plant quality

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amino acids serve as the primary means of transport and organic nitrogen carrier in plants, playing an essential role in plant growth and development. Amino acid transporters (AATs) facilitate the movement of amino acids within plants and have been identified and characterised in a number of species. It has been demonstrated that these amino acid transporters exert an influence on the quality attributes of plants, in addition to their primary function of transporting amino acid transport. This paper presents a summary of the role of AATs in plant quality improvement. This encompasses the enhancement of nitrogen utilization efficiency, root development, tiller number and fruit yield. Concurrently, AATs can bolster the resilience of plants to pests, diseases and abiotic stresses, thereby further enhancing the yield and quality of fruit. AATs exhibit a wide range of substrate specificity, which greatly optimizes the use of pesticides and significantly reduces pesticide residues, and reduces the risk of environmental pollution while increasing the safety of fruit. The discovery of AATs function provides new ideas and ways to cultivate high-quality crop and promote changes in agricultural development, and has great potential in the application of plant quality improvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The co-application of biochar and wood vinegar has demonstrated the potential to enhance premium crop production. The present study reveals the effects of co-applying rice husk biochar and wood vinegar (both foliar and soil application) on soil properties and the growth of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.) in a two-season pot experiment.
    RESULTS: The soil pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved organic carbon contents in combination treatments of wood vinegar and biochar were increased more when wood vinegar was applied to soils rather than to leaves, and the parameters were observed to surpass those for chemical fertilizer treatments. The biomass of Chinese cabbage shoots was significantly increased by 60.8- and 27.3-fold in the combined treatments compared to the control when 1% wood vinegar was sprayed to the leaves (WF1) in 2022 and 2023, respectively. Higher contents of vitamin C, soluble protein and soluble sugar were also observed in the combined wood vinegar and biochar treatments compared to chemical fertilizer treatments and the control; for example, the vitamin C content of plant shoot in WF1 was 21.3 times that of the control. The yield and quality of plants were decreased across all treatments in 2023 compared to 2022 but the combination treatments still displayed superiority.
    CONCLUSIONS: The co-application of wood vinegar and biochar enhances the growth and improve the quality of Chinese cabbage through improving the soil properties and plant photosynthesis. Moreover, the foliage application of wood vinegar is more preferable compared to soil application. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcriptomics and metabolomics offer distinct advantages in investigating the differentially expressed genes and cellular entities that have the greatest influence on end-phenotype, making them crucial techniques for studying plant quality and environmental responses. While numerous relevant articles have been published, a comprehensive summary is currently lacking. This review aimed to understand the global and longitudinal research trends of transcriptomics and metabolomics in plant quality and environmental response (TMPQE). Utilizing bibliometric methods, we presented a comprehensive science mapping of the social structure, conceptual framework, and intellectual foundation of TMPQE. We uncovered that TMPQE research has been categorized into three distinct stages since 2020. A citation analysis of the 29 most cited articles, coupled with a content analysis of recent works (2020-2023), highlight five potential research streams in plant quality and environmental responses: (1) biosynthetic pathways, (2) abiotic stress, (3) biotic stress, (4) development and ripening, and (5) methodologies and tools. Current trends and future directions are shaped by technological advancements, species diversity, evolving research themes, and an environmental ecology focus. Overall, this review provides a novel and comprehensive perspective to understand the longitudinal trend on TMPQE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bioavailability of essential and non-essential elements in vegetation is expected to influence the performance of free-ranging terrestrial herbivores. However, attempts to relate the use of geochemical landscapes by animal populations directly to reproductive output are currently lacking. Here we measured concentrations of 14 essential and non-essential elements in soil and vegetation samples collected in the Zackenberg valley, northeast Greenland, and linked these to environmental conditions to spatially predict and map geochemical landscapes. We then used long-term (1996-2021) survey data of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) to quantify annual variation in the relative use of essential and non-essential elements in vegetated sites and their relationship to calf recruitment the following year. Results showed that the relative use of the geochemical landscape by muskoxen varied substantially between years and differed among elements. Selection for vegetated sites with higher levels of the essential elements N, Cu, Se, and Mo was positively linked to annual calf recruitment. In contrast, selection for vegetated sites with higher