
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to current views the major hallmarks of physiological aging may be subdivided into three categories, primary causes of cellular damage (genomic instability, telomere attrition, loss of proteostasis, epigenetic alterations and compromised macroautophagy), antagonistic hallmarks that represent response to damage (deregulated nutrient sensing, cellular senescence, mitochondrial dysfunction) and integrative hallmarks that represent culprits of the phenotype (stem cell exhaustion, altered intercellular communication, chronic inflammation, dysbiosis). In contrast to physiological aging, premature aging diseases are driven by one or two distinct primary causes of aging, such as genomic instability in the case of Werner syndrome (WS), each displaying other hallmarks of aging to a variable extent. In this review we will focus on primary causes of well-investigated premature aging diseases Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), WS, and Cockayne syndrome (CS) and for each provide an overview of reported aging hallmarks to elucidate resemblance to physiological aging on the mechanistic level and in the context of characteristic age-related diseases. Ubiquitous and tissue specific animal models of premature aging diseases will be discussed as useful tools to decipher fundamental aging-related mechanisms and develop intervention strategies to combat premature aging and age-related diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a rare form of dwarfism that is characterized by progressive premature aging. CS is typically caused by mutations in the excision repair cross-complementing protein group 6 (ERCC6) gene that encodes the CS group B (CSB) protein. Using whole exome sequencing, we recently identified a novel homozygous missense mutation (Leu536Trp) in CSB in a Taiwanese boy with CS. Since the current database (Varsome) interprets this variant as likely pathogenic, we utilized a bioinformatic tool to investigate the impact of Leu536Trp as well as two other variants (Arg453Ter, Asp532Gly) in similar articles on the CSB protein structure stability.
    METHODS: We used iterative threading assembly refinement (I-TASSER) to generate a predictive 3D structure of CSB. We calculated the change of mutation energy after residues substitution on the protein stability using I-TASSER as well as the artificial intelligence program Alphafold.
    RESULTS: The Asp532Gly variant destabilized both modeled structures, while the Leu536Trp variant showed no effect on I-TASSER\'s model but destabilized the Alphafold\'s modeled structure.
    CONCLUSIONS: We propose here the first case of CS associated with a novel homozygous missense mutation (Leu536Trp) in CSB. Furthermore, we suggest that the Asp532Gly and Leu536Trp variants are both pathogenic after bioinformatic analysis of protein stability.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Werner syndrome, also called adult progeria, is a heritable autosomal recessive human disorder characterized by the premature onset of numerous age-related diseases including juvenile cataracts, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus (DM), osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Werner syndrome is a segmental progeroid syndrome whose presentation resembles accelerated aging. The most common causes of death for WS patients are atherosclerosis and cancer. A 40-year-old female presented with short stature, bird-like facies, canities with alopecia, scleroderma-like skin changes, and non-healing foot ulcers. The patient reported a history of delayed puberty, abortion, hypertriglyceridemia, and juvenile cataracts. A clinical diagnosis of WS was made and subsequently confirmed. We discovered two WRN gene mutations in the patient, Variant 1 was the most common WRN mutation, nonsense mutation (c.1105C>T:p.R369Ter) in exon 9, which caused a premature termination codon (PTC) at position 369. Variant 2 was a frameshift mutation (c.1134delA:p.E379KfsTer5) in exon 9, which caused a PTC at position 383 and has no published reports describing. Patients with WS can show a wide variety of clinical and biological manifestations in endocrine-metabolic systems (DM, thyroid dysfunction, and hyperlipidemia). Doctors must be cognizant of early manifestations of WS and treatment options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Segmental progeroid syndromes are a heterogeneous group of rare and often severe genetic disorders that have been studied since the twentieth century. These progeroid syndromes are defined as segmental because only some of the features observed during natural aging are accelerated.
    Since 2015, the Molecular Genetics Laboratory in Marseille La Timone Hospital proposes molecular diagnosis of premature aging syndromes including laminopathies and related disorders upon NGS sequencing of a panel of 82 genes involved in these syndromes. We analyzed the results obtained in 4 years on 66 patients issued from France and abroad.
    Globally, pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants (ACMG class 5 or 4) were identified in about 1/4 of the cases; among these, 9 pathogenic variants were novel. On the other hand, the diagnostic yield of our panel was over 60% when the patients were addressed upon a nosologically specific clinical suspicion, excepted for connective tissue disorders, for which clinical diagnosis may be more challenging. Prenatal testing was proposed to 3 families. We additionally detected 16 variants of uncertain significance and reclassified 3 of them as benign upon segregation analysis in first degree relatives.
