at the injury site. Regenerating axons are able to penetrate the scar tissue, resulting in the recovery of motor function. Previous findings suggested that regenerating axons enter the scar through tubular structures surrounded by glial elements with laminin-positive basement membranes and that glial processes expressing glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) are associated with axonal regeneration. How glia contribute to promoting axonal regeneration, however, is unknown. Here, we revealed that glial processes expressing vimentin or brain lipid-binding protein (BLBP) also enter the fibrous scar after spinal cord injury in goldfish. Vimentin-positive glial processes were more numerous than GFAP- or BLBP-positive glial processes in the scar tissue. Regenerating axons in the scar tissue were more closely associated with vimentin-positive glial processes than GFAP-positive glial processes. Vimentin-positive glial processes co-expressed matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-14. Our findings suggest that vimentin-positive glial processes closely associate with regenerating axons through tubular structures entering the scar after spinal cord injury in goldfish. In intact spinal cord, ependymo-radial glial cell bodies express BLBP and their radial processes express vimentin, suggesting that vimentin-positive glial processes derive from migrating ependymo-radial glial cells. MMP-14 expressed in vimentin-positive glial cells and their processes might provide a beneficial environment for axonal regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) is a widely expressed, membrane-bound receptor that transduces extracellular signals from FGF ligands and cadherins, resulting in intracellular signals influencing cellular growth, proliferation, calcium, and transcription. FGF21 and FGF2 stimulate the proliferation of tanycytes, specialized radial astrocytes along the ventricle of the hypothalamus, and influence metabolism. Tanycytes are in a privileged position between the cerebrospinal fluid, the blood supply in the median eminence, and neurons within nuclei in the hypothalamus. The effect of FGFR1 signaling upon tanycyte morphology and metabolism was examined in adult mice with conditional deletion of the Fgfr1 gene using the Fgfr1flox/flox; Nestin-Cre+ line. Loss of Fgfr1 resulted in shorter β tanycytes along the medial eminence. Control Fgfr1flox/flox littermates and Fgfr1flox/flox, Nestin-Cre+ (Fgfr1 cKO) knockout mice were placed on a 1-month long high-fat diet (HFD) or a normal-fat diet (NFD), to investigate differences in body homeostasis and tanycyte morphology under an obesity inducing diet. We found that FGFR1 is a vital contributor to tanycyte morphology and quantity and that it promotes stem cell maintenance in the hypothalamus and hippocampal dentate gyrus. The Fgfr1 cKO mice developed impaired tolerance to a glucose challenge test on a HFD without gaining more weight than control mice. The combination of HFD and loss of Fgfr1 gene resulted in altered β and α tanycyte morphology, and reduced stem cell numbers along the third ventricle of the hypothalamus and hippocampus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human\'s robust cognitive abilities, including creativity and language, are made possible, at least in large part, by evolutionary changes made to the cerebral cortex. This paper reviews the biology and evolution of mammalian cortical radial glial cells (primary neural stem cells) and introduces the concept that a genetically step wise process, based on a core molecular pathway already in use, is the evolutionary process that has molded cortical neurogenesis. The core mechanism, which has been identified in our recent studies, is the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-bone morphogenic protein 7 (BMP7)-GLI3 repressor form (GLI3R)-sonic hedgehog (SHH) positive feedback loop. Additionally, I propose that the molecular basis for cortical evolutionary dwarfism, exemplified by the lissencephalic mouse which originated from a larger gyrencephalic ancestor, is an increase in SHH signaling in radial glia, that antagonizes ERK-BMP7 signaling. Finally, I propose that: (1) SHH signaling is not a key regulator of primate cortical expansion and folding; (2) human cortical radial glial cells do not generate neocortical interneurons; (3) human-specific genes may not be essential for most cortical expansion. I hope this review assists colleagues in the field, guiding research to address gaps in our understanding of cortical development and evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In zebrafish, like in mammals, radial glial cells (RGCs) can act as neural progenitors during development and regeneration in adults. However, the heterogeneity of glia subpopulations entails the need for different specific markers of zebrafish glia. Currently, fluorescent protein expression mediated by a regulatory element from the glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap) gene is used as a prominent glia reporter. We now expand this tool by demonstrating that a regulatory element from the mouse Fatty acid binding protein 7 (Fabp7) gene drives reliable expression in fabp7-expressing zebrafish glial cells. By using three different Fabp7 regulatory element-mediated