
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess correlates of diagnosed and probable polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) among parous women.
    METHODS: This study includes 557 women recruited from multi-specialty clinics in eastern Massachusetts. We categorized women as \"diagnosed PCOS\" based on medical records and self-reported clinician-diagnoses. Next, we constructed a category of \"probable PCOS\" for women without a diagnosis but with ≥2 of the following: ovulatory dysfunction (cycle length<21 or ≥35 days), hyperandrogenism (free testosterone>75th percentile), or elevated anti-Müllerian hormone (>75th percentile). We classified the remaining as \"no PCOS,\" and compared characteristics across groups.
    RESULTS: 9.7% had diagnosed and 9.2% had probable PCOS. The frequency of irregular cycles was similar for diagnosed and probable PCOS. Free testosterone and AMH were higher for probable than diagnosed PCOS. Frequency of irregular cycles and both hormones were higher for the two PCOS groups vs. the no PCOS group. Obesity prevalence for diagnosed PCOS was twice that of probable PCOS (43.9% vs. 19.6%), yet the two groups had similar HbA1c and adiponectin.
    CONCLUSIONS: Women with probable PCOS are leaner but have comparable glycemic traits to those with a formal diagnosis, highlighting the importance of assessing biochemical profiles among women with irregular cycles, even in the absence of overweight/obesity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequent etiology of anovulation, hyperandrogenism and infertility in women. Its pathophysiology remains poorly elucidated. Hyperprolactinemia (hPRL) is common in women of reproductive age and may partially mimic the clinical phenotype of PCOS. The simultaneous finding of both conditions is therefore not rare, however there are conflicting studies on whether a link exists between them.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective monocentric study between 2015 and 2021 and among women who were referred for possible PCOS, we selected those who met the ESHRE/Rotterdam definition criteria. hPRL was defined as two values above the upper limit of normal with at least one measurement in our centre.
    RESULTS: A total of 430 women were selected, of whom 179 met the PCOS criteria. 50 out of 179 patients (27.9%) had at least one elevated value of PRL and 21 (11.7%) had hPRL according to our definition. Among the 21 women of the PCOS/hPRL cohort, 5 (23.8%) had a microprolactinoma and all of them had PRL level ≥ 60 ng/ml. The remaining cases were macroprolactinemia (n=5), iatrogenic hPRL (n=4), primary hypothyroidism (n=1) or unexplained (n=6) despite exhaustive investigations. The metoclopramide test resulted in an increase of basal PRL < 300% in all prolactinomas and ≥ 300% in all the other etiologies.
    CONCLUSIONS: hPRL was a common finding in PCOS women, secondary to a microprolactinoma in a quarter of cases. Metoclopramide test performed in women with hPRL below 60 ng/ml appeared as a helpful tool 1) to discriminate pituitary causes from others etiologies, 2) to potentially avoid unnecessary pituitary MRI.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    To determine whether a patient-specific predictive model combining antimüllerian hormone (AMH) levels and body mass index (BMI) can aid in the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and other ovulatory dysfunction disorders (OVDYS) among infertile women.
    Retrospective cohort study.
    Academic fertility center.
    One thousand and ten infertile women undergoing 3,160 intrauterine insemination (IUI) cycles, stratified by diagnosis in three groups: PCOS, OVDYS, and other etiologies.
    Ovulation induction followed by IUI or ultrasound-monitored natural cycles.
    The probability of either PCOS or OVDYS diagnosis based on AMH levels alone and a patient-specific predictive model that combines serum AMH and patient\'s BMI.
    Median and interquartile range (IQR) for the serum AMH levels (ng/mL) were the highest in women with PCOS, and lowest in those with other infertility causes. Overall, for every 1 ng/mL increase in AMH, the odds of PCOS and OVDYS versus other causes increased by 55% and 24%, respectively. Postestimation from multivariate logistic regression models showed that PCOS diagnosis can be predicted with lower AMH values in women with a higher BMI compared with the AMH values predicting PCOS in normal-weight or underweight patients. The receiver operating characteristic curves reinforced these findings, and the best cutoffs for PCOS diagnosis were 7.5, 4.4, and 4.1 ng/mL for women belonging to the BMI groups 18.5-24.9, 25.0-29.9, and ≥30.0 kg/m2, respectively.
