predator-prey interaction

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, a harmful algal bloom species, is currently appearing in increasing frequency and abundance across Northern European waters, displacing other Alexandrium species. This mixotrophic alga produces goniodomins (GDs) and bioactive extracellular substances (BECs) that may pose a threat to coastal ecosystems and other marine resources. This study demonstrated the adverse effects of A. pseudogonyaulax on four marine trophic levels, including microalgae (Rhodomonas salina), microzooplankton (Polykrikos kofoidii) and mesozooplankton (Acartia tonsa), as well as fish gill cells (RTgill-W1, Oncorhynchus mykiss), ultimately leading to enhanced mortality and cell lysis. Furthermore, cell-free supernatants collected from A. pseudogonyaulax cultures caused complete loss of metabolic activity in the RTgill-W1 cell line, indicating ichthyotoxic properties, while all tested GDs were much less toxic. In addition, cell-free supernatants of A. pseudogonyaulax led to cell lysis of R. salina, while all tested GDs were non-lytic. Finally, reduced egg hatching rates of A. tonsa eggs exposed to cell-free supernatants of A. pseudogonyaulax and impaired mobility of P. kofoidii and A. tonsa exposed to A. pseudogonyaulax were also observed. Altogether, bioassay results suggest that the toxicity of A. pseudogonyaulax is mainly driven by BECs and not by GDs, although further research into factors modulating the lytic activity of Alexandrium spp. are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predator-prey interactions are important in shaping ecosystem structure. Consequently, impacts of accelerating global warming on predators will have notable implications. Effects are likely to be particularly marked for tropical organisms which are anticipated to be sensitive to further thermal stress. Here, we investigated effects of future ocean warming on the predatory dogwhelk Reishia clavigera and its predation of Saccostrea cucullata. Mortality of the predators rapidly increased under the extreme elevated temperature, while those exposed to moderate elevated temperature displayed similar mortality as the ambient. Predators that survived moderate temperature increases altered their oxygen consumption patterns, increased average feeding rates, and functional responses, although condition index and energy reserves were unchanged. Overall, we show extreme ocean warming scenarios can remove predators and their consumption of prey from an ecosystem, whereas moderate warming can intensify predator-prey interactions. Such temperature-dependent alterations to predator-prey interactions would lead to fundamental changes of ecosystem structure as the ocean warms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of \"target tracking,\" such as keeping a target object in sight, is crucial for various activities. However, most sensing systems experience a certain degree of delay due to information processing, which challenges accurate target tracking. The long history of studies on animal behavior has revealed several tactics for it, although a systematic understanding of how individual tactics are combined into a strategy has not been reached. This study demonstrates a multifaceted tracking strategy in animals, which mitigates the adverse delay effects with small implementation costs. Using an active-sensing bat to measure their sensing state while chasing natural prey, we found that bats use a tracking strategy by combining multiple echolocation and flight tactics. The three echolocation tactics, namely the predictive control of sensing direction accompanied by adjusting the sensing rate and angular range, produce a direct compensation effect. Simultaneously, the flight tactic, the counter maneuver, assists echolocation by stabilizing the target direction. Our simulation results demonstrate that these combined tactics improve tracking accuracy over a wide range of delay constraints. In addition, a concise rule based on the angular velocity between bats and targets explains how bats control these tactics, suggesting that bats successfully reduce the burden of multitasking management. Our findings reveal the sophisticated strategy in animals\' tracking systems and provide insights into understanding and developing efficiently integrated strategies in target tracking across various disciplines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myxococcus xanthus and Escherichia coli represent a well-studied microbial predator-prey pair frequently examined in laboratory settings. While significant progress has been made in comprehending the mechanisms governing M. xanthus predation, various aspects of the response and defensive mechanisms of E. coli as prey remain elusive. In this study, the E. coli MG1655 large-scale chromosome deletion library was screened, and a mutant designated as ME5012 was identified to possess significantly reduced susceptibility to predation by M. xanthus. Within the deleted region of ME5012 encompassing seven genes, the significance of dusB and fis genes in driving the observed phenotype became apparent. Specifically, the deletion of fis resulted in a notable reduction in flagellum production in E. coli, contributing to a certain level of resistance against predation by M. xanthus. Meanwhile, the removal of dusB in E. coli led to diminished inducibility of myxovirescin A production by M. xanthus, accompanied by a slight decrease in susceptibility to myxovirescin A. These findings shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the complex interaction between M. xanthus and E. coli in a predatory context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predator-prey interactions are important but difficult to study in the field. Therefore, laboratory studies are often used to examine the outcomes of predator-prey interactions. Previous laboratory studies have shown that moth hearing and ultrasound production can help prey avoid being eaten by bats. We report here that laboratory behavioural outcomes may not accurately reflect the outcomes of field bat-moth interactions. We tested the success rates of two bat species capturing moths with distinct