    High throughput sequencing using the Laminopathies/ Premature Aging disorders panel allowed molecular diagnosis of rare disorders associated with premature aging features and genetic counseling for families, representing an interesting first-level analysis before whole genome sequencing may be proposed, as a future second step, by the National high throughput sequencing platforms (\"Medicine France Genomics 2025\" Plan), in families without molecular diagnosis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Driven by the longer lifespans of humans, particularly in Westernised societies, and the need to know more about \'healthy ageing\', ageing mice are being used increasingly in scientific research. Many departments and institutes involved with ageing research have developed their own systems to determine intervention points for potential refinements and to identify humane end points. Several good systems are in use, but variations between them could contribute to poor reproducibility of the science achieved. Working with scientific and regulatory communities in the UK, we have reviewed the clinical signs observed in ageing mice and developed recommendations for enhanced monitoring, behaviour assessment, husbandry and veterinary interventions. We advocate that the default time point for enhanced monitoring should be 15 months of age, unless prior information is available. Importantly, the enhanced monitoring should cause no additional harms to the animals. Where a mouse strain is well characterised, the onset of age-related enhanced monitoring may be modified based on knowledge of the onset of an expected age-related clinical sign. In progeroid models where ageing is accelerated, enhanced monitoring may need to be brought forward. Information on the background strain must be considered, as it influences the onset of age-related clinical signs. The range of ageing models currently used means that there will be no \'one-size fits all\' solution. Increased awareness of the issues will lead to more refined and consistent husbandry of ageing mice, and application of humane end points will help to reduce the numbers of animals maintained for longer than is scientifically justified.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the principles underpinning our understanding of ageing is that DNA damage induces a stress response that shifts cellular resources from growth towards maintenance. A contrasting and seemingly irreconcilable view is that prompting growth of, for example, skeletal muscle confers systemic benefit.
    To investigate the robustness of these axioms, we induced muscle growth in a murine progeroid model through the use of activin receptor IIB ligand trap that dampens myostatin/activin signalling. Progeric mice were then investigated for neurological and muscle function as well as cellular profiling of the muscle, kidney, liver, and bone.
    We show that muscle of Ercc1Δ/- progeroid mice undergoes severe wasting (decreases in hind limb muscle mass of 40-60% compared with normal mass), which is largely protected by attenuating myostatin/activin signalling using soluble activin receptor type IIB (sActRIIB) (increase of 30-62% compared with untreated progeric). sActRIIB-treated progeroid mice maintained muscle activity (distance travel per hour: 5.6 m in untreated mice vs. 13.7 m in treated) and increased specific force (19.3 mN/mg in untreated vs. 24.0 mN/mg in treated). sActRIIb treatment of progeroid mice also improved satellite cell function especially their ability to proliferate on their native substrate (2.5 cells per fibre in untreated progeroids vs. 5.4 in sActRIIB-treated progeroids after 72 h in culture). Besides direct protective effects on muscle, we show systemic improvements to other organs including the structure and function of the kidneys; there was a major decrease in the protein content in urine (albumin/creatinine of 4.9 sActRIIB treated vs. 15.7 in untreated), which is likely to be a result in the normalization of podocyte foot processes, which constitute the filtration apparatus (glomerular basement membrane thickness reduced from 224 to 177 nm following sActRIIB treatment). Treatment of the progeric mice with the activin ligand trap protected against the development of liver abnormalities including polyploidy (18.3% untreated vs. 8.1% treated) and osteoporosis (trabecular bone volume; 0.30 mm3 in treated progeroid mice vs. 0.14 mm3 in untreated mice, cortical bone volume; 0.30 mm3 in treated progeroid mice vs. 0.22 mm3 in untreated mice). The onset of neurological abnormalities was delayed (by ~5 weeks) and their severity reduced, overall sustaining health without affecting lifespan.
