
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Off-target pesticide drift from cropland is a major source of pesticide exposure to pollinating insects inhabiting crop and wildlands in the lower Mississippi Delta (LMD) in the USA. This study is aimed to develop a drift-reducing pesticide adjuvant that is less/nontoxic to honeybees. Ongoing toxicology experiments with two widely-used insecticides and sodium alginate (SA) pointed out reductions in honeybee mortality compared to an industry standard reference polyacrylamide (PAM). When used as an adjuvant to spray the same insecticides described above, SA did not interfere in killing the target pests. Therefore, SA has been tested as a drift-reducing pesticide adjuvant to protect honeybees. Spray experiments in the lab were carried out in four sets: (i) water only, (ii) water and adjuvant, (iii) water and pesticide, and (iv) water, pesticide and adjuvant. Each set contained 18 treatment combinations to cover the ranges in spray pressure (three), adjuvant dose (three), and spray nozzles (two). The droplet spectrum was analyzed using a P15 image analyzer. Diameters of 10 %, 50 % and 90 % volumes (DV10, DV50, and DV90), droplet velocity, standard deviation and relative span were measured. The drift reduction potential (DRP) of SA was analyzed by (i) dose, (ii) spray pressure, and (iii) nozzle type. The DRP of SA is compared to that of PAM. Additionally, three field experiments were carried out to analyze the efficiency of SA in reducing pesticide drift. The results from our experiments collectively indicate that SA has significant potential in mitigating drift as well as minimizing pesticide toxicity to honeybees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Declining populations of native pollinators, especially wild bees, underline the urgent need for effective monitoring within agricultural ecosystems. This study aims to (i) establish the \'Knautia Pollinator Walk\' as an innovative pollinator monitoring method, (ii) examine the link between pollinator richness/density and land cover, and (iii) assess if specialist solitary bees indicate pollinator abundance and morphogroup richness. The approach involves surveying 500 Knautia arvensis inflorescences per site thrice per season. Observations of 11,567 pollinators across 203 taxa showed significant correlations between pollinator diversity and land use. Pollinator populations fluctuated with land cover type, increasing in open areas but decreasing or stabilising in forested and shrubby regions. Noteworthy differences in pollinator types were seen between Russia (solitary bees, small Diptera, Lepidoptera) and Sweden (bumblebees, beetles, furry Diptera). The \"Knautia Pollinator Walk\" shows promising signs of being an effective tool for monitoring spatiotemporal biodiversity trends. The method offers a scalable approach to pollinator monitoring, which is essential for developing conservation strategies and supporting pollinator populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Managed populations of the alfalfa leafcutting bee (ALCB), Megachile rotundata (F.), are often not sustainable. In addition to numerous mortality factors that contribute to this, the dense bee populations used to maximize alfalfa pollination quickly deplete floral resources available to bees later in the summer. Providing alternative floral resources as alfalfa declines may help to improve ALCB reproduction.
    UNASSIGNED: We examined the relationship between floral resource availability and ALCB reproduction and offspring condition via (1) a field study using alfalfa plots with and without late-blooming wildflower strips to supply food beyond alfalfa bloom, and (2) a field-cage study in which we provided bees with alfalfa, wildflowers, or both as food resources.
    UNASSIGNED: In the field study, bee cell production closely followed alfalfa floral density with an initial peak followed by large declines prior to wildflower bloom. Few bees visited wildflower strips, whose presence or absence was not associated with any measure of bee reproduction. However, we found that female offspring from cells provisioned earlier in the season, when alfalfa predominated as a source of provisions, eclosed with greater body sizes and proportion body lipids relative to total body mass. For bees restricted to cages, the proportion of offspring that survived to adults was highest on pure alfalfa diets. Adding wildflowers to cages with alfalfa did not affect adult offspring production or female offspring body size and lipid content. Furthermore, although similar numbers of adults were produced on wildflowers alone as with alfalfa alone, females eclosed with smaller body sizes and lower proportion body lipids on wildflowers despite the higher protein content we estimated for wildflower pollen. We found no evidence that adding the late-season wildflower species that we chose to plant enhanced ALCB offspring numbers. Our results highlight the importance of considering multiple measures of reproductive success, including offspring body size and lipid stores, when designing and evaluating floral resource management strategies for agroecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The intensification of the agricultural practices in Europe over the last decades has drastically transformed the agroecosystems. The simplification of the landscape, the loss of semi-natural habitats and the application of chemicals on crops led to biodiversity decline in agricultural landscapes, raising substantial concerns about the loss of essential ecosystem services, such as pollination or pest control. Depending on the location, the scale and the regional context, different indicator species groups (ISGs) are regularly surveyed to assess the state and trend of biodiversity changes in agroecosystems. Although the high diversity of these ISGs allows assessing different biodiversity aspects (e.g., trophic levels, bio-physical compartments, scale of indication), it complicates the interpretation of the results and thus their practical application. In addition, species diversity metrics are various, from simple species counts to more complex measurements of diversity indices, sometimes with antagonistic responses. Here, to meet the pressing need for synthesis in this complex topic, we follow a standardized systematic map protocol to collect and summarize the literature reporting field evidence of the effects of the main agricultural management practices (AMPs) in arable crops, grasslands and ecological infrastructures on a set of ISGs in European lowland farming areas.
