mucous cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucins secreted by mucous cells constitute a core part of the defense line against the invasion of pathogens. However, mucins\' structure and immunological functions remain largely unknown in teleost fish. In this study, two typical mucins, Muc2 and Muc5ac of flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), were cloned and their physicochemical properties, structure and conservation were analyzed. Notably, specific antibodies against flounder Muc2 and Muc5ac were developed. It was verified at the gene and protein level that Muc2 was expressed in the hindgut and gills but not in the skin, while Muc5ac was expressed in the skin and gills but not in the hindgut. After flounders were immunized by immersion with inactivated Edwardsiella tarda, Muc2 and Muc5ac were significantly upregulated at both the gene expression and protein levels, and Muc2+/Muc5ac+ mucous cells proliferated and increased secretion of Muc2 and Muc5ac. Moreover, Muc2 and Muc5ac exerted retention and clearance effects on E. tarda in a short period (within 1 dpi). These results revealed the characterization of fish mucins Muc2 and Muc5ac at the protein level and clarified the role of mucins as key guardians to maintain the mucus barrier, which advanced our understanding of teleost mucosal barrier.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endemic chub Squalius tenellus (Heckel, 1843) was introduced more than 100 years ago to Lake Blidinje (Bosnia-Herzegovina). Only 1 species of enteric helminth was found in a sample of 35 chubs, the tapeworm Caryophyllaeus brachycollis (Janiszewska, 1953). The paper includes histopathological investigation with identification of innate immune cells involved in host reaction and molecular data allowed correct designation of the cestode species. Of 35 specimens of chub examined, 21 (60%) harboured individuals of C. brachycollis and a total of 1619 tapeworms were counted, the intensity of infection ranged from 1 to 390 worms per fish (46.2 ± 15.3, mean ± s.e.). Histopathological and ultrastructural investigations showed strict contact between the worm\'s body and the epithelia and increase in the number of mucous cells, rodlet cells among the epithelial cells. Within the tunica propria-submucosa, beneath the site of scolex attachment, numerous neutrophils and mast cells were noticed. This is the first study of the occurrence of C. brachycollis in chub from Lake Blidinje and on the response of the innate immune cells of S. tenellus to this tapeworm. Interestingly, in 3 very heavily infected chubs, perforation of the intestinal wall was documented; this is uncommon among cestodes which use fish as a definitive host.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several morphogenetic sequences occur during esophageal development and birth defects occur due to defects in foregut morphogenesis. This work aimed to record the cellular events in the morphogenesis of rabbits\' esophageal epithelium. On the 16th day of gestation, the esophageal epithelium varied from stratified ciliated columnar to stratified squamous type. The surface epithelium presented mucous cells with mucigen granules of various sizes occupying their supranuclear cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic vacuolation was evident in all layers of the esophageal epithelium at this age. On the 18th gestational day, some light cells could be detected in the middle portion of the epithelium, while others occupied the whole epithelial length. On the 21st day, mucous cells are more frequently observed at the apical esophageal part as well as at the surface epithelium. Numerous elongated dark cells could be distinguished embedded between the basal cells. On the 24th gestational day the number of the mucous cells reached its peak. Reaching the 30th gestational day, several lamellar bodies, a keratinized layer and mitotic divisions could be demonstrated, and the number of both mucous and dark cells was greatly decreased. Collectively, detection of surface mucous and dark cells together with the non-cornified surface in some regions of the rabbit esophageal epithelium at the end of gestation ensure a postnatal development to reach the adult epithelium essential to sustain the passage of the harsh raw food. Future immunohistochemical studies are recommended to investigate the components of secretions in mucous cells and functional studies to highlight the dark cells significance. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Esophageal epithelium of fetal rabbit was analyzed by light and transmission microscopy. Surface epithelium presented mucous cells with mucigen granules of various sizes. They reached their maximum number on 24th day then decreased. On the 16th day, cytoplasmic vacuolation was evident in all epithelial layers. On the 21st day, numerous elongated dark cells could be distinguished embedded between the basal cells. Before birth, several lamellar bodies, a keratinized layer and mitotic divisions could be demonstrated, and the number of both mucous and dark cells was greatly decreased.