ovarian hormones

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Sleep difficulties are common in the menopause transition and increase risk for a variety of physical and psychological problems. The current study investigated potential interactions between psychosocial variables and within-person changes in ovarian hormones in predicting perimenopausal sleep problems as well as the potential interactions between poor sleep and psychosocial factors in predicting worsened mood, affect, and attention.
    METHODS: The sample included 101 perimenopausal individuals. Participants completed 12 weekly assessments of self-reported sleep outcomes, depressive mood and affect, and attention function, and of estrone glucuronide (E1G) and pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) levels (urinary metabolites of estradiol and progesterone, respectively); they also had 24-h tracking of vasomotor symptoms. Other psychosocial variables such as trauma history and stressful life events were assessed at baseline.
    RESULTS: A history of depression, baseline depressive symptoms, trait anxiety, and more severe and bothersome vasomotor symptoms predicted worsened sleep outcomes. Recent stressful life events, trauma history, and person-centred E1G and PdG changes did not predict sleep outcomes. However, there was an interaction whereby person-centred E1G decreases predicted lower sleep efficiency in those with higher baseline depressive symptoms. Higher baseline depression and trauma history also amplified the effect of vasomotor symptoms on sleep outcomes. In evaluating the effect of poor sleep on psychological and cognitive outcomes, stressful life events emerged as a moderating factor. Finally, trauma history and poor sleep interacted to predict worsened attention function.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current study suggests that certain individuals may be at greater risk of perimenopausal sleep problems and the resulting negative effects on mood and cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Understanding individual ovarian hormone cycles and their relationship with health, performance and injuries is highly important to practitioners supporting female athletes. Venous blood sampling is the current gold standard for measuring the ovarian hormones, but the invasive nature of this method presents a major barrier in sport environments. Saliva analysis may offer an alternative method as it is non-invasive, allowing the sample to be collected \"in situ\", with relative ease, necessary in applied sport environments.
    UNASSIGNED: The aims of this study were: (i) To compare the concentration of progesterone between capillary blood and saliva, (ii) To assess the efficacy of weekly measurements of progesterone for determining if ovulation has occurred in elite eumenorrheic football players, and (iii) To establish a saliva criteria cut-off for establishing ovulation and assessing the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy values of the method.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-one professional and semi-professional, Spanish league female football players (18.6 ± 1.5 years, 58.1 ± 6.0 kg, 164.0 ± 4.8 cm) with natural menstrual cycles, completed the study. Capillary blood and saliva samples were collected from each participant on twelve occasions each separated by at least 7 days. All samples were collected in the morning, following an overnight fast.
    UNASSIGNED: According to luteal phase serum progesterone concentrations, 11 out of 21 (52%) players presented with menstrual irregularities (oligomenorrheic n = 6, anovulatory n = 4, amenorrhoeic n = 1). A significant correlation was observed between plasma and saliva progesterone in the estimated eumenorrheic group (r = 0.80, p = <0.001, 95% CI 0.72-0.86). The association between serum and saliva progesterone was weaker in the oligomenorrheic group (r = 0.47, p = <0.001, 95% CI 0.27-0.64) and was not present in the anovulatory or amenorrhoeic groups.
