presynaptic mechanisms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article examines the involvement of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the control of nociception and pain. BDNF, a neurotrophin known for its essential role in neuronal survival and plasticity, has garnered significant attention for its potential implications as a modulator of synaptic transmission. This comprehensive review aims to provide insights into the multifaceted interactions between BDNF and pain pathways, encompassing both physiological and pathological pain conditions. I delve into the molecular mechanisms underlying BDNF\'s involvement in pain processing and discuss potential therapeutic applications of BDNF and its mimetics in managing pain. Furthermore, I highlight recent advancements and challenges in translating BDNF-related research into clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synapses are specialized structures that enable neuronal communication, which is essential for brain function and development. Alterations in synaptic proteins have been linked to various neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Therefore, manipulating synaptic proteins in vivo can provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders and aid in developing new therapeutic strategies. Previous methods such as constitutive knock-out animals are limited by developmental compensation and off-target effects. The current approach outlines procedures for age-dependent molecular manipulations in mice using helper-dependent adenovirus viral vectors (HdAd) at distinct developmental time points. Using stereotactic injection of HdAds in both newborn and juvenile mice, we demonstrate the versatility of this method to express Cre recombinase in globular bushy cells of juvenile Rac1fl/fl mice to ablate presynaptic Rac1 and study its role in synaptic transmission. Separately, we overexpress CaV2 α1 subunits at two distinct developmental time points to elucidate the mechanisms that determine presynaptic CaV2 channel abundance and preference. This method presents a reliable, cost-effective, and minimally invasive approach for controlling gene expression in specific regions of the mouse brain and will be a powerful tool to decipher brain function in health and disease. Key features Virus-mediated genetic perturbation in neonatal and young adult mice. Stereotaxic injection allows targeting of brain structures at different developmental stages to study the impact of genetic perturbation throughout the development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sound information encoding within the initial synapses in the auditory brainstem requires reliable and precise synaptic transmission in response to rapid and large fluctuations in action potential (AP) firing rates. The magnitude and location of Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (CaV) in the presynaptic terminal are key determinants in triggering AP-mediated release. In the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), the CaV2.1 subtype is the critical subtype for CNS function, since it is the most efficient CaV2 subtype in triggering AP-mediated synaptic vesicle (SV) release. Auditory brainstem synapses utilize CaV2.1 to sustain fast and repetitive SV release to encode sound information. Therefore, understanding the presynaptic mechanisms that control CaV2.1 localization, organization and biophysical properties are integral to understanding auditory processing. Here, we review our current knowledge about the control of presynaptic CaV2 abundance and organization in the auditory brainstem and impact on the regulation of auditory processing.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synaptic loss is the best correlate of cognitive deficits in Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). Extensive experimental evidence also indicates alterations of synaptic properties at the early stages of disease progression, before synapse loss and neuronal degeneration. A majority of studies in mouse models of AD have focused on post-synaptic mechanisms, including impairment of long-term plasticity, spine structure and glutamate receptor-mediated transmission. Here we review the literature indicating that the synaptic pathology in AD includes a strong presynaptic component. We describe the evidence indicating presynaptic physiological functions of the major molecular players in AD. These include the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the two presenilin (PS) paralogs PS1 or PS2, genetically linked to the early-onset form of AD, in addition to tau which accumulates in a pathological form in the AD brain. Three main mechanisms participating in presynaptic functions are highlighted. APP fragments bind to presynaptic receptors (e.g. nAChRs and GABAB receptors), presenilins control Ca2+ homeostasis and Ca2+-sensors, and tau regulates the localization of presynaptic molecules and synaptic vesicles. We then discuss how impairment of these presynaptic physiological functions can explain or forecast the hallmarks of synaptic impairment and associated dysfunction of neuronal circuits in AD. Beyond the physiological roles of the AD-related proteins, studies in AD brains also support preferential presynaptic alteration. This review features presynaptic failure as a strong component of pathological mechanisms in AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain function relies on vesicular release of neurotransmitters at chemical synapses. The release probability depends on action potential-evoked presynaptic Ca2+ entry, but also on the resting Ca2+ level. Whether these basic aspects of presynaptic calcium homeostasis show any consistent trend along the axonal path, and how they are controlled by local network activity, remains poorly understood. Here, we take advantage of the recently advanced FLIM-based method to monitor presynaptic Ca2+ with nanomolar sensitivity. We find that, in cortical pyramidal neurons, action potential-evoked calcium entry (range 10-300 nM), but not the resting Ca2+ level (range 10-100 nM), tends to increase with higher order of axonal branches. Blocking astroglial glutamate uptake reduces evoked Ca2+ entry but has little effect on resting Ca2+ whereas both appear boosted by the constitutive activation of group 1/2 metabotropic glutamate receptors. We find no consistent effect of transient somatic depolarization or hyperpolarization on presynaptic Ca2+ entry or its basal level. The results unveil some key aspects of presynaptic machinery in cortical circuits, shedding light on basic principles of synaptic connectivity in the brain.