
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess self-reported parasomnias in patients with sleep disorders and explore relationships with psychiatric illness, comorbidities, subjective sleep assessments, and polysomnographic study results.
    METHODS: Results from intake questionnaires and polysomnographic assessments, collected from 240 sleep centers across 30 US states between 2004 and 2019, were analyzed retrospectively. Of 540,000 total patients, 371,889 who answered parasomnia-specific questions were included. Patients responding \"often\" or \"always\" to parasomnia-specific questions were considered \"symptom-positive,\" whereas a \"few times\" or \"never\" were considered \"symptom-negative\" (controls).
    RESULTS: The study sample was 54.5% male with mean age 54 years (range, 2-107 years). Frequencies for the different parasomnias were 16.0% for any parasomnia, 8.8% for somniloquy, 6.0% for hypnagogic hallucinations, 4.8% for sleep-related eating disorder, 2.1% for sleep paralysis, and 1.7% for somnambulism. Frequent parasomnias were highly associated with diagnosed depression (odds ratio = 2.72). All parasomnias were associated with being younger and female and with symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, restless legs, pain, medical conditions, fatigue, and sleepiness. Associations with objective sleep metrics showed characteristics of consolidated sleep and differentiated weakly between nonrapid eye movement sleep and rapid eye movement sleep parasomnias. Machine learning accurately classified patients with parasomnia versus controls (balanced accuracies between 71% and 79%). Benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, and opioids increased the odds of experiencing parasomnias, while antihistamines and melatonin reduced the odds. Z-drugs were found to increase the likelihood of a sleep-related eating disorder.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that parasomnias may be clinically relevant, yet understudied, symptoms of depression and anxiety. Further investigation is needed to quantify the nature of multimorbidity, including causality and implications for diagnosis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasomnias are a group of sleep disorders characterized by abnormal and unpleasant motor, verbal, or behavioral events that occur during sleep or during transitions between wake and sleep states. They disrupt sleep and can have a detrimental impact on the individual experiencing them. Our goal was to identify types of parasomnias and their prevalence in the current and recent post-secondary student population and to explore their coping strategies for parasomnias they found distressing. Seventy-seven post-secondary students completed the 21-item Munich Parasomnia Screening (MUPS) frequency scale. They also rated, on a 10-point scale, how disturbing each parasomnia experienced was. Not only did 92% percent of students report at least one parasomnia, but our results also indicate that the vast majority of students experienced several parasomnias. This led us to investigate the likelihood of the co-occurrence of different parasomnias. With respect to the level of subjectively experienced distress, the most prevalent parasomnias were not always the more disturbing. Coded open-ended responses about what students do about the disturbing parasomnias indicate that grounding strategies (i.e., coping strategies that help manage distressing feelings) and physical manipulation of one\'s body were the most common, although most participants indicated that in spite of distress, they do nothing to cope. In conclusion, our study found a strikingly high prevalence of parasomnias in this sample of young adults and a lack of knowledge about effective means of dealing with these. Therefore, we provide some accepted ways of dealing with these.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sleep disorders (SDs) are among many co-morbid medical conditions that affect children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Raising awareness and improving the standard of care for children diagnosed with ASD may result from identifying SDs among them. This study aims to evaluate patterns of SDs among Sudanese children diagnosed with ASD.
    METHODS: Using the Childhood Sleep Habit Questionnaire (CSHQ) to gather data on sleep disorders and SPSS version 26.0 for data analysis, a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the five main autistic centres in Khartoum state covering all registered patients with ASD between April and June 2022. Ninety-two children diagnosed with ASD were enrolled in this study after the purpose of the research was explained and consent was obtained from their guardians. A p-value < 0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.
    RESULTS: The mean age was 6.90 (± 2.6) years with a boys-to-girls ratio of 2.17:1. The prevalence of SDs (at least one sleep condition almost daily) was 95.65%. Sleep onset 71 (77.2%), limit setting 32 (32.6%), resistant onset to sleep 48 (52.2%), and combined 52 (56.5%) insomnia affected the majority of children. Additionally, there were significant associations between sex and Limit-setting insomnia, advanced sleep phase disorder, and narcolepsy type 2 (P values = 0.033, 0.009, and 0.037, respectively). Additionally, there was a significant association between age and sleep-related breathing disorders-snoring (p value = 0.031).
    CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of SDs is significant among children diagnosed with ASD from Sudan, and certain SDs are associated with age and sex. Subsequent studies are required to develop national guidelines for the prevalence, presentation, screening, and treatment of SDs in children diagnosed with ASD.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Sexsomnia is a rare, male-predominant, non-rapid eye movement parasomnia characterized by complex sexual behaviors occurring without conscious awareness during sleep. The biopsychosocial consequences of sexsomnia on both those diagnosed and their bed partners have not yet been fully elucidated. We present the case of an adult, a heterosexual female who developed vaginitis following sexual intercourse that occurred secondary to her partner\'s diagnosed sexsomnia. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of gynecological pathology occurring because of sexsomnia, and it serves to highlight the importance of thorough history-taking and the need for further research on the effects of sexsomnia on both parties involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although sleepwalking is one of the most prevalent and potentially injurious of the NREM parasomnias, it is still diagnosed primarily based on the patient\'s clinical history. Early pilot work suggested that sleep deprivation protocols could help obtain a polysomnographically-based (PSG) diagnosis of sleepwalking, but larger studies remain lacking.
    METHODS: We compared baseline PSG recordings with those obtained after 25hrs of sleep deprivation in a cohort of 124 consecutively assessed adult sleepwalkers.
    RESULTS: When compared to baseline recordings, post-sleep deprivation PSG assessments resulted in nearly twice as many somnambulistic episodes being recorded in the laboratory and significantly increased the proportion of patients (from 48 % to 63 %) experiencing at least one lab-based episode. Moreover, while 17 % of patients experienced a sleepwalking event exclusively during recovery sleep, only 2 % of patients did so solely at baseline. Sleep deprivation had similar facilitating effects on patents\' somnambulistic events regardless of age of onset and positive versus negative family history for sleepwalking. Younger age and higher home episode frequency both predicted a positive response to sleep deprivation. A separate group of 17 patients with comorbid sleep disorders showed a similar increase in their proportion experiencing at least one episode during recovery sleep.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results from this large series of sleepwalkers provide strong support for the use of sleep deprivation in facilitating the occurrence of somnambulistic events in the sleep laboratory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleepwalking and related parasomnias are thought to result from incomplete awakenings out of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. Non-REM parasomnia behaviours have been described as unconscious and automatic, or related to vivid, dream-like conscious experiences. Similarly, some observations have suggested that patients are unresponsive during episodes, while others that they can interact with their surroundings. To better grasp and characterise the full spectrum of consciousness and environmental (dis)connection associated with behavioural episodes, 35 adult patients with non-REM sleep parasomnias were interviewed in-depth about their experiences. The level of consciousness during parasomnia episodes was reported to be variable both within and between individuals, ranging from minimal or absent consciousness and largely automatic behaviours (frequently/always present in 36% of patients) to preserved conscious experiences characterised by delusional thinking to varying degrees of specificity (65%), often about impending danger, variably formed, uni- or multisensory hallucinations (53%), impaired insight (77%), negative emotions (75%), and variable, but often pronounced, amnesia (30%). Patients described their experiences as a dream scene during which they felt awake (\"awake dreaming\"). The surroundings were either realistically perceived, misinterpreted (in the form of perceptual illusions or misidentifications of people), or entirely hallucinated as a function of the prevailing delusion. These observations suggest that the level of consciousness, amnesia and sensory disconnection during non-REM parasomnia episodes is variable and graded. In their full-fledged expression, non-REM parasomnia experiences feature several core features of dreams. They therefore represent a valuable model for the study of consciousness, sleep-related sensory disconnection and dreaming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep-related eating disorder (SRED) is a non-REM parasomnia with potentially significant negative effects on general health (dangerous activities during night eating episodes, obesity, or metabolic syndrome, for example). Although the history of SRED encompasses more than six decades, public awareness and even the awareness of the mental health specialists of this disorder is very limited, a phenomenon that hinders the development of research in this field. Therefore, a systematic review based on PRISMA 2020 guidelines explored the available evidence for SRED found in four electronic databases (PubMed, Cochrane Collaboration, Google Scholar, and Clarivate/Web of Science). A number of 94 primary and secondary reports were retrieved, investigating aspects regarding the risk factors, epidemiology, clinical data and differential diagnosis, epidemiology, structured evaluation, and treatment of SRED. Based on the results of these reports, Z-drugs, but also certain benzodiazepines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and psychostimulants may trigger the onset of SRED. Psychiatric and neurologic disorders have also been associated with SRED, either as risk factors or comorbid conditions. Cerebral glucose metabolism dysfunctions, neurotransmitter dysfunctions, and genetic factors have been invoked as pathogenetic contributors. Structured assessment of SRED is possible, but there is a dearth of instruments dedicated to this purpose. Data on the prevalence and treatment of SRED exist, but good-quality epidemiological studies and clinical trials are still missing. In conclusion, future research is expected to address the shortcomings of SRED exploration by creating the conditions for better quality and larger group clinical research. The need for such investigation is granted by the importance of this pathology and its negative functional consequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic increased symptoms of stress and anxiety and induced changes in sleep quality, dream activity, and parasomnia episodes. It has been shown that stressful factors and/or bad sleep habits can affect parasomnia behaviors. However, investigations on how COVID-19 has affected sleep, dreams, and episode frequency in parasomnias are rare. The current study focuses on the impact of the pandemic on a specific parasomnia characterized by speech production (sleep talking, ST).
