opioid substitution treatment

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Federal deregulation of opioid agonist therapies are an attractive policy option to improve access to opioid use disorder care and achieve widespread beneficial impacts on growing opioid-related harms. There have been few evaluations of such policy interventions and understanding effects can help policy planning across jurisdictions.
    METHODS: Using health administrative data from eight of ten Canadian provinces, this study evaluated the impacts of Health Canada\'s decision in May 2018 to rescind the requirement for Canadian health professionals to obtain an exemption from the Canadian Drugs and Substance Act to prescribe methadone for opioid use disorder. Over the study period of June 2017 to May 2019, we used descriptive statistics to capture overall trends in the number of agonist therapy prescribers across provinces and we used interrupted time series analysis to determine the effect of this decision on the trajectories of the agonist therapy prescribing workforces.
    RESULTS: There were important baseline differences in the numbers of agonist therapy prescribers. The province with the highest concentration of prescribers had 7.5 more prescribers per 100,000 residents compared to the province with the lowest. All provinces showed encouraging growth in the number of prescribers through the study period, though the fastest growing province grew 4.5 times more than the slowest. Interrupted time series analyses demonstrated a range of effects of the federal policy intervention on the provinces, from clearly positive changes to possibly negative effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: Federal drug regulation policy change interacted in complex ways with provincial health professional regulation and healthcare delivery, kaleidoscoping the effects of federal policy intervention. For Canada and other health systems such as the US, federal policy must account for significant subnational variation in OUD epidemiology and drug regulation to maximize intended beneficial effects and mitigate the risks of negative effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Less than half of community pharmacies in the United States stock buprenorphine products indicated for the treatment of opioid use disorder. This lack of access to buprenorphine in community pharmacies is a significant barrier to care. To address this issue, this protocol outlines a comprehensive approach to develop a practice guideline aimed at improving access to safe and effective opioid use disorder treatment in community pharmacies.
    METHODS: The guideline development process will proceed in three phases, following a technique closely aligned with the Institute of Medicine\'s guidance on guideline development. The first phase will involve conducting qualitative interviews with pharmacists in three states to identify their beliefs toward buprenorphine dispensing. As limitations on buprenorphine supply are related to constraints at all levels of the drug supply and regulatory system, the second phase, we will recruit representatives from regulatory agencies, pharmacy organizations, the Drug Enforcement Administration, pharmaceutical wholesalers as well as addiction medicine physicians and psychiatric pharmacists to develop consensus recommendations through a modified Delphi design. This will be followed by a public comment period and external expert review of the recommendations led by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. Finally, in the third phase, a national, mixed media dissemination campaign will be led by the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) to convey recommendations to practicing pharmacists.
    CONCLUSIONS: The guideline development process aims to incorporate the perspectives of multiple stakeholders and emphasize the importance of addressing the regulatory and pharmacy-specific aspects of care in addition to clinical evidence and guidance. The development of this guideline will provide targeted, multidisciplinary guidance for pharmacists, improving access to safe and effective opioid use disorder treatment in the community setting.
    BACKGROUND: This protocol was registered with the Open Science Framework in March of 2023. Registration may be found at: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/6S9DY .






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    Opioid-related mortality is a rising public health concern in France, where opioids were in 2021 implicated in 75% of overdose deaths. Opioid substitution treatment (OST) was implicated in almost half of deaths related to substance and drug abuse. Although naloxone could prevent 80% of these deaths, there are a number of barriers to the distribution of take-home naloxone (THN) among opioid users in France. This study is the first one which compares patients\' self-assessment of the risk of future opioid overdose with the hetero-assessment provided by healthcare professionals in a population of individuals eligible for naloxone.
    This was a multicenter descriptive observational study carried out in pharmacies across the Pays de la Loire region (France) during April and May 2022. All adult patients who visited a participating pharmacy for a prescription of OST and provided oral informed consent were enrolled in the study. Retrospective data were collected through cross-sectional interviews conducted by the pharmacist with the patient, utilizing an ad hoc questionnaire. The patient\'s self-assessment of overdose risk was evaluated using a Likert scale from 0 to 10. The pharmacist relied on the presence or absence of overdose risk situations defined by the French Health Authority (HAS). The need to hold THN was assessed using a composite criterion.