concentrations of the non-essential elements As and Pb was negatively correlated to annual calf recruitment. Based on the concentrations measured in our study, we found no apparent associations between annual calf recruitment and levels of C, Mn, Co, Zn, Cd, Ba, Hg, and C:N ratio in the vegetation. We conclude that the spatial distribution and access to essential and non-essential elements are important drivers of reproductive output in muskoxen, which may also apply to other wildlife populations. The value of geochemical landscapes to assess habitat-performance relationships is likely to increase under future environmental change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The biotic and abiotic factors including the agricultural implementation can modify soil acidification. We hypothesized that soil pH should as repercussion, alter the plant physiological and physical properties and eventually affect insect herbivores including agricultural pests. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of seven levels of soil pH on the performance of cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora on Vicia faba. Significant relationships between soil pH and growth of host bean seedlings or development and reproduction of the aphid were detected. Data demonstrated significant differences in the total longevity, the pre-reproductive, reproductive, post-reproductive and pre-viviparity periods. Within a suitable range of pH for bean growth between pH 5.3 and pH 7.2, the aphid performance was worse on seedlings growing better, however, under unfavorable extreme pH conditions, plant quality measured as height did not affect the aphids anymore and their performance was uniformly low except the case in pH 8.1 condition in which the best aphid reproduction was observed. The results confirm that soil pH affect the performance of cowpea aphid A. craccivora and also exhibited strong influence on the growth of broad bean plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fire and herbivores are two important drivers of changes in vegetation composition, quality and dynamics and both are highly related to each other. Herbivores are known to respond to fire both in terms of foraging decisions and distribution. However, little is known about the actual changes in plant chemistry following a fire event and how long these changes will last. We investigated the effect of fire on two different plant functional groups (grasses and woody species) in a woodland savanna of southern Africa. We studied chemical compounds known to be important for palatability of five perennial grass and seven woody species (trees and shrubs) common in the woodland savanna and known to be utilized by herbivores. We wanted to know if plant chemistry differs between a recently burned site (burned 2 years ago) and a control site, burned 16 years ago, and if grasses and woody species show similar relative differences between sites (i.e., the plants\' response to fire). We found a clear difference in chemical composition patterns between the plant functional groups, with an almost homogenous response to fire among woody species, but higher variability in response among grass species. Furthermore, we found that woody species maintained a higher nutritional value even 2 years after burning, whereas grasses did not show clear differences among the two investigated sites. Hence, few years after burning, woody plants might still serve as an attraction for herbivores, especially browsers, in contrast to grasses. The knowledge about these differences between the two functional groups in response to fire is beneficial for the development of management strategies for large herbivores whether domestic or wild.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraspecific feeding choices comprise a large portion of herbivore foraging decisions. Plant resource quality is heterogeneously distributed, affected by nutrient availability and growing conditions. Herbivores navigate landscapes, foraging not only according to food qualities, but also energetic and nutritional demands. We test three non-exclusive foraging hypotheses using the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus): (1) herbivore feeding choices and body conditions respond to intraspecific plant quality variation; (2) high energetic demands mitigate feeding responses; and (3) feeding responses are inflated when nutritional demands are high. We measured black spruce (Picea mariana) nitrogen, phosphorus and terpene compositions, as indicators of quality, within a snowshoe hare trapping grid and found plant growing conditions to explain spruce quality variation (R2 < 0.36). We then offered two qualities of spruce (H1) from the trapping grid to hares in cafeteria-style experiments and measured their feeding and body condition responses (n = 75). We proxied energetic demands (H2) with ambient temperature and coat insulation (% white coat) and nutritional demands (H3) with the spruce quality (nitrogen and phosphorus content) in home ranges. Hares with the strongest preference for high-quality spruce lost on average 2.2% less weight than hares who ate the least high-quality spruce relative to low-quality spruce. The results supported our energetic predictions as follows: hares in colder temperatures and with less-insulative coats (lower % white) consumed more spruce and were less selective towards high-quality spruce. Collectively, we found variation in plant growing conditions within herbivore home ranges substantial enough to affect herbivore body conditions, but energetic stats mediate plant-herbivore interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predators