    METHODS: We selected 27 participants with frequent ST episodes (STs) during the pandemic and compared them with 27 participants with frequent STs from a previous study conducted during a pre-pandemic period. All participants performed home monitoring through sleep logs and recorded their nocturnal STs for one week.
    RESULTS: We observed a higher frequency of STs in the pandemic group. Moreover, STs were related to the emotional intensity of dreams, independent of the pandemic condition. The pandemic was associated with lower bizarreness of dreams in the pandemic group. There were no differences in sleep variables between the two groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these results suggest a stressful effect of COVID-19 on the frequency of STs. Both the pandemic and the frequency of STs affect qualitative characteristics of dreams in this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Catathrenia is a loud expiratory moan during sleep that is a social embarrassment and is sometimes confused with central apnea on polysomnography. It affects about 4% of adults, but cases are rarely referred to sleep centers. Catathrenia affects males and females, children and adults, who are usually young and thin. A \"typical\" catathrenia begins with a deep inhalation, followed by a long, noisy exhalation, then a short, more pronounced exhalation, followed by another deep inhalation, often accompanied by arousal. The many harmonics of the sound indicate that it is produced by the vocal cords. It is often repeated in clusters, especially during REM sleep and at the end of the night. It does not disturb the sleepers, but their neighbors, and is associated with excessive daytime sleepiness in one-third of cases. The pathophysiology and treatment of typical catathrenia are still unknown. Later, a more atypical catathrenia was described, consisting of episodes of short (2 s), regular, semi-continuous expiratory moans during NREM sleep (mainly in stages N1 and N2) and REM sleep, often in people with mild upper airway obstruction. This atypical catathrenia is more commonly reduced by positive airway pressure and mandibular advancement devices that promote vertical opening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to provide physicians with insights into the clinical manifestations and outcomes of children and young adolescents experiencing sleep terrors following SARS-CoV-2 infection.
    METHODS: We enrolled patients who developed new onset sleep terrors after SARS-CoV-2infection fromDecember2022to April 2023 in the Xijing hospital, Xi\'an, China.
    RESULTS: We enrolled six patients who experienced sleep terrors following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Out of these patients, five were children and only one was an adolescent, with a mean age of 9 years. Neuroimaging results were negative for all cases. Sleep terrors occurred during both the active course of COVID-19 illness and the recovery period in all patients. Symptoms included crying or screaming in terror, hyperactivity, inappropriate behavior and periods of mental confusion during sleep. These episodes typically occurred 40 min to 1 h after falling asleep. EEG monitoring confirmed two patients\' episodes occurred during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage 3 sleep. The duration of sleep terrors ranged from 3mines to30 mines, with each patient experiencing 3-4 to 30-40 instances. Initially, the frequency of episodes was highest at 3-4 times per night, gradually decreasing to once a night, then once a week, until complete disappearance. No medical intervention was required. Clinical follow-up ranged from 6 to 12 months, with spontaneous remission occurring within 1 week to 2 months for different patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: SARS-CoV-2 infection may precipitate acute sleep terrors in children and adolescents. The course of these sleep terrors is generally benign, with all patients achieving spontaneous complete remission over time.





