physiological measures

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Virtual Reality is an effective technique for eliciting emotions. It provides immersive and ecologically valid emotional experiences while maintaining experimental control. Recently, novel VR forms like 360° videos have been used successfully for emotion elicitation. Some preliminary databases of 360° videos for emotion elicitation have been proposed, but they tapped mainly into an emotional dimensional approach and did not include a concurrent physiological assessment of an emotional profile. This study expands on these databases by combining dimensional and discrete approaches to validate a new set of 360° emotion-inducing images. Twenty-six participants viewed 46 immersive images, and their emotional reactions were measured using self-reporting, psychophysiological signals, and eye tracking. The IAVRS database can successfully elicit a wide range of emotional responses, including both positive and negative valence, as well as different levels of arousal. Results reveal an important correspondence between the discrete and dimensional models of emotions. Furthermore, the images that exhibit convergence between the dimensional and discrete emotional models are particularly impactful regarding arousal and valence values. The IAVRS database provides insights into potential relationships between physiological parameters and emotional responses. This preliminary investigation highlights the complexity of emotional elicitation processes and their physiological correlates, suggesting the need for further research to deepen our understanding.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Study
    In daily life, both acoustic factors and social context can affect listening effort investment. In laboratory settings, information about listening effort has been deduced from pupil and cardiovascular responses independently. The extent to which these measures can jointly predict listening-related factors is unknown. Here we combined pupil and cardiovascular features to predict acoustic and contextual aspects of speech perception. Data were collected from 29 adults (mean  =  64.6 years, SD  =  9.2) with hearing loss. Participants performed a speech perception task at two individualized signal-to-noise ratios (corresponding to 50% and 80% of sentences correct) and in two social contexts (the presence and absence of two observers). Seven features were extracted per trial: baseline pupil size, peak pupil dilation, mean pupil dilation, interbeat interval, blood volume pulse amplitude, pre-ejection period and pulse arrival time. These features were used to train k-nearest neighbor classifiers to predict task demand, social context and sentence accuracy. The k-fold cross validation on the group-level data revealed above-chance classification accuracies: task demand, 64.4%; social context, 78.3%; and sentence accuracy, 55.1%. However, classification accuracies diminished when the classifiers were trained and tested on data from different participants. Individually trained classifiers (one per participant) performed better than group-level classifiers: 71.7% (SD  =  10.2) for task demand, 88.0% (SD  =  7.5) for social context, and 60.0% (SD  =  13.1) for sentence accuracy. We demonstrated that classifiers trained on group-level physiological data to predict aspects of speech perception generalized poorly to novel participants. Individually calibrated classifiers hold more promise for future applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of cognitive load on driver behavior and traffic safety are unclear and in need of further investigation. Reliable measures of cognitive load for use in research and, subsequently, in the development and implementation of driver monitoring systems are therefore sought. Physiological measures are of interest since they can provide continuous recordings of driver state. Currently, however, a few issues related to their use in this context are not usually taken into consideration, despite being well-known. First, cognitive load is a multidimensional construct consisting of many mental responses (cognitive load components) to added task demand. Yet, researchers treat it as unidimensional. Second, cognitive load does not occur in isolation; rather, it is part of a complex response to task demands in a specific operational setting. Third, physiological measures typically correlate with more than one mental state, limiting the inferences that can be made from them individually. We suggest that acknowledging these issues and studying multiple mental responses using multiple physiological measures and independent variables will lead to greatly improved measurability of cognitive load. To demonstrate the potential of this approach, we used data from a driving simulator study in which a number of physiological measures (heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing rate, skin conductance, pupil diameter, eye blink rate, eye blink duration, EEG alpha power, and EEG theta power) were analyzed. Participants performed a cognitively loading n-back task at two levels of difficulty while driving through three different traffic scenarios, each repeated four times. Cognitive load components and other coinciding mental responses were assessed by considering response patterns of multiple physiological measures in relation to multiple independent variables. With this approach, the construct validity of cognitive load is improved, which is important for interpreting results accurately. Also, the use of multiple measures and independent variables makes the measurements (when analyzed jointly) more diagnostic-that is, better able to distinguish between different