    UNASSIGNED: Searches of literature were made using online publication databases, search engine and specialist websites in English. Gathered publications were screened for relevance following inclusion/exclusion criteria published in a prior protocol. We extracted and mapped information about experimental design, monitoring methods, ISGs and AMPs studied and the diversity measures presented in each included publication. These parameters are structured in available data coding sheets.
    UNASSIGNED: The search gathered 20,162 references from which 1208 remained after full text eligibility screening. Main areas studied are in Western Europe, and the number of studies increased exponentially from 1984 to 2022. Most publications are experimental and on-farm studies which assess AMPs effects at the field scale. Main studied AMPs are fertilization, grazing, organic farming, tillage, mowing and herbicide application. Most ISGs used to study their impacts are flora, carabids, spiders, birds, bees and annelids, often combined with other ISGs. The combinations between AMPs and ISGs studied are detailed as well as monitoring methods. The most used diversity measures are abundance, species richness, Shannon index, evenness, and community composition.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified several knowledge clusters: (1) organic farming, fertilization, tillage, grazing and mowing impact on a wide range of ISGs, (2) flora response to agricultural practices, (3) annelids response to agronomic interventions that impact soil structure (e.g., tillage, fertilization, crop rotation, crop residue management), (4) butterflies and orthopterans response to mowing and grazing effects in grasslands, (5) the use of bird monitoring for the impact for assessing the efficiency of AES implementation at the landscape scale. We highlight that further research should be conducted on ISGs that are until now poorly studied regarding agricultural practices, such as amphibians, reptiles, gastropods, millipedes and centipedes. More field evidence of the effects of diversification practices such as intercropping, undersowing, intermediate cropping, and agroforestry are needed to draw conclusions on their benefits on biodiversity.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13750-024-00347-0.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    World food supplies rely on pollination, making this plant-animal relationship a highly valued ecosystem service. Bees pollinate flowering plants in rangelands that constitute up to half of global terrestrial vegetation. Livestock grazing is the most widespread rangeland use and can affect insect pollinators through herbivory. We examined management effects on bee abundance and other insect pollinators on grazed and idle sagebrush rangelands in central Montana, USA. From 2016 to 2018, we sampled pollinators on lands enrolled in rest-rotation grazing, unenrolled grazing lands, and geographically separate idle lands without grazing for over a decade. Bare ground covered twice as much area (15% vs. 7) with half the litter (12% vs. 24) on grazed than idle regardless of enrollment. Bee pollinators were 2-3 times more prevalent in grazed than idle in 2016-2017. In 2018, bees were similar among grazed and idled during an unseasonably wet and cool summer that depressed pollinator catches; captures of secondary pollinators was similar among treatments 2 of 3 study years. Ground-nesting bees (94.6% of total bee abundance) were driven by periodic grazing that maintained bare ground and kept litter accumulations in check. In contrast, idle provided fewer nesting opportunities for bees that were mostly solitary, ground-nesting genera requiring unvegetated spaces for reproduction. Managed lands supported higher bee abundance that evolved with bison grazing on the eastern edge of the sagebrush ecosystem. Our findings suggest that periodic disturbance may enhance pollinator habitat, and that rangelands may benefit from periodic grazing by livestock.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The assessment of pesticide risks to bees in North America currently relies in part on Tier 1 honey bee laboratory toxicity studies to support the registration and registration review processes for crop protection chemicals. For immature stages, the studies follow two standardized test designs recommended by the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD), evaluating acute (seven-day single-dose, TG OECD 237) and chronic (22-day repeated-dose, GD OECD 239) toxicity in bee larvae. In this article, we aim to evaluate the current approach for generating and interpreting honey bee larval toxicity data, enhancing pesticide risk assessment for pollinators. First, by considering that the repeated-dose larval study covers all stages of honey bee brood development up to adult emergence, we compared endpoints (larval LD/ED50 and LC/EC50 values) from seven-day acute exposure studies with the 22-day chronic exposure studies. Our goal was to identify the study design offering greater sensitivity in assessing pesticide toxicity to immature bees. Our second objective involved analyzing available weight data from emerged adults and comparing it to survival endpoints (e.g., NOEL and LD50) to determine if the weight after adult emergence would accurately represent a sensitive indicator of pesticide effects on developing honey bees. Our analysis determined that the use of a single 22-day chronic exposure study adequately covers all immature stages and that the toxicity values based on cumulative dose are more accurate and representative measures of exposure for immature bees than using endpoints based on estimated daily doses. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that measuring the weight of emerged adults was a more sensitive indicator than mortality of treatment-related effects in 22% of the compounds included in our analysis. Here we also discuss the importance of standardized protocols for proper collection of weight after emergence and the need for further discussion on the relevance of this parameter at risk assessment scheme. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2024;00:1-11. © 2024 SETAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive phenotypic plasticity evolves in response to the contrasting selection pressures that arise when organisms face environmental heterogeneity. Despite its importance for understanding how organisms successfully cope with environmental change, adaptive plasticity is often assumed but rarely demonstrated. We study here the adaptive nature of the extreme seasonal within-individual floral polyphenism exhibited by the crucifer Moricandia arvensis, a Mediterranean species that produces two different types of flowers depending on the season of the year. During spring, this species has large, cross-shaped, lilac flowers, while during summer, it develops small, rounded, white flowers. Although floral polyphenism was associated with increased plant fitness, selection moved floral traits away from their local optimum values during the harsh summer. This result strongly suggests that floral polyphenism is not adaptive in M. arvensis. The main factor selecting against floral polyphenism was pollinators, as they select for the same floral morph in all environments. Despite not being adaptive, floral polyphenism occurs throughout the entire distribution range of M. arvensis and has probably been present since the origin of the species. To solve this paradox, we explored the factors causing floral polyphenism, finding that floral polyphenism was triggered by summer flowering. Summer flowering was beneficial because it led to extra seed production and was favored by adaptive plasticity in leaf functional traits. Taken together, our study reveals a complex scenario in which nonadaptive floral polyphenism has been indirectly maintained over M. arvensis evolutionary history by selection operating to favor summer flowering. Our study provides thus strong evidence that nonadaptive plasticity may evolve as a byproduct of colonizing stressful environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Factors such as extreme temperatures, light radiation, and nutritional condition influence the physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes associated with fruit development and its quality. Besides abiotic stresses, biotic constraints can also affect fruit growth and quality. Moreover, there can be interactions between stressful conditions. However, it is challenging to predict and generalize the risks of climate change scenarios on seasonal patterns of growth, development, yield, and quality of fruit species because their responses are often highly complex and involve changes at multiple levels. Advancements in genetic editing technologies hold great potential for the agricultural sector, particularly in enhancing fruit crop traits. These improvements can be tailored to meet consumer preferences, which is crucial for commercial success. Canopy management and innovative training systems are also key factors that contribute to maximizing yield efficiency and improving fruit quality, which are essential for the competitiveness of orchards. Moreover, the creation of habitats that support pollinators is a critical aspect of sustainable agriculture, as they play a significant role in the production of many crops, including fruits. Incorporating these strategies allows fruit growers to adapt to changing climate conditions, which is increasingly important for the stability of food production. By investing in these areas, fruit growers can stay ahead of challenges and opportunities in the industry, ultimately leading to increased success and profitability. In this review, we aim to provide an updated overview of the current knowledge on this important topic. We also provide recommendations for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this first field survey of an entire bee fauna for any part of Peru, we report a total of 1796 bees belonging to 181 species or morphospecies in four families. The taxonomic impediment was pronounced with only 80 species of 181 that could be named. With such a high proportion of undetermined species, it is not possible to adequately compare pollinator communities across different studies, assess historical changes or analyze endemism patterns to document ecology, behavior and evolution of the species and genera. This information is required to provide a sound basis for policymakers to protect habitats for the conservation of native pollinators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urbanization is rapidly influencing the abundance and diversity of arthropods. Within urban systems, managed turfgrass is a prominent land cover which can support only a limited number of arthropod groups. To allow for more arthropod biodiversity and to support beneficial insects within turfgrass, increasing numbers of land managers are choosing to partially convert turf habitat to wildflower habitat using commercially available seed mixes. However, the population dynamics of arthropod groups in these systems are poorly known, with consequentially little information on best long-term practices for managing wildflower habitats in turfgrass systems. To address this gap, we sampled insects using pan traps in turfgrass systems pre- and post-implementation of wildflower habitats and examined the change in abundance of several insect families and functional guilds. Insect groups had variable responses to wildflower habitat implementation, with some groups such as sweat bees and skipper butterflies showing a decline two years post-implementation. Other groups, such as predatory flies, were relatively more abundant one and two years post-implementation. These variable responses point to the need for more research on the long-term effects of wildflower habitats on beneficial insects in turfgrass habitats.