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to identify the regions of the body surface of silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) with a higher population of mucous cells in the skin. Additionally, the effects of stressful conditions, such as different stocking densities and food deprivation, on the proliferative response of mucous cells in the skin and gill epithelium and their impact on cutaneous mucous lysozyme activity were investigated. Silver catfish were divided into four experimental groups: high stocking density (32 kg/m3) and fed (HSD-F), high stocking density and fasted (HSD-FS), low stocking density (2.5 kg/m3) and fed (LSD-F), and low stocking density and fasted (LSD-FS). Fish in the fed groups received commercial feed twice a day, amounting to 1% of the tank biomass. After a 14-day experimental period, the fish were anesthetized and euthanized. Samples of cutaneous mucous and skin fragments from seven different points and the second left branchial arch were collected. Histological slides of the skin and gills were stained with PAS + Alcian Blue at pH 2.5, and the epidermal mucous lysozyme activity was assessed using the turbidimetric method. The ventral point in front of the ventral fin was found to be the optimal location for collecting cutaneous epithelia due to its higher density of mucous cells. The population of mucous cells in both the skin and gills varied based on the collection point and treatment applied. The highest lysozyme activity in the epidermal mucous was observed in fish from the HSD-F group. Overall, these findings suggest that stocking density and food deprivation create stressful conditions for silver catfish, which modulate their mucosal response to each situation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish, comprising over 27,000 species, represent the oldest vertebrate group and possess both innate and adaptive immune systems. The susceptibility of most wild fish to parasitic infections and related diseases is well-established. Among all vertebrates, the digestive tract creates a remarkably favorable and nutrient-rich environment, which, in turn, renders it susceptible to microparasites and macroparasites. Consequently, metazoan parasites emerge as important disease agents, impacting both wild and farmed fish and resulting in substantial economic losses. Given their status as pathogenic organisms, these parasites warrant considerable attention. Helminths, a general term encompassing worms, constitute one of the most important groups of metazoan parasites in fish. This group includes various species of platyhelminthes (digeneans, cestodes), nematodes, and acanthocephalans. In addition, myxozoans, microscopic metazoan endoparasites, are found in water-dwelling invertebrates and vertebrate hosts. It is worth noting that several innate immune cells within the fish alimentary canal and certain visceral organs (e.g., liver, spleen, and gonads) play active roles in the immune response against parasites. These immune cells include macrophages, neutrophils, rodlet cells, and mast cells also known as eosinophilic granular cells. At the site of intestinal infection, helminths often impact mucous cells number and alter mucus composition. This paper presents an overview of the state of the art on the occurrence and characteristics of innate immune cells in the digestive tract and other visceral organs in different fish-parasite systems. The data, coming especially from studies employed immunohistochemical, histopathological, and ultrastructural analyses, provide evidence supporting the involvement of teleost innate immune cells in modulating inflammatory responses to metazoan and protozoan parasitic infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The starry puffer fish (Arothron stellatus, Anonymous, 1798) is a poisonous tetradontidae fish inhabiting the Red sea. The skin constitutes an important defense against any external effects. The study aims to characterize the dorso-ventral skin of the juvenile and the adult starry puffer fish using light and scanning electron microscopies. Twenty specimens of juvenile and adult fresh fishes were used.
    RESULTS: The scanning electron microarchitecture of the skin of the juvenile and adult fish showed delicate irregular-shaped protrusions, and well-defined bricks-like elevations on the dorsal side and interrupted folds as well as irregular-shaped protrusions on the ventral side. In adult fish, the patterned microridges of the superficial and deep epithelial cells (keratinocytes) were larger and well-defined in the dorsal skin than in the ventral side, the contrary was seen in the juvenile fish. The microridges were arranged in a fingerprint or honeycomb patterns. The openings of the mucous cells were more numerous in the dorsal skin in both age stages but more noticeable in adult. Furthermore, the sensory cells were more dominant in the juveniles than the adults. The odontic spines were only seen in adult. Histologically, few taste buds were observed in the epidermis of the dorsal skin surface of the adult fish. Both mucous and club cells were embedded in the epidermis of the juvenile and adult fish with different shapes and sizes. Melanophores were observed at the dorsal skin of both juvenile and adult fishes while fewer numbers were noticed at the ventral surfaces. Several dermal bony plates with different shapes and sizes were demonstrated in the skin of both adult and juvenile fishes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The structural variations of skin of the juvenile and adult fishes may reflect the various environmental difficulties that they confront.