nuclear architecture

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phase separation forms membraneless compartments in the nuclei, including by establishing heterochromatin \"domains\" and repair foci. Pericentromeric heterochromatin mostly comprises repeated sequences prone to aberrant recombination, and \"safe\" homologous recombination (HR) repair of these sequences requires the movement of repair sites to the nuclear periphery before Rad51 recruitment and strand invasion. How this mobilization initiates is unknown, and the contribution of phase separation to these dynamics is unclear. Here, we show that Nup98 nucleoporin is recruited to heterochromatic repair sites before relocalization through Sec13 or Nup88 nucleoporins, and downstream from the Smc5/6 complex and SUMOylation. Remarkably, the phase separation properties of Nup98 are required and sufficient to mobilize repair sites and exclude Rad51, thus preventing aberrant recombination while promoting HR repair. Disrupting this pathway results in heterochromatin repair defects and widespread chromosome rearrangements, revealing a novel \"off-pore\" role for nucleoporins and phase separation in nuclear dynamics and genome integrity in a multicellular eukaryote.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pericentromeric heterochromatin is mainly composed of satellite DNA sequences. Although being historically associated with transcriptional repression, some pericentromeric satellite DNA sequences are transcribed. The transcription events of pericentromeric satellite sequences occur in highly flexible biological contexts. Hence, the apparent randomness of pericentromeric satellite transcription incites the discussion about the attribution of biological functions. However, pericentromeric satellite RNAs have clear roles in the organization of nuclear structure. Silencing pericentromeric heterochromatin depends on pericentromeric satellite RNAs, that, in a feedback mechanism, contribute to the repression of pericentromeric heterochromatin. Moreover, pericentromeric satellite RNAs can also act as scaffolding molecules in condensate subnuclear structures (e.g., nuclear stress bodies). Since the formation/dissociation of nuclear condensates provides cell adaptability, pericentromeric satellite RNAs can be an epigenetic platform for regulating (sub)nuclear structure. We review current knowledge about pericentromeric satellite RNAs that, irrespective of the meaning of biological function, should be functionally addressed in regular and disease settings. This article is categorized under: RNA Methods > RNA Analyses in Cells RNA in Disease and Development > RNA in Disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association of genomic loci to the nuclear periphery is proposed to facilitate cell type-specific gene repression and influence cell fate decisions. However, the interplay between gene position and expression remains incompletely understood, in part because the proteins that position genomic loci at the nuclear periphery remain unidentified. Here, we used an Oligopaint-based HiDRO screen targeting ∼1000 genes to discover novel regulators of nuclear architecture in Drosophila cells. We identified the heterochromatin-associated protein Stonewall (Stwl) as a factor promoting perinuclear chromatin positioning. In female germline stem cells (GSCs), Stwl binds and positions chromatin loci, including GSC differentiation genes, at the nuclear periphery. Strikingly, Stwl-dependent perinuclear positioning is associated with transcriptional repression, highlighting a likely mechanism for Stwl\'s known role in GSC maintenance and ovary homeostasis. Thus, our study identifies perinuclear anchors in Drosophila and demonstrates the importance of gene repression at the nuclear periphery for cell fate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phosphatidylinositol phosphates are powerful signaling molecules that orchestrate signaling and direct membrane trafficking in the cytosol. Interestingly, phosphatidylinositol phosphates also localize within the membrane-less compartments of the cell nucleus, where they participate in the regulation of gene expression. Nevertheless, current models of gene expression, which include condensates of proteins and nucleic acids, do not include nuclear phosphatidylinositol phosphates. This gap is partly a result of the missing detailed analysis of the subnuclear distribution of phosphatidylinositol phosphates and their relationships with gene expression. Here, we used quantitative dual-color direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy to analyze the nanoscale co-patterning between RNA polymerase II transcription initiation and elongation markers with respect to phosphatidylinositol 4,5- or 3,4-bisphosphate in the nucleoplasm and nuclear speckles and compared it with randomized data and cells with inhibited transcription. We found specific co-patterning of the transcription initiation marker P-S5 with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate