
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is currently the most frequently performed bariatric procedure in the world. However, the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) after SG remains controversial and questionable.
    UNASSIGNED: To determine the occurrence of GERD after SG using a pH-monitoring study.
    UNASSIGNED: This is a prospective study involving patients undergoing SG in one surgical centre. Inclusion criteria were eligibility for bariatric surgery, no symptoms of GERD, normal gastroscopy, and pH-monitoring before the surgery. Postoperative examinations were performed 6 months after surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 38 patients were analysed in the study. The mean age was 44.9 years, and the mean preoperative BMI was 42.6 kg/m2. Before surgery, all patients had normal pH values. After surgery, mean acid exposure time (AET), number of refluxes, and DeMeester score increased statistically significantly (p < 0.001). 27 (71.1%) patients each had AET > 6%, but only 9 (23.7%) reported GERD symptoms and the need for PPIs. The correlation between AET and %TWL was moderate positive, and the correlation between DeMeester score and %TWL was low positive (p = 0.011, p = 0.014, respectively).
    UNASSIGNED: GERD after SG seems to be a significant problem. More than two-thirds of patients had de novo GERD after SG in pH-monitoring, but only one-quarter of them required PPIs.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Globus pharyngeus is a common symptom with considerable suffering. Globus sensation can be caused by reflux. In many places, endoscopy of the esophagus is recommended for clarification, especially when there is a question about the presence of a hiatal hernia as the cause of reflux. Transnasal esophagogastroscopy (TNE) represents an alternative to conventional gastroesophagoscopy. It enables a quick low-complication examination of the upper aerodigestive tract in the sitting, non-sedated patient.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work was to assess the feasibility of outpatient TNE in patients with globus sensation. Furthermore, the results of dual-probe pH monitoring were compared with the results of TNE in order to assess the value of TNE in the clarification of globus sensation and reflux.
    METHODS: In 30 patients with globus symptoms, 24-hour dual-probe pH monitoring and TNE were performed. In pH monitoring, reflux number, fraction time, reflux surface area index, and DeMeester score were evaluated as indicators of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). Abnormalities of the esophageal mucosa and the gastroesophageal junction were recorded in TNE. The results were compared.
    RESULTS: The TNE could be performed without any complications. Mean examination time was 5.34 ± 0.12 min. Reflux was measured in 80% of the patients (24/30) with pH monitoring. In almost half of these patients (46%), abnormalities were detected in TNE as indirect evidence of reflux. In addition to an axial hiatal hernia, these included mucosal changes such as erosive esophagitis and Barrett\'s metaplasia. Patients with a hiatal hernia also suffered significantly more often from LPR than patients without a hernia (9:1).
    CONCLUSIONS: TNE is a quick and safe examination method for diagnosing patients with an unclear globus sensation. Detection of a hiatal hernia can be seen as an indication of reflux disease. Lack of evidence of a hernia does not rule out reflux. Thus, TNE is a useful addition to pH monitoring in patients with globus sensation, because reflux-related changes in the mucosa can be recognized early and adequately treated.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Der Globus pharyngeus ist ein häufiges Symptom mit erheblichem Leidensdruck. Ursache eines Globus pharyngeus kann ein Reflux sein. Vielerorts wird zur Abklärung die Endoskopie des Ösophagus empfohlen, insbesondere mit der Frage nach Vorliegen einer Hiatushernie als Ursache eines Reflux. Die transnasale Ösophagogastroskopie (TNE) stellt dabei eine Alternative zur konventionellen Gastroösophagoskopie dar. Sie ermöglicht eine schnelle, komplikationsarme Untersuchung des oberen Aerodigestivtrakts am sitzenden, nichtsedierten Patienten.
    UNASSIGNED: Ziel war die Beurteilung der ambulanten Durchführbarkeit der TNE bei Globuspatienten. Des Weiteren wurden die Ergebnisse der 2‑Kanal-pH-Metrie mit den Ergebnissen der TNE verglichen, um den Stellenwert der TNE in der Abklärung eines Globus pharyngeus sowie eines Reflux zu beurteilen.
    METHODS: Bei 30 Patienten mit Globussymptomatik wurde eine 24-h-2-Kanal-pH-Metrie und eine TNE durchgeführt. In der pH-Metrie wurden Refluxzahl, Fraktionszeit, Refluxflächenindices und DeMeester-Score als Hinweise für einen laryngopharyngealen Reflux (LPR) und einen gastroösophagealen Reflux (GERD) gewertet. In der TNE wurden Auffälligkeiten der Ösophagusschleimhaut und des gastroösophagealen Übergangs festgehalten. Die Resultate wurden gegenübergestellt.