anti-bat tactics using behavioural experiments. We compared the results with the dietary composition of field bats using next-generation DNA sequencing. Rhinolophus episcopus and Rhinolophus osgoodi had a lower rate of capture success when hunting for moths that produce anti-bat clicks than for silent eared moths and earless moths. Unexpectedly, the success rates of the bats capturing silent eared moths and earless moths did not differ significantly from each other. However, the field bats had a higher proportion of silent eared moths than that of earless moths and that of clicking moths in their diets. The difference between the proportions of silent eared moths and earless moths in the bat diets can be explained by the difference between their abundance in bat foraging habitats. These findings suggest that moth defensive tactics, bat countertactics and moth availability collectively shape the diets of insectivorous bats. This study illustrates the importance of using a combination of behavioural experiments and molecular genetic techniques to reveal the complex interactions between predators and prey in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prey capture and subjugation are complex behaviors affected by many factors including physiological and behavioral traits of both the predator and the prey. The western banded gecko (Coleonyx variegatus) is a small generalist predator that consumes both evasive prey items, such as spiders, wasps, and orthopterans, and non-evasive prey items, including larvae, pupae, and isopterans. When consuming certain prey (e.g., scorpions), banded geckos will capture and then rapidly oscillate, or shake, their head and anterior part of their body. Banded geckos also have large, active tails that can account for over 20% of their body weight and can be voluntarily severed through the process of caudal autotomy. However, how autotomy influences prey capture behavior in geckos is poorly understood. Using high-speed 3D videography, we studied the effects of both prey type (mealworms and crickets) and tail autotomy on prey capture and subjugation performance in banded geckos. Performance metrics included maximum velocity and distance of prey capture, as well as velocity and frequency of post-capture shaking. Maximum velocity and distance of prey capture were lower for mealworms than crickets regardless of tail state. However, after autotomy, maximum velocity increased for strikes on mealworms but significantly decreased for crickets. After capture, geckos always shook mealworms, but never crickets. The frequency of shaking mealworms decreased after autotomy and additional qualitative differences were observed. Our results highlight the complex and interactive effects of prey type and caudal autotomy on prey capture biomechanics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predators can modify population and community dynamics not only through direct predation, but also through nonconsumptive effects. Predator-induced changes in the traits of prey species are important components of these nonconsumptive effects. While these are well studied in simplified one-predator one-prey settings, relatively little is known about how kairomones act on prey across heterogeneous aquatic ecosystems with diverse identities of predator and prey. Kairomones are, to some extent, predator specific, and can be classified as diet dependent or diet independent. This classification depends on whether the identity of the prey plays a role in eliciting a defense response. In an effort to elucidate how prey and predator identity determines the defense responses in water fleas, we used inducible morphology and life history traits of Daphnia mitsukuri as a model to systematically explore to what extent predator and prey identity, and species composition of the prey community determined the expression of inducible defenses, and to what extent predator-induced responses differed among genotypes. Our results showed that the defense responses of D. mitsukuri mainly relied on diet-dependent kairomones, which were not influenced by fish species identity but were highly dependent on the phylogenetic distances between D. mitsukuri and the prey ingested by fish. This phylogenetic signal is strong, with D. mitsukuri responding only to the kairomones of fish that feed on cladocerans. We also found that the amplitude of the responses to fish kairomones increased with the amount of cladoceran in the dietary community. We observed significant differences in defensive traits among three D. mitsukuri genotypes, but the differences were minor compared with the effects of kairomones themselves. The results of our systematic analyses point to the role of prey phylogeny in eliciting inducible defenses of D. mitsukuri, thereby enriching our understanding of nonconsumptive effects in aquatic ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When attacked, hagfishes produce a soft, fibrous defensive slime within a fraction of a second by ejecting mucus and threads into seawater. The rapid setup and remarkable expansion of the slime make it a highly effective and unique form of defense. How this biomaterial evolved is unknown, although circumstantial evidence points to the epidermis as the origin of the thread- and mucus-producing cells in the slime glands. Here, we describe large intracellular threads within a putatively homologous cell type from hagfish epidermis. These epidermal threads averaged ~2 mm in length and ~0.5 μm in diameter. The entire hagfish body is covered by a dense layer of epidermal thread cells, with each square millimeter of skin storing a total of ~96 cm threads. Experimentally induced damage to a hagfish\'s skin caused the release of threads, which together with mucus, formed an adhesive epidermal slime that is more fibrous and less dilute than the defensive slime. Transcriptome analysis further suggests that epidermal threads are ancestral to the slime threads, with duplication and diversification of thread genes occurring in parallel with the evolution of slime glands. Our results support an epidermal origin of hagfish slime, which may have been driven by selection for stronger and more voluminous slime.