in the nucleoplasm and with phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate at the periphery of nuclear speckles. We showed the specific accumulation of the transcription elongation marker PS-2 and of nascent RNA in the proximity of phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate associated with nuclear speckles. Taken together, this shows that the distinct spatial associations between the consecutive stages of RNA polymerase II transcription and nuclear phosphatidylinositol phosphates exhibit specificity within the gene expression compartments. Thus, in analogy to the cellular membranes, where phospholipid composition orchestrates signaling pathways and directs membrane trafficking, we propose a model in which the phospholipid identity of gene expression compartments orchestrates RNA polymerase II transcription.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human sperm parameters serve as a first step in diagnosing male infertility, but not in determining the potential for successful pregnancy during assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) procedures. Here, we investigated the relationship between sperm head morphology at high magnification, based on strict morphologic criteria, and the nuclear architecture analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We included five men. Two of them had an elevated high-magnification morphology score of 6 points (Score 6) indicating high fertility potential, whereas three had a low score of 0 points (Score 0), indicating low fertility potential. We used FISH to study the inter-telomeric distance and the chromosomal territory area of chromosome 1 (Chr. 1). We then compared these two parameters between subjects with high and low scores. FISH data analysis showed that the inter-telomeric distance (ITD) and chromosomal territory area (CTA) of Chr. 1 were significantly higher in subjects with low scores (score 0) than high scores (score 6). Our results suggest that (i) there is a link between nuclear architecture and sperm head abnormalities, particularly vacuoles; and (ii) it is possible to select spermatozoa with normal nuclear architecture, which might indirectly explain the positive ART outcomes observed with this technique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Actin is well known for its cytoskeletal functions, where it helps to control and maintain cell shape and architecture, as well as regulating cell migration and intracellular cargo transport, among others. However, actin is also prevalent in the nucleus, where genome-regulating roles have been described, including it being part of chromatin-remodeling complexes. More recently, with the help of advances in microscopy techniques and specialized imaging probes, direct visualization of nuclear actin filament dynamics has helped elucidate new roles for nuclear actin, such as in cell cycle regulation, DNA replication and repair, chromatin organization and transcriptional condensate formation. In this Cell Science at a Glance article, we summarize the known signaling events driving the dynamic assembly of actin into filaments of various structures within the nuclear compartment for essential genome functions. Additionally, we highlight the physiological role of nuclear F-actin in meiosis and early embryonic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In contrast to the canonical view that genomes cycle only between haploid and diploid states, many eukaryotes have dynamic genomes that change content throughout an individual\'s life cycle. However, the few detailed studies of microeukaryotic life cycles render our understanding of eukaryotic genome dynamism incomplete. Foraminifera (Rhizaria) are an ecologically important, yet understudied, clade of microbial eukaryotes with complex life cycles that include changes in ploidy and genome organization. Here, we apply fluorescence microscopy and image analysis techniques to over 2,800 nuclei in 110 cells to characterize the life cycle of Allogromia laticollaris strain Cold Spring Harbor (CSH), one of few cultivable foraminifera species. We show that haploidy and diploidy are brief moments in the A. laticollaris life cycle and that A. laticollaris nuclei endoreplicate up to 12,000 times the haploid genome size. We find that A. laticollaris reorganizes a highly endoreplicated nucleus into thousands of haploid genomes through a non-canonical mechanism called Zerfall, in which the nuclear envelope degrades and extrudes chromatin into the cytoplasm. Based on these findings, along with changes in nuclear architecture across the life cycle, we believe that A. laticollaris uses spatio-temporal mechanisms to delineate germline and somatic DNA within a single nucleus. The analyses here extend our understanding of the genome dynamics across the eukaryotic tree of life.IMPORTANCEIn traditional depictions of eukaryotes (i.e., cells with nuclei), life cycles alternate only between haploid and diploid phases, overlooking studies