    UNASSIGNED: Die TNE konnte ohne Komplikationen durchgeführt werden. Die mittlere Untersuchungsdauer betrug 5,34 ± 0,12 min. Mit der pH-Metrie konnte bei 80 % der Patienten (24/30) ein Reflux gemessen werden. Bei fast der Hälfte dieser Patienten (46 %) wurde in der TNE Auffälligkeiten als indirekter Hinweis für einen Reflux nachgewiesen. Dies waren neben einer Zwerchfellhernie auch Schleimhautveränderungen wie eine erosive Ösophagitis und eine Barrett-Metaplasie. Patienten mit einer Zwerchfellhernie litten zudem signifikant öfter unter einem LPR als Patienten ohne Hernie (9:1).
    UNASSIGNED: Die TNE stellt eine schnelle und sichere Untersuchungsmethode zur Abklärung von Patienten mit unklarem Globus pharyngeus dar. Der Nachweis einer Zwerchfellhernie kann als Hinweis für eine Refluxerkrankung gesehen werden. Der fehlende Nachweis einer Hernie schließt einen Reflux nicht aus. Insofern ist die TNE eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zur pH-Metrie bei Patienten mit einem Globus pharyngeus, weil refluxbedingte Schleimhautveränderungen erkannt und adäquat behandelt werden können.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The high-throughput analysis of respiratory activity has become an important component of many biological investigations. Here, a technological platform, denoted the \"MultiSense tool,\" is described. The tool enables the parallel monitoring of respiration in 100 samples over an extended time period, by dynamically tracking the concentrations of oxygen (O2) and/or carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or pH within an airtight vial. Its flexible design supports the quantification of respiration based on either oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide release, thereby allowing for the determination of the physiologically significant respiratory quotient (the ratio between the quantities of CO2 released and the O2 consumed). It requires an LED light source to be mounted above the sample, together with a CCD camera system, adjusted to enable the capture of analyte-specific wavelengths, and fluorescent sensor spots inserted into the sample vial. Here, a demonstration is given of the use of the MultiSense tool to quantify respiration in imbibing plant seeds, for which an appropriate step-by-step protocol is provided. The technology can be easily adapted for a wide range of applications, including the monitoring of gas exchange in any kind of liquid culture system (algae, embryo and tissue culture, cell suspensions, microbial cultures).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the outcomes between laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) therapy in patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) and type I hiatal hernia diagnosed by oropharyngeal pH-monitoring and symptom-scale assessment.
    METHODS: From February 2014 to January 2015, 70 patients who were diagnosed with LPR and type I hiatal hernia and referred for symptomatic assessment, oropharyngeal pH-monitoring, manometry, and gastrointestinal endoscopy were enrolled in this study. All of the patients met the inclusion criteria. All of the patients underwent LNF or PPIs administration, and completed a 2-year follow-up. Patients\' baseline characteristics and primary outcome measures, including comprehensive and single symptoms of LPR, PPIs independence, and satisfaction, and postoperative complications were assessed. The outcomes of LNF and PPIs therapy were analyzed and compared.
    RESULTS: There were 31 patients in the LNF group and 39 patients in the PPI group. Fifty-three patients (25 in the LNF group and 28 in the PPI group) completed reviews and follow-up. Oropharyngeal pH-monitoring parameters were all abnormal with high acid exposure, a large amount of reflux, and a high Ryan score, associated reflux symptom index (RSI) score. There was a significant improvement in the RSI and LPR symptom scores after the 2-year follow-up in both groups (P < 0.05), as well as typical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Improvement in the RSI (P < 0.005) and symptom scores of cough (P = 0.032), mucus (P = 0.011), and throat clearing (P = 0.022) was significantly superior in the LNF group to that in the PPI group. After LNF and PPIs therapy, 13 and 53 patients achieved independence from PPIs therapy (LNF: 44.0% vs PPI: 7.14%, P < 0.001) during follow-up, respectively. Patients in the LNF group were more satisfied with their quality of life than those in the PPI group (LNF: 62.49 ± 28.68 vs PPI: 44.36 ± 32.77, P = 0.004). Body mass index was significantly lower in the LNF group than in the PPI group (LNF: 22.2 ± 3.1 kg/m2vs PPI: 25.1 ± 2.9 kg/m2, P = 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis of LPR should be assessed with oropharyngeal pH-monitoring, manometry, and the symptom-scale. LNF achieves better improvement than PPIs for LPR with type I hiatal hernia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Etiology of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is multifactorial, but incompetence of the esophago-gastric junction (EGJ) appears to be of crucial importance. Established manometric parameters for assessment of EGJ barrier function are sub-optimal, potentially because they reflect only a very brief (up to 30 seconds), not necessarily representative period. This prospective, case-control study tested the performance of novel, high-resolution manometry (HRM) parameters of EGJ function in the assessment of GERD.