    UNASSIGNED: Salivary measurements of progesterone are well correlated with capillary blood when taken during eumenorrheic menstrual cycles and presents a viable, non-invasive method of establishing characteristic progesterone fluctuations in applied sport settings. The strength of the association appears to be concentration dependent. A luteal phase saliva progesterone (P4) >50 pg/ml and >1.5× follicular baseline has good sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy to indicate ovulation compared to established criteria for serum progesterone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovaries are essential for healthy female reproduction, with the follicles as their fundamental functional units, which consist of an oocyte and surrounding granulosa cells. The development and formation of follicles in the ovaries are closely linked to reproductive health. Oxylipins refer to oxidative metabolites produced from the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, either through automatic oxidation or with the help of specific enzymes. They play crucial regulatory roles in the immune system, oxidative stress, and inflammatory reactions and are intimately linked to the development of numerous illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and Alzheimer\'s disease. Furthermore, oxylipins have a complex relationship with ovarian function, and both prostaglandins and leukotrienes produced by arachidonic acid affect processes such as follicle growth and development, ovulation, and hormone regulation. The synthesis and metabolism of oxylipins in the ovaries are finely regulated. Oxylipin dysregulation has been linked to various ovarian diseases, including endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian cancer, and premature ovarian insufficiency. In addition, potential therapeutic targets and interventions targeting the oxylipin pathway for the treatment of ovarian diseases have become a prominent research focus, including regulating the enzymes responsible for oxylipin synthesis, using anti-inflammatory agents, and regulating lipid metabolism. Recent research has been directed towards improving the reproductive outcomes of women with ovarian diseases through this series of interventions. An overview of the role of oxylipins in ovarian function and disease is provided in this article, which will aid researchers in understanding the current state of the field and in identifying future directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Menopausal women may experience symptoms of depression, sometimes even progressing clinical depression requiring treatment to improve quality of life. While varying levels of estrogen in perimenopause may contribute to an increased biological vulnerability to mood disturbances, the effectiveness of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) in the relief of depressive symptoms remains controversial. Menopausal depression has a complex, multifactorial etiology, that has limited the identification of optimal treatment strategies for the management of this psychiatric complaint. Nevertheless, clinical evidence increasingly supports the notion that estrogen exerts neuroprotective effects on brain structures related to mood regulation. Indeed, research using preclinical animal models continues to improve our understanding of menopause and the effectiveness of ERT and other substances at treating depression-like behaviors. However, questions regarding the efficacy of ERT in perimenopause have been raised. These questions may be answered by further investigation using specific animal models of reduced ovarian function. This review compares and discusses the advantages and pitfalls of different models emulating the menopausal stages and their relationship with the onset of depressive-like signs, as well as the efficacy and mechanisms of conventional and novel ERTs in treating depressive-like behavior. Ovariectomized young rats, middle-to-old aged intact rats, and females treated with reprotoxics have all been used as models of menopause, with stages ranging from surgical menopause to perimenopause. Additionally, this manuscript discusses the impact of organistic and therapeutic variables that may improve or reduce the antidepressant response of females to ERT. Findings from these models have revealed the complexity of the dynamic changes occurring in brain function during menopausal transition, reinforcing the idea that the best approach is timely intervention considering the opportunity window, in addition to the careful selection of treatment according to the presence or absence of reproductive tissue. Additionally, data from animal models has yielded evidence to support new promising estrogens that could be considered as ERTs with antidepressant properties and actions in endocrine situations in which traditional ERTs are not effective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Energy intake may differ across the menstrual cycle, with some studies identifying greater energy intake in the luteal phase (LP) compared with the follicular phase (FP) and others finding no clear differences. To date, no study has systematically synthesized the available data to draw more definite conclusions while considering any methodological inconsistencies between studies.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to conduct a systematic review/meta-analysis in an effort to determine if there are differences in energy intake between the FP and LP.
    METHODS: A systematic search strategy was developed and the search was conducted in 5 databases for studies that investigated any changes in energy intake across menstrual phases.
    METHODS: Using Covidence, studies were identified and included if they contained individuals between the ages of 18 and 45 years, maintained an average body mass index (BMI) of 18.5-25 kg/m2, had no history of disordered eating, and included energy intake and menstrual cycle measurements in the FP and LP.
    METHODS: Effect sizes were calculated for each study and a random-effects model was used to pool the results of each study.
    RESULTS: Fifteen datasets were included consisting of 330 female participants with a mean age of 26 ± 4 years and mean BMI of 22.4 ± 2.3 kg/m2. Overall, there was a statistically significant difference (standardized mean difference = 0.69; P = .039) with increased energy intake in the LP compared with the FP (crude 168 kcal⋅d-1 average difference between phases).
