phytosanitary products

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last decades, the intensification of agriculture has resulted in an increasing use of pesticides, which has led to widespread contamination of non-target ecosystems in agricultural landscapes. Plants and arthropods inhabiting these systems are therefore chronically exposed to, at least, low levels of pesticides through direct pesticide drift, but also through the contamination of their nutrient sources (e.g. soil water or host/prey tissues). Pesticides (herbicides, acaricides/insecticides and fungicides) are chemical substances used to control pests, such as weeds, phytophagous arthropods and pathogenic microorganisms. These molecules are designed to disturb specific physiological mechanisms and induce mortality in targeted organisms. However, under sublethal exposure, pesticides also affect biological processes including metabolism, development, reproduction or inter-specific interactions even in organisms that do not possess the molecular target of the pesticide. Despite the broad current knowledge on sublethal effects of pesticides on organisms, their adverse effects on trophic interactions are less investigated, especially within terrestrial trophic networks. In this review, we provide an overview of the effects, both target and non-target, of sublethal exposures to pesticides on traits involved in trophic interactions between plants, phytophagous insects and their natural enemies. We also discuss how these effects may impact ecosystem functioning by analyzing studies investigating the responses of Plant-Phytophage-Natural enemy trophic networks to pesticides. Finally, we highlight the current challenges and research prospects in the understanding of the effects of pesticides on trophic interactions and networks in non-target terrestrial ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In recent decades, agricultural landscapes have been profoundly modified due to the intensification of agriculture, therefore leading to significant disturbances in all components of biodiversity. A survey on the knowledge of beekeeping realities and the use of phytosanitary products in areas of high honey production in Burkina Faso was carried out. Beekeeping realities design the state of beekeeping activities in the study localities.
    METHODS: The objective of this survey was to characterize Beekeeping operations and to assess the level of knowledge of beekeepers on the effects of the use of phytosanitary products through different beekeeping and agricultural practices. In this sense, 113 farmer beekeepers from the Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts-Bassins and Nord regions in Burkina Faso were surveyed about their different beekeeping practices.
    RESULTS: The results obtained indicated that beekeeping is a secondary activity (96.47%) and is mainly practiced by men (90.27%). The respondents have mostly an average of 22 traditional hives. The majority of beekeepers have not received training (84.07%) on the hazards of plant protection products on their beekeeping farms. However, a large amount of beekeepers (70.73%) acknowledged that the use of plant protection products could be harmful to their activity. Hives are usually installed in or near the fields. The plant protection products used for crop protection are herbicides (27%), insecticides (23%), fungicides (8%), but especially mixed (42%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results show that beekeeping in Burkina Faso remains traditional and is practiced for sociocultural reasons. The use of pesticides close to beekeeping could play a role in bee colony collapse taking place in these regions. Training beekeepers on the dangers of the chemicals they use in fields near hives is therefore essential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytopathogenic fungi are responsible for diseases in commercially important crops and cause major supply problems in the global food chain. Plants were able to protect themselves from disease before humans played an active role in protecting plants. They are known to synthesize a variety of secondary metabolites (SMs), such as terpenes, alkaloids, and phenolic compounds, which can be extracted using conventional and unconventional techniques to formulate biofungicides; plant extracts have antifungal activity and various mechanisms of action against these organisms. In addition, they are considered non-phytotoxic and potentially effective in disease control. They are a sustainable and economically viable alternative for use in agriculture, which is why biofungicides are increasingly recognized as an attractive option to solve the problems caused by synthetic fungicides. Currently, organic farming continues to grow, highlighting the importance of developing environmentally friendly alternatives for crop production. This review provides a compilation of the literature on biosynthesis, mechanisms of action of secondary metabolites against phytopathogens, extraction techniques and formulation of biofungicides, biological activity of plant extracts on phytopathogenic fungi, regulation, advantages, disadvantages and an overview of the current use of biofungicides in agriculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Land use change and anthropogenic forcing can drastically alter the rates and patterns of sediment transport and modify biodiversity and ecosystem functions in coastal transition zones, such as the coastal ecosystems. Molecular studies of sediment extracted DNAs provide information on currently living organisms within the upper layers or buried from various periods of time, but might also provide knowledge on species dynamics, replacement and turnover. In this study, we evaluated the eukaryotic communities of a marine core that present a shift in soil erosion that was linked to glyphosate usage and correlated to chlordecone resurgence since 2000. We show differences in community composition between samples from the second half of the last century and those from the last two decades. Temporal analyses of the relative abundance, alpha diversity, and beta diversity for the two periods demonstrated different temporal dynamics depending on the considered taxonomic group. In particular, Ascomycetes showed a decrease in abundance over the most recent period associated with changes in community membership but not community structure. Two photosynthetic groups, Bacillariophyceae and Prasinophytes clade VII, showed a different pattern with an increase in abundance since the beginning of the 21st century with a decrease in diversity and evenness to form more heterogeneous communities dominated by a few abundant OTUs. Altogether, our data reveal that agricultural usages such as pesticide use can have long-term and species-dependent implications for microeukaryotic coastal communities on a tropical island.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The preservation of natural resources via the management of diffuse pollution is currently considered to be a significant challenge in France. Pollution reduction policies are notably based on the identification of vulnerable areas. In this context, our work aims to develop a method for characterizing the surface water vulnerability to phytosanitary pollution by implementing an interdisciplinary methodology combining geomatics, environmental science and agronomy. Such work consists in offering local stakeholders a decision support tool towards the participatory management of the diffuse pollution issue. This study is based on the geographic contribution of spatial analysis to the large-scale and high-definition identification of physical elements of the environment. It is also based on the study of agro-environmental indicators for the analysis of phytosanitary pressure on watercourses. The combination of these different data sources will make it possible to assess the vulnerability of diffuse pollution at a territorial level, by taking into account factors of agricultural pressure at plot level (crop types and phytosanitary practices), as well as factors of environmental sensitivity at watershed level (pedology, rainfall, topography, etc.). The results obtained will be mapped at plot level, then at the level of the Gimone watershed located in the southwest of France.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The occurrence of polar pesticides in sediments has not been extensively investigated because of their relatively poor hydrophobicity and apparently less persistence in the environment. However, their continuous release into the aquatic systems calls for the evaluation of their potential accumulation in sediments and the role of this matrix as a potential source of these compounds. Considering this, a method based on pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), extract clean-up by solid phase extraction (SPE), and analyte determination by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was developed and validated to analyze 50 relevant (frequently used and/or regulated or found in water) medium to highly polar pesticides in sediments. The method showed good performance regarding accuracy (relative recoveries between 76 and 124%), precision (relative standard deviation values < 20%), sensitivity (LODs in the low nanogram per gram for most compounds), linearity (coefficients of determination > 0.99), and matrix effects (negligible for all analytes). The use of an isotope dilution approach for quantification ensures result reliability. As a part of the validation process, the method was applied to the analysis of the target pesticides in sediments from the Llobregat River (NE Spain) showing the presence of five of them, namely, terbutryn, dichlorvos, terbuthylazine, diazinon, and irgarol. All 5 pesticides, due to both the concentrations found and their physical-chemical characteristics, demonstrate high potential for bioaccumulation and risk to aquatic organisms. Additional multi-disciplinary studies that investigate pesticide occurrence in different aquatic compartments and evaluate the potential risks for aquatic ecosystems are required to assess the environmental impact and significance of the presence of pesticides in sediments. Graphical Abstract.