    METHODS: Patients with reflux symptoms and healthy controls (HC) underwent standard HRM and 24-hour pH±impedance measurements. EGJ morphology, lower esophageal sphincter pressure integral (LES-PI), EGJ contractile integral (EGJ-CI) were compared with total-EGJ-CI, a novel parameter summarizing EGJ barrier function during the entire HRM protocol. Esophageal acid exposure ≥4.2%/24 h (A-Reflux-pos) or ≥73 reflux episodes in 24 hours (V-Reflux-pos) were considered pathological.
    RESULTS: Sixty five HC and 452 patients completed HRM, 380 (84%) patients underwent ambulatory reflux-monitoring. LES-PI, EGJ-CI and total-EGJ-CI correlated with EGJ morphology subtypes (all P<.00001). Only total-EGJ-CI was consistently lower in A-Reflux-pos and V-Reflux-pos subjects compared with HC and patients without GERD. Total-EGJ-CI was also the single best parameter for prediction of pathological reflux (optimal cut-off 47 mmHg cm, AUC 0.746, P<.0001). This cut-off value, approximately 1 SD below the mean normal value, showed modest sensitivity 54% and positive predictive value 46%, but good specificity 85% and negative predictive value 89% for GERD diagnosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Total EGJ-CI, a new metric that summarizes EGJ contractility over time, allows an improved assessment of EGJ barrier function. Pathological reflux is unlikely if this metric is within the upper two-thirds of the normal range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Oesophageal pH-monitoring allows the quantification of gastric reflux episodes in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The accuracy of the test depends on correct positioning of the pH sensor 5 cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES). The most precise manner to locate the LES is through prior determination by oesophageal manometry. However, because this technique is uncomfortable, mathematical formulas tend to be used in children.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the applicability of paediatric formulas to estimate oesophageal length in adults and their effect on diagnostic accuracy.
    METHODS: A prospective study was carried out in adult patients, in whom the distance between the nasal orifice and the LES was determined by manometry and was compared with the estimated height-related distance calculated by four paediatric formulas (numbered 1 to 4). We also evaluated the relationship between the position of the probe and the percentage of reflux detected in our series of impedance measurements.
    RESULTS: Formula 1 (9.31 + height in cm × 0.197) was the most accurate (comparison of means -0.38 with 95%CI -0.70/-0.06, P = .019). With this formula, none of the patients had estimation errors of ± 6 cm. With formulas 2, 3 and 4, the percentage of error was 4.4%, 1.5% and 32.0%, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Oesophageal length estimation in adults by using formula 1 is acceptable and can be used in adult patients who refuse to undergo prior manometry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate pre-lung transplant acid reflux on pH-testing vs corresponding bolus reflux on multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII) to predict early allograft injury.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of lung transplant recipients who underwent pre-transplant combined MII-pH-testing at a tertiary care center from January 2007 to November 2012. Patients with pre-transplant fundoplication were excluded. Time-to-event analysis was performed using a Cox proportional hazards model to assess associations between measures of reflux on MII-pH testing and early allograft injury. Area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (c-statistic) of the Cox model was calculated to assess the predictive value of each reflux parameter for early allograft injury. Six pH-testing parameters and their corresponding MII measures were specified a priori. The pH parameters were upright, recumbent, and overall acid reflux exposure; elevated acid reflux exposure; total acid reflux episodes; and acid clearance time. The corresponding MII measures were upright, recumbent, and overall bolus reflux exposure; elevated bolus reflux exposure; total bolus reflux episodes; and bolus clearance time.
    RESULTS: Thirty-two subjects (47% men, mean age: 55 years old) met the inclusion criteria of the study. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (46.9%) represented the most common pulmonary diagnosis leading to transplantation. Baseline demographics, pre-transplant cardiopulmonary function, number of lungs transplanted (unilateral vs bilateral), and post-transplant proton pump inhibitor use were similar between reflux severity groups. The area under the ROC curve, or c-statistic, of each acid reflux parameter on pre-transplant pH-testing was lower than its bolus reflux counterpart on MII in the prediction of early allograft injury. In addition, the development of early allograft injury was significantly associated with three pre-transplant MII measures of bolus reflux: overall reflux exposure (HR = 1.18, 95%CI: 1.01-1.36, P = 0.03), recumbent reflux exposure (HR = 1.25, 95%CI: 1.04-1.50, P = 0.01) and bolus clearance (HR = 1.09, 95%CI: 1.01-1.17, P = 0.02), but not with any pH-testing parameter measuring acid reflux alone.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pre-transplant MII measures of bolus reflux perform better than their pH-testing counterparts in predicting early allograft injury post-lung transplantation.