fluorescent protein reporter strains, we reveal in double transgenic zebrafish that progenitor cells expressing fluorescent proteins driven by the Fabp7 regulatory element give rise to radial glia, oligodendrocyte progenitors, and some neuronal precursors. Furthermore, Bergmann glia represent the almost only glial population of the zebrafish cerebellum (besides a few oligodendrocytes), and the radial glia also remain in the mature cerebellum. Fabp7 regulatory element-mediated reporter protein expression in Bergmann glia progenitors suggests their origin from the ventral cerebellar proliferation zone, the ventricular zone, but not from the dorsally positioned upper rhombic lip. These new Fabp7 reporters will be valuable for functional studies during development and regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astrocytes that reside in superficial (SL) and deep cortical layers have distinct molecular profiles and morphologies, which may underlie specific functions. Here, we demonstrate that the production of SL and deep layer (DL) astrocyte populations from neural progenitor cells in the mouse is temporally regulated. Lineage tracking following in utero and postnatal electroporation with PiggyBac (PB) EGFP and birth dating with EdU and FlashTag, showed that apical progenitors produce astrocytes during late embryogenesis (E16.5) that are biased to the SL, while postnatally labeled (P0) astrocytes are biased to the DL. In contrast, astrocytes born during the predominantly neurogenic window (E14.5) showed a random distribution in the SL and DL. Of interest, E13.5 astrocytes birth dated at E13.5 with EdU showed a lower layer bias, while FT labeling of apical progenitors showed no bias. Finally, examination of the morphologies of \"biased\" E16.5- and P0-labeled astrocytes demonstrated that E16.5-labeled astrocytes exhibit different morphologies in different layers, while P0-labeled astrocytes do not. Differences based on time of birth are also observed in the molecular profiles of E16.5 versus P0-labeled astrocytes. Altogether, these results suggest that the morphological, molecular, and positional diversity of cortical astrocytes is related to their time of birth from ventricular/subventricular zone progenitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introdution: During development, planes of cells give rise to complex tissues and organs. The proper functioning of these tissues is critically dependent on proper inter- and intra-cellular spatial orientation, a feature known as planar cell polarity (PCP). To study the genetic and environmental factors affecting planar cell polarity, investigators must often manually measure cell orientations, which is a time-consuming endeavor. To automate cell counting and planar cell polarity data collection we developed a Fiji/ImageJ plug-in called PCP Auto Count (PCPA). Methods: PCPA analyzes binary images and identifies \"chunks\" of white pixels that contain \"caves\" of infiltrated black pixels. For validation, inner ear sensory epithelia including cochleae and utricles from mice were immunostained for βII-spectrin and imaged with a confocal microscope. Images were preprocessed using existing Fiji functionality to enhance contrast, make binary, and reduce noise. An investigator rated PCPA cochlear hair cell angle measurements for accuracy using a one to five agreement scale. For utricle samples, PCPA derived measurements were directly compared against manually derived angle measurements and the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) and Bland-Altman limits of agreement were calculated. PCPA was also tested against previously published images examining PCP in various tissues and across various species suggesting fairly broad utility. Results: PCPA was able to recognize and count 99.81% of cochlear hair cells, and was able to obtain ideally accurate planar cell polarity measurements for at least 96% of hair cells. When allowing for a <10° deviation from \"perfect\" measurements, PCPA\'s accuracy increased to 98%-100% for all users and across all samples. When PCPA\'s measurements were compared with manual angle measurements for E17.5 utricles there was negligible bias (<0.5°), and a CCC of 0.999. Qualitative examination of example images of Drosophila ommatidia, mouse ependymal cells, and mouse radial progenitors revealed a high level of accuracy for PCPA across a variety of stains, tissue types, and species. Discussion: Altogether, the data suggest that the PCPA plug-in suite is a robust and accurate tool for the automated collection of cell counts and PCP angle measurements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studying the properties of neural stem progenitor cells (NSPCs) in a fish model will provide new information about the organization of neurogenic niches containing embryonic and adult neural stem cells, reflecting their development, origin cell lines and proliferative dynamics. Currently, the molecular signatures of these populations in homeostasis and repair in the vertebrate forebrain are being intensively studied. Outside the telencephalon, the regenerative plasticity of NSPCs and their biological significance have not yet been practically studied. The impressive capacity of juvenile salmon to regenerate brain suggests that most