cognitive load components. This in turn improves the overall external validity. With more detailed, diagnostic, and valid measures of cognitive load, the effects of cognitive load on traffic safety can be better understood, and hence possibly mitigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study investigated the potential of implicit physiological measures to provide objective measures of affective food experience in contrast to explicit self-report ratings in a cross-cultural context. Dutch and Thai participants viewed 120 food images portraying universal food image categories (regular and molded food) and cultural food image categories (typically Dutch and Thai food). The universal food images were taken as ground truth high and low valence stimuli, where we assumed no genuine difference in affective experience between nationalities. In contrast, for the cultural food images, we did expect a genuine difference between nationalities. Participants were asked to rate valence, arousal and liking of each food image. In addition, heart rate (HR) and phasic electrodermal activity (EDA) responses to the images were recorded. Typically Asian and Western response biases were found for explicit ratings of regular and molded food with an extreme response style for Dutch, and a middle response style for Thai participants. However, such bias was not observed in HR. For cultural food image categories, HR showed the hypothesized interaction between participant nationality and food image category, reflecting the expected genuine difference between nationalities in affective food experience. Besides presenting participants with images, we also asked participants to taste typically Thai and Dutch drinks. Similar to images, a significant interaction between participant nationality and cultural food category was found for HR. An interaction was also found for sip size, while this was not seen in explicit measures. We attribute this to differences in the moment that these measures were taken. In this study, phasic EDA did not appear to be a sensitive measure of affective food experience, possibly since stimuli mostly differed in valence rather than arousal. To conclude, our study constitutes an example where cultural bias negatively affected the accuracy of self-reports, and only the implicit physiological measures followed the prior expectations of genuine food experience, indicating the potential of these measures to study cross-cultural food experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aviation remains one of the safest modes of transportation. However, an inappropriate response to an unexpected event can lead to flight incidents and accidents. Among several contributory factors, startle and surprise, which can lead to or exacerbate the pilot\'s state of stress, are often cited. Unlike stress, which has been the subject of much study in the context of driving and piloting, studies on startle and surprise are less numerous and these concepts are sometimes used interchangeably. Thus, the definitions of stress, startle, and surprise are reviewed, and related differences are put in evidence. Furthermore, it is proposed to distinguish these notions in the evaluation and to add physiological measures to subjective measures in their study. Indeed, Landman\'s theoretical model makes it possible to show the links between these concepts and studies using physiological parameters show that they would make it possible to disentangle the links between stress, startle and surprise in the context of aviation. Finally, we draw some perspectives to set up further studies focusing specifically on these concepts and their measurement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study aimed to evaluate the impact of increasing cooling sessions from three to five times a day on milk yield and the welfare of dairy buffaloes during a semiarid summer in Pakistan. Eighteen Nili Ravi buffaloes were randomly assigned to three cooling strategies: (1) CTL, where buffaloes were cooled with a handheld hosepipe twice daily for 5 min each; (2) 3CS, where buffaloes were cooled using sprinklers three times daily; and (3) 5CS, where buffaloes were cooled using sprinklers five times daily. Each sprinkler cooling session lasted 1 h, with a 6 min cycle of 3 min of water on and 3 min off. Results showed that the 5CS group produced 1.6 and 3.2 kg more milk per day compared to the 3CS and CTL groups, respectively (p < 0.001). Both the 5CS and 3CS groups had consistently lower core body temperatures and respiration rates than the CTL group. Buffaloes in the 5CS group spent significantly more time eating (p < 0.001). Additionally, the 5CS group exhibited lower cortisol and blood urea nitrogen levels (p = 0.001) and higher glucose levels than the CTL group (p = 0.006). In conclusion, increasing cooling sessions to five times daily improved milk yield and welfare compared to the traditional cooling strategy (CTL) in dairy buffaloes during semiarid summers, highlighting the benefits of optimized cooling practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is a popular belief that colours impact one\'s psychological and affective functioning. However, clear-cut scientific evidence is still lacking, largely due to methodological challenges. Virtual reality (VR) enabled us to control and modify the environment. We exposed 60 participants to red or blue environments varying in lightness and saturation. We assessed participants\' physiological responses (i.e. arousal) with heart rate and skin conductance measures, and their self-reported levels of valence and arousal in response to the coloured environments. The results revealed physiological effects of lightness and hue. When compared