passive forces

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because of scaling issues, passive muscle and joint forces become increasingly important as limb size decreases.1-3 In some small limbs, passive forces can drive swing in locomotion,4,5 and antagonist passive torques help control limb swing velocity.6 In stance, minimizing antagonist muscle and joint passive forces could save energy. These considerations predict that, for small limbs, evolution would result in the angle range over which passive forces are too small to cause limb movement (called \"resting-state range\" in prior insect work4 and \"area of neutral equilibrium\" in physics and engineering) correlating with the limb\'s typical working range, usually that in locomotion. We measured the most protracted and retracted thorax-femur (ThF) angles of the pro- (front), meso- (middle), and metathoracic (hind) leg during stick insect (Carausius morosus) walks. This ThF working range differed in the three leg types, being more posterior in more posterior legs. In other experiments, we manually protracted or retracted the denervated front, middle, and hind legs. Upon release, passive forces moved the leg in the opposite direction (retraction or protraction) until it reached the most protracted or most retracted edge of the ThF resting-state range. The ThF resting-state angle ranges correlated with the leg-type working range, being more posterior in more posterior legs. The most protracted ThF walking angles were more retracted than the post-protraction ThF angles, and the most retracted ThF walking angles were similar to the post-retraction ThF angles. These correlations of ThF working- and resting-state ranges could simplify motor control and save energy. These data also provide an example of evolution altering behavior by changing passive muscle and joint properties.7.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The architectural features of branching morphogenesis demonstrate exquisite reproducibility among various organs and species despite the unique functionality and biochemical differences of their microenvironment. The regulatory networks that drive branching morphogenesis employ cell-generated and passive mechanical forces, which integrate extracellular signals from the microenvironment into morphogenetic movements. Cell-generated forces function locally to remodel the extracellular matrix (ECM) and control interactions among neighboring cells. Passive mechanical forces are the product of in situ mechanical instabilities that trigger out-of-plane buckling and clefting deformations of adjacent tissues. Many of the molecular and physical signals that underlie buckling and clefting morphogenesis remain unclear and require new experimental strategies to be uncovered. Here, we highlight soft material systems that have been engineered to display programmable buckles and creases. Using synthetic materials to model physicochemical and spatiotemporal features of buckling and clefting morphogenesis might facilitate our understanding of the physical mechanisms that drive branching morphogenesis across different organs and species.





