
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleoporins, essential proteins building the nuclear pore, are pivotal for ensuring nucleocytoplasmic transport. While traditionally confined to the nuclear envelope, emerging evidence indicates their presence in various cytoplasmic structures, suggesting potential non-transport-related roles. This review consolidates findings on cytoplasmic nucleoporin assemblies across different states, including normal physiological conditions, stress, and pathology, exploring their structural organization, formation dynamics, and functional implications. We summarize the current knowledge and the latest concepts on the regulation of nucleoporin homeostasis, aiming to enhance our understanding of their unexpected roles in physiological and pathological processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influenza viruses are known to cause severe respiratory infections in humans, often associated with significant morbidity and mortality rates. Virus replication relies on various host factors and pathways, which also determine the virus\'s infectious potential. Nonetheless, achieving a comprehensive understanding of how the virus interacts with host cellular components is essential for developing effective therapeutic strategies. One of the key components among host factors, the nuclear pore complex (NPC), profoundly affects both the Influenza virus life cycle and the host\'s antiviral defenses. Serving as the sole gateway connecting the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, the NPC plays a vital role as a mediator in nucleocytoplasmic trafficking. Upon infection, the virus hijacks and alters the nuclear pore complex and the nuclear receptors. This enables the virus to infiltrate the nucleus and promotes the movement of viral components between the nucleus and cytoplasm. While the nucleus and cytoplasm play pivotal roles in cellular functions, the nuclear pore complex serves as a crucial component in the host\'s innate immune system, acting as a defense mechanism against virus infection. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the intricate relationship between the Influenza virus and the nuclear pore complex. Furthermore, we emphasize their mutual influence on viral replication and the host\'s immune responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ER-mitochondria contact sites (ERMCSs) regulate processes, including calcium homoeostasis, energy metabolism and autophagy. Previously, it was shown that during growth factor signalling, mTORC2/Akt gets recruited to and stabilizes ERMCSs. Independent studies showed that GSK3β, a well-known Akt substrate, reduces ER-mitochondria connectivity by disrupting the VAPB-PTPIP51 tethering complex. However, the mechanisms that regulate ERMCSs are incompletely understood. Here we find that annulate lamellae (AL), relatively unexplored subdomains of ER enriched with a subset of nucleoporins, are present at ERMCSs. Depletion of Nup358, an AL-resident nucleoporin, results in enhanced mTORC2/Akt activation, GSK3β inhibition and increased ERMCSs. Depletion of Rictor, a mTORC2-specific subunit, or exogenous expression of GSK3β, was sufficient to reverse the ERMCS-phenotype in Nup358-deficient cells. We show that growth factor-mediated activation of mTORC2 requires the VAPB-PTPIP51 complex, whereas, Nup358\'s association with this tether restricts mTORC2/Akt signalling and ER-mitochondria connectivity. Expression of a Nup358 fragment that is sufficient for interaction with the VAPB-PTPIP51 complex suppresses mTORC2/Akt activation and disrupts ERMCSs. Collectively, our study uncovers a novel role for Nup358 in controlling ERMCSs by modulating the mTORC2/Akt/GSK3β axis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nuclear pore complexes are essential for cellular and molecular processes such as trafficking between the cytoplasm and the nucleus, chromatin, transcriptional outputs, and DNA damage repair. Nucleoporins, components of nuclear pore complexes, have been linked to cancer through nucleo-cytoplasmic cargo trafficking, cell division, signalling pathways, chromatin-related processes, and protein stability and degradation. This study aims to understand how nucleoporins specifically contribute to cancer proliferation and progression across various cancer types. Accordingly, angles such as nuclear trafficking, fusion proteins, tumour suppressors, signalling pathways, tumour microenvironment, nucleosomes, and chromatin processes were found to bridge the function of nucleoporins and cancer progression, and the underlying mechanisms have been analysed in this study. A deep understanding of the function of nucleoporins in cancer progression will pave the way for the effective targeting of these molecules for therapeutic gain. Improved treatment responses can enhance the quality of life of cancer patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are the architectures entrenched in nuclear envelop of a cell that regulate the nucleo-cytoplasmic transportation of materials, such as proteins and RNAs for proper functioning of a cell. The appropriate localization of proteins and RNAs within the cell is essential for its normal functionality. For such a complex transportation of materials across the NPC, around 60 proteins are involved comprising nucleoporins, karyopherins and RAN system proteins that play a vital role in NPC\'s structure formation, cargo translocation across NPC, and cargoes\' rapid directed transportation respectively. In various cancers, the structure and function of NPC is often exaggerated, following altered expressions of its nucleoporins and karyopherins, affecting other proteins of associated signaling pathways. Some inhibitors of karyopherins at present, have potential to regulate the altered level/expression of these karyopherin molecules.
    OBJECTIVE: This review summarizes the data from 1990 to 2023, mainly focusing on recent studies that illustrate the structure and function of NPC, the relationship and mechanisms of nucleoporins and karyopherins with colorectal cancer, as well as therapeutic values, in order to understand the pathology and underlying basis of colorectal cancer associated with NPC. This is the first review to our knowledge elucidating the detailed updated studies targeting colorectal cancer at NPC. The review also aims to target certain karyopherins, Nups and their possible inhibitors and activators molecules as a therapeutic strategy.