with the baseline measures, heart rate increased, and heart rate variability decreased more in the dark than the medium lightness rooms. Both measures signalled higher arousal in the darker room, irrespective of hue. Also, when compared with the baseline measures, skin conductance increased more in the red than the blue rooms, again signalling higher arousal in the red condition. The difference between the red and the blue conditions was detectable only on some saturation and lightness combinations. We conclude that being immersed in environments of different colours can change physiological arousal. However, not all changes are driven by hue and not all the effects are measurable on all physiological parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous observations on a group of exceptionally healthy \"Super-Seniors\" showed a lower variance of multiple physiological measures relevant for health than did a less healthy group of the same age. The finding was interpreted as the healthier individuals having physiological measurement values closer to an optimal level, or \"sweet spot.\" Here, we tested the generalizability of the sweet-spot hypothesis in a larger community sample, comparing differences in the variance between healthier and less healthy groups. We apply this method to the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) comprehensive cohort of 30,097 participants aged 45 to 85 years with deep phenotype data. Data from both sexes and four age ranges were analyzed. Five instruments were used to represent different aspects of health, physical, and cognitive functioning. We tested 231 phenotypic measures for lower variance in the most healthy vs. least healthy quartile of each sex and age group, as classified by the five instruments. Segmented regression was used to determine sex-specific optimal values. One hundred forty-two physiological measures (61%) showed lower variance in the healthiest than in the least healthy group, in at least one sex and age group. The difference in variance was most significant for hemoglobin A1c and was also significant for many body composition measurements, but not for bone mineral density. Ninety-four phenotypes showed a nonmonotonic relationship with health, consistent with the idea of a sweet spot; for these, we determined optimal values and 95% confidence intervals that were generally narrower than the ranges of current clinical reference intervals. These findings for sweet spot discovery validate the proposed approach for identifying traits important for healthy aging.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    This study compared acceptance vs. avoidance coping with acute physical pain, in a pain-induction experiment and examined both between and within-group differences, multi-methodically and multi-dimensionally using behavioral, physiological and self-report measures. The sample consisted of 88 University students (76.1% females; Mage = 21.33 years). Participants were randomly assigned to four instructed groups and participated twice in the Cold Pressor Task: (a) Acceptance followed by avoidance; (b) Avoidance followed by acceptance; (c) No instructions (control) followed by acceptance, and (d) No instructions (control) followed by avoidance. All analyses were conducted using repeated-measures ANOVAs. Randomized techniques analyses showed that participants receiving no instructions followed by acceptance reported significantly greater changes in physiological and behavioral measures across time. Low adherence to acceptance instructions was found, especially during the first phase. Exploratory analyses on actual techniques used (as opposed to taught technique) showed that participants using avoidance followed by acceptance exhibited significantly greater changes in physiological and behavioral measures across time. No significant differences were found for the self-report of negative affect outcome. Overall, our findings provide support to ACT theory, as participants might have to use firstly ineffective coping to understand what works best to cope with pain. This is the first study examining acceptance vs. avoidance coping both between and within individuals in physical pain, multi-methodically and multi-dimensionally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the era of user-generated content (UGC) and virtual interactions within the metaverse, empathic digital content has become increasingly important. This study aimed to quantify human empathy levels when exposed to digital media. To assess empathy, we analyzed brain wave activity and eye movements in response to emotional videos. Forty-seven participants watched eight emotional videos, and we collected their brain activity and eye movement data during the viewing. After each video session, participants provided subjective evaluations. Our analysis focused on the relationship between brain activity and eye movement in recognizing empathy. The findings revealed the following: (1) Participants were more inclined to empathize with videos depicting pleasant-arousal and unpleasant-relaxed emotions. (2) Saccades and fixation, key components of eye movement, occurred simultaneously with specific channels in the prefrontal and temporal lobes. (3) Eigenvalues of brain activity and pupil changes showed synchronization between the right pupil and certain channels in the prefrontal, parietal, and temporal lobes during empathic responses. These results suggest that eye movement characteristics can serve as an indicator of the cognitive empathic process when engaging with digital content. Furthermore, the observed changes in pupil size result from a combination of emotional and cognitive empathy elicited by the videos.