    CONCLUSIONS: Energy intake was found to be greater in the LP compared with the FP, providing insight into the effect of the menstrual cycle on energy intake. However, there were repeated methodological inconsistencies and future work should strive to utilize best practices for both energy intake measurement and menstrual phase specification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aimed to conduct a systematic review of the data in the literature on ovarian reserve and ovarian hormone following laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD). The PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest databases were comprehensively searched using a combination of keywords such as \"ovarian reserve\", \"laparoscopic ovarian drilling\", \"luteinizing hormone\", \"follicle-stimulating hormone\", \"inhibin\", \"LH/FSH ratio\", \"ovulation\", and \"testosterone\". All studies involving females of reproductive age who were officially diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and had undergone LOD with reported data concerning at least one of the following parameters were considered for inclusion: ovarian reserve, anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), inhibin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), LH/FSH ratio, and testosterone. All the included studies were evaluated by the GRADE scale for bias and their findings were synthesized by four independent coauthors. A total of 38 studies involving 3118 female patients were included. Based on our findings, a significant number of participants experienced spontaneous ovulation along with a significant decrease in ovarian reserve, and a significant decrease in AMH, LH, and testosterone, with no significant changes in FSH and inhibin B. With the end goal of LOD being to improve fertility and pregnancy rates among females with PCOS, it is important to look at the first few steps that enable this. As expected, there was a significant improvement in ovulation while the ovarian reserve decreased. Along with the decrease in ovarian reserve, there was a significant normalization in AMH, LH, and testosterone levels. LOD may exert its main effects through the manipulation of the ovarian reserves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hundreds of millions of people worldwide use hormonal contraceptives (HCs), which have been an essential part of women\'s reproductive health care for decades. Throughout that time, however, research on the neural and behavioral consequences of HCs was minimal and plagued by poor methodology. HC effects - and users - were assumed to be homogenous. Fortunately, there has been a recent upswell in the number and quality of investigations, affording tentative conclusions about the roles of HCs in spatial cognition and mental health, particularly depression. Thus, this paper leverages findings from the past few years to highlight the heterogeneous aspects of use that seem to matter for behavior - ranging from variation in hormonal contraceptive formulations and routes of administration to individual differences among users linked to age and reproductive health history. This paper closes with five tips for future research that will help capture and clarify heterogeneity in potential relations between HCs and behavior, namely data collection, regional access, lifespan factors, gender, and collaboration. HCs are sociopolitically provocative and research on their potential behavioral neuroendocrine impacts is becoming increasingly popular. It is, therefore, imperative for scientists to conduct replicable and robust empirical investigations, and to communicate findings with the nuance that the heterogeneity among users and effects requires.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased sensitivity to ovarian hormone changes is implicated in the etiology of reproductive mood disorders across the female lifespan, including menstrually-related mood disorders, perinatal mood disorders, and perimenopausal depression. Developing a method to accurately quantify sensitivity to endogenous hormone fluctuations may therefore facilitate the prediction and prevention of these mental health conditions. Here, we propose one such method applying a synchrony analysis to compute time-lagged cross-correlations between repeated assessments of endogenous hormone levels and self-reported affect. We apply this method to a dataset containing frequent repeated assessments of affective symptoms and the urinary metabolites of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) in 94 perimenopausal females. These preliminary findings suggest that, with further refinement and validation, the proposed method holds promise as a diagnostic tool to be used in clinical practice and to advance research investigating the etiology of reproductive mood disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing research has focused on how ovarian hormones influence individual prosocial motivation and cooperation. However, most results remain ambiguous and contradictory. Here, we collected progesterone (PROG) and oestradiol from 62 healthy women with regular menstrual cycles to explore whether variations in ovarian hormones could flexibly change their cooperative preference according to their opponents\' strategies in multiple rounds of a prisoner\'s dilemma (PD) game. Participants in different menstrual phases (32 in the follicular phase [FP] and 30 in the luteal phase [LP]) were asked to complete 20 rounds of PD games with each of three computer opponents holding different cooperative strategies. The results revealed that in PD games that did not require cooperation for increased outcomes, women in the LP (high PROG) reduced their cooperation rate more significantly than women in the FP (low PROG). In contrast, when the game design required reciprocity, simultaneously elevated levels of PROG and oestradiol predicted greater instances of participants choosing to cooperate. Furthermore, we found that elevated PROG levels accounted for women\'s elevated prosocial choices, regardless of the need to increase outcomes through cooperation. These results implied higher levels of PROG and oestradiol influence women\'s cooperative strategies resulting in increased social interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual behavior is crucial for reproduction in many animals. In many vertebrates, females exhibit sexual behavior only during a brief period surrounding ovulation. Over the decades, studies have identified the roles of ovarian sex hormones, which peak in levels around the time of ovulation, and the critical brain regions involved in the regulation of female sexual behavior. Modern technical innovations have enabled a deeper understanding of the neural circuit mechanisms controlling this behavior. In this review, I summarize our current knowledge and discuss the neural circuit mechanisms by which female sexual behavior occurs in association with the ovulatory phase of their cycle.