    A total of 34 patients were interviewed; near one third were aware of the existence of THN and a minority had THN in their possession. Out of the 34 participants, 29 assessed their own risk of future opioid overdose: 65.5% reported having zero risk, while 6.9% believed they had a high risk. Nevertheless, at least one risk situation of opioid overdose was identified according to HAS criteria in 73.5% of the participants (n = 25). Consequently, 55% of the participants underestimated their risk of experiencing a future opioid overdose. Yet, dispensing THN has been judged necessary for 88.2% of the participants.
    This study underscored the imperative need to inform not only healthcare professionals but also the patients and users themselves on the availability of THN and the risk situations of opioid overdose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The French Addictovigilance network has observed the existence of the intravenous use of oral morphine capsules among people suffering from opioid use disorders. According to persons who inject morphine, these capsules are easy to dissolve and then inject, giving them the image of an \"injectable\" opioid substitution treatment (OST). In France, validated OSTs are only available orally, so dissolving morphine capsules represents the only alternative for patients who are not sufficiently relieved by oral forms. This practice presents risks related to the potential persistence of particles of the oral galenic in the injectable solution, despite its filtration, but also risks-notably of overdose-related to the pharmacological effects of opioids and to variations of the quantities of morphine extracted during the dissolution of the capsules. We conducted an online survey among the people concerned to collect data on their needs and expectations regarding a possible injectable substitution.
    An anonymous online survey including all voluntary respondents residing in France and using oral morphine intravenously was conducted in partnership with the Psychoactif harm reduction organization, from 23/03/2020 to 01/04/2021.
    The analysis of the 157 exploitable questionnaires showed that 41% of the respondents obtained their drugs only from illegal markets. The others received, regularly or occasionally, medical prescriptions, reimbursed in 84% of cases. For 78% of the respondents, injection was the most frequent route of morphine administration, with 3.8 ± 2 injections per day. 56% of the respondents were receiving an OST, on prescription (79%), monthly (86%), in addition to morphine. Skenan® capsules were the most frequently used (81%) and 47.2% of the respondents had already experienced injection-related complications. 95% of the respondents were in favor of experimenting with an injectable morphine substitution. Those who never received medical prescriptions were the youngest (< 25 years) respondents, they reported only occasional use of morphine, and always intravenously.
    Oral morphine capsules dissolved and injected intravenously are not a safe and sustainable injectable substitution. Respondents wish to be able to benefit from an injectable substitution with a formulation adapted to the intravenous route. The availability of an injectable substitution would facilitate harm reduction and entry into care for the people concerned, particularly the youngest who have never received morphine prescriptions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For patients receiving daily opioid agonist treatment (OAT) for opioid dependence, several countries relaxed treatment guidelines at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. This involved longer take-home intervals for methadone and buprenorphine doses as well as a reduction in supervised dosing and drug screening. To date, little is known about the medium or long-term experience of OAT deregulation. Therefore, we conducted a survey to explore how OAT providers perceived greater flexibility in OAT service delivery at the end of the second year of the pandemic.
    METHODS: Nationwide cross-sectional study of twenty-three OAT units in 19 publicly funded hospital trusts in Norway. OAT units were sent a 29-item online questionnaire comprising closed-format and open-ended questions on treatment provider experiences and changes in OAT service delivery during the past 12 months (January to December 2021).
    RESULTS: Twenty-three (of whom female: 14; 60.8%) managers or lead physicians of OAT units completed the questionnaire reporting that, in 2021, most OAT units (91.3%, n = 21) still practiced some adjusted approaches as established in the beginning of the pandemic. The most common adaptions were special protocols for COVID-19 cases (95.7%, n = 22), increased use of telephone- (91.3%, n = 21) and video consultations (87.0%, n = 20), and longer take-home intervals for OAT medications (52.2%, n = 12). The use of depot buprenorphine also increased substantially during the pandemic. According to the OAT providers, most patients handled flexible treatment provision well. In individual cases, patients\' substance use was identified as key factor necessitating a reintroduction of supervised dosing and drug screening. Collaboration with general practitioners and municipal health and social services was generally perceived as crucial for successful treatment delivery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the Norwegian OAT system proved resilient in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, as its healthcare workforce embraced innovation in technology (telemedicine) and drug development (depot buprenorphine). According to our nationally representative sample of OAT providers, most patients were compliant with longer take-home doses of methadone and buprenorphine. Our findings suggest that telemedicine can be useful as adjunct to face-to-face treatment and provide greater flexibility for patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Slow-release oral morphine (SROM) is used to manage pain, and as opioid agonist treatment (OAT). Between 2017 and 2021 in Canada, several drug shortages occurred for Kadian© (SROM-24). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of these shortages on people\'s ability to remain on this medication.