    Taking into account AMH and BMI, we developed a model that predicts the probability of an oligo-anovulation diagnosis, thus facilitating patient-specific counseling in the infertility setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    What are the best practices for undertaking epidemiologic and phenotypic studies in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
    Best practices for the undertaking of epidemiologic and phenotypic studies in PCOS are outlined.
    Currently methodologies used for studies of PCOS epidemiology and phenotypes vary widely, and the comparability of studies is low, reducing the ability to harmonize studies.
    The Androgen Excess and PCOS (AE-PCOS) Society established a Task Force to draft a research resource for epidemiologic and phenotypic studies in PCOS, with the aim of providing guidelines on study design and execution, insights into the limitations and alternatives and protocols to be used, taking into consideration a global perspective.
    A targeted review of the literature was carried out as necessary.
    High level recommendations include the following: (i) Before initiating the study, a number of critical factors should be addressed including selecting the population and diagnostic criteria (which should ideally align with the recommendations of the International Guidelines), the type of observational study to be undertaken and the primary and secondary endpoint(s) of the study.(ii) To assess the \'natural\' or true phenotype and epidemiology of PCOS, the least medically biased, broadest and most generalizable population, and the broadest definition of PCOS, should be used.(iii) Four PCOS phenotypes (Phenotypes A through D), based on the presence or absence of three general features (oligo-anovulation, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovarian morphology), should be ascertained.(iv) In epidemiologic and phenotypic studies, the detection of PCOS rests on the accuracy and sensitivity of the methods used for assessing the individual features of the disorder, and how \'normal\' is defined.(v) Although an assessment algorithm that minimizes the use of certain measures (e.g. androgen levels and/or ovarian ultrasonography) can be devised, when possible it is preferable to uniformly assess all subjects for all parameters of interest.
    (vi) The inclusion of subjects in epidemiologic studies who do not appear to have PCOS (i.e. \'non-PCOS\') will provide the necessary cohort to establish population-specific normative ranges for the various features of PCOS. (vii) Epidemiologic studies of PCOS in unselected populations will yield relatively limited numbers of PCOS subjects available for genetic study; alternatively, large population-based epidemiologic studies of PCOS will potentially generate large numbers of unaffected individuals that may serve as genetic controls. (viii) Epidemiologic studies of PCOS will benefit from a clear governance structure and should begin by informing, educating and engaging both the formal and informal leaders of the populations targeted for study. (ix) In designing their study investigators should, in advance, establish statistical power and recognize, manage and account for inherent biases. (x) Subjects suspected of having PCOS but who do not/cannot complete their evaluation (i.e. have \'possible PCOS\') can be included by imputation, assigning them a \'diagnostic weight\' based on those subjects of similar clinical phenotype that have completed the study. (xi) In obtaining, storing and retrieving subject data, subjects should be assessed consecutively using a uniform data collection form; providing as complete and in depth data as possible. (xii) Maintenance of both paper and electronic medical records should focus on ensuring data quality, accuracy and institutional ethical compliance, and familiarity with country-dependent laws, including biobanking-specific laws, tissue laws and research laws. (xiii) In obtaining and biobanking study samples, these should be ideally collected at the time of the first assessment. (xiv) Access to stored data sets should ideally be granted to other bona fide researchers conducting research in the public interest. (xv) SOPs detailing the exact method of each of the activities for handling the data and the samples are necessary to ensure that all methods are performed uniformly. (xvi) Epidemiologic studies of PCOS must be resourced adequately.
    As with all reports involving expert interpretation of experiential and published data, inherent individual biases are possible. This risk is minimized in the present study by including experts from varying fields of study, aligning with recent international evidence-based guidelines and obtaining consensus approval of the recommendations from the Task Force and the board of the AE-PCOS.