impact prey populations through both consumptive and non-consumptive effects, such as behavioral and physiological changes by prey in response to a predation threat. Additionally, various top-down (e.g. predator characteristics) and bottom-up factors (e.g. plant nutrients) may impact non-consumptive effects, yet little is understood about how these interact. We studied how host-plant choice, leaf consumption, and growth of an herbivore, Pieris rapae, were impacted by different levels of plant nitrogen (N) and two predator species representing varying degrees of threat, Hippodamia convergens (predator of early-instars) and Podisus maculiventris (predator of all-instars). We found that P. rapae adults and larvae made similar choices about bottom-up and top-down factors when threatened by two different predator species. Adults and larvae preferred high N plants when threatened by H. convergens, but plant N did not influence their host plant choice when threatened by P. maculiventris. Additionally, larvae consumed more leaf tissue and grew larger when threatened by H. convergens, but leaf tissue consumption and larval growth did not change under threat by P. maculiventris, suggesting that larvae may change their behavior if they are able to quickly outgrow life stages vulnerable to predation. These results indicate that top-down factors such as predator identity may determine how P. rapae modulate their responses to bottom-up factors such as host plant quality when utilizing anti-predator behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The abundance and stoichiometry of aquatic plants are crucial for nutrient cycling and energy transfer in aquatic ecosystems. However, the interactive effects of multiple global environmental changes, including temperature rise and eutrophication, on aquatic plant stoichiometry and palatability remain largely unknown. Here, we hypothesized that (1) plant growth rates increase faster with rising temperature in nutrient-rich than nutrient-poor sediments; (2) plant carbon (C): nutrient ratios [nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)] respond differently to rising temperatures at contrasting nutrient conditions of the sediment; (3) external nutrient loading to the water column limits the growth of plants and decreases plant C:nutrient ratios; and that (4) changes in plant stoichiometry affect plant palatability. We used the common rooted submerged plant Vallisneria spiralis as a model species to test the effects of temperature and nutrient availability in both the sediment and the water column on plant growth and stoichiometry in a full-factorial experiment. The results confirmed that plants grew faster in nutrient-rich than nutrient-poor sediments with rising temperature, whereas external nutrient loading decreased the growth of plants due to competition by algae. The plant C: N and C: P ratios responded differently at different nutrient conditions to rising temperature. Rising temperature increased the metabolic rates of organisms, increased the nutrient availability in the sediment and enhanced plant growth. Plant growth was limited by a shortage of N in the nutrient-poor sediment and in the treatment with external nutrient loading to the water column, as a consequence, the limited plant growth caused an accumulation of P in the plants. Therefore, the effects of temperature on aquatic plant C:nutrient ratios did not only depend on the availability of the specific nutrients in the environment, but also on plant growth, which could result in either increased, unaltered or decreased plant C:nutrient ratios in response to temperature rise. Plant feeding trial assays with the generalist consumer Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda) did not show effects of temperature or nutrient treatments on plant consumption rates. Overall, our results implicate that warming and eutrophication might interactively affect plant abundance and plant stoichiometry, and therefore influence nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effects of plants on herbivores can cascade up the food web and modulate the abundance of higher trophic levels. In agro-ecosystems, plant viruses can affect the interactions between crops, crop pests, and natural enemies. Little is known, however, about the effects of viruses on higher trophic levels, including parasitoids and their ability for pest regulation. We tested the hypothesis that a plant virus affects parasitoid foraging behaviour through cascading effects on higher trophic levels. We predicted that the semi-persistent Beet yellows virus (BYV) would influence plant (Beta vulgaris) quality, as well as aphid host (Aphis fabae) quality for a parasitoid Lysiphlebus fabarum. We determined amino acid and sugar content in healthy and infected plants (first trophic level), lipid content and body size of aphids (second trophic level) fed on both plants, as well as foraging behaviour and body size of parasitoids (third trophic level) that developed on aphids fed on both plants. Our results showed that virus infection increased sugars and decreased total amino acid content in B. vulgaris. We further observed an increase in aphid size without modification in host aphid quality (i.e., lipid content), and a slight effect on parasitoid behaviour through an increased number of antennal contacts with host aphids. Although the BYV virus clearly affected the first two trophic levels, it did not affect development or emergence of parasitoids. As the parasitoid L. fabarum does not seem to be affected by the virus, we discuss the possibility of using it for the development of targeted biological control against aphids.