    We conducted a retrospective population-based time series analysis of SROM-24 dispensed between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2021, in Ontario, Canada. Using interventional autoregressive integrated moving average models (ARIMA) models, we evaluated the association between SROM-24 drug shortages and treatment discontinuation. Analyses were also stratified by the SROM-24 indication (pain or OAT).
    We identified 22,479 SROM-24 recipients, of which one-third (33.9%) were aged 65 or above and just over half (51.9%) were female. In our primary analysis of monthly SROM-24 discontinuation, we observed a significant sustained monthly increase following the shortages in November 2019 (+0.29%/month; 95% CI: 0.16%, 0.43%; p < .001) with significant sudden, temporary changes following the shortages in March 2020 (+2.00%; 95% CI: 0.95%, 3.05%; p < .001), July 2021 (+3.53%; 95% CI: 2.20%, 4.86%; p < .001), and August 2021 (+4.98%; 95% CI: 3.49%, 6.47%; p < .001). Similar results were observed in our stratified analyses, with sustained high rates of discontinuation among people accessing SROM-24 as OAT.
    The SROM-24 shortages resulted in significant treatment disruptions across all recipients. These findings have important implications for those with few treatment alternatives, including people using SROM-24 as OAT who are at risk of adverse outcomes following treatment disruptions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms may challenge sufficient treatment of substance use and mental disorders. The literature on the extent of such symptoms among patients receiving opioid agonist therapy (OAT) is scarce. This study examined ADHD symptoms using the ADHD self-report scale (ASRS) and the association between the \'ASRS-memory\' and \'ASRS-attention\' scores and substance use and sociodemographic characteristics among patients receiving OAT.
    We used data from assessment visits of a cohort of patients in Norway. In total, 701 patients were included from May 2017 to March 2022. All patients responded at least once to two ASRS questions assessing memory and attention, respectively. Ordinal regression analyses were performed to investigate whether the two obtained scores were associated with age, sex, frequent substance use, injecting use, housing status, and educational attainment at baseline, i.e., the first assessment, and over time. The results are presented as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Additionally, a subsample of 225 patients completed an extended interview, including the ASRS-screener and collection of registered mental disorder diagnoses from the medical records. Standard cutoffs were used to define the presence of each ASRS symptom or a positive ASRS-screener (\'ASRS-positive\').
    At baseline, 428 (61%) and 307 (53%) patients scored over the cutoffs on the \'ASRS-memory\' and \'ASRS-attention,\' respectively. Frequent cannabis use was associated with higher \'ASRS-memory\' (OR: 1.7, 95% CI: 1.1-2.6) and \'ASRS-attention\' (1.7, 1.1-2.5) scores compared with less or no use at baseline, though reduced score on the \'ASRS-memory\' over time (0.7, 0.6-1.0). At baseline, frequent stimulant use (1.8, 1.0-3.2) and low educational attainment (0.1, 0.0-0.8) were associated with higher \'ASRS-memory\' scores. In the subsample fulfilling the ASRS-screener, 45% of the patients were \'ASRS-positive,\' of whom 13% with a registered ADHD diagnosis.
    Our findings illustrate a relationship between the ASRS-memory and -attention scores and frequent cannabis and stimulant use. Furthermore, nearly half of the subsample was \'ASRS-positive.\' Patients receiving OAT might benefit from being further assessed for ADHD, but improved diagnostic methods are required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Opioid addiction is a rising public health crisis. We evaluated if a New York State-mandated online opioid awareness course impacted our urology opioid prescription practices for outpatient endoscopic surgeries.