    UNASSIGNED: NPC structure provides understanding, how nucleoporins and karyopherins as key molecules are responsible for appropriate nucleocytoplasmic transportation. Many studies provide evidences, describing the role of disrupted nucleoporins and karyopherins not only in CRC but also in other non-hematological and hematological malignancies. At present, some inhibitors of karyopherins have therapeutic potential for CRC, however development of more potent inhibitors may provide more effective therapeutic strategies for CRC in near future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome organization can regulate gene expression and promote cell fate transitions. The differentiation of germline stem cells (GSCs) to oocytes in Drosophila involves changes in genome organization mediated by heterochromatin and the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Heterochromatin represses germ cell genes during differentiation, and NPCs anchor these silenced genes to the nuclear periphery, maintaining silencing to allow for oocyte development. Surprisingly, we found that genome organization also contributes to NPC formation, mediated by the transcription factor Stonewall (Stwl). As GSCs differentiate, Stwl accumulates at boundaries between silenced and active gene compartments. Stwl at these boundaries plays a pivotal role in transitioning germ cell genes into a silenced state and activating a group of oocyte genes and nucleoporins (Nups). The upregulation of these Nups during differentiation is crucial for NPC formation and further genome organization. Thus, cross-talk between genome architecture and NPCs is essential for successful cell fate transitions.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Understanding the spatial organization of nucleoporins (Nups) with intrinsically disordered domains within the nuclear pore complex (NPC) is crucial for deciphering eukaryotic nucleocytoplasmic transport. Leveraging high-speed 2D single-molecule tracking and virtual 3D super-resolution microscopy in live HeLa cells, we investigated the spatial distribution of all eleven phenylalanine-glycine (FG)-rich Nups within individual NPCs. Our study reveals a nuanced landscape of FG-Nup conformations and arrangements. Five FG-Nups are steadfastly anchored at the NPC scaffold, collectively shaping a central doughnut-shaped channel, while six others exhibit heightened flexibility, extending towards the cytoplasmic and nucleoplasmic regions. Intriguingly, Nup214 and Nup153 contribute to cap-like structures that dynamically alternate between open and closed states along the nucleocytoplasmic transport axis, impacting the cytoplasmic and nuclear sides, respectively. Furthermore, Nup98, concentrated at the scaffold region, extends throughout the entire NPC while overlapping with other FG-Nups. Together, these eleven FG-Nups compose a versatile, capped trichoid channel spanning approximately 270 nm across the nuclear envelope. This adaptable trichoid channel facilitates a spectrum of pathways for passive diffusion and facilitated nucleocytoplasmic transport. Our comprehensive mapping of FG-Nup organization within live NPCs offers a unifying mechanism accommodating multiple transport pathways, thereby advancing our understanding of cellular transport processes.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Genome organization can regulate gene expression and promote cell fate transitions. The differentiation of germline stem cells (GSCs) to oocytes in Drosophila involves changes in genome organization mediated by heterochromatin and the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Heterochromatin represses germ-cell genes during differentiation and NPCs anchor these silenced genes to the nuclear periphery, maintaining silencing to allow for oocyte development. Surprisingly, we find that genome organization also contributes to NPC formation, mediated by the transcription factor Stonewall (Stwl). As GSCs differentiate, Stwl accumulates at boundaries between silenced and active gene compartments. Stwl at these boundaries plays a pivotal role in transitioning germ-cell genes into a silenced state and activating a group of oocyte genes and Nucleoporins (Nups). The upregulation of these Nups during differentiation is crucial for NPC formation and further genome organization. Thus, crosstalk between genome architecture and NPCs is essential for successful cell fate transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear envelope (NE) disassembly during mitosis is critical to ensure faithful segregation of the genetic material. NE disassembly is a phosphorylation-dependent process wherein mitotic kinases hyper-phosphorylate lamina and nucleoporins to initiate nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). In this study, we uncover an unexpected role of the PP2A phosphatase B55SUR-6 in NEBD during the first embryonic division of Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. B55SUR-6 depletion delays NE permeabilization and stabilizes lamina and nucleoporins. As a result, the merging of parental genomes and chromosome segregation is impaired. NEBD defect upon B55SUR-6 depletion is not due to delayed mitotic onset or mislocalization of mitotic kinases. Importantly, we demonstrate that microtubule-dependent mechanical forces synergize with B55SUR-6 for efficient NEBD. Finally, our data suggest that the lamin LMN-1 is likely a bona fide target of PP2A-B55SUR-6. These findings establish a model highlighting biochemical crosstalk between kinases, PP2A-B55SUR-6 phosphatase, and microtubule-generated mechanical forces in timely NE dissolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleoporins (NUPs) constitute integral nuclear pore protein (NPC) elements. Although traditional NUP functions have been extensively researched, evidence of additional vital non-NPC roles, referred to herein as non-classical NUP functions, is also emerging. Several NUPs localise at the ciliary base. Indeed, Nup188, Nup93 or Nup205 knockdown results in cilia loss, impacting cardiac left-right patterning in models and cell lines. Genetic variants of Nup205 and Nup188 have been identified in patients with congenital heart disease and situs inversus totalis or heterotaxy, a prevalent human ciliopathy. These findings link non-classical NUP functions to human diseases. This mini-review summarises pivotal NUP interactions with NIMA-related kinases or nephronophthisis proteins that regulate ciliary function and explores other NUPs potentially implicated in cilia-related disorders. Overall, elucidating the non-classical roles of NUPs will enhance comprehension of ciliopathy aetiology.