of diverse microeukaryotic lineages (e.g., amoebae, ciliates, and flagellates) that show dramatic variation in DNA content throughout their life cycles. Endoreplication of genomes enables cells to grow to large sizes and perhaps to also respond to changes in their environments. Few microeukaryotic life cycles have been studied in detail, which limits our understanding of how eukaryotes regulate and transmit their DNA across generations. Here, we use microscopy to study the life cycle of Allogromia laticollaris strain CSH, an early-diverging lineage within the Foraminifera (an ancient clade of predominantly marine amoebae). We show that DNA content changes significantly throughout their life cycle and further describe an unusual process called Zerfall, by which this species reorganizes a large nucleus with up to 12,000 genome copies into hundreds of small gametic nuclei, each with a single haploid genome. Our results are consistent with the idea that all eukaryotes demarcate germline DNA to pass on to offspring amidst more flexible somatic DNA and extend the known diversity of eukaryotic life cycles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our study explored the impact of hypergravity on human T cells, which experience additional acceleration forces beyond Earth\'s gravity due to various factors, such as pulsatile blood flow, and technology, such as high-performance aircraft flights or spaceflights. We investigated the histone modifications Histone 3 lysine 4 and 9 trimethylation (H3K4me3 and H3K9me3, respectively), as well as the structural and cytoskeletal organization of Jurkat T cells in response to hypergravity. Histone modifications play a crucial role in gene regulation, chromatin organization and DNA repair. In response to hypergravity, we found only minimal changes of H3K4me3 and a rapid increase in H3K9me3, which was sustained for up to 15 min and then returned to control levels after 1 h. Furthermore, rapid changes in F-actin fluorescence were observed within seconds of hypergravity exposure, indicating filament depolymerization and cytoskeletal restructuring, which subsequently recovered after 1 h of hypergravity. Our study demonstrated the rapid, dynamic and adaptive cellular response to hypergravity, particularly in terms of histone modifications and cytoskeletal changes. These responses are likely necessary for maintaining genome stability and structural integrity under hypergravity conditions as they are constantly occurring in the human body during blood cell circulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfactory receptor (OR) choice represents an example of genetically hardwired stochasticity, where every olfactory neuron expresses one out of ~2000 OR alleles in the mouse genome in a probabilistic, yet stereotypic fashion. Here, we propose that topographic restrictions in OR expression are established in neuronal progenitors by two opposing forces: polygenic transcription and genomic silencing, both of which are influenced by dorsoventral gradients of transcription factors NFIA, B, and X. Polygenic transcription of OR genes may define spatially constrained OR repertoires, among which one OR allele is selected for singular expression later in development. Heterochromatin assembly and genomic compartmentalization of OR alleles also vary across the axes of the olfactory epithelium and may preferentially eliminate ectopically expressed ORs with more dorsal expression destinations from this \'privileged\' repertoire. Our experiments identify early transcription as a potential \'epigenetic\' contributor to future developmental patterning and reveal how two spatially responsive probabilistic processes may act in concert to establish deterministic, precise, and reproducible territories of stochastic gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among 36 known chromosomal hybrid zones of the common shrew Sorex araneus, the Moscow-Seliger hybrid zone is of special interest because inter-racial complex heterozygotes (F1 hybrids) produce the longest meiotic configuration, consisting of 11 chromosomes with monobrachial homology (undecavalent or chain-of-eleven: CXI). Different studies suggest that such a multivalent may negatively affect meiotic progression and in general should significantly reduce fertility of hybrids. In this work, by immunocytochemical and electron microscopy methods, we investigated for the first time chromosome synapsis, recombination and meiotic silencing in pachytene spermatocytes of natural inter-racial heterozygous shrew males carrying CXI configurations. Despite some abnormalities detected in spermatocytes, such as associations of chromosomes, stretched centromeres, and the absence of recombination nodules in some arms of the multivalent, a large number of morphologically normal spermatozoa were observed. Possible low stringency of pachytene checkpoints may mean that even very long meiotic configurations do not cause complete sterility of such complex inter-racial heterozygotes.





