promotion de la santé

促销 de la sant é
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    In 1986, the Ottawa Charter established health promotion as a central objective of governments in order to reduce health inequalities. It is a key concept that forms an integral part of nurses\' training and missions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Against a backdrop of deteriorating access to healthcare, 95 % of French people see pharmacists as \"easy-to-reach\" healthcare professionals. As part of this drive to simplify the care process, they are being entrusted with new missions, broadening the scope of patient care. This new organization at the service of the patient contributes to enriching the local healthcare offer, as testified by the pharmacist in charge of a pharmacy in Saint-Marcel, in the Eure region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Diabetes prevention programs (DPPs) targeting dietary and physical activity behaviour change have been shown to decrease the incidence of type 2 diabetes; however, a more thorough reporting of intervention characteristics is needed to expedite the translation of such programs into different communities. In this scoping review, we aim to synthesize how DPPs are being reported and implemented.
    METHODS: A scoping review using Arkey and O\'Malley methods was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, EMBASE, and SPORTDiscus were searched for studies relating to diabetes prevention and diet/exercise interventions. Only studies delivering a diet/exercise intervention for adults identified as \"at risk\" for developing type 2 diabetes were included. The Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) was used to guide data extraction, and each DPP was scored on a scale from 0 to 2 for how thoroughly it reported each of the items (0 = did not report, 2 = reported in full; total score out of 26).
    RESULTS: Of the 25,110 publications screened, 351 (based on 220 programs) met the inclusion criteria and were included for data extraction. No studies comprehensively reported on all TIDieR domains (mean TIDieR score: 15.7 of 26; range 7 to 25). Reporting was particularly poor among domains related to \"modifications,\" \"tailoring,\" and \"how well (planned/actual).\" \"How well (planned)\" assesses the intended delivery of an intervention, detailing the initial strategies and components as per the original design, whereas \"how well (actual)\" evaluates the extent to which the intervention was executed as planned during the study, including any deviations or modifications made in practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although there is evidence to suggest that DPPs are efficacious, a more thorough reporting of program content and delivery is needed to improve the ability for effective programs to be implemented or translated into different communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individuals with pre-clinical mobility limitation (PCML) are at a high risk of future functional loss and progression to disability. The purpose of this scoping review was to provide a comprehensive understanding of PCML intervention studies in middle-aged and older adults. We present the interventions that have been tested or planned, describe how they have been conducted and reported, identify the knowledge gaps in current literature, and make recommendations about future research directions. An initial search of 2,291 articles resulted in 14 articles that met criteria for inclusion. Findings reveal that: (1) there is limited published work on PCML interventions, especially in middle-aged populations; and (2) the complexity and variety of PCML measures make it difficult to compare findings across PCML studies. Despite the diversity of measures, this review provides preliminary evidence that rehabilitation interventions on PCML help to delay or prevent disability progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background. The Do-Live-Well (DLW) framework was first published in 2015 and aimed to fill a theoretical gap in the health promotion literature related to the links between occupational patterns and health. However, the extent of uptake and use of the framework since publication is unknown. Purpose. To explore and reflect on the adoption and application of DLW in the literature. Method. Citation content analysis of two seminal DLW publications was conducted from 2015 to November 2022 across six databases. Findings. Seventeen citations directly applied DLW to inform research (n = 10), practice (n = 5) and knowledge translation (n = 2). Implications. The findings highlight uptake of the framework in a range of settings, and how it can inform an occupation-based understanding of health and well-being. Ongoing knowledge dissemination, development of practice tools, and research to update evidence and examine relevance are needed to further advance the utility and application of the framework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The social protection scheme in charge of farmers and agricultural employees (MSA) in France has developed a two-step health promotion program with a nurse appointment followed by a consultation with a doctor of the participant\'s choosing to reach its under-consuming beneficiaries and enroll them back into a care pathway. Our objective was to carry out a pilot evaluation of this program.
    METHODS: The evaluation was carried out on the population invited during the second semester of 2017 using data from the program\'s service providers (date of invitation, of nurse appointment…), regional MSA bodies (consultation voucher), and reimbursement data (other care consumption). Participation rates were calculated overall and by participant characteristics. Medical needs were identified during the nurse appointment and new care pathways were assessed using reimbursement data. Multivariable regression models identified factors associated with participation.
    RESULTS: 2366 beneficiaries were included in the analysis. 1559 (65.89%) were men and mean age was 52.41 (standard deviation = 14.86). 409 (17.29%) attended the nurse appointment. There was a significant increase in participation with age, in farmers vs. employees (odds ratio = 1.905, 95% confidence interval = 1.393-2.604), and in people living in the most disadvantaged areas (odds ratio = 1.579, 95% confidence interval=1.079-2.312). Participation to the consultation following the nurse appointment was high (62.35%-73.11%). 87.53% of participants had at least one medical need, and new care pathways were more frequent among those who had attended the nurse appointment (55.50% vs. 34.80%, p < 0.0001).