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to adapt to changing internal and external conditions is a key feature of biological systems. Homeostasis refers to a regulatory process that stabilizes dynamic systems to counteract perturbations. In the nervous system, homeostatic mechanisms control neuronal excitability, neurotransmitter release, neurotransmitter receptors, and neural circuit function. The neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of Drosophila melanogaster has provided a wealth of molecular information about how synapses implement homeostatic forms of synaptic plasticity, with a focus on the transsynaptic, homeostatic modulation of neurotransmitter release. This review examines some of the recent findings from the Drosophila NMJ and highlights questions the field will ponder in coming years.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Information processing by cerebellar molecular layer interneurons (MLIs) plays a crucial role in motor behavior. MLI recruitment is tightly controlled by the profile of short-term plasticity (STP) at granule cell (GC)-MLI synapses. While GCs are the most numerous neurons in the brain, STP diversity at GC-MLI synapses is poorly documented. Here, we studied how single MLIs are recruited by their distinct GC inputs during burst firing. Using slice recordings at individual GC-MLI synapses of mice, we revealed four classes of connections segregated by their STP profile. Each class differentially drives MLI recruitment. We show that GC synaptic diversity is underlain by heterogeneous expression of synapsin II, a key actor of STP and that GC terminals devoid of synapsin II are associated with slow MLI recruitment. Our study reveals that molecular, structural and functional diversity across GC terminals provides a mechanism to expand the coding range of MLIs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated \"HCN\" channels, which underlie the hyperpolarization-activated current (Ih), have been proposed to play diverse roles in neurons. The presynaptic HCN channel is thought to both promote and inhibit neurotransmitter release from synapses, depending upon its interactions with other presynaptic ion channels. In larvae of Drosophila melanogaster, inhibition of the presynaptic HCN channel by the drug ZD7288 reduces the enhancement of neurotransmitter release at motor terminals by serotonin but this drug has no effect on basal neurotransmitter release, implying that the channel does not contribute to firing under basal conditions. Here, we show that genetic disruption of the sole HCN gene (Ih) reduces the amplitude of the evoked response at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of third instar larvae by decreasing the number of released vesicles. The anatomy of the (NMJ) is not notably affected by disruption of the Ih gene. We propose that the presynaptic HCN channel is active under basal conditions and promotes neurotransmission at larval motor terminals. Finally, we demonstrate that Ih partial loss-of-function mutant adult flies have impaired locomotion, and, thus, we hypothesize that the presynaptic HCN channel at the (NMJ) may contribute to coordinated movement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We studied the ability of typical unmyelinated cortical axons to conduct action potentials at fever-like temperatures because fever often gives CNS symptoms. We investigated such axons in cerebellar and hippocampal slices from 10 to 25 days old rats at temperatures between 30 and 43°C. By recording with two electrodes along axonal pathways, we confirmed that the axons were able to initiate action potentials, but at temperatures >39°C, the propagation of the action potentials to a more distal recording site was reduced. This temperature-sensitive conduction may be specific for the very thin unmyelinated axons because similar recordings from myelinated CNS axons did not show conduction failures. We found that the conduction fidelity improved with 1 mmol/L TEA in the bath, probably due to block of voltage-sensitive potassium channels responsible for the fast repolarization of action potentials. Furthermore, by recording electrically activated antidromic action potentials from the soma of cerebellar granule cells, we showed that the axons failed less if they were triggered 10-30 msec after another action potential. This was because individual action potentials were followed by a depolarizing after-potential, of constant amplitude and shape, which facilitated conduction of the following action potentials. The temperature-sensitive conduction failures above, but not below, normal body temperature, and the failure-reducing effect of the spike\'s depolarizing after-potential, are two intrinsic mechanisms in normal gray matter axons that may help us understand how the hyperthermic brain functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cytomatrix at the active zone (CAZ) is a macromolecular complex that facilitates the supply of release-ready synaptic vesicles to support neurotransmitter release at synapses. To reveal the dynamics of this supply process in living synapses, we used super-resolution imaging to track single vesicles at voltage-clamped presynaptic terminals of retinal bipolar neurons, whose CAZ contains a specialized structure-the synaptic ribbon-that supports both fast, transient and slow, sustained modes of transmission. We find that the synaptic ribbon serves a dual function as a conduit for diffusion of synaptic vesicles and a platform for vesicles to fuse distal to the plasma membrane itself, via compound fusion. The combination of these functions allows the ribbon-type CAZ to achieve the continuous transmitter release required by synapses of neurons that carry tonic, graded visual signals in the retina.