    METHODS: We completed a retrospective review of all ambulatory endoscopic cases identified by CPT codes for all adult urology faculty between February 2016 and January 2018. Patients were divided into 2 cohorts, ie pre-mandated and post-mandated training. Patient demographics, procedure details, psychiatric history and postoperative pain prescriptions were collected. Changes in opioid prescription practices prior to and after the mandated online course were reviewed. Chi-square and linear regression analyses were performed.
    RESULTS: A total of 356 cases were analyzed. After the training course, overall frequency of department opioid prescriptions did not change significantly (47.9% vs 47.5%, p=0.95). However, the percentage of patients receiving an oxycodone/acetaminophen prescription decreased from 90.2% to 63.0% (p <0.001) and the average number of tablets prescribed decreased (8.6 vs 16.9, p <0.001). On multivariate analysis, placement of a ureteral stent, older patient age and higher body mass index were predictors of an opioid prescription. In those patients who had a stent placed, nonopioid prescriptions increased from 42% to 88% (p <0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the New York State-mandated education session did impact opioid prescription practices for outpatient urological endoscopic surgery at our institution. The largest impact was seen within patients undergoing procedures requiring stent placement, with a decrease in total number of oxycodone/acetaminophen prescriptions and number of tablets prescribed per prescription. These data begin to demonstrate effective interventions that may impact physician practice patterns within opioid research.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Randomised controlled trials in Europe and Canada have shown that supervised heroin assisted treatment (HAT) is an effective treatment option for people with long-term heroin addictions for whom the standard opioid substitution treatments (OST) have not been effective. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of supervised HAT and analyse the significance of context and implementation in the design of successful HAT programmes.
    PubMed, CENTRAL, Embase, and Web of Science were searched to identify randomised controlled trials (RCT) and systematic reviews evaluating supervised HAT compared to any other OST. Studies were eligible for inclusion if they were published in English, evaluated a supervised form of HAT, and included illegal drug use and/or health as a primary outcome measure. There were no restrictions on publication date. The following outcomes of the included studies were analysed using narrative synthesis and meta-analysis where possible: retention, street drug use, health, and social functioning.
    Nine randomised controlled trials spanning eight studies (n = 2331) and three systematic reviews met the inclusion criteria. Seven of the eight studies compared HAT to methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). One study compared HAT to injectable hydromorphone in a double-blind non-inferiority trial. Meta-analysis was performed on pooled results of retention across all included studies and found that HAT has a statistically significant effect on retention [Z = 7.65 (P > 0.0001)]. Five of the eight included studies found that supervised HAT reduces participants\' use of illegal drugs more significantly than MMT. Evidence of improved health in participants receiving supervised HAT compared to other OSTs was inconsistent; positive effects were observed in three of the included studies (n = 1626).
    When compared to methadone maintenance treatment (MMT), heroin assisted treatment (HAT) more consistently retains people with heroin addictions in treatment and reduces their consumption of illicit drugs.
    PROSPERO registration: CRD42022341306.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The introduction of long-acting injectable buprenorphine preparations for opioid use disorder has been widely heralded as a breakthrough treatment, with several studies indicating positive results when using these medications. In many locations, nurse practitioners prescribe, administer, and monitor long-acting injectable preparations. The objective of this paper is to explore whether a reduction in dispensed needles and syringes is attributable to increased nurse practitioner prescribing of LAIB. We used a retrospective audit of needles dispensed through the health service needle and syringe program vending machine, and individuals treated with long-acting injectable buprenorphine by the nurse practitioner led model. In addition, we examined potential factors that may influence changes in the number of needles dispensed. Linear regression found that each individual with opioid dependence treated with long-acting injectable buprenorphine was associated with 90 fewer needles dispensed each month (p < 0.001). The nurse practitioner led model of care for individuals with opioid dependence appears to have influenced the number of needles dispensed at the needle and syringe program. Although all confounding factors could not be discounted entirely, such as substance availability, affordability, and individuals obtaining injecting equipment elsewhere, our research indicates that a nurse practitioner led model of treating individuals with opioid use disorder influenced needle and syringe dispensing in the study setting.





