olfactory system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent times, the nasal region has emerged as a distinctive and dynamic environment where a myriad of microbial communities establish residence from infancy, persisting as both commensal and opportunistic pathogens throughout the lifespan. Understanding the coexistence of microorganisms in respiratory mucosal layers, their potential for infections, and the underlying molecular mechanisms shaping these interactions is crucial for developing efficient diagnostic and therapeutic interventions against respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases. Despite significant strides in understanding the olfactory system\'s nexus with nasal microbiota, comprehensive correlations with neurological diseases still need to be discovered. The nasal microbiome, a sentinel in immune defense, orchestrates a delicate equilibrium that, when disrupted, can precipitate severe respiratory infections, including Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), and Asthma, and instigate a cascade effect on central nervous system diseases such as Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), Parkinson\'s disease (PD), and Multiple sclerosis (MS). This review aims to redress this imbalance by meticulously exploring the anatomical and microbiological nuances of the nasal mucosal surface in health and disease. By delineating the molecular intricacies of these interactions, this review unravels the molecular mechanisms that govern the intricate nexus between nasal microbiota dysbiosis, olfactory dysfunction, and the progression of respiratory and neurological diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several risk factors contribute to the development of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), including genetics, metabolic health, cardiovascular history, and diet. It has been observed that women appear to face a higher risk of developing AD. Among the various hypotheses surrounding the gender disparity in AD, one pertains to the potential neuroprotective properties of estrogen. Compared to men, women are believed to be more susceptible to neuropathology due to the significant decline in circulating estrogen levels following menopause. Studies have shown, however, that estrogen replacement therapies in post-menopausal women do not consistently reduce the risk of AD. While menopause and estrogen levels are potential factors in the elevated incidence rates of AD among women, this review highlights the possible roles estrogen has in other pathways that may also contribute to the sex disparity observed in AD such as olfaction, sleep, and glymphatic functionality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The olfactory system is one of the six basic sensory nervous systems. Developing artificial olfactory systems is challenging due to the complexity of chemical information decoding and memory. Conventional chemical sensors can convert chemical signals into electric signals to decode gas information but they lack memory functions. Additional storage and processing units would significantly increase the complexity and power consumption of the devices, especially for portable and wearable devices. Here, an olfactory-inspired in-sensor organic electrochemical transistor (OI-OECT) is proposed, with the integrated functions of chemical information decoding, tunable memory level, and selectivity of vapor sensing. The ion-gel electrolyte endows the OI-OECT with the function of tunable memory levels and a low operating voltage. Typical synaptic behaviors, including inhibitory postsynaptic current and paired-pulse facilitations, are successfully achieved. Importantly, the gas memory level can be effectively modulated by the gate voltages (0 and -1 V), which realized the transformation of volatile and nonvolatile memory. Furthermore, benefiting from the recognition of multiple gases and ability to detect cumulative damage caused by gases, the OI-OECT is demonstrated for early warning system targeting leakage detection of two gases (NH3 and H2S). This work achieves the integrated functions of chemical gas information decode, tunable gas memory level, and selectivity of gas in a single device, which provides a promising pathway for the development of future artificial olfactory systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Menopause is associated with a decrease in smell discrimination ability. This study assessed the impact of black cohosh on hippocampal (HC) and hypothalamic (HT) gene expression profiles in rats, to understand, if herbal treatment has an impact on neurologic changes due to menopause and whether this could address a decrease in smell discrimination.
    METHODS: HC and HT tissues from female Sprague Dawley rats (total n = 19) were analyzed at three different life stages: intact tissues of the HC (n = 4) and the HT (n = 4), oophorectomized tissues 3 months after oophorectomy (OVX) of the HC (n = 4) and the HT (n = 3), and tissues after treatment with an isopropanolic extract (iCR) from the rhizomes of black cohosh (60 mg/kg) for 3 months after OVX of the HC (n = 2) and the HT (n = 2).
    METHODS: To reveal underlying biological processes a gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was performed.
    RESULTS: The GSEA revealed gene ontology terms that were significantly enriched, including several genes associated with the olfactory system, indicating biological processes regulated by treatment with iCR. Six olfactory receptor genes were further analyzed by another GSEA, demonstrating the possibility of iCR treatment to compensate for oophorectomy-induced changes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that herbal treatment, such as iCR, has an esteeming impact on HC and HT genes that are changed through menopause. Further studies are needed to suggest black cohosh as a treatment option for decreased smell discrimination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cartilaginous fishes have large and elaborate olfactory organs, but only a small repertoire of olfactory receptor genes. Here, we quantitatively analyze the olfactory system of 21 species of sharks and rays, assessing many features of the olfactory organ (OOR) (number of primary lamellae, branches of the secondary folds, sensory surface area, and density and number of sensory neurons) and the olfactory bulb (OB) (number of neurons and non-neuronal cells), and estimate the ratio between the number of neurons in the two structures. We show that the number of lamellae in the OOR does not correlate with the sensory surface area, while the complexity of the lamellar shape does. The total number of olfactory receptor neurons ranges from 30.5 million to 4.3 billion and the total number of OB neurons from 1.5 to 90 million. The number of neurons in the olfactory epithelium is 16 to 158 times higher (median ratio is 46) than the number of neurons in the OB. These ratios considerably exceed those reported in mammals. High convergence from receptor neurons to neurons processing olfactory information, together with the remarkably small olfactory receptor repertoire, strongly suggests that the olfactory system of sharks and rays is well adapted to detect a limited number of odorants with high sensitivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans naturally integrate signals from the olfactory and intranasal trigeminal systems. A tight interplay has been demonstrated between these two systems, and yet the neural circuitry mediating olfactory-trigeminal (OT) integration remains poorly understood. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), combined with psychophysics, this study investigated the neural mechanisms underlying OT integration. Fifteen participants with normal olfactory function performed a localization task with air-puff stimuli, phenylethyl alcohol (PEA; rose odor), or a combination thereof while being scanned. The ability to localize PEA to either nostril was at chance. Yet, its presence significantly improved the localization accuracy of weak, but not strong, air-puffs, when both stimuli were delivered concurrently to the same nostril, but not when different nostrils received the two stimuli. This enhancement in localization accuracy, exemplifying the principles of spatial coincidence and inverse effectiveness in multisensory integration, was associated with multisensory integrative activity in the primary olfactory (POC), orbitofrontal (OFC), superior temporal (STC), inferior parietal (IPC) and cingulate cortices, and in the cerebellum. Multisensory enhancement in most of these regions correlated with behavioral multisensory enhancement, as did increases in connectivity between some of these regions. We interpret these findings as indicating that the POC is part of a distributed brain network mediating integration between the olfactory and trigeminal systems. PRACTITIONER POINTS: Psychophysical and neuroimaging study of olfactory-trigeminal (OT) integration. Behavior, cortical activity, and network connectivity show OT integration. OT integration obeys principles of inverse effectiveness and spatial coincidence. Behavioral and neural measures of OT integration are correlated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viruses, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), use respiratory epithelial cells as an entry point for infection. Within the nasal cavity, the olfactory epithelium (OE) is particularly sensitive to infections which may lead to olfactory dysfunction. In patients suffering from coronavirus disease 2019, deficits in olfaction have been characterized as a distinctive symptom. Here, we used the K18hACE2 mice to study the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection and inflammation in the olfactory system (OS) after 7 d of infection. In the OE, we found that SARS-CoV-2 selectively targeted the supporting/sustentacular cells (SCs) and macrophages from the lamina propria. In the brain, SARS-CoV-2 infected some microglial cells in the olfactory bulb (OB), and there was a widespread infection of projection neurons in the OB, piriform cortex (PC), and tubular striatum (TuS). Inflammation, indicated by both elevated numbers and morphologically activated IBA1+ cells (monocyte/macrophage lineages), was preferentially increased in the OE septum, while it was homogeneously distributed throughout the layers of the OB, PC, and TuS. Myelinated OS axonal tracts, the lateral olfactory tract, and the anterior commissure, exhibited decreased levels of 2\',3\'-cyclic-nucleotide 3\'-phosphodiesterase, indicative of myelin defects. Collectively, our work supports the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 infected SC and macrophages in the OE and, centrally, microglia and subpopulations of OS neurons. The observed inflammation throughout the OS areas and central myelin defects may account for the long-lasting olfactory deficit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), resulting from maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy, are a prominent non-genetic cause of physical disabilities and brain damage in children. Alongside common symptoms like distinct facial features and neurocognitive deficits, sensory anomalies, including olfactory dysfunction, are frequently noted in FASD-afflicted children. However, the precise mechanisms underpinning the olfactory abnormalities induced by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) remain elusive. Utilizing rodents as a model organism with varying timing, duration, dosage, and administration routes of alcohol exposure, prior studies have documented impairments in olfactory system development caused by PAE. Many reported a reduction in the olfactory bulb (OB) volume accompanied by reduced OB neuron counts, suggesting the OB is a brain region vulnerable to PAE. In contrast, no significant olfactory system defects were observed in some studies, though subtle alterations might exist. These findings suggest that the timing, duration, and extent of fetal alcohol exposure can yield diverse effects on olfactory system development. To enhance comprehension of PAE-induced olfactory dysfunctions, this review summarizes key findings from previous research on the olfactory systems of offspring prenatally exposed to alcohol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phenomenon of contagious itch, observed in both humans and rodents, remains a topic of ongoing debate concerning its modulators and underlying pathways. This study delves into the relationship between contagious itch and familiar olfactory cues, a non-visual factor contributing to this intriguing behavior. Our findings showed that contagious itch in observer mice occurs during physical interaction with the cagemate itch-demonstrator but not with a stranger demonstrator or in a non-physical encounter condition. Notably, itch-experienced observer mice displayed an increased contagious itch behavior, highlighting the relevance of itch-associated memory in this phenomenon. Furthermore, anosmic observer mice, whether itch-naïve or itch-experienced, displayed no contagious itch behavior. These results demonstrate that the familiar olfactory cues, specifically cagemate body odors, are required for contagious itch behaviors in mice. In line with these behavioral findings, our study reveals increased activity in brain regions associated with olfaction, emotion, and memory during contagious itch, including the olfactory bulb, the amygdala, the hypothalamus, and the hippocampus, with this activity diminished in anosmic mice. In conclusion, our study unveils the critical role of familiar olfactory cues in driving contagious itch in mice, shedding light on the interplay between social factors, sensory perception, and memory in this phenomenon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Central nervous system-related disorders have become a continuing threat to human life and the current statistic indicates an increasing trend of such disorders worldwide. The primary therapeutic challenge, despite the availability of therapies for these disorders, is to sustain the drug\'s effective concentration in the brain while limiting its accumulation in non-targeted areas. This is attributed to the presence of the blood-brain barrier and first-pass metabolism which limits the transportation of drugs to the brain irrespective of popular and conventional routes of drug administration. Therefore, there is a demand to practice alternative routes for predictable drug delivery using advanced drug delivery carriers to overcome the said obstacles. Recent research attracted attention to intranasal-to-brain drug delivery for promising targeting therapeutics in the brain. This review emphasizes the mechanisms to deliver therapeutics via different pathways for nose-to-brain drug delivery with recent advancements in delivery and formulation aspects. Concurrently, for the benefit of future studies, the difficulties in administering medications by intranasal pathway have also been highlighted.