    These guidelines should encourage investigators worldwide to undertake much needed epidemiologic studies of PCOS, increasing the validity, integrity and comparability of the data.
    The study received no funding. R.A. serves as consultant for Medtronic, Spruce Biosciences and Ansh Labs; has received research funding from Ferring Pharmaceuticals; and is on the advisory board of Martin Imaging; R.L. has received research funding from MSD Pharmaceuticals; J.L. has received fees and/or grant support from the Dutch Heart Association, The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Danone, Euroscreen/Ogeda and Titus Health Care; H.T. receives grant funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council; K.K., L.M.-P., S.S.M. and B.O.Y. have no potential conflicts of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the prevalence of oligo-anovulation in women suffering from endometriosis compared to that of women without endometriosis.
    A single-center, cross-sectional study.
    University hospital-based research center.
    We included 354 women with histologically proven endometriosis and 474 women in whom endometriosis was surgically ruled out between 2004 and 2016.
    Frequency of oligo-anovulation in women with endometriosis as compared to that prevailing in the disease-free reference group.
    There was no difference in the rate of oligo-anovulation between women with endometriosis (15.0%) and the reference group (11.2%). Regarding the endometriosis phenotype, oligo-anovulation was reported in 12 (18.2%) superficial peritoneal endometriosis, 12 (10.6%) ovarian endometrioma, and 29 (16.6%) deep infiltrating endometriosis.
    Endometriosis should not be discounted in women presenting with oligo-anovulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 6-10% of women and could be considered one of the most common endocrine alterations in women of reproductive age. The syndrome is characterized by several hormonal and metabolic alterations, including insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism, which play a severe detrimental role in the patient\'s fertility. We aimed to offer an overview about drug metabolism in the PCOS population. Nevertheless, we did not find any study that directly compared drug metabolism between PCOS and healthy women. We therefore decided to summarize briefly how hormonal and insulin sensitizer drugs act differently in healthy and PCOS women, who show altered steroidogenesis by theca cells and metabolic imbalance, focusing especially on assisted reproductive techniques. To date, data about drug metabolism in the PCOS population appears to be extremely limited. This important gap could have significant implications for therapeutic approaches and future perspectives: the dosage of drugs commonly used for the treatment of PCOS women should be tailored according to each patient\'s characteristics; we should implement new clinical trials in order to identify the best pharmacologic strategy for PCOS patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF); it would be advisable to create an international expert panel to investigate the drug metabolism in the PCOS population.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Does the use of the serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) assay to replace or complement ultrasound (U/S) affect the diagnosis or phenotypic distribution of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
    Combining U/S and the serum AMH assay to define polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM) diagnoses PCOS (according to the Rotterdam classification) in more patients than definitions using one or the other of these indicators exclusively.
    Since 2003, PCOM, as defined by U/S, is one of the three diagnostic criteria for PCOS. As it is closely correlated with follicle excess seen at U/S, an excessive serum AMH level could be used as a surrogate for PCOM.
    Single-center retrospective study from a database of prospectively collected clinical, laboratory and ultrasound data from patients referred for oligo-anovulation (OA) and/or hyperandrogenism (HA) between January 2009 and January 2016.
    The standard Rotterdam classification for PCOS was tested against two modified versions that defined PCOM by either excessive serum AMH level alone (AMH-only) or a combination (i.e. \'and/or\') of the latter and U/S. The PCOS phenotypes were defined as A (full phenotype, OA+HA+PCOM), B (OA+HA), C (HA+PCOM) and D (OA+PCOM).