    This study questions the notion that tissue growth and maintaining tissue function during ageing are incompatible mechanisms. It highlights the need for future investigations to assess the potential of therapies based on myostatin/activin blockade to compress morbidity and promote healthy ageing.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging is a complex biological process. A study of pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 1 (PYCR1) deficiency, which causes a progeroid syndrome, may not only shed light on its genetic contribution to autosomal recessive cutis laxa (ARCL) but also help elucidate the functional mechanisms associated with aging. In this study, we used RNA-Seq technology to examine gene expression changes in primary skin fibroblasts from healthy controls and patients with PYCR1 mutations. Approximately 22 and 32 candidate genes were found to be up- and downregulated, respectively, in fibroblasts from patients. Among the downregulated candidates in fibroblasts with PYCR1 mutations, a strong reduction in the expression of 17 genes (53.1%) which protein products are localized in the extracellular space was detected. These proteins included several important ECM components, periostin (POSTN), elastin (ELN), and decorin (DCN); genetic mutations in these proteins are associated with different phenotypes of aging, such as cutis laxa and joint and dermal manifestations. The differential expression of ten selected extracellular space genes was further validated using quantitative RT-PCR. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis revealed that some of the affected genes may be associated with cardiovascular system development and function, dermatological diseases and conditions, and cardiovascular disease. POSTN, one of the most downregulated gene candidates in affected individuals, is a matricellular protein with pivotal functions in heart valvulogenesis, skin wound healing, and brain development. Perturbation of PYCR1 expression revealed that it is positively correlated with the POSTN levels. Taken together, POSTN might be one of the key molecules that deserves further investigation for its role in this progeroid neurocutaneous syndrome.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome (WRS) is a form of segmental progeria presenting neonatally, characterised by growth retardation, sparse scalp hair, generalised lipodystrophy with characteristic local fatty tissue accumulations and unusual face. We aimed to understand its molecular cause.
    We performed exome sequencing in two families, targeted sequencing in 10 other families and performed in silico modelling studies and transcript processing analyses to explore the structural and functional consequences of the identified variants.
    Biallelic POLR3A variants were identified in eight affected individuals and monoallelic variants of the same gene in four other individuals. In the latter, lack of genetic material precluded further analyses. Multiple variants were found to affect POLR3A transcript processing and were mostly located in deep intronic regions, making clinical suspicion fundamental to detection. While biallelic POLR3A variants have been previously reported in 4H syndrome and adolescent-onset progressive spastic ataxia, recurrent haplotypes specifically occurring in individuals with WRS were detected. All WRS-associated POLR3A amino acid changes were predicted to perturb substantially POLR3A structure/function.
    Biallelic mutations in POLR3A, which encodes for the largest subunit of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase III, underlie WRS. No isolated functional sites in POLR3A explain the phenotype variability in POLR3A-related disorders. We suggest that specific combinations of compound heterozygous variants must be present to cause the WRS phenotype. Our findings expand the molecular mechanisms contributing to progeroid disorders.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction: Werner syndrome is a rare genetic disorder; classical Werner syndrome is caused by mutations in the WRN gene. However, recent research has shown that LMNA gene mutations can also cause premature ageing syndromes such as atypical Werner syndrome (AWS). AWS usually manifests as muscular damage, defects in the cardiac conduction system, lipoatrophy, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and premature ageing. Clinical presentation: A 24-year-old man presented with severe abdominal aortic and peripheral artery disease and cerebral haemorrhage. He was prescribed once-daily 20 mg atorvastatin. Another large cerebral haemorrhage occurred 8 months after discharge. Although he underwent minimally invasive intracranial haematoma surgery, paralysis set in. Molecular studies showed a missense mutation within exon 5 (c.898G>C) that caused amino acid aspartate 300 to be replaced by histidine (p.Asp300His) in the LMNA gene. The patient was diagnosed with AWS. Conclusions: Haemorrhagic stroke and progeroid features may be manifestations of LMNA-linked AWS. In such cases, the patient\'s family history and genetic background should be investigated. WRN and LMNA gene testing of the proband and the immediate family should be considered. This case report provides a deeper understanding of the role of LMNA mutations in AWS.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging is characterized by the development of metabolic dysfunction and frailty. Recent studies show that a reduction in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a key factor for the development of age-associated metabolic decline. We recently demonstrated that the NADase CD38 has a central role in age-related NAD+ decline. Here we show that a highly potent and specific thiazoloquin(az)olin(on)e CD38 inhibitor, 78c, reverses age-related NAD+ decline and improves several physiological and metabolic parameters of aging, including glucose tolerance, muscle function, exercise capacity, and cardiac function in mouse models of natural and accelerated aging. The physiological effects of 78c depend on tissue NAD+ levels and were reversed by inhibition of NAD+ synthesis. 78c increased NAD+ levels, resulting in activation of pro-longevity and health span-related factors, including sirtuins, AMPK, and PARPs. Furthermore, in animals treated with 78c we observed inhibition of pathways that negatively affect health span, such as mTOR-S6K and ERK, and attenuation of telomere-associated DNA damage, a marker of cellular aging. Together, our results detail a novel pharmacological strategy for prevention and/or reversal of age-related NAD+ decline and subsequent metabolic dysfunction.