NSPCs are likely multipotent, as they are capable of replacing virtually all cell lineages lost during injury, including neuroepithelial cells, radial glia, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. However, the unique regenerative profile of individual cell phenotypes in the diverse niches of brain stem cells remains unclear. Various types of neuronal precursors, as previously shown, are contained in sufficient numbers in different parts of the brain in juvenile Pacific salmon. This review article aims to provide an update on NSPCs in the brain of common models of zebrafish and other fish species, including Pacific salmon, and the involvement of these cells in homeostatic brain growth as well as reparative processes during the postraumatic period. Additionally, new data are presented on the participation of astrocytic glia in the functioning of neural circuits and animal behavior. Thus, from a molecular aspect, zebrafish radial glia cells are seen to be similar to mammalian astrocytes, and can therefore also be referred to as astroglia. However, a question exists as to if zebrafish astroglia cells interact functionally with neurons, in a similar way to their mammalian counterparts. Future studies of this fish will complement those on rodents and provide important information about the cellular and physiological processes underlying astroglial function that modulate neural activity and behavior in animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a developing embryo, formation of tissues and organs is remarkably precise in both time and space. Through cell-cell interactions, neighboring progenitors coordinate their activities, sequentially generating distinct types of cells. At present, we only have limited knowledge, rather than a systematic understanding, of the underlying logic and mechanisms responsible for cell fate transitions. The formation of the dorsal aspect of the spinal cord is an outstanding model to tackle these dynamics, as it first generates the peripheral nervous system and is later responsible for transmitting sensory information from the periphery to the brain and for coordinating local reflexes. This is reflected first by the ontogeny of neural crest cells, progenitors of the peripheral nervous system, followed by formation of the definitive roof plate of the central nervous system and specification of adjacent interneurons, then a transformation of roof plate into dorsal radial glia and ependyma lining the forming central canal. How do these peripheral and central neural branches segregate from common progenitors? How are dorsal radial glia established concomitant with transformation of the neural tube lumen into a central canal? How do the dorsal radial glia influence neighboring cells? This is only a partial list of questions whose clarification requires the implementation of experimental paradigms in which precise control of timing is crucial. Here, we outline some available answers and still open issues, while highlighting the contributions of avian models and their potential to address mechanisms of neural patterning and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expression of growth/differentiation factor (GDF) 15 increases in the ganglionic eminence (GE) late in neural development, especially in neural stem cells (NSCs). However, GDF15 function in this region remains unknown. We report that GDF15 receptor is expressed apically in the GE and that GDF15 ablation promotes proliferation and cell division in the embryonic GE and in the adult ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ). This causes a transient generation of additional neuronal progenitors, compensated by cell death, and a lasting increase in the number of ependymal cells and apical NSCs. Finally, both GDF15 receptor and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) were expressed in progenitors and mutation of GDF15 affected EGFR signaling. However, only exposure to exogenous GDF15, but not to EGF, normalized proliferation and the number of apical progenitors. Thus, GDF15 regulates proliferation of apical progenitors in the GE, thereby affecting the number of ependymal cells and NSCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adult stem cells are important for tissue turnover and regeneration. However, in most adult systems it remains elusive how stem cells assume different functional states and support spatially patterned tissue architecture. Here, we dissected the diversity of neural stem cells in the adult zebrafish brain, an organ that is characterized by pronounced zonation and high regenerative capacity. We combined single-cell transcriptomics of dissected brain regions with massively parallel lineage tracing and in vivo RNA metabolic labeling to analyze the regulation of neural stem cells in space and time. We detected a large diversity of neural stem cells, with some subtypes being restricted to a single brain region, while others were found globally across the brain. Global stem cell states are linked to neurogenic differentiation, with different states being involved in proliferative and non-proliferative differentiation. Our work reveals principles of adult stem cell organization and establishes a resource for the functional manipulation of neural stem cell subtypes.