    CONCLUSIONS: This pilot evaluation shows promising results which need to be confirmed with a national evaluation of the program and longer-term evidence.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To study the predictors of knowledge level, attitudes and quality of life of type 1(T1D) and type 2 (T2D) Tunisian diabetics POPULATION AND METHODS: We undertook an analytical cross-sectional study. The questionnaire was administered in Arabic and contained a section collecting socio-demographic, clinical and diabetes-specific data. The following sections contained the Arabic-translated and validated versions of the \"Simplified Diabetes Knowledge Scale\", the \"Diabetes Attitude Scale-3\" and the \"Diabetes Health Profile-18\" to assess level of diabetes knowledge, attitudes towards the disease and diabetics\' quality of life.
    RESULTS: We collected 186 T1D (18.5%) and 821 T2D (81.5%) completed questionnaires. A good level of knowledge about diabetes was indicated in T1D patients by glycemic self-monitoring and by secondary and university education, urban housing, stable employment, insulin therapy and prior therapeutic education, while regular medical follow-up was of particular importance in T2DM patients. Smoking and diabetes complications were predictors of a negative attitude towards the disease in T1D and T2D respectively. Diabetics\' Impaired quality of life was predicted by age < 40 years and a low level of knowledge about diabetes in T1D and by female sex, insulin therapy and a low level of knowledge about diabetes in T2D.
    CONCLUSIONS: Predictors of the level of knowledge, attitudes and quality of life of diabetics may be a basis for establishing a therapeutic education program tailored to the different populations.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Background. Occupational therapy interventions that promote and prevent children\'s health and well-being aim to reduce health inequalities and foster protective factors. The purpose of this study is to describe a pilot community-based occupational therapy project for preschoolers in partnership with community organizations and childcare services. Method. A participatory action research approach was implemented with support from an advisory committee. An occupational therapist provided community-based occupational therapy services in a tiered organization model over one year. Findings. Services were offered in three tiers: 7 awareness workshops for parents and caregivers (Tier 1), 57 visits and 27 consultations in 8 community agencies (Tier 2), and 23 individual follow-ups (Tier 3). Implications. There is an opportunity to implement with community agencies and daycare settings an occupational therapy service based on community-based rehabilitation for children under 5 years of age.
    Description. Les interventions ergothérapiques en promotion et prévention de la santé et du bien-être des enfants visent à réduire les inégalités de santé et favoriser les facteurs de protection. But. Cette étude vise à décrire un projet pilote de service d’ergothérapie à base communautaire, pour les enfants d’âge préscolaire, en partenariat avec les organismes communautaires et les milieux de garde. Méthodologie. Une approche de recherche-action participative avec soutien d’un comité aviseur a été mis en place. Une ergothérapeute a offert des services d’ergothérapie communautaire selon un modèle d’organisation par paliers durant un an. Résultats. Les services étaient offerts selon trois paliers : 7 ateliers de sensibilisation pour parents et intervenants (palier 1), 57 visites et 27 consultations dans 8 organismes communautaires (palier 2) et 23 suivis individuels (palier 3). Conséquences. Il est possible d’implanter un service d’ergothérapie s”inspirant de la réadaptation à base communautaire avec les organismes communautaires offrant des services aux enfants de 5 et moins et les milieux de garde.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integrated knowledge translation (IKT) and community-based participatory research (CBPR) are recognized as effective approaches when Indigenous and non-Indigenous partners work together to focus on a common goal. The \"Learning Circles: Local Healthy Food to School\" (LC:LHF2S) study supported the development and implementation of Learning Circles (LC) in 4 Canadian Indigenous communities with the goal of improving local, community-based healthy food systems. Critical to the research process were annual gatherings (AG) where diverse stakeholders (researchers, Indigenous community members, and partners) visited each community to share knowledge, experiences, and provide support in the research process. Using a qualitative, descriptive method, this paper explores how the AG supported IKT across partners. Yearly interviews involving 19 total participants (with some participating multiple times across the 4 gatherings) elicited their AG experiences in supporting local LC:LHF2S. Three themes with multiple sub-themes were identified: (a) setting the stage for IKT (importance of in-person gatherings for building relationships across partners, learning from each other), (b) enabling meaningful engagement (aligning research with Indigenous values, addressing tensions and building trust over time, ensuring flexibility, and Indigenous involvement and leadership), and (c) supporting food system action at the local level (building local community engagement and understanding, and integrating support for implementation and scale-up of LC). This paper provides useful and practical examples of the principles of Indigenous-engaged IKT and CBPR in action in healthy, local, and traditional food initiatives. AG are a valuable IKT strategy to contribute to positive, transformative change and ethical research practice within Indigenous communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background. The Do-Live-Well (DLW) framework is an occupation-focused health promotion approach. Online and in-person DLW educational workshops were offered to encourage occupational therapists to apply the DLW concepts. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to understand workshop participants\' experiences of and perspectives on using the DLW framework to support its application in the future. Method. Interpretative description was used to understand workshop participants\' perspectives on benefits, facilitators, and challenges of using DLW. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed using a thematic analysis. Findings. Eight themes were identified as follows: (a) environmental factors of practice settings, (b) co-workers\' support, (c) DLW enhanced occupational therapy practice, (d) confidence in using DLW, (e) nature of the DLW framework, (f) DLW promoted healthy occupational engagement, (g) DLW was not suitable for everyone, and (h) pandemic effects. Implications. The DLW framework supports occupationally focused practices, and continuous learning support will be needed.