    Hagfishes are deep-sea animals, and they represent one of the oldest living relatives of animals with backbones. To defend themselves against predators, they produce a remarkable slime that is reinforced with fibers and can clog a predator’s gills, thwarting the attack. The slime deploys in less than half a second, exuding from specialized glands on the hagfish’s body and expanding up to 10,000 times its ejected volume. The defensive slime is highly dilute, consisting mostly of sea water, with low concentrations of mucus and strong, silk-like threads that are approximately 20 centimeters long. Where and how hagfish slime evolved remains a mystery. Zeng et al. set out to answer where on the hagfish’s body the slime glands originated, and how they may have evolved. First, Zeng et al. examined hagfishes and found that cells in the surface layer of their skin (the epidermis) produce threads roughly two millimeters in length that are released when the hagfish’s skin is damaged. These threads mix with the mucus that is produced by ruptured skin cells to form a slime that likely adheres to predators’ mouths. This slime could be a precursor of the slime produced by the specialized glands. To test this hypothesis, Zeng et al. analyzed which genes are turned on and off both in the hagfishes’ skin and in their slime glands. The patterns they found are consistent with the slime glands originating from the epidermis. Based on these results, Zeng et al. propose that ancient hagfishes first evolved the ability to produce slime with anti-predator effects when their skin was damaged in attacks. Over time, hagfishes that could produce and store more slime and eject it actively into a predator’s mouth likely had a better chance of surviving. This advantage may have led to the appearance of increasingly specialized glands that could carry out these functions. The findings of Zeng et al. will be of interest to evolutionary biologists, marine biologists, and those studying the ecology of predator-prey interactions. Because of its unique material properties, hagfish slime is also of interest to biophysicists, bioengineers and those engaged in biomimetic research. The origin of hagfish slime glands is an interesting example of how a new trait evolved, and may provide insight into the evolution of other adaptive traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predator-prey interactions based on laterality have recently been observed between fishes and their prey populations. Maintenance of antisymmetric dimorphism by frequency-dependent selection has been reported in fish, but has not been observed in invertebrates. Over 10 years, we investigated long-term changes in the \"ratio of laterality\" (frequency of righty morphs in a population) in the cuttlefish Sepia recurvirostra and its potential prey prawns Penaeus semisulcatus and Metapenaeus endeavouri in the Visayan Sea, the Philippines. The morphological laterality of cuttlefish and prey prawns was defined by measuring the asymmetry of the cuttlebone and carapace, respectively. Cuttlefish and prey prawns showed morphological antisymmetry, being composed with righty morphs and lefty morphs. The ratio of laterality of cuttlefish and one prey prawn oscillated significantly, but the oscillation was not strongly synchronized. The ratio of laterality of cuttlefish followed that of the prey prawn, indicating that predation biased to each laterality occurred in relation to their laterality. These results suggest that the lateral dimorphism of cuttlefish is maintained through frequency-dependent selection on lateral morphs of the predator cuttlefish and prey prawns. Our findings provide new insight into the ecological significance and antisymmetry maintenance mechanism in relation to interspecific interactions in marine invertebrates.