    PCOS was more frequently diagnosed when PCOM was defined as the combination \'positive U/S\' and/or \'positive AMH\' (n = 639) than by either only U/S-only (standard definition, n = 612) or by AMH-only (n = 601). With this combination, PCOM was recognized in 637 of the 639 cases that met the Rotterdam classification, and phenotype B practically disappeared. In this population, U/S and AMH markers were discordant for PCOM in 103 (16.1%) cases (9% U/S-only, 7.1% AMH-only, P = 0.159). The markers used had no other significant impact on the phenotypic distribution (except for phenotype B). However, the percentage of cases positive by U/S-only was significantly higher in phenotype D than in phenotype A (14.1% vs. 5.8%, P < 0.05). Furthermore, in the discordant cases, plasma LH levels were significantly higher in the AMH-only group than in the concordant cases, and fasting insulin serum levels tended to be higher in the U/S-only group.
    This is a retrospective study. A referral bias explains the relatively high proportion of patients with phenotype D (28%). PCOM was defined by in-house thresholds. The AMH assay used is no longer commercially available.
    Our results suggest that ideally both U/S data and serum AMH level should be integrated to define PCOM in the Rotterdam classification. In a cost-effectiveness approach, the choice of one or the other has little impact on the diagnosis and the phenotyping of PCOS.
    No external funding. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    What is the reported overall prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) according to the criteria of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Rotterdam or the Androgen Excess and PCOS Society (AE-PCOS Society)?
    The reported overall prevalence of PCOS (95% CI) according to diagnostic criteria of the NIH, Rotterdam and the AE-PCOS Society is 6% (5-8%, n = 18 trials), 10% (8-13%, n = 15 trials) and 10% (7-13%, n = 10 trials), respectively.
    PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age. Although many studies have investigated the prevalence of PCOS, there are discrepancies in their results, in part due to the use of various definitions of the syndrome and its subphenotypes, differences between study cohorts, ethnicities, and types of recruitment and sampling.
    A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed on all published studies that have reported the prevalence of PCOS according to at least one subset of diagnostic criteria.
    To identify relevant studies based on the PRISMA statement, PubMed and Ovid databases were searched up to September 2015 by two blind investigators using the terms \'PCOS\', \'polycystic ovarian disease\', \'Stein Leventhal syndrome\', \'Androgen Excess Society\', \'National Institute of Health\', \'Rotterdam\', \'ESHRE/ASRM\', \'criteria\' and \'prevalence\'. Articles that represented the prevalence of PCOS according to at least one subset of diagnostic criteria were included. Exclusion criteria were a focus on adolescent subjects, an absence of data on prevalence, inappropriate design or non-English reporting. An appraisal tool to evaluate the methodological quality of the available studies was generated by the authors.
    A total of 55 reports remained following screening of the abstracts and text for the subject of the study. Of these, 24 articles were eligible and evaluated for qualitative and quantitative synthesis. Since heterogeneity was observed among studies, a random-effects model was used to estimate the prevalence and its 95% CI. The proportions of PCOS prevalence (95% CI) according to the diagnostic criteria of NIH, Rotterdam and AE-PCOS Society were 6% (5-8%, n = 18 trials), 10% (8-13%, n = 15 trials) and 10% (7-13%, n = 10 trials), respectively. When only unselected population studies were included, the given rates were 6% (5-8%, n = 3 trials), 9% (7-12%, n = 6 trials) and 10% (7-14%, n = 3 trials). The respective proportions for hirsutism, hyperandrogenaemia, polycystic ovaries (PCO) and oligo-anovulation were 13% (8-20%, n = 14 trials), 11% (8-15%, n = 9 trials), 28% (22-35%, n = 12 trials) and 15% (12-18%, n = 19 trials), respectively.
    The effects of ethnic differences, particularly, on the presence or severity of hirsutism cannot be ruled out in any way. In addition, there was a lack of standardization in defining phenotypes of the syndrome and selection bias was evident in most of the studies regarding recruitment of the cohorts.
    Geographical differences in frequencies of the components of the syndrome, such as oligo-anovulation and clinical/biochemical androgen excess, must be taken into account in the development and implementation of regional diagnostic and precision treatment strategies. Further efforts and resources are required to increase standardization of the methods and comparability of the study results on prevalence and phenotypic characterization of PCOS around the globe.
    No funding to declare. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.