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Treatment development for parasitic infestation is often limited to disease resolution as an endpoint response, and physiological and immunological consequences are not thoroughly considered. Here, we report the impact of exposing Atlantic salmon affected with amoebic gill disease (AGD) to peracetic acid (PAA), an oxidative chemotherapeutic. AGD-affected fish were treated with PAA either by exposing them to 5 ppm for 30 min or 10 ppm for 15 min. Unexposed fish from both infected and uninfected groups were also included. Samples for molecular, biochemical, and histological evaluations were collected at 24 h, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks post-treatment. Behavioral changes were observed during PAA exposure, and post-treatment mortality was higher in the infected and PAA treated groups, especially in 10 ppm for 15 min. Plasma indicators showed that liver health was affected by AGD, though PAA treatment did not exacerbate the infection-related changes. Transcriptome profiling in the gills showed significant changes, triggered by AGD and PAA treatments, and the effects of PAA were more notable 24 h after treatment. Genes related to immune pathways of B- and T- cells and protein synthesis and metabolism were downregulated, where the magnitude was more remarkable in 10 ppm for 15 min group. Even though treatment did not fully resolve the pathologies associated with AGD, 5 ppm for 30 min group showed lower parasite load at 4 weeks post-treatment. Mucous cell parameters (i.e., size and density) increased within 24 h post-treatment and were significantly higher at termination, especially in AGD-affected fish, with some treatment effects influenced by the dose of PAA. Infection and treatments resulted in oxidative stress-in the early phase in the gill mucosa, while systemic reactive oxygen species (ROS) dysregulation was evident at the later stage. Infected fish responded to elevated circulating ROS by increasing antioxidant production. Exposing the fish to a crowding stress revealed the interference in the post-stress responses. Lower cortisol response was displayed by AGD-affected groups. Collectively, the study established that PAA, within the evaluated treatment protocols, could not provide a convincing treatment resolution and, thus, requires further optimization. Nonetheless, PAA treatment altered the mucosal immune and stress responses of AGD-affected Atlantic salmon, shedding light on the host-parasite-treatment interactions.  .






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This article reports a case of glandular odontogenic cyst in a 70-year-old male and discusses the clinical, radiological and histopathological features. The present case shows treatment of GOC which effected the body of mandible with infiltration into submandibular gland.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heat stress induced by global warming has damaged the well-being of aquatic animals. The skin tissue plays a crucial role as a defense barrier to protect organism, however, little is known about the effect of heat stress on fish skin, particularly in cold-water fish species. Here, we investigated the effects of mild heat stress (24°C, MS) and high heat stress (28°C, HS) on Siberian sturgeon skin using RNA-seq, histological observation, and microbial diversity analysis. In RNA-seq, 8,819 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in MS vs. C group and 12,814 DEGs in HS vs. C group were acquired, of which the MS vs. C and HS vs. C groups shared 3,903 DEGs, but only 1,652 DEGs were successfully annotated. The shared DEGs were significantly enriched in pathways associating with mucins synthesis. Histological observation showed that the heat stresses significantly reduced the number of skin mucous cells and induced the damages of epidermis. The microbial diversity analysis elicited that heat stress markedly disrupted the diversity and abundance of skin microbiota by increasing of potential pathogens (Vibrionimonas, Mesorhizobium, and Phyllobacterium) and decreasing of probiotics (Bradyrhizobium and Methylovirgula). In conclusion, this study reveals that heat stress causes adverse effects on sturgeon skin, reflecting in decreasing the mucus secretion and disordering the mucosal microbiota, which may contribute to develop the preventive strategy for heat stress caused by global warming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morbidity and mortality of respiratory diseases are linked to airway obstruction by mucus but there are still no specific, safe, and effective drugs to correct this phenotype. The need for better treatment requires a new understanding of the basis for mucus production. In that regard, studies of human airway epithelial cells in primary culture show that a mucin granule constituent known as chloride channel accessory 1 (CLCA1) is required for inducible expression of the inflammatory mucin MUC5AC in response to potent type 2 cytokines. However, it remained uncertain whether CLCLA1 is necessary for mucus production in vivo. Conventional approaches to functional biology using targeted gene knockout were difficult due to the functional redundancy of additional Clca genes in mice not found in humans. We reasoned that CLCA1 function might be better addressed in pigs that maintain the same four-member CLCA gene locus and the corresponding mucosal and submucosal populations of mucous cells found in humans. Here we develop to our knowledge the first CLCA1-gene-deficient (CLCA1-/-) pig and show that these animals exhibit loss of MUC5AC+ mucous cells throughout the airway mucosa of the lung without affecting comparable cells in the tracheal mucosa or MUC5B+ mucous cells in submucosal glands. Similarly, CLCA1-/- pigs exhibit loss of MUC5AC+ mucous cells in the intestinal mucosa without affecting MUC2+ mucous cells. These data establish CLCA1 function for controlling MUC5AC expression as a marker of mucus production and provide a new animal model to study mucus production at respiratory and intestinal sites.





